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Lähde SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library

Nimi: emacs Jakelu: SOT Linux 2003 R1 Desktop Software Library
Versio: 21.2 Paketoija: SOT http://sot.com
Revisio: 3 Luontipäivämäärä: Mon Jan 6 22:59:13 2003
Ryhmä: Work/Utilities Luotu koneella: y2k.sot.com
Koko: 30639491 Lähdepaketti: emacs-21.2-3.src.rpm
Pakkaaja: SOT Linux Team <sot@sot.com>
Osoite: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
Yhteenveto: The libraries needed to run the GNU Emacs text editor.
Emacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text
editor. Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting
language (elisp), and the capability to read mail, news, and more
without leaving the editor.

This package includes the libraries you need to run the Emacs editor,
You also need to install the actual Emacs program package (emacs-nox or
emacs-X11). Install emacs-nox if you are not going to use the X
Window System; install emacs-X11 if you will be using X.


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Näiden sivujen tekemiseen käytetty ohjelma: rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 05:05:43 2003