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RPM файлы начинающиеся на букву X

xbanner-1.31-18 A program for customizing the look of the standard XDM interface linux/i386
XFree86-devel- X11R6 toolkit for developers. linux/i386
xml-common-0.6.3-15 Common XML catalog and DTD files. linux/noarch
xmorph-2001.02.22-3 An X Window System tool for creating morphed images. linux/i386
xmps-0.1.3-9 A video player linux/i386
xntp3-5.93-9.4 Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). linux/i386
xsane-0.84-3 An X Window System front-end for the SANE scanner interface. linux/i386
xscreensaver-4.08-3 A set of X Window System screensavers. linux/i386
xsysinfo-1.7-5 An X Window System kernel parameter monitoring tool. linux/i386
xtoolwait-1.3-5 A utility which aims to decrease X session startup time linux/i386

Сгенерирован с помощью rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Jun 2 05:05:54 2003