Version k31 to k33 incremental update -- Nov 8, 1993 K5JB NET Update Unix, Coherent, and OS9/OSK users will need the files contained in the k31 NET release. The files contained in the k31-33 kit replace some of the files in the k31 NET release. An MS-DOS kit is being released simultaneously with this release and will be available in the TAPR library. It contains the complete kit of files for MS-DOS. This file contains information about changes made between version k31 and k33 of the K5JB distribution of KA9Q NET (TCP/IP) for MS-DOS and Unix. This information will be incorporated into the release documentation after certain changes are proven and others under consideration are completed. There are two major changes to and a couple of error corrections in NET with this release. One change is addition of an AX.25 segmentation scheme introduced by NOS. The other is correction of lapb transmit queuing design oversight that caused many unnecessary frames to be transmitted in connected mode. The error corrections were an omission of a transmit upcall when a telnet session is received, and in the PC version, an error in interpreting the PC's internal clock. AX.25 Segmentation The reason for AX.25 segmentation is to permit sending a stream of AX.25 frames containing IP frames, with the IP and TCP header contained in only the first frame of the stream, thus avoiding repetition of these 40 bytes in each AX.25 frame. Frames broken up by segmentation are identified by a PID byte of 0x08 instead of IP PID of 0xCC in each AX.25 Information frame. There was previously an AX.25 "fragmentation" scheme in NET, but as far as I know it never worked. It used two bits in a modified PID to signify whether a frame was first, middle, or last of a set of fragments. First some terminology. TCP mss is maximum segment size for TCP, not to be confused with AX.25 link layer segmentation discussed here. Its value is global for all interfaces. Send mss is a value that is negotiated during TCP session setup. Each station has an independent send mss. Interface mtu is maximum transmission unit, set at attach time, but changeable later (with this version). It controls IP level fragmentation and is a factor in establishing the send mss for a TCP session. AX.25 Paclen (ax25 paclen) establishes the maximum packet length in both the AX.25 virtual circuit (connected mode) and datagram (unconnected mode). It is global to all interfaces. Note that I chose to control datagram size differently than is done in NOS. (Footnote 1) Segmentation is only used in the AX.25 connected mode (virtual circuit). It is not used on Net/ROM circuits. Interface mode (e.g. mode ax0 v) is either virtual or datagram. Each interface has its own mode. TCP session setup proceeds as follows: Each station's tcp send mss is established during tcp session synchroniz- ation (SYN). The originating station proposes an mss equal to its tcp mss. The destination examines its own setup and if necessary reduces its send mss value thus: It finds the smaller of either 1. its interface mtu if transmitting in connected mode, or 2. its interface mtu or its paclen, whichever is smaller, if transmitting in datagram mode. It then reduces that value by 40 to prevent unnecessary IP fragmentation. It then uses this value, or the mss proposed by the other station, whichever is smaller, to be its send mss for the balance of the session. (Footnote 2) In Summary, each station's send mss is the smaller of: 1. The other station's tcp mss, 2. If transmitting in vc mode, its interface mtu minus 40, or if in datagram mode, its paclen or its mtu, whichever is smaller, minus 40. If the negotiated send mss is greater than the transmitting station's paclen minus 40, it will transmit AX.25 segments. If you don't want to mess with AX.25 segmentation, in your attach command set your interface mtu to the same size as planned ax25 paclen and set your tcp mss to your planned ax25 paclen minus 40. For example, if your paclen is to be 256, set the mtu at attach time to 256 and accept the defaults for the rest. (Except for tcp mss. Set it to 216 in your Tcp mss default is 512 and I never got around to changing it. (Footnote 3) If you want to set up a particular AX.25 segmentation scheme, to prevent generating final runt packet segments, calculate interface mtu by using the formula, N * (paclen - 2) - 1, where N, the desired number of AX.25 segments per IP frame, is greater than 1. (The segmentation method adopted creates paclen - 1 size data chunks). For this to be coordinated, the other station would need to use a tcp mss that is at least as large as your interface mtu minus 40, and a paclen at least as large as yours. (In other words, same numbers as yours should work fine, but other numbers can work too.) Stated another way: If you set your tcp mss to a value that is no more than the other station's paclen minus 40, (e.g. tcp mss = 216, other station's paclen = 256) he will not send AX.25 segments to you. If you set your station's interface mtu no greater than your paclen (e.g. 256 for both) your station won't transmit AX.25 segments. These numbers will not prevent your station from having to receive and queue segmented AX.25 frames if, like in my case, it is acting as a switch between two other stations that have negotiated tcp send mss that causes AX.25 segmentation. Segmentation is not used in the datagram mode, Nor is it used with Net/ROM. In conjunction with this segmentation addition, I modified one command and added another to NET. They are: param | mtu [] This command, in addition to sending control data to a KISS TNC (or speed information to a SLIP line), can be used to examine or change an interface's mtu after the program is running. The command, param sends the data field to a KISS TNC or speed information to a slip link as previously. Param mtu returns the mtu value, and adding a value to the command changes the mtu to the new value. (Mistyping and sending some first letter other than "m" for the "mtu" argument will cause spurious data to be sent to the KISS TNC, but it shouldn't hurt anything.) There are no constraints on this number, except no zero permitted; it assumes you know what you are doing. ax25 segment [on | off] Without arguments this command returns state of receive segmentation. Segmentation can be disabled with the "off" argument. The only reason you may want to do this if someone appears with unrealistic numbers and begins sapping all your memory queuing receive frames for him. You can control this with your parameters if you are the receiving station but if you are switching packets to another destination you have no control over tcp mss being used. AX.25 and LAPB - Go Faster by Going Slower There has always been a problem with the way NET did Link Access Protocol, Balanced (LAPB) but since I mostly use datagram mode I had not cared much. While testing the segmentation scheme I became quite concerned about the pathological behavior I observed. The problem is that NET was not designed to accommodate data that is sent over a serial port to a KISS TNC, and then queued in that TNC until it is sent. With the timing involved, transmit frames were queued and sent out the computer's serial port before receive frames were examined for the next send values from the other station. The result was guaranteed sending of queued frames after RR frames were received that should have canceled them. There was a method for dequeueing obsolete frames, but once sent to the serial port it was too late. The scheme I adopted is based on the T2 timer (sometimes called resptime) and simply puts the LAPB output handler on a deferred queue so frames will be sent from the computer to the KISS TNC a short delay after queuing. Final numbers haven't been established but I have been using a one second (actually 990 ms) delay which seems to be plenty of time for receive acknowledgments or polls to be examined and acknowledged frames dequeued. The results are like slowing down to below stumble speed be able to speed up. Without the retries the throughput improves considerably. Uploading in Telnet There was an omission lurking in NET that took me forever to notice and only minutes to correct. I have had a couple of unexplained crashes over the last few years, and I finally recognized what caused it. If a station initiates a telnet session, it can upload a file to its correspondent with no problem. But, if the telnet session was initiated from the other station there was no mechanism attached to the session for uploading a file. If under these conditions the connected to attempted an upload NET simply laid down. This has been corrected. The PC Clock, Fixed While searching for a suspicious flurry of radio activity I discovered it was happening at midnight. The internal timer was spinning to make up time when the PC's stored minute value was reset to zero at midnight. Fixed it. AX Heard Command I never compile this option and use it, so W6SWE had to point out to me that I did a poor job when I did this one. When an information frame was heard whose source was already in the heard list it only updated the time and added a flag to the type of protocol table. I added a test to see if either source or destination calls inclusive were in the table and if not, added them. See someone really does tell me what needs fixing in NET. Notes to programmers: Preprocessor directives that are introduced with this version are, SEGMENT, SEG_CMD, PARAM_MTU, and CUTE_FTP. (In MS-DOS version there is also a manifest constant, TICK_SKIP and pp directive, REPORT_SKIP.) They control what parts of code are compiled. You can grep for these preprocessor directives to see what they control. If SEGMENT is not defined, some of the attach commands will prevent setting interface mtu to a value larger than the paclen in effect. CUTE_FTP was done when I considered taking out the echo/noecho during the assisted FTP login process. Some NOS versions were throwing me surprises and I considered taking this part of the code out until I re-read RFC 959 and discovered NOS was right and NET was wrong. In the MS-DOS version, in pc.c, TICK_SKIP is defined as 64. This was experimentally chosen. (A tick is roughly 55ms -- 18 ticks per second.) The midnight anomaly results in a tick skip of something like 65365 on my machine so it is well over the normally chosen value of TICK_SKIP. Tick skips are unimportant as far as timekeeping is concerned because NET does nothing based on absolute time. Unnecessary clock spinup will drive the AX.25 timers crazy though and should be avoided. My machine exceeds 64 occasionally with some file operations, and while listing some exceptionally long screens, like the routes screen. Typically I will see skip values of 90 to 120, maybe two or three times a day, on a 10 MHz 286 running DV, and a BBS running in another DV window. If I do a DV cut and paste from the NET screen, NET is suspended and upon resumption there is a tick skip. If you want to watch when NET skips ticks on your machine, define REPORT_SKIP in your options.h file. (The following are approximate values depending on full configuration.) In terms of cost, SEGMEMT costs 530 bytes; SEG_CMD costs 150 bytes; PARAM_MTU costs 100, or so, bytes; and, CUTE_FTP costs 254 bytes. Since I folded some duplicate code together in lapb, the size of version k33 is actually about 426 bytes smaller than version k31. (k32 was released in dribbles and drabs with all kinds of bugs while I was fixing the LAPB problem.) Enjoy! Joe, K5JB Footnotes: 1. I'm sorry that paclen (AX.25 packet length), tcp mss (maximum segment size), and interface mtu (maximum transmission unit), aren't better coordinated in NET. It makes it much more complicated than it needs to be, and in some cases makes setting correct packet sizes very awkward. I am working on better coordination; in the interim, standard values are used as defaults if simple setup is used. These notes are more for my benefit than yours. Interface mtu is, of course variable by interface. The tcp mss and ax25 paclen are global to all interfaces. Having both of these global causes me all kind of headaches. I expect that I may try adding paclen and tcp mss to the interface structure so they can be independently twiddled. Note that, unlike NOS, UI datagram size will be no bigger than paclen. To tie it only to interface mtu causes real problems if you want to use I frame segmentation and UI datagrams on the same port. For more discussion of these values, see PA0GRI's NOS documentation, near the end. 2. Note that the actual packet data size is governed by other things also. The send window grows and shrinks, based on performance. AX.25 segmentation, if it is to occur, starts after the first few transactions has established sufficiently large window. During a session, while doing its work, the IP router will compare outgoing datagram size to the interface mtu (if connected on AX.25) or the paclen (If not connected on AX.25) and fragment the packet at the IP level if necessary.) 3. Netrom interface presents some special problems. When netrom is attached its mtu will be set to paclen minus 20, but greater than 43 and less than 237. This number will cause send mtu to take on a sane value if another station initiates a connection to NET, but outgoing connections over netrom will have a proposed send mss a little bit too large (216 bytes) which will be trimmed only if the destination station does it because of its netrom interface mtu (hopefully 236) which would reduce the send mss to 196. The NRS interface mode used for serial communication with a TNC using Net/ROM has also been constrained at attach time to paclen - 20. Incidentally, tell your NOS buddies to not attempt AX.25 segmentation with Net/ROM transport with NOS. It won't work. (See nr3.c in NOS where the segmentation PID replaces the Net/ROM PID and screws the works up.) End of k5jb.k31-33.txt