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Displays the version information on this TNOS executable.

-A devices

Defines the maximum number of SLIP/AX25-capable serial devices allowed. This number must be the same or smaller than the number of physical ASY serial ports defined. If this setting is higher than the number of serial devices (set with the '-P' option), then both are set to this value. The default number of devices is 5.

-B processes

Defines the maximum number of BBS processes allowed. The default number of processes is 40.

-D definition

Defines a new environment variable for use within TNOS. The definition may be in one of two formats, label=value, or label. If the latter form is used, the value of label will be set to the name of the label. This command is only available to executables that have had the SCRIPTING flag defined in their compile.


Instructs TNOS to import all environment variables from the OS. This command is only available to executables that have had the SCRIPTING flag defined in their compile.

-P serialdevices

Defines the maximum number of ASY serial devices allowed. If the setting for the '-A' option is greater, than both are set to that value. The default number of devices is 5. This command is available on release 2.21 and greater.

-S manager

Sets default session manager. (Unix versions only)

-T manager

Sets session manager to be used for the trace session. (Unix versions only)

-U timeout

Sets the timeout value for the auto-update feature, available to those with the TNOS Browser feature compiled in. The timeout waited to make the connection and check for updates defaults to 30 seconds. Give a new value here for 'timeout' to change this. Those sites NOT connected to the Internet may want to use a '-U 0' here, to disable the 30 second check on booting. This command is available on release 2.21 and greater.


Give the same output as with the -v options, but also prompts you at each command, as to whether you wish to execute it or not. Also good for diagnosing a troubled autoexec.nos file.

-a interfaces

Defines the maximum number of AXIP interfaces allowed. The default number of AXIP interfaces is 16. This command is only available to executables that have had the AXIP flag defined in their compile.


Sets a TNOS 68000 system to use Curses for it's screen display management. There are no systems of this type available outside of the author's bench. This command is only available to executables that have had the TNOS_68K flag defined in their compile.

-d rootdir

Sets the TNOS root directory to rootdir. By default, the rootdir is '.' for Unix and '/' for MS-DOS.


Use EGA mode for the screen output, giving either a 43 or a 50 line display (depending on the display adapter). (MS-DOS version only)

-f configfile

Instructs TNOS to use the file configfile as a file to define alternate definitions for the internal TNOS filename strings.

-g colorname

Sets the foreground color for TNOS.

-h heapsize

Sets the initial heapsize to a value other than the default of 100K. This value is the size in bytes, which defaults to 102400. (MS-DOS version only)

-k colorname

Sets the background color for TNOS.

-l lockdirpath

Sets the directory used for the LOCKDIR path. (Unix version only) This command is available on release 2.22 and greater.


Displays the TNOS features MAP information on this TNOS executable. This command is available on release 2.20 and greater.


Disables tracing to a separate session. This will make all trace output go to the TNOS console, instead of to the session accessible via the F9 function key. This command is only available to executables that have had the TRACE flag defined in their compile.

-o sessions

Sets the maximum number of interactive console sessions. This cannot be set to less than 5, The default for this is set in the mkconfig.tcl development program, and is usually set to 20.

-r circuits

Defines the maximum number of Netrom open circuits allowed. The default number of circuits is 20. This command is only available to executables that have had the NETROM flag defined in their compile.

-s sockets

Sets the maximum number of sockets available within TNOS. The default number of sockets is set up in the mkconfig.tcl development program, and is usually set to 40.


Disables internal timers - for debugging purposes only. (Unix versions only)


Startup in verbose mode. This causes all commands in the autoexec.nos file to be displayed before they are executed, to help determine where you might be having errors in processing that file.

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