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This manual page reflect TNOS release 2.03 and greater.

TNOS is an application which makes your computer a complete TCP/IP-capable machine, complete with support for Amateur Packet radio, via the AX25 Link Level Protocol. TNOS support both MS-DOS (or Windows, Win-95, OS-2), and Unix. The MS-DOS version is limited to the DOS 640K conventional memory boundaries, which limits the number of servers and features that can be compiled into the executable.

TNOS really shines, though, on a Unix platform, like Linux! ALL of TNOS's features can be compiled in, and the TNOS box can act as a completely separate virtual machine from the normal Linux environment, allowing for a secure Amateur firewall.

Most TCP/IP servers are contained within TNOS, including FTP, telnet, HTTP, NNTP, and many more. There are also some special servers that are particular to Amateur Radio, including the Ham version of IRC, the Conference Bridge.

Also contained in TNOS is a full-featured Packet Bulletin Board System (PBBS), fully compatible with non-NOS PBBSs. It supports compressed and non-compressed PBBS forwarding, file upload/download, and lots more. In addition, the PBBS can be accessed via the Internet (assuming your station has Internet connectivity), from anyone's WWW Browser!

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