patch-2.3.14 linux/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.13/linux/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c linux/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+ * $Id: isdn_divert.c,v 1.2 1999/07/04 21:37:32 werner Exp $
+ *
+ * DSS1 main diversion supplementary handling for i4l.
+ *
+ * Copyright 1999       by Werner Cornelius (
+ * 
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
+ *
+ * $Log: isdn_divert.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.2  1999/07/04 21:37:32  werner
+ * Ported from kernel version 2.0
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define __NO_VERSION__
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include "isdn_divert.h"
+/* structure keeping calling info */
+struct call_struc
+  { isdn_ctrl ics; /* delivered setup + driver parameters */
+    ulong divert_id; /* Id delivered to user */
+    unsigned char akt_state; /* actual state */
+    char deflect_dest[35]; /* deflection destination */   
+    struct timer_list timer; /* timer control structure */
+    char info[90]; /* device info output */ 
+    struct call_struc *next; /* pointer to next entry */
+    struct call_struc *prev;
+  };
+/* structure keeping deflection table entry */
+struct deflect_struc
+  { struct deflect_struc *next,*prev; 
+    divert_rule rule; /* used rule */
+  };
+/* variables for main diversion services */
+/* diversion/deflection processes */
+static struct call_struc *divert_head = NULL; /* head of remembered entrys */
+static ulong next_id = 1; /* next info id */   
+static struct deflect_struc *table_head = NULL;
+static struct deflect_struc *table_tail = NULL; 
+static unsigned char extern_wait_max = 4; /* maximum wait in s for external process */ 
+/* timer callback function */
+static void deflect_timer_expire(ulong arg)
+{ int flags;
+  struct call_struc *cs = (struct call_struc *) arg;
+  save_flags(flags);
+  cli();
+  del_timer(&cs->timer); /* delete active timer */
+  restore_flags(flags);
+  switch(cs->akt_state)
+       cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; /* cancel action */
+       divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics);                   	  
+       save_flags(flags);
+       cli();
+       cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+       cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+       add_timer(&cs->timer);
+       restore_flags(flags); 
+       break;
+     case DEFLECT_ALERT:
+       cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR; /* protocol */
+       strcpy(cs->,cs->deflect_dest);
+       strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn,"Testtext delayed");
+       divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics);                   	  
+       save_flags(flags);
+       cli();
+       cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+       cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+       add_timer(&cs->timer);
+       restore_flags(flags); 
+       break;
+     default:
+       save_flags(flags);
+       cli();
+       if (cs->prev) 
+         cs->prev->next = cs->next; /* forward link */
+        else
+         divert_head = cs->next;
+       if (cs->next)
+         cs->next->prev = cs->prev; /* back link */           
+       restore_flags(flags); 
+       kfree(cs);
+       return;
+   } /* switch */
+} /* deflect_timer_func */
+/* handle call forwarding de/activations */
+/* 0 = deact, 1 = act, 2 = interrogate   */
+int cf_command(int drvid, int mode, 
+               u_char proc, char *msn, 
+               u_char service, char *fwd_nr, ulong *procid)
+{ int retval,msnlen,flags;
+  int fwd_len;
+  char *p,*ielenp,tmp[60];
+  struct call_struc *cs;
+  if (strchr(msn,'.')) return(-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed in msn */
+  if ((proc & 0x7F) > 2) return(-EINVAL);
+  proc &= 3;
+  p = tmp;
+  *p++ = 0x30; /* enumeration */
+  ielenp = p++; /* remember total length position */
+  *p++ = 0xa; /* proc tag */
+  *p++ = 1;   /* length */
+  *p++ = proc & 0x7F; /* procedure to de/activate/interrogate */
+  *p++ = 0xa; /* service tag */
+  *p++ = 1;   /* length */
+  *p++ = service; /* service to handle */
+  if (mode == 1) 
+   { if (!*fwd_nr) return(-EINVAL); /* destination missing */
+     if (strchr(fwd_nr,'.')) return(-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed */
+     fwd_len = strlen(fwd_nr);
+     *p++ = 0x30; /* number enumeration */
+     *p++ = fwd_len + 2; /* complete forward to len */ 
+     *p++ = 0x80; /* fwd to nr */
+     *p++ = fwd_len; /* length of number */
+     strcpy(p,fwd_nr); /* copy number */
+     p += fwd_len; /* pointer beyond fwd */
+   } /* activate */
+  msnlen = strlen(msn);
+  *p++ = 0x80; /* msn number */
+  if (msnlen > 1)
+   { *p++ = msnlen; /* length */
+     strcpy(p,msn);
+     p += msnlen;
+   }
+  else *p++ = 0;
+  *ielenp = p - ielenp - 1; /* set total IE length */ 
+  /* allocate mem for information struct */  
+  if (!(cs = (struct call_struc *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) 
+             return(-ENOMEM); /* no memory */
+  init_timer(&cs->timer);
+  cs->info[0] = '\0';
+  cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire;
+  cs-> = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */
+  cs->ics.driver = drvid;
+  cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO; /* protocol specific io */
+  cs->ics.arg = DSS1_CMD_INVOKE; /* invoke supplementary service */
+  cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc = (mode == 1) ? 7: (mode == 2) ? 11:8; /* operation */ 
+  cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.timeout = 4000; /* from ETS 300 207-1 */
+  cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.datalen = p - tmp; /* total len */
+  cs-> = tmp; /* start of buffer */
+  save_flags(flags);
+  cli();
+  cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = next_id++; /* id for callback */
+  restore_flags(flags);
+  *procid = cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id;  
+  sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %s%s 0 %s %0x %d%s%s\n",
+          cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id,
+          (mode != 2) ? "" : "0 ",
+          divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver),
+          msn,
+          service & 0xFF,
+          proc,
+          (mode != 1) ? "" : " 0 ",
+          (mode != 1) ? "" : fwd_nr);
+  retval = divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); /* excute command */
+  if (!retval)
+   { cs->prev = NULL;
+     save_flags(flags);
+     cli();
+     cs->next = divert_head;
+     divert_head = cs; 
+     restore_flags(flags);
+   }
+  else
+   kfree(cs);
+  return(retval); 
+} /* cf_command */
+/* handle a external deflection command */
+int deflect_extern_action(u_char cmd, ulong callid, char *to_nr)
+{ struct call_struc *cs;
+  isdn_ctrl ic;
+  int flags;
+  int i;
+  if ((cmd & 0x7F) > 2) return(-EINVAL); /* invalid command */
+  cs = divert_head; /* start of parameter list */
+  while (cs)
+   { if (cs->divert_id == callid) break; /* found */
+     cs = cs->next;  
+   } /* search entry */
+  if (!cs) return(-EINVAL); /* invalid callid */
+  ic.driver = cs->ics.driver;
+  ic.arg = cs->ics.arg;
+  i = -EINVAL;
+  if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_AUTODEL) return(i); /* no valid call */
+  switch (cmd & 0x7F)
+   { case 0: /* hangup */
+       del_timer(&cs->timer); 
+       ic.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP;
+       i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic);                   	  
+       save_flags(flags);
+       cli();
+       cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+       cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+       add_timer(&cs->timer);
+       restore_flags(flags); 
+     break;      
+     case 1: /* alert */
+       if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT) return(0);
+       cmd &= 0x7F; /* never wait */
+       del_timer(&cs->timer); 
+       ic.command = ISDN_CMD_ALERT;
+       if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic)))
+	{ save_flags(flags);
+          cli();
+          cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+          cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+          add_timer(&cs->timer);
+          restore_flags(flags);
+        }
+       else
+          cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; 
+     break;      
+     case 2: /* redir */
+       del_timer(&cs->timer); 
+       strcpy(cs->, to_nr);
+       strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, "Testtext manual");
+       ic.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR;
+       if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic)))
+	{ save_flags(flags);
+          cli();
+          cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+          cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+          add_timer(&cs->timer);
+          restore_flags(flags);
+        }
+       else
+          cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; 
+     break;      
+   } /* switch */
+  return(i);
+} /* deflect_extern_action */
+/* insert a new rule before idx */
+int insertrule(int idx, divert_rule *newrule)
+{ struct deflect_struc *ds,*ds1;
+  int flags;
+  if (!(ds = (struct deflect_struc *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct deflect_struc), 
+                                              GFP_KERNEL))) 
+    return(-ENOMEM); /* no memory */
+  ds->rule = *newrule; /* set rule */
+  save_flags(flags);
+  cli();
+  if (idx >= 0)
+   { ds1 = table_head;
+     while ((ds1) && (idx > 0))
+      { idx--;
+        ds1 = ds1->next;
+      } 
+     if (!ds1) idx = -1; 
+   }
+  if (idx < 0)
+   { ds->prev = table_tail; /* previous entry */
+     ds->next = NULL; /* end of chain */
+     if (ds->prev) 
+       ds->prev->next = ds; /* last forward */
+      else
+        table_head = ds; /* is first entry */
+     table_tail = ds; /* end of queue */
+   }
+  else
+    { ds->next = ds1; /* next entry */
+      ds->prev = ds1->prev; /* prev entry */
+      ds1->prev = ds; /* backward chain old element */
+      if (!ds->prev)
+        table_head = ds; /* first element */
+   }
+  restore_flags(flags);
+  return(0);
+} /* insertrule */
+/* delete the rule at position idx */
+int deleterule(int idx)
+{ struct deflect_struc *ds,*ds1;
+  int flags;
+  if (idx < 0) 
+   { save_flags(flags);
+     cli();
+     ds = table_head;
+     table_head = NULL;
+     table_tail = NULL;
+     restore_flags(flags);
+     while (ds)
+      { ds1 = ds; 
+        ds = ds->next;
+        kfree(ds1);
+      } 
+     return(0); 
+   }
+  save_flags(flags);
+  cli();
+  ds = table_head;
+  while ((ds) && (idx > 0))
+   { idx--; 
+     ds = ds->next;  
+   }
+  if (!ds) 
+   { restore_flags(flags);
+     return(-EINVAL);
+   }  
+  if (ds->next) 
+    ds->next->prev = ds->prev; /* backward chain */
+   else
+     table_tail = ds->prev; /* end of chain */
+  if (ds->prev)
+    ds->prev->next = ds->next; /* forward chain */
+   else
+     table_head = ds->next; /* start of chain */      
+  restore_flags(flags);
+  kfree(ds);
+  return(0);
+} /* deleterule */
+/* get a pointer to a specific rule number */
+divert_rule *getruleptr(int idx)
+{ struct deflect_struc *ds = table_head;
+  if (idx < 0) return(NULL);
+  while ((ds) && (idx >= 0))
+   { if (!(idx--)) 
+      { return(&ds->rule);
+        break;
+      }
+     ds = ds->next;  
+   }
+  return(NULL);
+} /* getruleptr */
+/* called from common module on an incoming call */
+int isdn_divert_icall(isdn_ctrl *ic)
+{ int retval = 0;
+  int flags;
+  struct call_struc *cs = NULL; 
+  struct deflect_struc *dv;
+  char *p,*p1;
+  u_char accept;
+  /* first check the internal deflection table */
+  for (dv = table_head; dv ; dv = dv->next )
+   { /* scan table */
+     if (((dv->rule.callopt == 1) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW)) ||
+         ((dv->rule.callopt == 2) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALL)))
+       continue; /* call option check */  
+     if (!(dv->rule.drvid & (1L << ic->driver))) 
+       continue; /* driver not matching */ 
+     if ((dv->rule.si1) && (dv->rule.si1 != ic->parm.setup.si1)) 
+       continue; /* si1 not matching */
+     if ((dv->rule.si2) && (dv->rule.si2 != ic->parm.setup.si2)) 
+       continue; /* si2 not matching */
+     p = dv->rule.my_msn;
+     p1 = ic->parm.setup.eazmsn;
+     accept = 0;
+     while (*p)
+      { /* complete compare */
+        if (*p == '-')
+	  { accept = 1; /* call accepted */
+            break;
+          }
+        if (*p++ != *p1++) 
+          break; /* not accepted */
+        if ((!*p) && (!*p1))
+          accept = 1;
+      } /* complete compare */
+     if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */
+     if ((strcmp(dv->rule.caller,"0")) || (ic->[0]))
+      { p = dv->rule.caller;
+        p1 = ic->;
+        accept = 0;
+        while (*p)
+	 { /* complete compare */
+           if (*p == '-')
+	    { accept = 1; /* call accepted */
+              break;
+            }
+           if (*p++ != *p1++) 
+             break; /* not accepted */
+           if ((!*p) && (!*p1))
+             accept = 1;
+         } /* complete compare */
+        if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */
+      }  
+     switch (dv->rule.action)
+       { case DEFLECT_IGNORE:
+           return(0);
+           break;
+         case DEFLECT_ALERT:
+         case DEFLECT_PROCEED:
+         case DEFLECT_REPORT:
+         case DEFLECT_REJECT:
+           if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED)
+	    if ((!if_used) || ((!extern_wait_max) && (!dv->rule.waittime))) 
+              return(0); /* no external deflection needed */  
+           if (!(cs = (struct call_struc *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) 
+             return(0); /* no memory */
+           init_timer(&cs->timer);
+           cs->info[0] = '\0';
+           cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire;
+           cs-> = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */
+           cs->ics = *ic; /* copy incoming data */
+           if (!cs->[0]) strcpy(cs->,"0");
+           if (!cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn[0]) strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn,"0");
+	   cs->ics.parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen;  
+           if (dv->rule.waittime) 
+             cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * dv->rule.waittime);
+           else
+            if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED)
+              cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * extern_wait_max); 
+            else  
+              cs->timer.expires = 0;
+           cs->akt_state = dv->rule.action;                
+           save_flags(flags);
+           cli();
+           cs->divert_id = next_id++; /* new sequence number */
+           restore_flags(flags);
+           cs->prev = NULL;
+           if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT)
+             { strcpy(cs->deflect_dest,dv->rule.to_nr);
+               if (!cs->timer.expires)
+		 { strcpy(ic->parm.setup.eazmsn,"Testtext direkt");
+                   ic->parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen;
+                   strcpy(ic->,dv->rule.to_nr);
+                   cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */
+                   cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME);
+                   retval = 4; 
+                 }
+               else
+                 retval = 1; /* alerting */                 
+             }
+           else
+             { cs->deflect_dest[0] = '\0';
+	       retval = 3; /* only proceed */
+             }  
+           sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %s %s %s %s 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %s\n",
+                   cs->akt_state,
+                   cs->divert_id,
+                   divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver),
+                   (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW) ? "1":"0", 
+                   cs->, 
+                   cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn,
+                   cs->ics.parm.setup.si1,
+                   cs->ics.parm.setup.si2,
+                   cs->ics.parm.setup.screen,
+                   dv->rule.waittime,
+                   cs->deflect_dest);
+           if ((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) ||
+               (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REJECT))
+	    { put_info_buffer(cs->info);
+	      kfree(cs); /* remove */
+              return((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) ? 0:2); /* nothing to do */ 
+            }              
+           break;
+         default:
+           return(0); /* ignore call */
+           break;
+       } /* switch action */    
+     break; 
+   } /* scan_table */
+  if (cs) 
+   { cs->prev = NULL;
+     save_flags(flags);
+     cli();
+     cs->next = divert_head;
+     divert_head = cs; 
+     if (cs->timer.expires) add_timer(&cs->timer);
+     restore_flags(flags);
+     put_info_buffer(cs->info); 
+     return(retval);
+   }
+  else
+     return(0);
+} /* isdn_divert_icall */
+void deleteprocs(void)
+{ struct call_struc *cs, *cs1; 
+  int flags;
+  save_flags(flags);
+  cli();
+  cs = divert_head;
+  divert_head = NULL;
+  while (cs)
+   { del_timer(&cs->timer);
+     cs1 = cs;
+     cs = cs->next;
+     kfree(cs1);
+   } 
+  restore_flags(flags);
+} /* deleteprocs */
+/* put a address including address type into buffer */
+int put_address(char *st, u_char *p, int len)
+{ u_char retval = 0;
+  u_char adr_typ = 0; /* network standard */
+  if (len < 2) return(retval);
+  if (*p == 0xA1)
+   { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */
+     if (retval > len) return(0); /* too short */
+     len = retval - 2; /* remaining length */
+     if (len < 3) return(0);
+     if ((*(++p) != 0x0A) || (*(++p) != 1)) return(0);
+     adr_typ = *(++p);
+     len -= 3;
+     p++;
+     if (len < 2) return(0);
+     if (*p++ != 0x12) return(0);
+     if (*p > len) return(0); /* check number length */
+     len = *p++;
+   }   
+  else
+   if (*p == 0x80)
+    { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */
+      if (retval > len) return(0);
+      len = retval - 2;
+      p++;
+    }
+   else  
+    return(0); /* invalid address information */
+  sprintf(st,"%d ",adr_typ);
+  st += strlen(st);
+  if (!len) 
+    *st++ = '-';
+  else
+   while (len--)
+     *st++ = *p++;
+  *st = '\0';
+  return(retval);
+} /* put_address */
+/* report a succesfull interrogation */
+int interrogate_success(isdn_ctrl *ic, struct call_struc *cs)
+{ char *src = ic->;
+  int restlen = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen;
+  int cnt = 1;
+  u_char n,n1;
+  char st[90], *p, *stp;
+  if (restlen < 2) return(-100); /* frame too short */
+  if (*src++ != 0x30) return(-101);
+  if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return(-102); /* invalid length field */
+  restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */
+  if (n == 0x80)
+   { if (restlen < 2) return(-103);
+     if ((*(src+restlen-1)) || (*(src+restlen-2))) return(-104);
+     restlen -= 2;
+   }
+  else
+   if ( n == 0x81)
+    { n = *src++;
+      restlen--;
+      if (n > restlen) return(-105);
+      restlen = n;
+    }
+   else
+    if (n > restlen) return(-106);
+     else 
+      restlen = n; /* standard format */   
+  if (restlen < 3) return(-107); /* no procedure */
+  if ((*src++ != 2) || (*src++ != 1) || (*src++ != 0x0B)) return(-108);
+  restlen -= 3; 
+  if (restlen < 2) return(-109); /* list missing */
+  if (*src == 0x31)
+   { src++; 
+     if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return(-110); /* invalid length field */
+     restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */
+     if (n == 0x80)
+      { if (restlen < 2) return(-111);
+        if ((*(src+restlen-1)) || (*(src+restlen-2))) return(-112);
+        restlen -= 2;
+      }
+     else
+      if ( n == 0x81)
+       { n = *src++;
+         restlen--;
+         if (n > restlen) return(-113);
+         restlen = n;
+       }
+      else
+       if (n > restlen) return(-114);
+        else 
+         restlen = n; /* standard format */   
+   } /* result list header */ 
+  while (restlen >= 2)
+   { stp = st;
+     sprintf(stp,"%d 0x%lx %d %s ",DIVERT_REPORT, ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id,
+                 cnt++,divert_if.drv_to_name(ic->driver));
+     stp += strlen(stp);
+     if (*src++ != 0x30) return(-115); /* invalid enum */
+     n = *src++;
+     restlen -= 2;
+     if (n > restlen) return(-116); /* enum length wrong */
+     restlen -= n;
+     p = src; /* one entry */
+     src += n;
+     if (!(n1 = put_address(stp,p,n & 0xFF))) continue;
+     stp += strlen(stp);
+     p += n1;
+     n -= n1;
+     if (n < 6) continue; /* no service and proc */
+     if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue;
+     sprintf(stp," 0x%02x ",(*p++) & 0xFF);
+     stp += strlen(stp);
+     if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue;
+     sprintf(stp,"%d ",(*p++) & 0xFF);
+     stp += strlen(stp);
+     n -= 6;
+     if (n > 2)
+      { if (*p++ != 0x30) continue;
+        if (*p > (n-2)) continue;
+        n = *p++;
+        if (!(n1 = put_address(stp,p,n & 0xFF))) continue;
+        stp += strlen(stp);
+      }
+     sprintf(stp,"\n");
+     put_info_buffer(st);
+   } /* while restlen */
+  if (restlen) return(-117);
+  return(0);   
+} /* interrogate_success */
+/* callback for protocol specific extensions */
+int prot_stat_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic)
+{ struct call_struc *cs, *cs1;
+  int i,flags;
+  cs = divert_head; /* start of list */
+  cs1 = NULL;
+  while (cs)
+   { if (ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) 
+      { switch (cs->ics.arg)
+	 { case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE:
+             if ((cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id) &&
+                 (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.hl_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id))
+	      { switch (ic->arg)
+		{  case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR:
+                     sprintf(cs->info,"128 0x%lx 0x%x\n", 
+                             ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id,
+                             ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout);
+                     put_info_buffer(cs->info);
+                   break;
+                   case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES:
+                     switch (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc)
+		      {  case  7:
+                         case  8:
+                            put_info_buffer(cs->info); 
+                           break;
+                         case  11:
+                           i = interrogate_success(ic,cs);
+                           if (i)
+                             sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %d\n",DIVERT_REPORT, 
+                                     ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id,i);
+                           put_info_buffer(cs->info); 
+                           break;
+		         default: 
+                           printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: unknown proc %d\n",cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc);
+                           break;
+                      } 
+#if 0
+  sprintf(st, "0x%lx 0x%lx",ic->arg, ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id);
+  p = st + strlen(st);
+  p1 = ic->;
+  i = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen;
+  while ((i > 0) && (p - st < 530))
+   { p += sprintf(p," %02x",(*p1++) & 0xFF);
+     i--;
+   }
+  sprintf(p, "\n");
+  put_info_buffer(st);
+                   break;
+		   default:
+                     printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown invoke answer %lx\n",ic->arg);
+                   break;  
+                 } 
+                cs1 = cs; /* remember structure */
+                cs = NULL; 
+                continue; /* abort search */
+              } /* id found */ 
+           break;
+             printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled invoke abort\n"); 
+           break;   
+	   default:
+             printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown cmd 0x%lx\n",cs->ics.arg); 
+           break; 
+         } /* switch ics.arg */ 
+        cs = cs->next; 
+      } /* driver ok */
+   }  
+  if (!cs1) 
+   { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled process\n");
+     return(0);
+   }  
+  if (cs1->ics.driver == -1)
+   { save_flags(flags);
+     cli();
+     del_timer(&cs1->timer);
+     if (cs1->prev) 
+       cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */
+     else
+       divert_head = cs1->next;
+     if (cs1->next)
+       cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */           
+     restore_flags(flags); 
+     kfree(cs1);
+   } 
+  return(0);
+} /* prot_stat_callback */
+/* status callback from HL */
+int isdn_divert_stat_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic)
+{ struct call_struc *cs, *cs1;
+  int flags, retval;
+  retval = -1;
+  cs = divert_head; /* start of list */
+     while (cs)
+      { if ((ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) && (ic->arg == cs->ics.arg))
+         { switch (ic->command)
+	    { case ISDN_STAT_DHUP:
+                sprintf(cs->info,"129 0x%lx\n",cs->divert_id);
+                del_timer(&cs->timer);
+                cs->ics.driver = -1;
+                break;
+	      case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE:
+                sprintf(cs->info,"130 0x%lx %s\n",cs->divert_id,ic->parm.num);
+                break;
+	      case ISDN_STAT_REDIR:
+                sprintf(cs->info,"131 0x%lx\n",cs->divert_id);
+                del_timer(&cs->timer);
+                cs->ics.driver = -1;
+                break; 
+	      default:
+                sprintf(cs->info,"999 0x%lx 0x%x\n",cs->divert_id,(int)(ic->command));
+                break; 
+            }
+          put_info_buffer(cs->info);
+          retval = 0; 
+         }
+        cs1 = cs; 
+        cs = cs->next;
+        if (cs1->ics.driver == -1)
+          { 
+            save_flags(flags);
+            cli();
+            if (cs1->prev) 
+              cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */
+            else
+              divert_head = cs1->next;
+            if (cs1->next)
+              cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */           
+            restore_flags(flags); 
+            kfree(cs1);
+          } 
+      }  
+  return(retval); /* not found */
+} /* isdn_divert_stat_callback */ 
+/* callback from ll */
+int ll_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic)
+  switch (ic->command)
+   { case ISDN_STAT_ICALL:
+     case ISDN_STAT_ICALLW:
+       return(isdn_divert_icall(ic));
+     break;
+     case ISDN_STAT_PROT:
+       if ((ic->arg & 0xFF) == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)
+	{ if (ic->arg != DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD)
+            return(prot_stat_callback(ic));
+          else
+            return(0); /* DSS1 invoke broadcast */
+        }
+       else
+         return(-1); /* protocol not euro */    
+     default:
+       return(isdn_divert_stat_callback(ic));
+   }
+} /* ll_callback */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: