patch-2.3.15 linux/net/atm/mpoa_caches.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.14/linux/net/atm/mpoa_caches.c linux/net/atm/mpoa_caches.c
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/atmmpc.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include "mpoa_caches.h"
+#include "mpc.h"
+ * mpoa_caches.c: Implementation of ingress and egress cache
+ * handling functions
+ */
+#if 0
+#define dprintk printk    /* debug */
+#define dprintk(format,args...)
+#if 0
+#define ddprintk printk  /* more debug */
+#define ddprintk(format,args...)
+static in_cache_entry *in_cache_search(uint32_t dst_ip, 
+				       struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned long flags;
+        in_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->in_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+                if( entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip == dst_ip ){
+                        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+                        return entry;
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static in_cache_entry *in_cache_search_with_mask(uint32_t dst_ip,
+						 struct mpoa_client *client,
+						 uint32_t mask){
+        unsigned long flags;
+        in_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->in_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+                if((entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip & mask)  == (dst_ip & mask )){
+                        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+                        return entry;
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static in_cache_entry *in_cache_search_by_vcc(struct atm_vcc *vcc, 
+					      struct mpoa_client *client )
+        unsigned long flags;
+        in_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->in_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+	        if(entry->shortcut == vcc) {
+                        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+		        return entry;
+                }
+		entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static in_cache_entry *new_in_cache_entry(uint32_t dst_ip, 
+					  struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned long flags;
+        unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)&dst_ip;
+        in_cache_entry* entry = kmalloc(sizeof(in_cache_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
+        if (entry == NULL) {
+                printk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_in_cache_entry: out of memory\n");
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: adding an ingress entry, ip = %u.%u.%u.%u\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+        memset(entry,0,sizeof(in_cache_entry));
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_in_cache_entry: about to lock\n");
+        write_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry->next = client->in_cache;
+        entry->prev = NULL;
+        if (client->in_cache != NULL)
+                client->in_cache->prev = entry;
+        client->in_cache = entry;
+        write_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_in_cache_entry: unlocked\n");
+        memcpy(entry->MPS_ctrl_ATM_addr, client->mps_ctrl_addr, ATM_ESA_LEN);
+        entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip = dst_ip;
+        do_gettimeofday(&(entry->tv));
+        entry->retry_time = client->parameters.mpc_p4;
+        entry->count = 1;
+        entry->entry_state = INGRESS_INVALID; 
+        entry->ctrl_info.holding_time = HOLDING_TIME_DEFAULT;
+	return entry;
+static int cache_hit( in_cache_entry * entry, struct mpoa_client *mpc)
+        struct atm_mpoa_qos *qos;
+        struct k_message msg;
+        entry->count++;
+	if(entry->entry_state == INGRESS_RESOLVED && entry->shortcut != NULL)
+                return OPEN;
+	if(entry->entry_state == INGRESS_REFRESHING){
+	        if(entry->count > mpc->parameters.mpc_p1){
+		        msg.type = SND_MPOA_RES_RQST;
+			msg.content.in_info = entry->ctrl_info;
+			memcpy(msg.MPS_ctrl, mpc->mps_ctrl_addr, ATM_ESA_LEN);
+                        qos = atm_mpoa_search_qos(entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip);
+                        if (qos != NULL) msg.qos = qos->qos;
+			msg_to_mpoad(&msg, mpc);
+			do_gettimeofday(&(entry->reply_wait));
+			entry->entry_state = INGRESS_RESOLVING;
+		}
+		if(entry->shortcut != NULL)
+                        return OPEN;
+		return CLOSED;
+	}
+        if(entry->entry_state == INGRESS_RESOLVING && entry->shortcut != NULL)
+	        return OPEN;
+        if( entry->count > mpc->parameters.mpc_p1 &&
+            entry->entry_state == INGRESS_INVALID){
+                unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)&entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip;
+		dprintk("mpoa: (%s) mpoa_caches.c: threshold exceeded for ip %u.%u.%u.%u, sending MPOA res req\n", mpc->dev->name, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+                entry->entry_state = INGRESS_RESOLVING;
+                msg.type =  SND_MPOA_RES_RQST;
+                memcpy(msg.MPS_ctrl, mpc->mps_ctrl_addr, ATM_ESA_LEN );
+                msg.content.in_info = entry->ctrl_info;
+                qos = atm_mpoa_search_qos(entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip);
+                if (qos != NULL) msg.qos = qos->qos;
+                msg_to_mpoad( &msg, mpc);
+                do_gettimeofday(&(entry->reply_wait));
+        }
+        return CLOSED;
+ * If there are no more references to vcc in egress cache,
+ * we are ready to close it.
+ */
+static void close_unused_egress_vcc(struct atm_vcc *vcc, struct mpoa_client *mpc)
+	if (vcc == NULL)
+		return;
+	dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: close_unused_egress_vcc:\n");
+        if (mpc->eg_ops->search_by_vcc(vcc, mpc) != NULL)
+                return;                             /* entry still in use */
+	atm_async_release_vcc(vcc, -EPIPE); /* nobody uses this VCC anymore, close it */
+	dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: close_unused_egress_vcc, closed one:\n");
+	return;
+ * This should be called with write lock on
+ */
+static int in_cache_remove( in_cache_entry *entry,
+                            struct mpoa_client *client )
+	struct atm_vcc *vcc;
+        struct k_message msg;
+        unsigned char *ip;
+        if(entry == NULL)
+                return 0;
+	vcc = entry->shortcut;
+        ip = (unsigned char *)&entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip;
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: removing an ingress entry, ip = %u.%u.%u.%u\n",ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+        if (entry->prev != NULL)
+                entry->prev->next = entry->next;
+        else
+                client->in_cache = entry->next;
+        if (entry->next != NULL)
+                entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
+        memset(entry, 0, sizeof(in_cache_entry));
+        kfree(entry);
+	if(client->in_cache == NULL && client->eg_cache == NULL){
+	        msg.type = STOP_KEEP_ALIVE_SM;
+		msg_to_mpoad(&msg,client);
+	}
+	close_unused_egress_vcc(vcc, client);
+        return 1;
+/* Call this every MPC-p2 seconds... Not exactly correct solution, 
+   but an easy one... */
+static void clear_count_and_expired(struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned char *ip;
+        unsigned long flags;
+        in_cache_entry *entry, *next_entry;
+        struct timeval now;
+	do_gettimeofday(&now);
+        write_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->in_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+                entry->count=0;
+                next_entry = entry->next;
+                if((now.tv_sec - entry->tv.tv_sec) 
+                   > entry->ctrl_info.holding_time){
+		        ip = (unsigned char*)&entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip;
+		        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: holding time expired, ip = %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+                        in_cache_remove(entry, client);
+                }
+                entry = next_entry;
+        }
+        write_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        return;
+/* Call this every MPC-p4 seconds. */ 
+static void check_resolving_entries( struct mpoa_client * client )
+        struct atm_mpoa_qos *qos;
+        unsigned long flags;
+        in_cache_entry *entry;
+        struct timeval now;
+        struct k_message msg;
+	do_gettimeofday( &now );
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->in_cache;
+        while( entry != NULL ){
+                if(entry->entry_state == INGRESS_RESOLVING){
+                        if(now.tv_sec - entry->hold_down.tv_sec < client->parameters.mpc_p6){
+                                entry = entry->next;                      /* Entry in hold down */
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        if( (now.tv_sec - entry->reply_wait.tv_sec) >
+                            entry->retry_time ){
+                                entry->retry_time = MPC_C1*( entry->retry_time );
+                                if(entry->retry_time > client->parameters.mpc_p5){
+				        /* Retry time maximum exceeded, put entry in hold down. */  
+				        do_gettimeofday(&(entry->hold_down)); 
+                                        entry->retry_time = client->parameters.mpc_p4; 
+                                        entry = entry->next;
+                                        continue;
+                                }
+				/* Ask daemon to send a resolution request. */
+                                memset(&(entry->hold_down),0,sizeof(struct timeval));
+                                msg.type = SND_MPOA_RES_RTRY;
+                                memcpy(msg.MPS_ctrl, client->mps_ctrl_addr, ATM_ESA_LEN);
+                                msg.content.in_info = entry->ctrl_info;
+                                qos = atm_mpoa_search_qos(entry->ctrl_info.in_dst_ip);
+                                if (qos != NULL) msg.qos = qos->qos;
+                                msg_to_mpoad(&msg, client);
+                                do_gettimeofday(&(entry->reply_wait));
+                        }
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+/* Call this every MPC-p5 seconds. */
+static void refresh_entries( struct mpoa_client * client )
+        unsigned long flags;
+        struct timeval now;
+        struct in_cache_entry *entry = client->in_cache;
+        ddprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: refresh_entries\n");
+	do_gettimeofday(&now);
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+        while( entry != NULL ){
+                if( entry->entry_state == INGRESS_RESOLVED ){
+                        if(!(entry->refresh_time))
+			        entry->refresh_time = (2*(entry->ctrl_info.holding_time))/3;
+			if( (now.tv_sec - entry->reply_wait.tv_sec) > entry->refresh_time ){
+                                dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: refreshing an entry.\n");
+				entry->entry_state = INGRESS_REFRESHING;
+			}
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->ingress_lock, flags);
+static eg_cache_entry *eg_cache_search_by_cache_id(uint32_t cache_id,
+						  struct mpoa_client *client)
+        eg_cache_entry *entry;
+        unsigned long flags;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->eg_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+                if( entry->ctrl_info.cache_id == cache_id){
+                        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+                        return entry;
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+	read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static eg_cache_entry *eg_cache_search_by_tag(uint32_t tag,
+					      struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned long flags;
+        eg_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->eg_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+                if( entry->ctrl_info.tag == tag){
+                        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+                        return entry;
+                }
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+	read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static eg_cache_entry *eg_cache_search_by_vcc(struct atm_vcc *vcc,
+                                               struct mpoa_client *client )
+        unsigned long flags;
+        eg_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->eg_cache;
+        while( entry != NULL ){
+                if( entry->shortcut == vcc ) {
+               	        read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+                        return entry;
+		}
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+	read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        return NULL;
+static eg_cache_entry *eg_cache_search_by_src_ip(uint32_t ipaddr,
+						 struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned long flags;
+        eg_cache_entry *entry;
+        read_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->eg_cache;
+        while( entry != NULL ){
+                if(entry->latest_ip_addr == ipaddr) {
+                        break;
+		}
+                entry = entry->next;
+        }
+	read_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        return entry;
+ * If there are no more references to vcc in ingress cache,
+ * we are ready to close it.
+ */
+static void close_unused_ingress_vcc(struct atm_vcc *vcc, struct mpoa_client *mpc)
+	if (vcc == NULL)
+		return;
+	dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: close_unused_ingress_vcc:\n");
+        if (mpc->in_ops->search_by_vcc(vcc, mpc) != NULL)
+                return;                             /* entry still in use */
+	atm_async_release_vcc(vcc, -EPIPE); /* nobody uses this VCC anymore, close it */
+	dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: close_unused_ingress_vcc:, closed one\n");
+	return;
+ * This should be called with write lock on
+ */
+static int eg_cache_remove(eg_cache_entry *entry, 
+                           struct mpoa_client *client)
+	struct atm_vcc *vcc;
+        struct k_message msg; 
+        if(entry == NULL)
+                return 0;
+	vcc = entry->shortcut;
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: removing an egress entry.\n");
+        if (entry->prev != NULL)
+                entry->prev->next = entry->next;
+        else
+                client->eg_cache = entry->next;
+        if (entry->next != NULL)
+                entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
+        memset(entry, 0, sizeof(eg_cache_entry));
+        kfree(entry);
+	if(client->in_cache == NULL && client->eg_cache == NULL){
+	        msg.type = STOP_KEEP_ALIVE_SM;
+		msg_to_mpoad(&msg,client);
+	}
+	close_unused_ingress_vcc(vcc, client);
+        return 1;
+static eg_cache_entry *new_eg_cache_entry(struct k_message *msg, struct mpoa_client *client)
+        unsigned long flags;
+        unsigned char *ip;
+        eg_cache_entry *entry = kmalloc(sizeof(eg_cache_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
+        if (entry == NULL) {
+                printk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_eg_cache_entry: out of memory\n");
+                return NULL;
+	}
+        ip = (unsigned char *)&msg->content.eg_info.eg_dst_ip;
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: adding an egress entry, ip = %d.%d.%d.%d, this should be our IP\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+        memset(entry, 0, sizeof(eg_cache_entry));
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_eg_cache_entry: about to lock\n");
+        write_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry->next = client->eg_cache;
+        entry->prev = NULL;
+        if (client->eg_cache != NULL)
+                client->eg_cache->prev = entry;
+        client->eg_cache = entry;
+        write_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_eg_cache_entry: unlocked\n");
+        memcpy(entry->MPS_ctrl_ATM_addr, client->mps_ctrl_addr, ATM_ESA_LEN);
+        entry->ctrl_info = msg->content.eg_info;
+        do_gettimeofday(&(entry->tv));
+        entry->entry_state = EGRESS_RESOLVED;
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: new_eg_cache_entry cache_id %lu\n", ntohl(entry->ctrl_info.cache_id));
+        ip = (unsigned char *)&entry->ctrl_info.mps_ip;
+        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: mps_ip = %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+        return entry;
+static void update_eg_cache_entry(eg_cache_entry * entry, uint16_t holding_time)
+        do_gettimeofday(&(entry->tv));
+        entry->entry_state = EGRESS_RESOLVED;
+        entry->ctrl_info.holding_time = holding_time;
+        return;
+static void clear_expired(struct mpoa_client *client){
+        eg_cache_entry *entry, *next_entry;
+        unsigned long flags;
+        struct timeval now;
+	struct k_message msg;
+        do_gettimeofday(&now);
+        write_lock_irqsave(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        entry = client->eg_cache;
+        while(entry != NULL){
+	        next_entry = entry->next;
+                if((now.tv_sec - entry->tv.tv_sec) 
+                   > entry->ctrl_info.holding_time){
+		        msg.type = SND_EGRESS_PURGE;
+			msg.content.eg_info = entry->ctrl_info;
+		        dprintk("mpoa: mpoa_caches.c: egress_cache: holding time expired, cache_id = %lu.\n",ntohl(entry->ctrl_info.cache_id));
+			msg_to_mpoad(&msg, client);
+                        eg_cache_remove(entry, client);
+                }
+                entry = next_entry;
+        }
+        write_unlock_irqrestore(&client->egress_lock, flags);
+        return;
+static struct in_cache_ops ingress_ops = {
+        new_in_cache_entry,               /* new_entry        */
+        in_cache_search,                  /* search           */
+        in_cache_search_with_mask,        /* search_with_mask */
+	in_cache_search_by_vcc,           /* search_by_vcc    */
+        cache_hit,                        /* cache_hit        */
+        in_cache_remove,                  /* cache_remove     */
+        clear_count_and_expired,          /* clear_count      */
+        check_resolving_entries,          /* check_resolving  */
+        refresh_entries,                  /* refresh          */
+static struct eg_cache_ops egress_ops = {
+        new_eg_cache_entry,               /* new_entry          */
+        eg_cache_search_by_cache_id,      /* search_by_cache_id */
+        eg_cache_search_by_tag,           /* search_by_tag      */ 
+        eg_cache_search_by_vcc,           /* search_by_vcc      */
+        eg_cache_search_by_src_ip,        /* search_by_src_ip   */
+        eg_cache_remove,                  /* cache_remove       */
+        update_eg_cache_entry,            /* update             */
+	clear_expired                     /* clear_expired      */
+void atm_mpoa_init_cache(struct mpoa_client *mpc)
+        mpc->in_ops = &ingress_ops;
+        mpc->eg_ops = &egress_ops;
+        return;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: