patch-2.3.43 linux/Documentation/acpi.txt
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- Lines: 126
- Date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Thu Nov 11 20:11:30 1999
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.42/linux/Documentation/acpi.txt linux/Documentation/acpi.txt
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-ACPI Driver Interface
-1) Register each instance of a device with "acpi_register"
-2) Call "acpi_access" before accessing the hardware.
- (this will ensure that the hardware is awake and ready)
-3) "acpi_transition" callback is called before entering D1-D3
- or after entering D0
-4) Call "acpi_dev_idle" when the device is not being used
- (not required by will improve idle detection)
-5) When unloaded, unregister the device with "acpi_unregister"
- * Description: Register a device with the ACPI subsystem
- *
- * Parameters:
- * info - static device information
- * type - device type
- * hid - PnP identifier (or 0 if unknown)
- * trans - device state transition callback
- * adr - bus number and address or unique id
- *
- * Returns: Registered ACPI device or NULL on error
- *
- * Details: The device type, bus number, and bus address should be
- * enough information to reconstruct the device tree and
- * identify device dependencies
- *
- * Examples:
- * struct acpi_dev_info info = {ACPI_SYS_DEV, ACPI_VGA_HID, vga_trans};
- * dev = acpi_register(&info, 0);
- *
- * struct pci_dev *pci_dev = pci_find_dev(...);
- * struct acpi_dev_info info = {ACPI_PCI_DEV, 0, trans};
- * dev = acpi_register(&info, ACPI_PCI_ADR(pci_dev));
- */
-struct acpi_dev *acpi_register(struct acpi_dev_info *info, unsigned long adr);
- * Description: Unregister a device with ACPI
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dev - ACPI device previously returned from acpi_register
- */
-void acpi_unregister(struct acpi_dev *dev);
- * Device idle/use detection
- *
- * In general, drivers for all devices should call "acpi_access"
- * before accessing the hardware (ie. before reading or modifying
- * a hardware register). Request or packet-driven drivers should
- * additionally call "acpi_idle" when a device is not being used.
- *
- * Examples:
- * 1) A keyboard driver would call acpi_access whenever a key is pressed
- * 2) A network driver would call acpi_access before submitting
- * a packet for transmit or receive and acpi_idle when its
- * transfer and receive queues are empty.
- * 3) A VGA driver would call acpi_access before it accesses any
- * of the video controller registers
- *
- * Ultimately, the ACPI policy manager uses the access and idle
- * information to decide when to transition devices between
- * device states.
- */
- * Description: Update device access time and wake up device, if necessary
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dev - ACPI device previously returned from acpi_register
- *
- * Details: If called from an interrupt handler acpi_access updates
- * access time but should never need to wake up the device
- * (if device is generating interrupts, it should be awake
- * already) This is important as we can not wake up
- * devices (run AML, etc.) from an interrupt handler.
- */
-void acpi_access(struct acpi_dev *dev);
- * Description: Identify device as currently being idle
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dev - ACPI device previously returned from acpi_register
- *
- * Details: A call to acpi_idle might signal to the policy manager
- * to put a device to sleep. If a new device request arrives
- * between the call to acpi_idle and the acpi_transition
- * callback, the driver should fail the acpi_transition request.
- */
-void acpi_dev_idle(struct acpi_dev *dev);
- * Transition function
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dev - ACPI device previously returned from acpi_register
- * state - the device state being entered
- *
- * Returns: 0 if the state transition is possible and context saved
- * EINVAL if the requested device state is not supported
- * EBUSY if the device is now busy and can not transition
- * ENOMEM if the device was unable to save context (out of memory)
- *
- * Details: The device state transition function will be called
- * before the device is transitioned into the D1-D3 states
- * or after the device is transitioned into the D0 state.
- * The device driver should save (D1-D3) or restore (D0)
- * device context when the transition function is called.
- *
- * For system devices, the ACPI subsystem will perform
- * the actual hardware state transition itself. For bus
- * devices, after the driver's acpi_transition function
- * is called, the bus driver's acpi_transition function
- * is called to perform the actual hardware state transition.
- *
- * Once a driver returns 0 (success) from a transition
- * to D1-3 request, it should not process any further
- * requests or access the device hardware until a
- * call to "acpi_access" is made.
- */
-typedef int (*acpi_transition)(struct acpi_dev *dev, acpi_dstate_t state);
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: