patch-2.3.48 linux/drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
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- Lines: 32
- Date:
Mon Feb 21 16:32:27 2000
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.47/linux/drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright linux/drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+These microcode data are placed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+We would prefer you not to distribute modified versions of it and not to ask
+for assembly or other microcode source.
+Copyright (c) 1995-2000 FORE Systems, Inc., as an unpublished work. This
+notice does not imply unrestricted or public access to these materials which
+are a trade secret of FORE Systems, Inc. or its subsidiaries or affiliates
+(together referred to as "FORE"), and which may not be reproduced, used, sold
+or transferred to any third party without FORE's prior written consent. All
+rights reserved.
+U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If you are licensing the Software on
+behalf of the U.S. Government ("Government"), the following provisions apply
+to you. If the software is supplied to the Department of Defense ("DoD"), it
+is classified as "Commercial Computer Software" under paragraph 252.227-7014
+of the DoD Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("DFARS") (or any
+successor regulations) and the Government is acquiring only the license
+rights granted herein (the license rights customarily provided to non-Government
+users). If the Software is supplied to any unit or agency of the Government
+other than the DoD, it is classified as "Restricted Computer Software" and
+the Government's rights in the Software are defined in paragraph 52.227-19 of
+the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") (or any successor regulations) or,
+in the cases of NASA, in paragraph 18.52.227-86 of the NASA Supplement to the FAR
+(or any successor regulations).
+FORE Systems is a registered trademark, and ForeRunner, ForeRunnerLE, and
+ForeThought are trademarks of FORE Systems, Inc. All other brands or product
+names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: