Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20240508 -> 20240509)
  installation-images-MicroOS (17.123 -> 17.125)
  llvm18 (18.1.4 -> 18.1.5)
  transactional-update (4.6.6 -> 4.6.8)
  wtmpdb (0.11.0 -> 0.12.0+git.20240508)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20240508 -> 20240509)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== ffmpeg-4 ====
Subpackages: libavcodec58_134 libavformat58_76 libavutil56_70 libpostproc55_9 libswresample3_9 libswscale5_9

- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2023-50010.patch:
  Backporting e4d2666b from upstream, fixes the out of array access.
  (CVE-2023-50010 bsc#1223256)

==== installation-images-MicroOS ====
Version update (17.123 -> 17.125)

- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#707
- refresh ssh_host_rsa_key (jsc#PED-129)
- 17.125
- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#711
- increase XZ compression level for initrd (bsc#1223982)
- support ZSTD compression for initrd
- 17.124

==== llvm18 ====
Version update (18.1.4 -> 18.1.5)

- Update to version 18.1.5.
  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 18.1.0 release.
    This release is API and ABI compatible with 18.1.0.
- Rebase llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch.

==== openssl-3 ====
Subpackages: libopenssl3

- Add ktls capability [bsc#1216950]
  Already added in January, but not mentioned in this changelog.
- Security fix: [bsc#1222548, CVE-2024-2511]
  * Fix unconstrained session cache growth in TLSv1.3
  * Add openssl-CVE-2024-2511.patch

==== osinfo-db ====

- bsc#1222738 - virt-manager shows SLE Micro 6.0 in suggested OS
  version should be SL Micro 6.0
  Drop add-slem6.0-support.patch

==== taglib ====

- USe %autosetup macro: allows us to eliminate usage of
  deprecated %patchN syntax.

==== transactional-update ====
Version update (4.6.6 -> 4.6.8)
Subpackages: dracut-transactional-update libtukit4 transactional-update-zypp-config tukit

- Version 4.6.8
  - tukit: Properly handle overlay syncing failures: If the system
    would not be rebooted and several snapshots accumulated in the
    meantime, it was possible that the previous base snapshot -
    required for /etc syncing - was deleted already. In that case
    changes in /etc might have been reset.
  - soft-reboot: Log requested reboot type
  - soft-reboot: Don't force hard reboot on version change only
- Version 4.6.7
  - Add support for snapper 0.11.0; also significantly decreases
    cleanup time [boo#1223504]

==== wtmpdb ====
Version update (0.11.0 -> 0.12.0+git.20240508)
Subpackages: libwtmpdb0

- Update to version 0.12.0+git.20240508:
  - boot: Query systemd if soft-reboot was done