In the submission file (OXTR.vcf.gz), the position (POS) infnormation is missing for all 5 variants. The data can be processed as there is no way for dbSNP to validate it. zmore OXTR.vcf.gz|cut -f1-8 ------> OXTR.vcf.gz <------ ##fileformat=VCFv4.2 ##fileDate=20211211 ##source=PLINKv1.90 ##contig= ##INFO= ##FORMAT= #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO 3 0 rs53576 A G . . PR 3 0 rs2254298 G A . . PR 3 0 rs1042778 G T . . PR 3 0 rs2268494 T A . . PR 3 0 rs2268490 C T . . PR