HPN'94 5th IFIP CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKING (GRENOBLE- FRANCE) JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS *************** OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE ------------------- This workshop belongs to the serie started in 1987 in Aachen, followed by Liege in 1988, Berlin in 1991 and Liege in 1992. It aims at presenting and discussing evolution in the framework of high-speed networking and computing in private and public networks. Original contributions on the following topics are solicited. A. NEW MAC SERVICES AND PROTOCOLS Gigabit networks ATM-based Systems B. ENHANCED NETWORK AND TRANSPORT SERVICES AND PROTOCOLS Multipeer services and protocols Admission and congestion control Time-constraint management C. NEW SERVICES AND PROTOCOLS Synchronization semantic and management Protocols for groupware communication Video over high speed networks QoS semantic D. NEW APPLICATIONS Multimedia Distribution network algorithms Groupware communication E. INTERNETWORKING Routing in high performance multimedia networks Bridges and routers technology and protocols Meshed architectures F. IMPLEMENTATION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MAC Performance in high speed networks Efficient Protocol Implementation Prospective authors are invited to send an intention to submit a paper (with provisional title, author list, and addresses) to Serge Fdida (fdida@masi.ibp.fr) ---------------- GENERAL CHAIRMAN Guy Pujolle (MASI, Univ. Versailles, F) PROGRAM CHAIRMAN Serge Fdida (MASI, Univ. Paris 5, F) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Daniel Abensour (IBM Res. Div. Cary, USA) Andres Albanese (Bellcore, USA) Patrick Baker (HP Labs Bristol, UK) Augusto Casaca (INESC P) Greg Chesson (SGI, USA) Andre Danthine (Univ. de Liege, B) Michel Diaz (LAAS, F) Christophe Diot (IMAG, Grenoble, F) Zygmunt Haas (AT&T Bell Labs, USA) Marjory Johnson (RIACS, USA) Nick Maxemchuk (AT&T Bell Labs, USA) Hanafy Meleis (DEC, USA) Gerard Michel (IMAG, Grenoble, F) Craig Partridge (BBN, USA) Radu Popescu-Zeletin (GMD FOKUS, D) Otto Spaniol (Tech. Univ. Aachen, D) Samir Thome (TELECOM PARIS, F) Harmen Van As (IBM Zurich, CH) Martina Zitterbart (Univ. Karlsruhe, D) ORGANIZATION CO-CHAIRMEN Jean-Pierre Verjus (IMAG, Grenoble F) Christophe Diot (IMAG, Grenoble F) VENUE ----- The conference will be organized by the IMAG Institute and IBP Institute, and will be held in Grenoble, France. Grenoble is located at hundred kilometers from Lyon and hundred and fifty kilometers from Geneva. Grenoble is the heart of the French Alps. Following the 1968 Olympic games, Grenoble developed a high technology R&D park around one of the most famous French Universities. CONTRIBUTIONS ------------- Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 12 pages single spaced, or 20 pages double spaced. The front page should contain the authors names, address, phones, faxes, and e.mails, as well as a 150 words abstract. All submitted papers that scope with the topics will be refereed. Authors of accepted papers will be requested to sign a copyright release from the IFIP. A participant edition of the proceedings will be made available at the Conference from the camera-ready copy which will be used later on for the publication of the proceedings by Elsevier (North Holland). The accepted papers not presented by the author(s) at the conference will not be included in the published proceedings. Four copies of the submitted papers will have to be received no later than October 30, 1993, by : Serge FDIDA Universite Rene Descartes - UFR Maths-Info Laboratoire MASI 45, rue des Saints-Peres 75006 Paris (France) Phone : +33 (1) 42 86 21 36; Fax : +33 (1) 42 86 22 31; e.mail : fdida@masi.ibp.fr TUTORIALS --------- Tutorials will be organized on June 27 & 28, 1994. Suggestions for half or full day tutorials are welcome. IMPORTANT DATES --------------- TODAY NOTIFICATION OF INTEND TO SUBMIT A PAPER OCTOBER 30, 1993 FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE JANUARY 31, 1994 NOTIFICATION OF ACCPTANCE MARCH 31, 1994 CAMERA-READY COPY DUE JUNE 27-28, 1994 TUTORIALS JUNE 29, JUL 1, 1994 CONFERENCE Any information about HPN'94 can be requested through e-mail at the following adress: HPN94@imag.fr If interested by HPN '94, return the following information to Serge Fdida (by post or e.mail) [ ] I intend to submit a paper to HPN '94; the provisional title will be ............................................. The list of authors will be ............................... e-mail for the first author:............................... [ ] I do not intend to submit a paper but I am interested to receive the program of HPN '94 First and last names :..................................... Title :................... Affiliation :................... Address: .................................................. Tel : ................... Fax :........................... E.mail :................. =========================================================== ******************************************************************* Serge FDIDA E-mail: fdida@masi.ibp.fr Laboratoire MASI Tel Paris 6: +33 (1) 4, place Jussieu Tel EHEI/Paris 5: +33 (1) 75252 Paris Cedex 05 Fax Paris 6: +33 (1)