_________________________________________________________________________ Following Jesus Directory Contents _________________________________________________________________________ ICLnet is happy to provide a copy of Pastor Kevin Pazalek's Following Jesus shareware program for appraisal by the Christian networking community. Be sure to put the FJ Prefs file in your System Folder after unpacking and before running the program. In the event that you have problems downloading the program file with your web browser, try using the following url: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/software/mac/fj/Following_Jesus.sea.bin Files in the ICLnet Directory: Information Files: 00contents.fj.txt ...................... The file you are now reading 00readme.fj.txt ........................ Copyright & Order information, website information The Software: (uploaded MacBinaryII upload) Following_Jesus.sea.bin ................ Program, readme, and program support files (to be unpacked) __________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/software/mac/fj: 00contents.fj.txt .