Online Bible Description: ====================== The Online Bible is a full featured program designed for serious Bible students. You can display Bible passages and notes in any number of windows, limited only by available memory. Most operations can be performed using either the mouse or keyboard commands. The program is both powerful and easy to use. The basic text for the Online Bible is the 1769 Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version, indexed to about 350,000 Greek and Hebrew words using Strong's numbers. In addition to all the Strong's numbers, over 100,000 verb parsings have been added. Footnotes from the original translators along with alternate readings from the 1833 Webster Bible are also included. In addition to the King James Version, several other English versions are available. These include the New International Version, Revised Standard Version, 1890 Darby Bible, and 1898 Young's Literal Translation. Four Greek texts and a Hebrew text are also available for original language study. In addition several foreign languages are supported including Danish, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish. Complete search facilities include, word, phrase, multiple words, wild cards, and much more. Searches can use AND, OR, NOT, and proximity operators to select verses. The range for searches can be restricted. All verses are displayed in context rather than asking you to choose a verse from a list to display. Searches are very fast, taking only a second or two even on a Mac Classic. You can add notes to a verse using the built-in editor. Cross references can be stored in the notes for automatic recall. In addition to verse notes, you can define over 32,000 topical entries. Verses or notes can be printed or saved as ASCII text files for inclusion in most word processing documents. Copying text between this program and your word processor can easily be done via the clipboard. The Bible FKey which is included can be used from within any editor or word processor to automatically insert Bible passages directly into the document you're currently working on without switching applications. Hardware Requirements: ---------------------- Any Macintosh with the capabilities of a Mac Plus or greater. System software version 6.0 or higher. A hard disk with at least 4 megabytes free. The actual amount of free hard disk space required depends on the number of versions and other add-on modules installed. Installation and Use: ------------------- Information on how to install the Online Bible, the Bible FKey, a Bible text module, and other add-on modules is provided in the manual. It's important that you read and follow these directions in order to avoid any problems. Version 1.0 users will need to update their note files, as described in the manual, in order to use them with version 2.0 of the Online Bible. The manual also contains a tutorial and a full description of the program's numerous features. Please take the time to read it. The manual provided on the program disk is a stand-alone self-running document that anyone can read and print. Simply double-click on the file "User's Manual" to launch it as you would any other Mac application. Use the vertical scroll bar to position within the chapter currently being viewed. A horizontal scroll bar is provided to move from one chapter to the next. A table of contents is also included and may be used to quickly position to any chapter in the manual. Special Thanks: -------------- The developer of this software would like to acknowledge the grace, strength, and wisdom provided by our Creator God without which this program would never have become a reality. Special mention also needs to be made of Larry Pierce, the developer of the Online Bible for the IBM PC and compatible computers. His work has been and will continue to be used in the development of this program. Users of MS-DOS machines should contact him for information on how to obtain the Online Bible for their computer. He can be reached at the following address: Larry Pierce R.R. 2 West Montrose, ON Canada N0B 2V0 Freeware Distribution: -------------------- The Online Bible was the first and is still the only Bible program in the world that allows you to freely copy it. Based firmly on the principal of grace not greed. Those who've worked on this project have done so with a desire to make God's Word more readily available to computer users in a form that will enhance their study of it. With that in mind, users are not only granted permission to make and distribute copies of it, but you're encouraged to do so. Rather than asking for a shareware fee, the author is asking that each user of the Online Bible give an unaltered copy of the program disk along with a royalty free translation to at least two other Mac users within the first month of obtaining their copy. Please note that some of the translations that we provide, such as the NIV, require the collection of a publisher's royalty and can NOT be given away. Copies of these translations must be ordered from an authorized distributor. We ask that you respect the rights of these publishers and refrain from distributing copies of their translations. New languages, versions, and other features are added almost every other month. Write the author to find out what's currently available, or register to be notified when the next major update becomes available. Shareware or Commercial Distribution: ----------------------------------- Shareware distribution or commercial sale of the Online Bible is allowed, but only under the following terms. 1) The contents of the disks are to be copied and distributed as originally released by the author. This precludes modifying, adding to, or deleting any of the files. 2) No more than $5.00 per disk may be charged. 3) Only royalty free translations can be distributed. 4) Those distributing the Online Bible must register with the author and agree to pay a royalty of $5.00 for each copy of the program disk distributed. A royalty free Bible text module and any number of add-on modules may be included with the program disk. All royalties collected by the author will be used to help fund further development of the program. Shareware distributors who only want to distribute the program disk with the KJV Bible text and no add-on modules may do so without the payment of a royalty or shareware fee. Registration: ------------ In order to be notified of new translations and the next major release, you need to register with the author. When the next release becomes available, you will be sent a brief description of what it includes along with what it will cost to obtain a copy. Registration involves sending the following information. Name:___________________________________ Address:_________________________________ City:____________________State:_____ Zip Code:__________ Phone number is optional. (day):__________________ (evening):____________________ Model (Mac Plus, SE, LC, etc.) of Macintosh?_________________ Version number of Online Bible software you're using?________ Translations and any add-on modules you currently have? ___________________________________________________ Where did you obtain your copy of the Online Bible? ___ 1) A friend. ___ 2) A shareware distributor. If you obtained it from a shareware distributor, please include their name. Distributor's name:___________________________________ What is the most liked feature?____________________________ What would you like to see changed or added?__________________ What problems did you experience using the program?____________ Send the above information to the following address: Ken Hamel Box 168 Oakhurst, NJ 07755 Thank You: --------- As a final note, I'd like to say thank you for all your letters of support and encouragement. Many of you, like myself, have been looking for an inexpensive yet high quality program to use for serious Bible study on your Macintosh. It's been a pleasure to help fill that need and with God's help we're hoping to make a good program even better.