Announcement - Jewish Outreach Partnership Philadelphia Area Annual Witnessing Campaign, July 2-7, 1995 The Jewish Outreach Partnership Philadelphia Area is having its annual witnessing campaign July 2 - 7. This is a cooperative fellowship of churches, mission boards, and messianic congregations which desire to reach out to the Jewish community with the Gospel. During our campaign we will wear a tee shirt which draws attention to the Jewish background of the Gospel. We will hand out literature on street corners and during July 4th events (parades, fireworks, special music fairs, etc). We usually hand out 40-45,000 tracts and make contacts with both Jews and Gentiles who are open to the Gospel. One year 3 Jewish people prayed to be saved right on the streets. There will be a full day of training which is mandatory except for those with extensive evangelism training and experience in street evangelism and witnessing to Jewish people. The training will cover the art of tract distribution, getting contacts, street apologetics, witnessing to Jewish people handling common objections, being sensitive to social and historical issues that affect Jewish people's perception of the Gospel. The cost for the training is $15. This includes the witnessing tee-shirt, a Jewish evangelism text book, handouts and notes, and a lunch on the training day. Each person must commit to at least one full day of witnessing. (about 8 hours of on street time). Housing may be able to be provided free of charge to those living outside the area. For an application or to answer your questions call Ron Elkin at 215-843-7964 or e-mail Ron at (before 6/19 or after 6/24) or Dave Brewer 215-579-4935 or (D. Brewer), Sincerely Ron Elkin, Director of AMMI Ministry ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/announce: jewish.outreach.txt .