The Sermon Notes of Harold Buls On the Gospel Lessons of the Ingrian Lutheran Church of Russia Text from Matthew 22:34-46 Trinity XVIII 1. Our text is paralleled at Mk. 12:28-37. Lk. 10:25-28 is _not_ the same incident as Mt. and Mk. Mt. tells us that the lawyer asked Jesus a question to trap him. But the account in Mk. shows us that Jesus' answer changed the heart and mind of this lawyer. Mt. 22:46 tells us that after this occasion Jesus' enemies did not dare to trap Him again. But Mk. 12:37 tells us that the people heard Jesus gladly. The purpose of our text is Jesus' final attempt to bring His enemies to faith. But they refused Him. In our text Jesus first tells them about His true Word and then about His true Person. 2. Jesus says that the whole Word of God can be summarized in two sentences. The first is quoted from Deut. 6:5 about man's love for God. To love God with one's whole being means to believe Him, to trust Him. To believe in Jesus is the highest form of worship. The second is quoted from Lev. 19:18 and 34. To love one's neighbor means to do for him what we do for ourselves. Rom. 13:10 reads "Love is the fulfillment of the Law." I Jn. 4:16 says "God is love." To love God means to believe in Him. To love one's neighbor means to do for him what we do for ourselves. Jn. 14:23 reads: "If anyone loves Me (Christ) he will observe My Word and My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home in him." To love Jesus means to believe His Gospel. And then the Triune God loves the believer by living in him. 3. Now we come to vss. 41-45 of our text. Jesus continues to draw His enemies to Himself. In vs. 42 He asks them two questions: "What do you think of Christ? Whose son is He?" The answer to the first question depends on the answer to the second question. They answered the second question correctly. So far, so good. But now Jesus quotes a saying of the Holy Spirit from Ps. 110:1. The first line reads: "The Lord said to My Lord." The original Hebrew for this is: "Jehovah said to Adonai." In other words, two persons, not one, are noted. That ultimately means: "The Father said to the Son." David calls Jesus "my Lord." The Father tells the Son, in prophecy, to sit at the right hand of His power until all His enemies would be conquered. Read I Cor. 15:25.27 and Heb. 2:8. Now Jesus asks a third question: "If, therefore, he (David) calls Him (Jesus) Lord, how can He (Jesus) be His (David's) son?" Jesus' enemies had rightly called the Lord the son of David but they would not agree that He was also David's Lord. As true God, Jesus is David's Lord. As true man, Jesus is David's son, descendant. Like Abraham, David believed in Him Who is true God and true man, Jesus Christ. See Jn. 8:56 and Lk. 10:24. 4. Jesus loved His enemies dearly and wanted to convert them. See Mt. 23:37. But they hardened their hearts against Him. Our text occurred on Tuesday, three days before His trial. At His trial, Mt. 26:63-66, Jesus was out under oath: "Are You the Christ, the Son of God?" When He said: "Yes I am" they sentenced Him to death. 5. In our communion prayer we ask God to give us faith in Him and love toward our neighbor. That is the message of the whole Bible in one sentence. That is what Jesus means in vss. 37-40 of our text. Faith in Jesus and love toward our neighbor stand or fall together. Where you have one, you will have the other. In this way the image of God is restored in a sinner. Col. 3:10. 6. Ps. 110 is a grand prophecy of Jesus' person, Word, work and victory over all His enemies. It is quoted often in the NT. Jesus' enemies believed that it was the inspired Word of God and that it prophesied the Messiah. But they refused to admit that Jesus was the Messiah. That is very sad! The Jews still pray for the coming of the Messiah but they still reject Jesus. How very sad! In our text Jesus summarizes His entire Word in two sentences and identifies Himself as the God-man, the son of David Who is also the Son of God. The Sermon Outline of Harold Buls On the Gospel Lessons of the Ingrian Lutheran Church of Russia Text from Matthew 22:34-46 Trinity XVIII THEME: JESUS' LAST ATTEMPT TO CONVERT HIS ENEMIES WHO REJECT HIM INTRODUCTION Our text took Place during Jesus' last week before He died. He wept because of their unbelief. Mt. 23:37. From Sunday to Tuesday we can trace their hatred for Him. Mk. 11:18; Jn. 12:37; Mt. 21:23.43.46; Mt. 22:15.29.46. But we also read that the common people heard Him gladly. At this last attempt to convert His enemies Jesus offers them the clear teaching of the OT of what the Word of God says and of His person, true God and true man. I. THE OLD TESTAMENT SUMMARY OF WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS A. You will love the Lord, your God, with your entire person. Jesus is not talking about affection or mere feelings. He is talking about an attitude. To love God with one's entire being means to trust Him and his promises, especially those about Jesus. The first commandment says: "Thou shalt have no other gods beside Me." How do we do that? All we can give God is our sin. We have no righteousness to offer God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. But Christ is our righteousness. That is ours by faith and trust in the Gospel. At the beginning of this service we confessed our sins. The pastor forgave us in Jesus' name. That is the first step in loving God with our whole being. God says that we should cast all our care on Him for He cares for us. When we do that we love God with our whole being. B. You will love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus is not talking about affection or mere feeling. He is talking about an attitude. He does not say that our neighbor must be our friend. But He does say that we should love him as we love ourselves. The best example of that is the account of the Good Samaritan who cared for and rescued the wounded man lying at the side of the road. We should be like God Who is merciful to all people. He sends His sunshine and rain to all alike. When people asked Jesus for help he gave it. He gave it even when they did not ask. To love the Lord with our whole being and to love our neighbor as we love ourself summarizes the teaching not only of the OT but also of the NT. Lord, give us faith in You and love for our neighbor. II. THE OT SUMMARIZES WHO CHRIST IS AND WHAT HE DID FOR US. Vs. 44 is a confession by David, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, first about who Christ is. The first line means: "The Father said to my Lord Jesus 'Sit at My right hand'." We know the true interpretation of this line from Acts 2:34 and 35 and Heb. 1:13. Even Jesus' enemies admitted that Jesus was the son of David, the son of man. But they would not confess that He was the Son of God, the Lord of David. Jesus is David's son but also David's Lord, true man and true God in one person. When Jesus was asked at His trial (Mt. 26:63-66): "Are you the Christ, the Son of God?" Jesus said: "I truly am." They called that blasphemy. The OT also tells us what He did for us. God has exalted Jesus to his right hand because Jesus has paid for our sins, conquered death and conquered the devil. See I Cor. 15:25.27 and Heb. 2:8. When Jesus completed His work of redemption on earth He ascended into heaven. He is not locked in heaven. He is everywhere with us, even to the end of the age. To sit at God's right hand means that He now has all power as He said in Mt. 28:19 "All power is given to Me in heaven and on earth." The God-man, Jesus Christ, is King of kings and Lord of Lords and He shall reign forever and ever. Some day in heaven we shall see Him not only as our brother and shepherd but also as the King of kings. CONCLUSION Jesus' enemies were always giving him trouble. Even today they make fun of Jesus and His Word. But the common people gladly heard Jesus. Likewise, many common people today gladly hear Jesus' Word. He tells us to trust in Him and His promises. He tells us that we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us. He tells us that He will protect and keep us until we see Him on his throne. _______________________________.______________________________ This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg by Cindy A. Beesley and is in the public domain by permission of Dr. Buls. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary E-mail: Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 USA Phone: (260) 452-2123 Fax: (260) 452-2126 _______________________________.______________________________ ----------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/wittenberg/bul: trin-18.txt .