From: (Matthew Xavier Mora)
Subject: PathName from FSSpec (pascal code) 
Date: 9 Sep 92 00:21:34 GMT 

I spent the long weekend cursing at the AppleEventManager
trying to get the finder to open a control panel. Anyway,
one of the things I discoverd was that the alias manager will
give you a path name if you ask for it. Since my program needed to
display the path name, I wrote a function that will return a full
path name in a handle (not in a str255 so you it won't crash with long 
path names) when you give it a fsspec. 

I also figured out how to get the finder to open a control panel.
You need to send an open selection event. I finally found an example that
worked and ported it to pascal. If you would like to see that code I can
post it here also. Its a direct copy of C.K Han's C code that is on the 
developers CD.

Here is the code:

{Path Name From FSSpec                                                    }
{by Matthew Xavier Mora                                                   }
{9-8-92                                                                   }
{Given a FSSpec this function will return a handle to the full path       }
{name. It creates the handle as it goes. It does not have the limited     }
{string length (255) problem like the ones I have seen. This of course    }
{requires system seven or better because of the use of the alias manager  }
{ Don't forget to dispose the handle when you are done with it.           }
 function PathNameFromFSSpec (var theFile: FSSpec): Handle;
   i: AliasInfoType;
   theStr: STR63;
   h: Handle;
   oe: OSErr;
   alias: AliasHandle;
   theSize: longint;
  PathNameFromFSSpec := nil;
  oe := NewAlias(nil, theFile, alias);          {create a temporary alias}
  if alias = nil then                                       {if nil exit }

  h := NewHandle(0);
  if h = nil then                                          {if nil exit. }

  i := asiAliasName;                       { set the index to the Parent }
  if GetAliasInfo(alias, i, thestr) = noerr then     {get The parentName }
   begin                                     {returns error if bad alias }
    while thestr <> '' do      { will be '' when done traversing the path}
      theSize := longint(thestr[0]) + 1;       
      thestr[0] := ':';  { use the size byte to store the colon. aux='/' }
                                                { Let Munger do the work }
      theSize := Munger(h, 0, nil, 0, @thestr, thesize); 
      i := i + asiParentName;           {set the index to the next parent}
      oe := GetAliasInfo(alias, i, thestr);          {get the parentName }
                                                    {get the Volume Name }
    oe := GetAliasInfo(alias, asiVolumeName, thestr);
    theSize := longint(thestr[0]);
    theSize := Munger(h, 0, nil, 0, Ptr(ord(@theStr) + 1), theSize);

    PathNameFromFSSpec := h;             {return the newly created handle}
