Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #18
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 11 Feb 02       Volume 19 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:

      [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.02
      [*] Sound Studio 2.0, audio editing and recording tool
      [*] WineBook v2.0.1
      connecting a printer to a Mac/PC network
      iBook monitor
      Personal LW 320 & OS X.x

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Date: 11 Feb 2002
From: "A. Lee Bennett, Jr." <>
Subject: [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.02

This is the print-optimized PDF edition of the February 2002 issue of ATPM.
About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a free monthly e-zine about the
*personal* computing experience. If you prefer a screen-optimized PDF or an
offline Webzine format, visit <> to download
current and past issues in your preferred format.

The contents of ATPM 8.02 are as follows:

    Apple Cider: Spam I Am
    Beyond the Barline: Expos, From a Distance
    Hollywood: Normally
    About This Particular Web Site
    Networking: Mac and PC Networking Overview
    Networking: Mac File Sharing
    How To: What Do Your CD-ROMs Tell About You?
    FileMaker Server 5.5
    Jeopardy! 2nd Edition
    OmniDictionary 2.0.1
    ScanCalc 1.7.1
    Virtual PC 5.0
    Wheel of Fortune, 2nd Edition
    Cartoon: Hambone
    Desktop Pictures: Oregon and "A Collection of Scottish Pictures"

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-802-print.hqx; 1881 K]


Date: 9 Feb 2002
From: Lucius Kwok <>
Subject: [*] Sound Studio 2.0, audio editing and recording tool


Sound Studio is an audio editing and recording application built for Mac OS
X. It includes many effects filters, editing tools, and support for many
audio file formats. With Sound Studio you can:

  - digitize tapes and vinyl records to make CDs
  - record live performances and interviews
  - edit out dead air, glitches, and mistakes in recordings
  - apply any of 19 effects including Reverb, Chorus, and EQ
  - create new sounds and loops

Sound Studio is built for Mac OS X as a Carbon application, but can run on
Mac OS systems as far back as Mac OS 8.1. Some newer systems may require a
USB audio input device for recording. Sound Studio is priced at $49.99 for a
full single-user license. Upgrades from previous versions of Sound Studio
are $24.99.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-studio-20.hqx; 1277 K]


Date: 10 Feb 2002
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook v2.0.1

WineBook v2.0.1

WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

The cellar book application	WineBook is a wine cellar management 
software for wine enthusiasts. You can manage your wines and your own 
wine-tasting notes. You can note sight, smell, taste and the quality of 
a wine. Manage the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.

(Available in English, German, French, Italian and Dutch at:

System requirements:
* System 9 or MacOS X
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 5 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-201.hqx; 3240 K]


Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 07:22:59 
From: "tony stanton" <>
Subject: connecting a printer to a Mac/PC network

As a followup to my recent query about connecting a printer to a Mac/PC 
network, I have run up against some problems in getting things to work.

Having tried USB printer Sharing with limited success, I have installed 
Win2K Server on the PC and am trying to use it as a Mac File and Print 

Using the Laserwriter 8 extension I can see the printer from the Macs - an 
HP 1125C Deskjet - and it outputs fine, but only greyscale, not colour.

Laserwriter 8 throws up a dialogue box which offers a list of printer 
information. It says the printer is not colour capable, which is definitely 
not the case.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change these settings?

If not, how can I recover the colour capabilities across the network? I have 
tried all the ppd files that came with 9.2.1 and although there are 
differences between them - some output colours in grey, some are all black - 
none of them produce colour.

Hoping someone can help out with this.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 18:13:53 -0500
From: Kathleen Orescanin <>
Subject: iBook monitor

I want to connect a new monitor to my iBook. What do I need besides a
monitor. Adapter?
What kind of port? Additional card? Cable?
Thank you.


Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 12:58:11 -0800
From: Adam Horvath <>
Subject: Personal LW 320 & OS X.x

I am trying to use my Personal Laser Writer 320 (via a G3Wallstreet 
PB) Using OS X.
OS X (1.2) works fine in all other repects.
The PLW 320 Driver appears on the list of driver in the print certer, 
but when I select it (to "add" as a priner) nothing happens. As far 
as the OS is concerned I have No printer attached to Apple Talk 
(which is configured correctly).
The printer works fine under OS 9.2
Has anyone solved this?
Please reply to me & I will post summary for the net.
Tx. :=)



End of Info-Mac Digest