Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #199
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 29 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 199

Today's Topics:

      (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      ATI graphics accellerator
      CD-R as the medium of choice
      Digital Camera Wanted
      eMate styli (styluses)?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #197
      NN - IE4
      OS 8.5 (C)
      outlook express
      Trash warning persists! (A)

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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:02:01 -0500
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)

> install multiple sequential versions of the MacOS, one
> version to each partition and name each partition accordingly. (The MacOS
> has a startup disk control panel to make startup selection easy).

I thought that with multiple partitions, even though you set a particular
partition as startup using the Control Panel, the Mac will ALWAYS boot from
the first (alphabetically) partition.

Vincent Cayenne

The Mac, truly, rules.
Any developer that says otherwise has forgotten what it means to love
(Cabel Sasser)


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:45:51 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: ATI graphics accellerator

>In the extensions folder I found three extensions from ATI (Graphics
>Accelerator, 3D  Accelerator and Video Memory Manager). It is not clear to
>me if these extension works with the PMac G3 normal video setup or just
>with a PCI video card from ATI.

Yes, they are for the G3's onboard video, and newer drivers are available 
at the ATI web site. The ATI universal installer gave me six new 
extensions; I haven't a clue how many are actually needed, but all were 
newer than the ones shipped with my 2-month-old G3 MT. (I have the 
sound-only personality card, no AV.)

You may also find a set of AppleIX3D drivers in your extensions folder; 
these are apparently for an optional IXMicro video card of some sort. I 
removed mine with no consequence.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 10:59:37 -0700 (MST)
From: Neil Fiertel <>
Subject: CD-R as the medium of choice

	I entirely agree with Abrody regarding removable magnetic media...
I just suffered through three months of solving a jaz drive/disk problem
with nada help from Iomega...they are the worst for service in my
experience, bar none. I also have a CD-R...actually a CD-RW  burner, a La
Cie but find that the RW is not worth the extra expense and slowness. The
CD-R gives me a wonderful sense of universality and stability. I find that
certain brands work better than others in that those that are highly
filtered with very dark blue coloured filters do not work on all older
CdRoms players but that essentially all others are A -OK and cheap...really
cheap and easy to make. I have had one failure in all that I have
made...four dozen so far and that one does well as coaster so all is not
lost... I use the ISO  9660 so that anyone on any machine can read data
files. It might seem like I am hedging my bets on the use of Mac format and
it is true. One never does know the marketplace in spite of the heady
success of Mac platforms this year. Using dual formatting is another
possibility but it takes up space. I can live with short file names... My
recommmendation is the same as Mr. Brody...back up with a CD-R and save
anything that matters on them. Use the hard drive when speed counts but
keep anything that matters on plastic. Oh yes, about hard drives. I have
had them fail very badly but generally there is some warning...Strange
sounds and smells...erratic performance. This is seldom true of a zip or
jaz which suddenly is unreadable. I wonder about the ORB. Will Castlewood
be somewhat more generous with technical help and backing when they hit the
shelves?  That may be a nice breakthrough technology coming our
and cheap also. We shall see.

abrody wrote the following;
Dear Digest readers,
With removable storage raiding the market of computer peripherals at light
it might seem like the time to get a removable drive of some sort.
Unfortunately most of these drives rely on outdated magnetic media.   All
magnetic media have the same problems:

"Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole"

		Professor Neil Fiertel
		Department of Art and Design
		University of Alberta
		Edmonton, Alberta
		Canada T6G-2C9


Date: 29 Oct 1998 02:06:33 GMT
From: Matt Minser <>
Subject: Digital Camera Wanted

Hi, I am looking for a digital camera for my web page class.

It only needs to have 3 things:

1. It needs to be color
2. It needs to work with a mac
3. The price needs to be no higher than $70 + shipping


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:46:55 -0600
From: Cliff Crouch <>
Subject: eMate styli (styluses)?

Might anyone have any suggestions on how I might go about locating an Apple
eMate 300 stylus (or more than one, even)? Can these still be purchased
from Apple somehow? I tried the Apple Store online and was rather brusquely
informed that they sold only new hardware there.

With thanks,
Clifford Crouch

<> (home)
<> (office)

"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way."
     (Juan Ramon Jimenez)


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:07:43 -0500
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: Help

> Another option is to pick up a copy of any major ISP's trialware (i.e.
> Earthlink) to get a look at what they are using.

I hope this isn't unethical or anything but=8A
Each of the major national ISPs such as EarthLink, Netcom or MindSpring has
what amount to full tutorials and trouble-shooting guides in the support
areas of their sites. I'm not suggesting you copy their literature but you
can glean what's applicable to your service offering maybe?

Backup not found: I might as well kill myself now...


Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 01:53:37 -0700
From: Joey Maggard <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #197

> "J. Rahmandar" <> said:
> >Here's my problem (I submitted this question before): My PowerPC with
> >OS8 has both AOL and PPP accounts.
> >If TCP/IP is set to use PPP and I then launch AOL, the AOL application
> >then said AOL Link is not loaded, please set TCP/IP to AOL Link and
> >restart. The reeverse also happen if I launch PPP dialer and my TCP/IP
> >happen to be set for AOL Link. This of course is a pain since I have to
> >always check TCP/IP control panel first before launching any of the
> >corresponding application.  Anybody know what I am doing wrong here, or
> >is this a MacOS weakness?

I used to have this problem constantly. The only way I was able to use
both is to
change my AOL service to connect via ISP. I then re-installed AOL3.0 and followed
the prompts for not using their dial-up access. This not only made the
problem go
away, but AOL seems to run faster and I save twelve bucks a month, too.
So, unless
you have to use AOL link dial-up for some reason, switch. I still use
AOL for all my
kids so I can use the Parental Controls and it works great.

Hope this helps,

Joey Maggard


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:13:32 -0500
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: NN - IE4

> make a copy of the bookmarks file
> {Bookmarks.html} from Netscape which is in the Preferences folder
> and change its name to Favorites.html and put that file in the Explorer
> in the Preferences folder.
> If you want you can sync them by making one an alias of the other

That was brilliant! Maybe everyone's seen this tip before and is already
doing it, but it made me feel bloody silly to not have thought of it before.


"Crumpled bits of paper filled with imperfect thoughts"

Vincent Cayenne


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:30:37 -0600
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: OS 8.5 (C)

To make 8.5 matters worse, it apparently doesn't handle FreePPP correctly,
either.  That leaves us stuck with OT/PPP, using Apple's opaque modem
scripts, which don't work for my USR56kx2v90, resulting in dropped or
simply failed connections.

Some really snazzy Disneyland desktop patterns, though.  And if I could
hold an Internet connection, Sherlock would probably work like gangbusters
on my G3.  I wonder if anyone at Apple ever tries to perform constructive
office modem work with their system software?

Out $99+tax,

Ted Logan

> I *finally* got an update to Virex (5.9) with virus definitions more
> recent than August 1. Whoopie.
> I and my secretary are registered owners of Virex 5.8, but we sure have
> not heard anything from NAI (the new Virex owner) about the upgrade.
> Our university (Virginia Tech) got a site license for Virex this year.
> I've been chatting with the comp center contact about the apparent
> silliness of having a site license for a virus product that hasn't
> seen a new "defs" file in three months. That period encompasses one
> new true virus and gawd alone knows how many Microsoft Word macro
> viri.
> He sort of got me off his back today by pointing me to the URL for
> the new Virex 5.9 (No, don't ask if you don't have a address).
> Then he told me that no existing virus program works worth naughtyword
> under System 8.5. Including today's Virex 5.9.
> Hoo boy! I had already checked with the vendors of my various external
> drive formatters/drivers. As usual Iomega was useless. Why, oh why,
> did I think ZIPs were a good idea for my machines? LaCie and VST, on
> the other hand, responded promptly. Both suggested I hold off installing
> OS/8.5 on anything I am fond of.
> Sort of dampens my enthusiasm for the 8.5 upgrade.
> Al Bloom


Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 10:01:00 +1100
From: T&B <>
Subject: outlook express

This is a known limitation and bug with Outlook Express. It does not handle MIME digests well, appending them as one long message which trucates if a particular series of "----" is encountered (or something like that).

Eudora and Mulberry handle MIME digests quite well.

There is a web page comparing various Mac email clients in detail at:


 ---- in reply to:
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:09 PM +0800
Subject: outlook express
From: yickming wong <>


i am not receiving the digests correctly. they arrive as a truncated message
with an attachment.



Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:10:36 +0000
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Trash warning persists! (A) wrote:

> Perhaps someone out there can help. I have been unable to stop the warning
> window which appears when you try to empty trash. Despite unchecking the
> "Warn before emptying" box in Trash information, the window reappears if
> the machine has been restarted or shut down. I have zapped P-ram, rebuilt
> desktop - even reloaded OS 8.1 from scratch - still won't remember my wish
> to skip the warning. I'm running 8.1 (not HFS+) on a 6500/225 PowerPC.

Did you notice that other settings may not be kept, such as the date and
time information? This would be an indication that the battery inside
your computer which keeps your settings remembered is down and needs to
be replaced.

Good luck, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 491 0877
Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>



End of Info-Mac Digest