Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #51
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 03 Mar 98       Volume 16 : Issue 51

Today's Topics:

      [*] Arithmeticus
      [*] BeBreak 1.5.2; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme 
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2 updater
      [*] CMScript 1.0.5 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] Coco
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.2 - Enhance the OS 8 Finder
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] daria-icons.hqx
      [*] Dracula's Castle v2.3
      [*] FruitSalad for Kaleidoscope
      [*] GameMaker Lite v1.1
      [*] GBox KSA
      [*] GopherGolf v309
      [*] HelpLess-1.1.1
      [*] ikinethusians1.1 (for use with Kineticon)
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8.sit.hqx
      [*] Mighty Mite font 1.0 - from Weedhopper Press
      [*] Moaning Monica v1.01
      [*] Newton book    
      [*] Newton English-Chinese Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese-English Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese-German Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese/Chinese Font
      [*] Newton Multilingual Dictionary Engine
      [*] PictDoubler (pdf files to save the newton)
      [*] PlastFEM D-1.2 - Finite Element Program (German Version)
      [*] qsdx_v1.04_upgrade
      [*] quickshot_dx_v1.04.sit
      [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.0
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.2 - Live Scrolling and Proportional Scrollbars!
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] TEXT-Konverter [de].sit
      [*] The Fantastic War
      (Q) Inserting graphics into Word 6.0
      [A] AppleTalk like FTP (Q)
      [A] Deskjet & modem question
      [A] Eudora Filter Problem - Repost
      [A] Mpeg Player
      [A] Screen capture just one step further
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #50
      MacOS 8.1 Problem
      new mouse for an old mac
      Strange file-renaming glitch

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Arithmeticus

Clever's Arithmeticus

Clever's Arithmeticus ist ein Kopfrechnungsprogramm f=FCr den Schulunterrich=
und zuhause. Clever's Arithmeticus ist f=FCr Sch=FCler vom 6. bis 15.
Altersjahr entwickelt worden und erlaubt eine vielseitige Gestaltung des
Das Kopfrechnen kann im Bereich der arithmetischen Grundoperationen
inklusive Klammern und negativer Zahlen gezielt ge=FCbt werden. Die
Schwierigkeitsstufen k=F6nnen selbst definiert werden. Zuf=E4llig generierte
Rechenaufgaben und Arbeitsbl=E4tter werden auf Menubefehl erstellt.
Verschiedene aussagekr=E4ftige Kriterien stehen f=FCr Auswertungen zur
Verf=FCgung. Spezielle Lernhilfen wie Zahlenreihen unterst=FCtzen das Lernen=
Clever's Arithmeticus ist zusammen mit Lehrern entwickelt worden und wird
im Schulunterricht erfolgreich eingesetzt.

Bitte benutzen Sie das Bestellformular.

Clever's Arithmeticus ist f=FCr MacOS ab System 7, Windows NT und Windows 95



DELTA Engineering, M.Helbling, Z=FCrich, besitzt alle Rechte an Clever's
Arithmeticus und an seiner Dokumentation.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/arithmeticus.hqx; 1777K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:41 -0700
Subject: [*] BeBreak 1.5.2; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme 

A submission for the Macintosch software-archive.
BeBreak 1.5.2 is an Color Scheme for the Kaleidoscope (interface) Control
Included: 1 desktoptexture, 1 desktoppicture.
This is a replacement for BeBreak 1.1

Viruschecked with Disinfectant 3.7.1

Ren=E9 van den Berg.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/bebreak-152.hqx; 162K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2

Bubblomania is a fast arcade/action game with subtle gameplay. The player
has to move a pin on top of the screen to catch the colorful bubbles,
which are rising faster and faster. There are lots of different bubbles.
Some of them are containing bonus points, lasers, bombs, or other stuff.
And offcourse there are killer bubbles to make your life miserable! To
obtain a highscore, you need to discover some tricks and secrets. But most
important: be concentrated and keep cool!

Bubblomania is US$10 shareware. It's available from the Bubblomania
Homepage and all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

System requirements: Any MacOS compatible computer with a PowerPC
processor running System 7.0 or later, and a color monitor with at least a
640*480 resolution at 8 bits.


- Extra bubbles and backgrounds can be added as separate files, which are
available from my homepage.
- Support for the Bubblomania Topscore Contest : more info below...
- Extreme Action Mode option : an easy way of cheating. Combined with the
'Difficult game', 'Always shaking' and 'Fast as lightning' options, this
game will blow your mind!
- The maximum framerate is set to 32 frames per second, to give everybody
a fair chance at the contest.
- The score limit in the unregistered version is removed, so people can
practice the complete game...

What's new in Bubblomania 1.5.2?

- The game asks if it's allowed to change the screendepth on first launch
- It's now playable on a Powerbook 2300
- A few not so obvious corrections...

The Bubblomania Topscore Contest

Registered users of Bubblomania can enter this contest. The winner will
receive a special prize: a lifetime of free registration codes for all the
games I will ever make!!! Places 2 through 5 will receive a free
registration of my upcoming game, Enigmatic Movements! Entries are valid
until March 31, 1998. The current topscores can be seen at my homepage...


Bubblomania 1.5.2 is now available for download at
<>, and very soon on all major
[Archived as /info-mac/game/bubblomania-152.hqx; 921K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2 updater

Bubblomania is a fast arcade/action game with subtle gameplay. The player
has to move a pin on top of the screen to catch the colorful bubbles,
which are rising faster and faster. There are lots of different bubbles.
Some of them are containing bonus points, lasers, bombs, or other stuff.
And offcourse there are killer bubbles to make your life miserable! To
obtain a highscore, you need to discover some tricks and secrets. But most
important: be concentrated and keep cool!

Bubblomania is US$10 shareware. It's available from the Bubblomania
Homepage and all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

What's new in Bubblomania 1.5.2?

- The game asks if it's allowed to change the screendepth on first launch
- It's now playable on a Powerbook 2300
- A few not so obvious corrections...

Requirements :
- This updater requires Bubblomania version 1.5.1

Contact information:

Jochen De Schepper <>
Support & Press Contact <>
World Wide Web <>

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bubblomania-152-up.hqx; 109K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:33 -0700
Subject: [*] CMScript 1.0.5 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu

CMScript is a plugin for the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu that makes
AppleScripts available from the Contextual Menu.

This version fixes a bug in the handling of 'obj ' contexts and memory
handling is slightly improved.

Michael Schuerig

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/cm-script-105.hqx; 81K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:43 -0700
Subject: [*] Coco


CoCo Version 1.0.2 (Feb 26 =B498)

- Fixing colors of pop up window=B4s tabs
- Give buttons of list window a better look



click -

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/coco.hqx; 48K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:36 -0700
Subject: [*] CoolViews 1.0.2 - Enhance the OS 8 Finder


CoolViews is a utility that adds functionality and visual enhancements to
the MacOS 8 Finder. With CoolViews installed, you can get rid of shaded
sort columns and row separators in the Finder's windows, resize the
columns in Finder list views, set global list view preferences, override
the date and time formatting used by the Finder, and even enable "secret"


Every preference in CoolViews is customizable. You can use as much or as
little of its functionality as you need: from the simplest enhancement to
a complete overhaul of the Finder's windows. If you want to shorten the
date used in Finder list views, decrease the column widths, and eliminate
the lines separating rows, you can do that. If you want to completely
override folder-specific list view preferences, use funky background
colors in your windows, and add columns showing the creator and type of
every file, you can do that too!

Versions of CoolViews are available for both PowerMacs and 680x0 Macs,
and in Japanese as well as English. CoolViews is compatible with MacOS
8.1 and works with other appearance-modifying utilities like Kaleidoscope.


Version 1.0.2 is a minor bug fix release. We recommend that all CoolViews
users upgrade to version 1.0.2, especially those using 680x0 Macs.
Details are available in the manual and on our web site.


Quadratic has produced several shareware and freeware titles for the
Macintosh, including the popular cursor-focusing utility "Sloop". For
more information about Quadratic Software or its products, visit the
Quadratic web site at <> or send email to

This is the English version of CoolViews. Other versions are also

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/coolviews-102.hqx; 584K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:34 -0700
Subject: [*] CoolViews 1.0.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the CoolViews package. review by John Farr: "If you have System 8, you need this,
or something like it. CoolViews does a thorough job and does it amazingly

MacAddict: Shareware Pick of the Week.

MacWorld: "File of the Day"

CNET's DOWNLOAD.COM: "new software you can't live without"


CoolViews is a utility that adds functionality and visual enhancements to
the MacOS 8 Finder. With CoolViews installed, you can get rid of shaded
sort columns and row separators in the Finder's windows, resize the
columns in Finder list views, set global list view preferences, override
the date and time formatting used by the Finder, and even enable "secret"


Every preference in CoolViews is customizable. You can use as much or as
 little of its functionality as you need: from the simplest enhancement to
a complete overhaul of the Finder's windows. If you want to shorten the
date used in Finder list views, decrease the column widths, and eliminate
the lines separating rows, you can do that. If you want to completely
override folder-specific list view preferences, use funky background
colors in your windows, and add columns showing the creator and type of
every file, you can do that too!

Versions of CoolViews are available for both PowerMacs and 680x0 Macs,  and
in Japanese as well as English. CoolViews is compatible with MacOS  8.1 and
works with other appearance-modifying utilities like Kaleidoscope.


CoolViews 1.0.2 is a minor bug-fix release. Version 1.0.2 fixes some
compatibility issues that could prevent the extension from loading on 680x0
Macs running MacOS 8.1. It fixes a problem in which some preferences would
not be applied to the trash folder.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/coolviews-102-jp.hqx; 575K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:47 -0700
Subject: [*] daria-icons.hqx

daria icon pack, version 1 by jane dominguez.
this file contains 28 icons and an icondropper pack. please see the readme
file for more information. feel free to share these icons, but please e-mail
me before including them in collections or modifying them from their icon
format. they must not be sold for any reason or included in or with anything
that will be sold. consider them thank-you ware.
jane dominguez

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/daria-icons-10.hqx; 122K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Dracula's Castle v2.3

Dracula's Castle is a text adventure game. The object of the game is to defeat
the evil vampire, find the treasure that is hidden somewhere on the island,
and leave the island with the treasure. Input commands to move around the
island and search for items that may help you.

This is a well put together text adventure game which took a long time to
develop and debug. If you like text adventures, then please try this one.

Shareware fee: $5

-More time added.
-Fix a window refresh problem if "NEW GAME" was typed in by user.
-Speed up sound slightly because it played slow on some PowerMacs.
-No longer asks if you want to save the game if game has already been saved.
-Recompile using FutureBASIC v2.3 to fix a possible incompatibility with
System 7.6.
-Fix a spelling error and other minor changes.

Al Staffieri Jr.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/draculas-castle-231.hqx; 98K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:44 -0700
Subject: [*] FruitSalad for Kaleidoscope

Please post FruitSalad for Kaleidoscope on the recent additions page.
Thank you, Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/fruitsalad-kaleidoscope.hqx; 964K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:54 -0700
Subject: [*] GameMaker Lite v1.1

GameMaker Lite v1.1
Released: 2/19/98

GameMaker is an easy to use card based development system which allows you to
create simple adventure games with graphics, buttons, and text. There is no
programming or scripting language to learn. Just draw the pictures, type some
text, click a few buttons, choose some options... and an adventure game is
completed! You can even compile your game into a real stand-alone application
that can be uploaded to online services.

Registered users ($10 Shareware fee) will be sent the full version which has
more icons, more cards, more sounds, invisible buttons that can be placed
anywhere in the picture, a status bar option, ability to ask the player a
question, and other improvements.

Minimum: Mac Plus, System 6.05, 1000K of available RAM
Recommended: 68020 or better, System 7.1 or better, 2500K of available RAM,
Color monitor

Al Staffieri Jr.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gm-lite-11.hqx; 222K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:46 -0700
Subject: [*] GBox KSA

GBoxOS for Mac and Kaleidoscope is freeware!
another "easy-on-the-eye Kaleidoscope scheme from Ken Yaecker

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/gbox-ksa.hqx; 298K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:56 -0700
Subject: [*] GopherGolf v309

GopherGolf is the miniature golf game for Macintosh. It's great fun for
all ages. Now you and your family can enjoy the fun of putting through
castles, windmills, pipes and water in the comfort of your own home.
Watch out for that pesky gopher, You never know where he will pop up next.

Play the courses included in this package or create your own courses with
the built in editor. You can also play courses created by other
registered users. There are many additional courses available on our
website at

This version fixes the bugs introduced by OS 8.

Bob Mancarella                             B&B Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gopher-golf-309.hqx; 752K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:37 -0700
Subject: [*] HelpLess-1.1.1

Ever wished you could stop the Apple Guide or other help systems swinging
into action when you hit the 'Help' key by accident instead of the delete
key. Tired of waiting for Apple Guide to start up while your busy trying to
edit a document.

Then HelpLess is what your looking for. It helps prevent accidental hits on
the help key, instead just giving a beep.

When you want help to appear you can just hold down a modifier key and
HelpLess will make it look like you pressed the 'Help' key. A simple
control panel interface lets you turn it's activity on/off, control if a
beeps will sound, and choose which modifier key to use.

Compatible with System 7.0 upwards including MacOS 8.

New in version 1.1.1
Added support for Simple Internet Version Control (SIVC). If you are
connected to the internet SIVC allows you to find out what is the current
version of HelpLess and it also gives Redpoint Software a better idea of
how many people are using this software. For more information on SIVC see
Added the facility to move the Help menu (under MacOS 8) back to where it
was on machines running System 7.x. This is adapted from an extension
written by Leonard Rosenthol at MacHack '97 called TempoHelper.
Added the facility to exclude some applications from the effects of Helpless.
Why? Well maybe you want the help to work in some applications. Or maybe
you have an application that is incompatible with HelpLess and acts funny
if HelpLess is active.

Shareware. $10.
Comment/Queries to

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/helpless-111.hqx; 276K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:48 -0700
Subject: [*] ikinethusians1.1 (for use with Kineticon)

Stop fantasizing about animated desktop icons and experience startling
reality! The ikinethusians1.1 icon set is for use with Kineticon 1.0.1
(available at Info-Mac or from its home page: Simply drop these little packs of
potential motion into the "Kines" folder, open the Kineticon "editor", make
the necessary adjustments, and your desktop is crawling with life! Version 1.1
has only minor changes from the original release (but go on and update!).

Iconus plethoramus and other various Mac stuff is available at my site.

Brian Brasher

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/ikinethusians-11.hqx; 94K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:50 -0700
Subject: [*] MacCDDBv0.8.sit.hqx

MacCDDB is a program that checks an internet server for the tracknames of
the audio CD currently in the computer. The tracknames are saved in a
file, where the Apple CD Audio Player can read them. This saves you from
having to type them in yourself :)

 o System 7 or later
 o OpenTransport
 o CD-ROM drive

Version 0.8 fixes a major bug, where the program would not be able to
update the CD Remote Programs file.


[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/macccdb-08.hqx; 59K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:31:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Mighty Mite font 1.0 - from Weedhopper Press

Mighty Mite is the latest hand-drawn font from Weedhopper Press.  This
spunky font is bold and eccentric, but not overbearing, making it perfect
for advertising or anywhere else that you'd like to catch someone's

Version 1.0 is a preview release; uppercase and lowercase letters only are
included.  This archive contains Macintosh PostScript and TrueType fonts.

If you like Mighty Mite, visit the Weedhopper Press website for fonts and
other cool stuff:

[Archived as /info-mac/font/mighty-mite-10.hqx; 112K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Moaning Monica v1.01

A computer game that hits below the Beltway. Bitten by a radioactive
vacuum cleaner as a child, you were given the super power of super
suction. Hiding your power from the world, you semi-matured and went to
Washington DC where you wound up being a White House intern. But just
your luck: disaster strikes! The President has been bitten right on the
POTUS by a poisonous snake and it's up to you to save him. Can you evade
the Starr Police, the double moled Tripp Troll, and loose-lipped Secret
Service agents, to get to the President and suck the poison out in time?

v1.0.1 repairs a bug that closed and opened the game window when New
Game was selected.

Macintosh: Macintosh, PowerMacintosh, Macintosh-compatible, or
PowerMacintosh-compatible computer, running System 7, or greater, with
640 x 480 color monitor.

Windows: IBM-PC or IBM-PC compatible, running Windows or Windows95, with
640 x 480 color monitor, and the ARDI Executor Macintosh emulator,
available from:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/moaning-monica-v101.hqx; 362K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:24 -0700
From: Patrick.Berry,
Subject: [*] Newton book    

A Newton book that contains numerous saying from Boomhauer, a character on
the television show King of the Hill.  Complete and utter freeware.

Patrick Berry

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/boom-hauer-sayings.hqx; 14K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton English-Chinese Dictionary

ECDict is a English-Chinese dictionary module for CLex.

You will be needing:

A Newton with NOS2.0 or later.
At least a set of Chinese font in unicode format.

CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine.
Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a
built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later
peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply
place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also
included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time.
You can get the engine on my homepage or from Info-Mac.


Joseph Chen

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/ecdict.hqx; 160K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton Japanese-English Dictionary

JEDict is a Japanese-English dictionary (EDICT) module for CLex. The
dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-English dictionary. You should follow
the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception
is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'.


A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese font in unicode
format. You can find one on my homepage or on Info-Mac -- Freeware.)

CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine.
Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a
built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later
peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply
place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also
included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time.
You can get the engine on my homepage or from Info-Mac.


Joseph Chen

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/edict.hqx; 2790K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton Japanese-German Dictionary

JDDict is a Japanese-German dictionary module for CLex. I ported the freely
available data to Newton. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-German
dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up
Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with
corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'.


A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese/Chinese font in
unicode format. You can find one on my homepage or on Info-Mac -- Freeware.)

CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine.
Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a
built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later
peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply
place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also
included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time.
You can get the engine on my homepage or from Info-Mac.


Joseph Chen

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/jd-dict.hqx; 522K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton Japanese/Chinese Font

UniTaipeiX is a port of freeware X Window fonts to Newton platform. This font
include all the Big-5 characters (well, I hope) and all characters in
JISX0208.1983 and Cyrillic characters. The fonts are down-sampled to 12 point,
so that it can be kept as small as possible. UniTaipeiX patches the system
font so that (hopefully) you can also use other languages in the built-in

Several bugs were fixed, please replace the old UniTapeiX font.

UniTaipeiX is freeware, enjoy!

Joseph C.H. Chen

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/unitaipeix-font.hqx; 417K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Newton Multilingual Dictionary Engine

CLex is a multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese
and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new
word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by
selecting the word or simply place the cursor under the word you want to look
up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex
almost everywhere at any time.

CLex is shareware.



[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/clex.hqx; 34K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:30 -0700
Subject: [*] PictDoubler (pdf files to save the newton)

	More freeware to "save the newton".
	This can prepare high res typeset pict files for my BanzaiReader on
newton, in particular pdf files.
	Select Print2Pict in chooser and printout your typeset document.
	Click on this application and the pictframes of print2pict output
pict files will double in size in new files with oldfilename plus ".picdbl"
suffix. Then you can drag these new pict files into newton press to
rasterize at double resolution. This doubling is a good rule to observe
without the jaggies on the newton. I had to do some elaborate stuff with
clarisdraw to prepare picts before.
	Jennifer Deason had inspired this :
	the main thing I was wondering is if you have given any thought to
developing a .PDF viewer? I have contacted adobe about possible Newton
projects, and they said they have no current plans to support the Newton. I
recieve a lot of .PDF files and skip/browse then because they are
troublesome to read on my Mac. But if I could read .PDFs on my Newton I
have plenty of time during my morning commute to thoughly read them. Have
you contacted Adobe or considered this anvenue of development?

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/pict-doubler.hqx; 4K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:22 -0700
Subject: [*] PlastFEM D-1.2 - Finite Element Program (German Version)

PlastFEM D-1.2 is the German version of PlastFEM 1.2.
PlastFEM is an easy to use finite element program. It is
especially useful for learning, but not limited in the size
of the problems that can be dealt with. It can solve
elasto-plastic behaviour of material in a plane stress state.
It features a mesh generator and graphical post-processing.
It is available in English, too.

Minimum requirements: 68020 processor and System 7.0

Special versions for coprocessor and PPC are available.

Please read the Read Me file included or look at

for improvements over the previous versions and for additional

Dirk Froehling         

| Dirk Froehling - Germany, Uni Dortmund, FB Maschinenbau, LS Mechanik |
|                                  |

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/plastfem-12-de.hqx; 1239K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:58 -0700
Subject: [*] qsdx_v1.04_upgrade

QuickShot Deluxe v1.04 upgrade

This download contains the necessary files to upgrade an existing
QuickShot Deluxe version to version 1.04.  Requires QuickShot Deluxe
v1.00, 1.01, 1.02, or 1.03.

Version 1.04 fixes a bug which could cause the screen to freeze when
attempting to load a level, particularly when using System 8.1.

Jim Plamondon
191 W. Langston St.
Upland, CA 91786

[Archived as /info-mac/game/qsdx-104-upgrade.hqx; 1119K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:59 -0700
Subject: [*] quickshot_dx_v1.04.sit

QuickShot Deluxe v1.04

System Requirements-
System 7 or later. 68040 or PowerPC CPU. Minimum 8MB RAM. 4.5 MB Free Ram
for 8 bit graphics(256 colors). 6 MB Free Ram for 16 bit
graphics(Thousands of colors). 13"(640x480) Monitor with support for at
least 256 Colors. 15 MB Hard Drive Space. QuickTime version 2.0 or later.
Sound Manager version 3.0 or later.

What's new-
Version 1.04 fixes a bug which could cause the screen to freeze when
attempting to load a level, particularly when using System 8.1.

QuickShot Deluxe Description-
QuickShot Deluxe is the ultimate shooting game for the Macintosh.
QuickShot Deluxe transports you to a variety of locations where you must
use your quick reactions and careful eye to survive.  QuickShot Deluxe's
graphics are created from digitized video.  QuickShot Deluxe features
eighty levels of play which gradually increase in difficulty.

Jim Plamondon
191 W. Langston St.
Upland, CA 91786

[Archived as /info-mac/game/quickshot-deluxe-104.hqx; 12157K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:31:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.0

Sim Cinema Deluxe is a simulation of the filmmaking process. In the game,
you play a producer who owns a small production company. Your company
must make many films to gain notoriety and respect from Hollywood and
distributors. When making films, the game takes you through all levels of
development. From cast and crew selection, to advertising, to determining
the best time of the year to release your film. After release, not only
will you have to worry about advertising, but also what film critics will
say about your film. All of these things and more decide the box office
performance of your film, which you'll follow as the weeks go by. Sim
Cinema Deluxe also features an in-game cast and crew editor.

System Requirements:

PPC or 68k Macintosh
System 7.0.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.0 or later
2 MB of RAM
256 color monitor

For more info on this program please visit my homepage.

Shannon Schroeder

[Archived as /info-mac/game/sim-cinemadx-20.hqx; 885K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Smart Scroll 3.2 - Live Scrolling and Proportional Scrollbars!

Smart Scroll: Proportional Tabs and Active Scrolling
3.2, 98-02-24

Smart Scroll brings 2 Rhapsody features to Mac OS:

PROPORTIONAL scroll bar thumbs show how much of a
 document is displayed in a window:
 If a window is displaying half of a document,
 the thumb will be half the scroll bar size.
 This lets you know at a glance how much of the document
 is left outside the window, without having to scroll!

LIVE SCROLLING scrolls the contents of the window while
 you drag the scroll thumb. Just release the thumb when you
 see the part of the document you want: no more guessing
 where you'll end up!

v3.2 adds support Mac OS 8.1, as well as for Quark XPress, Adobe
Photoshop, Claris Organizer, and a number of applications built using
Metrowerks's PowerPlant. It also fixes scrolling in Netscape Navigator
and Communicator, is compatible with Appearance 1.0.2 and DoubleScroll
2.2, and has many other improvements.
Shareware $12. Requires System 7.x or Mac OS 8.x, color capable computer.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-scroll-32.hqx; 192K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Smart Scroll 3.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SmartScroll package.

Smart Scroll brings two features of Apple's advanced Rhapsody operating
system to today's Mac OS users.

Smart Scroll enhances regular scroll bars so they show how much of a
document is displayed in a window. The indicator thumb in scroll bars
becomes proportional: If a window is displaying half of a document, the
thumb will be half the scrollbar size. One glance tells you a lot more
about a document, without having to scroll. As seen on Sun, SGI, HP, NeXT,
now available for Macs!

This gives you an idea of how large the document is, without having to
scroll the window to find out. Try it for yourself, it speeds browsing the
Net or going through your email, for example.

Smart Scroll also adds Live Scrolling, which updates the display as you
drag the scrollbar thumb. Just release the thumb when you see the part of
the document you want: no more guessing where you'll end up!

All scrollbars benefit from these improvements, even those hidden in Open
and Save dialogs. After a few days of Smart Scroll, going back to regular
scroll feels like something is missing!

Smart Scroll communicates with Kaleidoscope so scrollbars using the new
color schemes can be proportional and have active scrolling! Smart Scroll
is also designed to cooperate with DoubleScroll 2.1.2 and 2.2 by Ed Voas.

This control panel works on all Mac OS computers running System 7.x or Mac
OS 8.x (color required).

New in version 3.2:

*Support for Mac OS 8.1
*Supports Appearance 1.0.2
*Significant improvement in ability to remember proportion info: click to
make X go away, proportions are now remembered for more apps.
*Compatible with the latest DoubleScroll (2.2 preview 6)
*Fixed (with help from Jim Stoneburner) a bug that would crash
Communicator's preferences window on some systems.
*Fixed thumb tracking bug in Netscape and apps using PowerPlant
*Added support for Quark XPress (tested with 4.0 and 3.32). Tip: Turn off
XPress's own live scrolling, hold down the Option key and drag window
contents instead of using scrollbars.
*Added support for Claris Organizer 2 (tested with 2.01)
*Most apps which have their own implementation of Live Scrolling do not
have to be Excluded anymore.
*Holding down Option key allows adding any file to the Exclusions list.
*Misc. changes and fixes

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-scroll-32-jp.hqx; 163K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:19 -0700
Subject: [*] TEXT-Konverter [de].sit

These are GERMAN applications!
In diesem Paket sind vier Textkonverter enthalten:
- Mac2Win
Konvertiert Texte von Macintosh zu Windows.
- Win2Mac
Konvertiert Texte von Windows zu Macintosh.
- Mac2DOS
Konvertiert Texte von Macintosh zu DOS (unterstuetzt die Codepages:
- DOS2Mac
Konvertiert Texte von DOS zu Macintosh (Codepages wie bei Mac2DOS).

Alle Programme:

Version 0.5
C 1995-98 Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Frank Olschewski

[Archived as /info-mac/text/text-konverter-de.hqx; 297K]


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:31:02 -0700
Subject: [*] The Fantastic War

The Fantastic War is a highly detailed strategic war simulation based in a
fantasy setting. Control your armies, ships, magicians, leaders, heroes and
monsters as you conquer the world. The Fantastic War has a unique economic
system which allows you to slip by traditional economic systems and manage
your supply lines in a far more enjoyable game-like, puzzle solving manner.
It brings new meaning to the phrase "Where there's a will, there's a way".
You also have to take into account reconnaissance, Zones of Control,
Neutral Units, Experience and Heirs for your leaders, invasions by air and
sea. All of this made possible by the Fantastic War's unique strategic

System Requirments:
Macintosh w/ 68030 or better. 640x480 256 color monitor. PowerPC native and
highly recommended for Computer Opponents


Kevin Quigley
Peace, Love and World Groovyness Software Ink

[Archived as /info-mac/game/the-fantastic-war.hqx; 2491K]


Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 14:41:04 -0500
From: Katherine Gable <>

	I'm wondering if there is any .avi to quicktime converter?? I've
tried searching the net for it but cannot find it and can anyone point me
the way? I've tried Maczilla plugin but i would have to open the file in
order to see it, i d like to see it directly on the browser like a
quicktime movie instead of going into the finder and search for it then
open it.

Katherine Gable


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 11:38:41 -0800
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Inserting graphics into Word 6.0

I wish to insert graphics into a Word 6.0 document generated by someone
else and mailed to me.

1) I have a true Postscript file. I know I can convert it into a PICT file,
but then it prints out with a choppy (low resolution) look. What is a
practical, relatively low-cost way to convert the ps file into an eps file,
which should print out with smooth lines?

2) Another file appears to be an eps file. It has EPSF in some header line.
But Word doesn't recognize it as a file type it could import. Since Word
should be able to read an eps file, what can I do to make the file
readable? I already tried setting the file type to EPSF, but that didn't
seem to help.

Thanks for whatever advice can be provided.

Mark Allen


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:49:08 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] AppleTalk like FTP (Q)

>Or is there a way to setup connecting a PPP connection using AppleTalk to
>an internet provider that would essentially do the same thing?
ARA 3.0 supports PPP, but not sure if that will do what you need. AppleTalk
connections will still need to be into an AppleTalk network.



Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:16:31 -0800
From: "Sandor W. Sklar" <>
Subject: [A] Deskjet & modem question

I have a similar situation with my pb3400... at work, I use OT's TCP to
connect via Ethernet to the Internet, and use EtherTalk to connect to the
network printers (which requires appletalk to be on).  At home, I use OT
PPP and the internal modem to connect to the Net.

I use OS8.1's location manager to switch network settings, but the LM does
not enable the switching of AppleTalk off and on.  So what I have done is
to create an AppleTalk configuration using the Remote Only extension (found
in the OT 1.2 installed "extra" files folder).  This way, I can switch
AppleTalk configs, freeing up the port that I don't need.

To make a long story short, if you install the "remote only" extension and
use the AppleTalk CP to use "remote only", I think that you will be able to
always leave AppleTalk on, and be able to print at the same time and
connect through your internal modem without switching anything.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.


>> I have a powerbook that naturally has a printer/modem port, as well as an
>> internal modem. To print to my DeskJet 870, AppleTalk needs to be off. To
>> connect to my ISP, AppleTalk needs to be on. Is there a utility available
>> that will allow me to do both tasks without having to constantly do the
>> On/Off tango?


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:45:50 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Eudora Filter Problem - Repost

>I find that messages from one or two sources consistently resist filtering.
>The approximately 65 other filters that I have set up work flawlessly. I
>have tried several versions of filter for the offending messages but none
Couple of questions:
1) Will they filter manually?
2) Tried the free upgrade to 3.1.1? Email me if you can't find it and I
will forward.

I have noticed that you cannot have two nested mailboxs of the same name
for filtering purposes. E.G. In, Friends:In, Business:In. All filters will
put the messages in In, the first instance it finds. It really doesn't
understand the hierarchy that Eudora allows you to create.

Filters are executed in order, thus if two (or more) filters apply only the
first one encountered will be applied. You can change the order of filters
by drag and drop in the filter window.

If you are willing to share one or more of the offending headers, use
Message->Redirect to send it to me (feel free to remove ALL of the
content). In my experience, redirects filter the same as the original



Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 17:22:02 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: [A] Mpeg Player

>    Is there any application that will play Mpeg movies with sound.  The
>lastest version of Sparkle 245 does not support video and audio.  I have
>, along with Sparkle, Maczilla Player, and Movie Player but cannot get
>either to play an Mpeg video with sound.  Any help or sugfestion here
>would be appreciated. Please EM me at

Dave, your apple movie player will play mpeg's, once you install current
Apple MPEG extension, it is located next to quick time, but not bundled
with it.

There is another problem, however:  although movie player will start
playing your mpeg with sound, on large ones (2Mb or more), it will hang
aproximately 1/10 th into the movie, would not crash, just hang.  If you
ever figure out how to get around the hanging part, let me know, alocating
more memory to movie player does not do it.

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 17:27:49 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: [A] Screen capture just one step further

Susan, QuickKeys from CE Software are tooting their horn that jhey just
added that capability to the QuickKeys software.  Have not tried their
latest venture, but have been a happy user of QuickKeys for a long time,
through several previous jobbs.

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 18:01:47 -0600
From: "James Atkinson" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #50

On 3/2/98 abrody said:

Dear Digest readers,
I am looking for a Eudora compatible POP3/SMTP e-mailer that supports
multiple e-mail usernames and passwords without having to go into the
settings dialog box everytime I want to switch users.   It should be able
to read Eudora folders and files, as well as create ones that Eudora is
capable of reading.  I am using Eudora Pro 2.1.3 and can't upgrade.  I
would prefer it, if it had frames where I could simply switch between
folders and user inboxes.   Cyberdog did it, but then again it doesn't
create Eudora compatible mailboxes, it only can read them.
If at all possible, it should be freeware, and PowerMac native.


Hello again

I don't know of any freeware that does all the things you need, but Claris 
Emailer 2.x should fit the bill pretty nicely.  Since Claris has now 
reorganized as Filemaker, Inc and schlepped Emailer off to Apple (i.e., the 
program appears to be dead) you should be able to come by a copy at a 
bargain price. You might also be interested in looking at the new beta of 
Microsoft's Outlook Express for Macintosh.  A good many of the folks who 
designed Emailer are working on the OE team and the program is starting to 
look promising (although I installed it last week and got my system 
M$-frozen after one spin--it's a beta, after all).

James Atkinson


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 08:47:22 -0800
From: (Eric Schweitzer)
Subject: MacOS 8.1 Problem

I am having a really annoying and odd problem. I am hoping that
some one can offer some assistance in solving this.

I use Netscape Communicator on two computers -- a PowerMac 4400/
200 (16 MB RAM with RAMDoubler 2.02) and a PowerBook 520 which has
been upgraded with a PowerPC 117 MHz processor (16 MB RAM with
RAMDoubler 2.02). Both systems access the internet through OT/PPP
and the same ISP using the same account (not at the same time, of
course). The 4400 uses a Global Village K56Flex external modem and
the PowerBook a Dyna 28.8 Communicard/C (an older PC Card modem).
Communicator 4.03 under MacOS 8 was rock solid on both systems.

Both systems were upgraded to MacOS 8.1 using the free,
downloadable 8.1 update.  After the update, Communicator on both
systems froze when started. After upgrading to Communicator
4.04.1, both systems either crash or freeze after downloading
between 10 and 100 K of data of any web page which contains
frames. Pages without frames seem much better; but I still get
crashes eventually. Downloading a listing of all newgoups (about
800 K) went fine. However, newsgroup postings with graphics also
seem to cause a crash.

I have done everything I can think of, including using only MacOS
8.1 extensions (with RAMDoubler, I can't run Communicator without
it), removing ObjectSupportLib, and increasing Communicator's
memory allocation to 16 MB. Increasing the memory allocation seems
to delay the crashes, but I can't get through two pages without a

As a last resort, I tried using Internet Explorer 3.01 on the
4400. It also freezes after downloading between 10 and 100 K of
data on pages with frames. Increasing IE's memory allocation to 10
MB changed to crashes to a freeze. A force quit then generated a
Type 10 error.

The only things in common are MacOS 8.1, OT/PPP, 16 MB of physical
RAM, RAMDoubler 2.02, and the ISP. I have not seen any posting in
MacFixIt, etc. indicating there is this problem with MacOS 8.1 or
RAMDoubler, but I am seeing it on two very different systems. I'm
out of ideas; anyone have any?


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 22:15:43 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: new mouse for an old mac (Stan Thiemann) asked:

> I have an old Mac Plus with a dead mouse (DB9 plug).  I also have an
> unused ADB mouse from a new mac.  Is there a way to adapt the new mouse to
> the old mac?

The short answer: no.

The longer answer: Not to my knowledge, because the architecture of the
old mouse port is very different from the ADB port. But you could try
to find a "like-new" replacement at one of the used equipment dealers
who regularly advertise in the back pages of Macworld magazine.

Another possible source woud be Mac-Resource
<>, <>, or Small
Dog Electronics, <> or <>.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 15:15:50 -0500
From: Joseph Crowley <jcrowly@MIT.EDU>
Subject: Strange file-renaming glitch

	I'm a computer support specialist for a Mac-only office of about 30
users, and one of our users' Macs has developed very strange (and annoying)
Finder behavior that I've never seen before.
	When she tries to rename a file through the standard procedure of
clicking the file name, waiting for the text to become editable, and
editing it, the text will *stop* being editable very abruptly, while she's
still typing.  I've just been notified of this problem today, and seen it
in action myself; she says it's been happening for the last week or so.
It's very frustrating, and though she can use the work-around of using
"Save As" in each application, it would be nicer to restore normal Finder
functionality.  (She just had 7.6.1 installed a month or so ago.)
	Any help you can provide would be appreciated.



End of Info-Mac Digest