Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #99
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 01 May 98       Volume 16 : Issue 99

Today's Topics:

          Re: Info-Mac Digest V16 #95
      (A)Web-site catalog/search
      [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter
      [A] Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?
      [A] Netscape memory
      [A] RAM questions uncovered 8-)
      [A] Web-site catalog/search
      [Q] Mac/PC memory differences...
      [Q] PB100 power supply...
      A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents
      Copy to Floppy ; help!!
      curse the cursor
      Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?
      Disk Crashes with System 8.1
      Empty Trash Warning
      empty trash warning
      FAQ - removable hard drives
      Faxing to Large Customer D-Base
      Fools and Color
      How to remap a key?
      Info-Mac Data Detector
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #96
      Is PIO mode 3 on a P630 really possible?
      mac & pc networking
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? 
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? (R)
      Microphone problems w/ clone
      Netscape & error type 1 & 2!
      No Desktop-solved
      Only one item can be dragged from FindFile window. Why?
      Powerbook 150
      PowerPrint 2.5.2, DeskJet 5O0, Mac OS 8.1
      Print One
      Q: macrons
      Quicktime 3.0 Pro Changes the Monitors & Sound Control Panel
      Quicktime Movie "Screenshot"
      SCSI interface to Yamaha CDR
      startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac
      Three Questions re 7.6/7.6.1
      Video mirroring question
      video problem
      Web-site catalog/search

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Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 13:11:23 -0400
From: monte ferguson <>


The quickest way to convert an existing document to HTML is to use
Myrmidon. It will also convert supported graphics files, EPS files aren't
supported yet as I recall. Myrmidon acts like a printer choice in the
Chooser and will "print" your file out as a HTML document.

PageMaker 6.5 is supposed to support a similar feature, but I haven't
worked with it.

Your other needs, including publishing your catalog, might also be better
served by Filemaker Pro v4.0. It is set up to publish it's databases for
the Web, assuming your server is running a copy of Filemaker Pro server.

monte ferguson

>Date: Thu, 23 Apr 98 07:45:35 -0400
>From: Kate and/or Jack <>
>Subject: Web-site catalog/search
>We have a small business with a website <> and we
>would like to put up our entire catalog (56 pages) which is currently
>done in PageMaker (5, I think - not my program).
>Is there a quick way to convert from PM to html?
>Does PM do html?
>What is the best way to search a catalog?
>What kind of software do we need to handle credit cards (security, etc)?
>Can someone point me in a direction just to get me started?


Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:14:15 CDT
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject:     Re: Info-Mac Digest V16 #95

> Subject: Office 98 on Slow PowerMac

On a side note here, I have just seen a demo of Office 97 running under
Virtual PC on a 266MHz G3 ( 64M RAM ).  It loaded and ran faster than
on a 233MHz Pentium II ( 64M RAM ).

On this same G3 Office 98 f/ Mac loaded - and opened all modules - in
seven (7) seconds!

Wintel - Eat My Dust!



Date: 23 Apr 98 20:21:03 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A)Web-site catalog/search

>Date: Thu, 23 Apr 98 07:45:35 -0400
>From: Kate and/or Jack <>
>Subject: Web-site catalog/search
>We have a small business with a website <> and we 
>would like to put up our entire catalog (56 pages) which is currently 
>done in PageMaker (5, I think - not my program). 
>Is there a quick way to convert from PM to html?
>Does PM do html?
>What is the best way to search a catalog?
>What kind of software do we need to handle credit cards (security, etc)?
>Can someone point me in a direction just to get me started?

PageMaker (or anything else) can be output to HTML by Terry Morse
Software's "Myrmidon". Demo available at I think
the best way to put a catalog in the web would be with "Filemaker Pro" and
Everyware's "Tango for FileMaker Pro". I think StarNine's web server
"WebStar" (by Chuck Shotton) offers something called SSL, which I think
offers secure access for credit card transactions etc.
I hope that helps some.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 22:23:42 -0500
From: Trevor Zylstra <>
Subject: [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter wrote:

> Hello, I am looking for a good freeware/shareware HD defragmenter.  I 
> dont have enough cash to buy Norton.  So im looking around the net for 
> one.  I couldn't find any and would appreciate any help that people
> can give me.

Well, if you have absolute faith in your backups, you can...

1) Backup your fragmented hard drive
2) Wipe the disk
3) Restore from the backup media

This defragments a hard drive very nicely.  Remember, though, if the
fragmented drive is your startup drive (the one with your System
Folder), that you had better have the backup/restore program on a
bootable disk (this is difficult to cram onto a floppy, so Zip, Jaz,
Syquest, etc. works better).  Also, this is a method without a safety
net, so don't blame me if something goes wrong.

Trevor Zylstra


Date: Fri, 24 Apr 98 13:28:33 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: [A] Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?

>Can everyone help me with e-mailing attached WORD files from my PPC to a 
>Windows environment? I use WORD 5.1a, and have occasion to e-mail files 
>to people who work in the Windows environment. They claim they can read 
>WORD files, altho that's not their primary word processing software. The 
>files I attach, saved in WORD's MS-Dos, Windows 2.0 or RTF formats open 
>up as gibberish. I can solve the problem by cutting and pasting, but it'd 
>be easier if I could simply attach files, none of which are particularly 
>long, by the way.

This is a knotty problem. MacUser did a long and helpful article in their 
February 1997 issue (Hands-on: Foolproof File Enclosures). It's worth 
checking their web site archive and downloading the whole thing for 
reference. If you can't find it, email me and I'll send you a copy at the 
weekend. (It's about half a meg of charts, and telephone charges drop by 
4/5 at the w/e here in the UK)

The symptoms you describe suggest that your Wintel colleagues are using 
dumb e-mail software that cannot recognise the encoding or compression 
scheme that Claris e-mailer is applying.  
I'm a writer, and regularly submit articles to a client who appears to 
use a Windows or Unix file server, though Macs are hooked up to the 

>I use Claris E-Mailer, have the "compress files" box checked and 
>"service default" as encoding method. 
FWIW I found that I got most reliable results by encoding files base-64, 
and sending them uncompressed.
The acid test is to send them 3  SEPARATE e-mails, each with identical 
enclosures, but encoded in each of the three available ways. One should 

I suggest you leave compression switched off by default ( 
Setup>Preferences>Outgoing Messages dialog). Though I'm no expert, I 
believe that most modems do compression in hardware, and pre-compressing 
files will probably NOT reduce the time needed to transmit them, and may 
even increase it.

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 02:42:15 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: [A] Netscape memory


No matter how high you set the memory requirements, Netscape cannot use
more than the physical amount of memory you have (somebody correct me if
I'm wrong).  Therefore, you're actually still using at most 8MB of RAM,
minus whatever other system overhead is required.  My advice would be to
buy some more RAM.  Look at <>, they usually
have some pretty good prices (amazingly cheap compared to some mail order
places).  Don't be put off by their technical listing of all the chips,
call their toll-free number (1-800-808-CHIP) and they can tell you exactly
what chips you need for your machine.


>I recently entered the late 20th century by buying a CD-Rom drive to plug
>into my Performa 475, and downloaded from a cover CD Netscape 3.02. Frankly
>I don't see a huge difference from 2.01 which I was using before, but it is
>causing me memory problems. I upped the minimum size to 8,500 k and the
>preferred to 11,000 k (from 7,000 and 9,000 respectively) but this hasn't
>made much difference and I would welcome views on what I should do.
>Netscape is very slow to fire up and sometimes I get messages saying I am
>running out of memory even when I have only Netscape running. Also Netscape
>sometimes refuses to fetch any Web pages when I am online even though
>Eudora has been working fine. Part of the problem may be that I only have
>8MB of RAM. I would very much welcome your views on whether I should assign
>more memory to Netscape and if so how much, or whether I really need more
>RAM (and if so how much). I also have Netscape 4.03 on disc. Does this have
>any real advantages over 3.02 or would it just exacerbate my memory probs?
>Please reply using words of one syllable or less as I am not remotely
>technically minded.
>Many thanks,
>Michael Rank
>Phone: 0171 254 8168
>40 Northchurch Rd,
>London N1 4EJ



Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:48:12 +1000
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: [A] RAM questions uncovered 8-)

>Dunno if this is the right place to post this but could
>someone explain to me exactly the difference between SIMM's,
>DIMM's,  EDO DIMM's,  and SDRAM??

If you want to know what the acronyms stand for, they are:

SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
EDO  - Enhanced Data Output
SDRAM- Synchronous Dynamic RAM

The first two refer to form factors in which memory is commonly shipped.
Excluding weird proprietary variants (of which there are plenty), the only
types of RAM SIMMs you're likely to encounter in desktop Macs are 30-pin
and 72-pin. 30-pin SIMMs are 8 bits wide, and 72-pin SIMMs are 16 bits wide.

DIMMs look much like SIMMs; a small board with a row of contacts down both
sides of one edge. However, on a SIMM, contacts on opposite sides of the
board are tied together, so effectively there is really only one row of
contacts; on a DIMM, to conserve motherboard space, both rows of contacts
have entirely different functions. AFAIK the only common form factor of
main memory DIMM is 168-pin, 64 bits wide. DIMMs are also used for level 2
cache memory on modern PCs and Macs (but cache DIMMs can't be used as main
memory, and vice versa).

EDO and SDRAM refer to enhanced types of memory chip. EDO RAM has
interesting timing characteristics which allow the host to realize slightly
higher thruput. In order to get any benefit out of EDO, the logic board's
DRAM controller chip needs to understand EDO timing.

SDRAM improves thruput a good deal more than EDO. I seem to recall that one
of the prime motivations for SDRAM to make it into the consumer marketplace
was to eliminate large, power-hungry level 2 cache subsystems from notebook
and palmtop Pentium PCs without sacrificing performance. It works by
synchronizing the refresh process with host CPU memory access. Normal DRAM
is refreshed "in the background" at its own merry pace; if a refresh cycle
has to overlap a CPU fetch or write cycle, the CPU is held up. That doesn't
happen with SDRAM.

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Certified Apple Engineer)


Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:48:57 +1000
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: [A] Web-site catalog/search

>We have a small business with a website <> and we 
>would like to put up our entire catalog (56 pages) which is currently 
>done in PageMaker (5, I think - not my program). 
>Is there a quick way to convert from PM to html?
>Does PM do html?

The easiest way to get the catalog converted into HTML is to use Adobe
PageMill. However, this program does not generate very re-editable HTML,
and it also creates some odd artifacts in the output. I would recommend the
use of Claris HomePage (or should that be FileMaker, Inc. HomePage ? ;-) ,
which is easy to use, and is designed to integrate with FileMaker database
software (server-side as well).

>What is the best way to search a catalog?

I'm giving a generic answer here because there are others reading: It
depends on what you believe people will be searching for. If your products
have detailed descriptions (e.g. one-off antique goods), then a full-text
search is probably best. If you are selling something like integrated
circuits, where a lot of items will mention one or more potential search
terms, but only a few items will contain all required features and no
others, then a parametric or flowcharted search is better. See
<> and go to the Silicon Selector for a good
example of a parametric search.

>What kind of software do we need to handle credit cards (security, etc)?

Secure server software is something you need to request from your provider
(if you're on a virtual domain), or which you need to buy for your server
if everything runs off your own permanent Internet connection.

=== From the IBM ThinkPad of =========================
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards [Team OS/2] <>
Programmer + Hardware Eng     Certified Apple Engineer
Need a programmer?    <>
Embedded systems  -  DOS  -  Win16  -  Win32  -  MacOS
=== (C) Copyright 1998 by Lewin A.R.W. Edwards =======


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:02:45 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: [Q] Mac/PC memory differences...


I'm about to purchase some more memory for a Quadra 840AV.  I've heard from
numerous sources there's no difference in memory for a Mac than for a PC,
as long as the timing, architecture, etc. are all the same.

I have seen (now and during a previous purchase) two separate listings for
memory at The Chip Merchant.  One, for example, is for $50, and the other
is for $66, has 'MAC' in front of the part number, and has '1"' (one and a
double quotation mark) at the end.  I'm assuming this means it's one inch
tall?  Are there space limitations in a Mac so average modules won't work?
I hate to pay one third more for a module just because it has 'MAC' in
front of it if it's the same darn thing.




Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 02:44:48 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: [Q] PB100 power supply...


Can someone please give me the voltage and amp specs on a PowerBook 100
power supply.  Can you also give me a place to buy one?




Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 10:58:33 -0700
From: Roger Stafford <>
Subject: A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents

                                               Tuesday, April 28, 1998

   The excellent anti-virus application, Disinfectant, exhibits a curious
phenomenon with respect to Apple Menu Items' Recent Documents, which seems
worth bringing to the attention of readers of Info-Mac Digest for their
comments, even though it does not appear to possess any threatening aspects
to users.

   After any Disinfectant scan is performed, if a file is encountered with
any one of twenty-three particular names, an icon for that file
mysteriously appears in Recent Documents.  These twenty-three names are all
those whose strings can be formed from the string 'disinfectant' as
contiguous substrings containing either its first or last character -- that
is, any of the strings "d", "di", "dis", "disi", "disin", ...,
"disinfectant", as well as "isinfectant", sinfectant", "infectant", ...,
"ant", "nt", and "t".  Each of them, along with their case changes,
exhibits the property that a file of that name pops up as an alias in
Recent Documents whenever scanned, though only for the first such name
encountered in the alphabetic HFS ordering.  The exceptions are files that
are aliases and the Disinfectant application itself.

   Presumably the Macintosh operating system allows files to be opened in
such a way that they either will or will not be entered into the Recent
Documents list, and Disinfectant obviously uses the latter of these options
for most files opened for scanning.  However, any file with one of the
above twenty-three names is apparently opened in the opposite way.  The
question that comes immediately to mind is why any file with a name related
in this way to Disinfectant's own name should be singled out for such
special treatment.  Is it somehow under suspicion as being a fake version
of Disinfectant?  I have an innocent little file called "Ant" on my hard
disk that always achieves this kind of notoriety after a Disinfectant run.
Does anyone have any theories on the matter?

   This behavior is apparently independent of the particular computer
model, of the operating system, of the version of Disinfectant involved, or
even of which control panels and extensions are enabled, except of course
for the Apple Menu Options control panel which must be active to get
anything entered into Recent Documents.

                                   Roger Stafford


Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 19:51:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Roche <>
Subject: Copy to Floppy ; help!!

Hi again, friends.

I own a Powerbook 1400cs with a swappable floppy/CD-rom drive.  I also have

I need to set up a bootable floppy disk, using the floppy images on my
Norton Utilites CD-rom. So, with CD ROM installed, I copy the disk images
to the hard drive, put the computer to sleep, then insert the floppy drive
in place of the
CD-rom drive.

When I attempt to copy ANY disk images to a blank 1.4 Meg floppy, I
invariably get the message that the disk could not be written to, because a
disk error occured. It asks if I wish to continue, so I click on
"continue". Then, at about the 99% complete mark, after much clattering in
the floppy drive, I get a message that the file "System" couldn't be
written, due to a disk error.


Why does this continue to happen!!!


ps. please do not suggest I boot from the CD-rom... that's not what I
need.. Thank you!


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:39:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: curse the cursor wrote:

>>My pointer has recently begun to disappear on me a lot.
>>I have recently installed
>>SoftWindows 95 5.0
>>GoMac 1.5f1
>>Kaleidescope 1.8.1
>>Stuffit 4.5
>>Netscape Communicator 4.0.5
>>Civilization II
>>Eudora Lite 3.1.3l
>>And it is on MacOS 8.0 with a PowerMac 7200/75.
>>Any idea what may be causing it?
>>Closing and reopenning a few windows seems to bring it back.
>>But it would be nice for it not to happen at all.

Paul Dagleish replied

>I have had the same problem since switching to OS 8.1. It is definately
>related to the cursur being interfered with by heavy interrupt handling
>from the modem PPP connection. I found that to get it to reappear you have
>to change the current application to another which is not always easy with
>no pointer.
>The method that ALWAYS works for me is to move the cursor to the
>top left-hand corner and click just to activate PopChar (thanks
>Gunther...). Of course, for this to work, you have to have PopChar
>installed (does anyone not?).

Yes, using PopChar for this will work, unless you have CursorWrap installed. 
Then, it can be hard to find the correct spot without a cursor showing.

I am puzzled by the statement that it is caused by the PPP connection. I did 
not notice that the complainant said that the cursor disappeared only when 
on-line. I would have suspected that it had to do with the new software.

What are "Civilization" and GoMac? Not knowing what they are, I would 
immediately suspect them. Also, I had some problems with Kaleidescope, 
and stopped using it. Been so long ago that I do not remember what the 
problem was.

Some friends of mine were having the same problem with the 
cursor disappearing, and it turned out to be the animated desktop picture. Do 
not remember the name of the program (might have been "Underware"), but 
if there was no mouse movement for a specified length of time, the 
background became animated and the cursor disappeared. The only way we 
could get it back was to change the current application temporarily, as 
suggested by Paul. And that was not easy with CursorWrap installed.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 10:22:07 -1000
From: (Betty Cesar)
Subject: Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?

Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for Making CD Family Albums?

I have about 1,000 old (circa 1945) 35 mm mounted color slides, plus about
a hundred rolls of later vintage 35 mm B&W and color negatives I would like
to digitally scan, convert to viewable images, and record on CDs to produce

family albums.  Since it would be too costly for me to make prints using
the standard photochemical processing method, I am hoping there is a way I
digitally scan the slides and negatives using some kind of light box or
projector, software like Photoshop or Color It!, and a CD burner with
appropriate software like Twain.

I would appreciate any suggestions from those of you who have done this
successfully.  Recommendations about equipment, software, and practical
'How-To' books covering procedures will be most welcome.  Please contact
me at


Ed Cesar


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 02:29:39 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: Disk Crashes with System 8.1


Are these drives by chance formatted as HFS+?  If they are, Norton won't
fix them, it will really screw them up and make them ask to be initialized.
There's a utility (maybe even from Symantec) to recover drives that have
had this done to them, but I don't recall what it is.  Of course, that may
not even be your problem.

As for Total Recall's DiskEssentials, I'd wait a while (if not forever)
before I tried that.  My experience has been lots of promises, but never
any real results.  I had such a horrible runaround with them at first
(DiskEssentials can't handle a drive partitioned with LaCie's Silverlining)
that I just about completely gave up on it.  It seems to work O.K. on a
regular one-partition Apple-formatted drive, but I've been unsuccessful
running it on any thing else.  Out of the three copies I've purchased, I've
only been able to use one.  On that one machine, it does work better than
their web site, but then that's not hard to accomplish.  I'm just biding my
time to see if they ever release a version that will work for me.




Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:10:47 -0700
From: "Dennis M. Marks" <>
Subject: Empty Trash Warning

I had the same problem of the empty trash warning flag resetting every
time I restarted. The solution was to deleting the finder preferences
file and letting the finder recreate it. You may lose some preferences
that will have to be reset, such and icon alignment.

Dennis M. Marks


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:41:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: empty trash warning

Melanie Jo Watts <> wrote:

>>I like to unclick the warn before emptying box in the get info dialog
>>window for the trash. However, lately on my powerbook 1400 running 
>>system 8.1, I have to unclick this box everytime I boot up. Why is this ?

Christian F Buser <> replied:

>Probably an empty battery problem. Does the PB1400 have an extra battery
>to keep the PRAM, or does it need the Powerbook batteries? Don't know.

Maybe it is a battery problem, but I would have thought that the problem is 
related to the finder preferences, rather than to the PRAM.

Anyway, why bother? Just hold the Option key while emptying trash, and 
there will be no warning. To me, this seems much safer. The warning is a 
reminder that you are about to do something that you might regret (like 
accidentally selecting Empty Trash). If you hold the Option key while 
selecting Empty Trash, chances are that the action was not an accident, so it 
would be okay to empty trash without a warning.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group
Electronic Musical Instrument Technician


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:59:39 -0400
Subject: FAQ - removable hard drives

Dear Info-mac readers,
After reading and responding to numerous removable hard drive questions, I
felt it time to release a FAQ.

Very simply, only one removable technology has any good track record as of
the date of this post.  It is not a Zip, Jaz, or Syquest based technology.
All those Zip, Jaz, and Syquest drives are succeptable to dust entering the
drive or the cartridge, and causing the head to scratch on the platter in
drive making them unusuable.   Also those removable technologies are as
fragile as floppy disks when it comes to heat, moisture and magnetic
fields.  Magnetic fields can originate from stereos, monitors, and any
electronic appliance.   As all these drives use a metal head, the site of
metal striking metal is all it takes to be reminded of what would happen to
your data if that head should land on the cartridge the wrong way.  The
other problem with these disks is that most computer shops using Macs only
use one or another of those technologies, but not all.  This leaves the
buyer of those drives with a non-portable piece of software should their
drive fail, until they can find someone else with the same drive.

The one reliable technology I am referring to is CD-R.   While CDs can get
scratched by hands that are not careful, they can not be scratched by the
drive head reading them, because unlike the other technology, the drive
head is simply a laser scanning the grooves for information.  CDs are not
succeptable to magnetic fields.   They may have trouble with heat, but only
extreme heat (the type necessary to melt the plastic).  CDs can be cleaned
to remove oil and dirt
that gets onto them and be as good as new.  CD-R drives may be more
expensive than the other removables, but the initial investment is well
worth it as now you can get a 650MB disk for only a dollar.  What's more is
CD-R drives make both Mac and PC compatible disks based on the ISO-9660
standard.    Also with the right software you can record multiple sessions
onto the CD until it fills up.  While you can't write over the same track
twice, you can write onto tracks that have not been filled.  The other
advantage about CD-R for those who don't know, it is the technology for
mastering your own CD-ROMs.  CD-ROMs appear to have become the de-facto
standard in the industry for selling software, plus all new computers now
come with drives that can read them.  For archival backup no medium comes
close to the compatibility, or reliability of CD-R.

Tape is the other medium often quoted as best for backup, and while it is
good, it has the problem of magnetic fields, and the fact that a tape
mechanism can break down to the point of actually bending and mutulating
the tape within the cartridge.   That problem is as bad as a head crash, as
once again the data gets lost.  I had this happen at my workplace more than

For daily use of read-write activity I only recommend using regular
non-removable hard disks, like the one that comes with the computer.
If you are truly obsessed with the value of your data, make a hard copy
(i.e. print it out).

For those who have already invested in a removable backup technology that
is not CD-R, I recommend switching soon, as you never know when that
technology might fail.

This FAQ came to being, because many years ago I bought a 270MB Syquest
drive and had the problems with dust mentioned above.  The cartridges never
were able to be recovered.  And the drive became useless.   $600 down the
toilet.  Since then I have gone CD-R all the way.

Hope this helps.



Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 14:42:58 +0000
From: Bruce McCallum <>
Subject: Faxing to Large Customer D-Base

I have close to 900 customers in my  MYOB customer database. I commonly
use MYOB to mail merge with MS-Word 5.0 so I can create personalized
letters. I now would like to fax an announcement to all 900 customers.

Is there a software program that will import information from MS-Word or
MYOB and then connect to the modem and send faxes automatically to a
large customer listing?

Thanks for your help

Bruce McCallum


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 11:33:14 +0100
From: Adrian Umpleby <>
Subject: Fools and Color

Jack Campin wrote:
>> (For the amount of time I need to look at websites written by fools
>> who encode information in colour, I can go use a neighbour's system).

Mark Hurty replied:
> Colour?  How foolish!  Give me the Sistene Chapel in black and white!
> (That damned fool Michaelangelo, who's he think he is anyway?)

Be careful here - this is a very important point concerning user
interface on which the Mac is quite hot (compared to windoze).

I believe Jack used the word 'information' - though, I don't know how
precisely he was intending it. Important *information* should not be
presented in a way which requires colours - and if it is (which is
rather debatable considering some people still have B&W macs) it should
be done with high contrast colours that are not going to cause problems
for colour-blind people.

Concerning the Mac-OS, you will find that it is just as useable in
2-bit black-and-white as in colour - the important info which allows a
user to actually use the computer does not require colour (the 3d
appearance, for example, is not important info). I hope and suggest
that software authors remember this when designing their software.

Having said that, it is quite acceptable to employ colour to *enhance*
an interface (as long as it is not at a great expense of drawing speed
or download time) - Michaelangelo was not designing an object which
exists for physical interaction with an external user, but an object to
be admired precisely for its enhanced presentation - its beauty.

We can admire a colourful, well-presented interface; but I say it again,
if important information is encoded in that colour there may be quite a
number of people (colour-blind or with grey/B&W macs) who cannot use it
as well as otherwise.

  Adrian Umpleby


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 11:06:48 +0100
From: Adrian Umpleby <>
Subject: How to remap a key?

Hi Buzz,

> I am in the UK and I want to be able to use both the UK pound sign and
> the hash mark. I have two keymap options British or US. The British
> one gives a UK pound sign for the <shift-3> key press and the US
> version gives a hash mark for the same <shift-3>.

You don't mention whether you are using an American or British keyboard.

i.e: what does your keyboard say above the 3 and what does it have
just left of the return key?

If I remember correctly (and I don't have my Mac in front of me, but I
am sitting at a Unix workstation with a British layout keyboard), there
is a hash key just left of the return key, right of the ' key.

However, if you have an American layout keyboard (which will have '@'
as shift-2), I believe you can get a pound sign by using option-3. I
stand to be corrected, but that is what I remember from a while ago...

Hope this helps!

  Adrian Umpleby


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 23:49:19 -0400
From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Data Detector

I recently downloaded the above (from the Info-Mac archives) and get the
following dialog box whenever I try to use it: "Couldn't download the file:
<<constant ICpfhifm>> doesn't understand the <<event ICscgetP>> message."
Anyone have any idea what might be wrong. BTW-the author's email address is
Peter J. Paul


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 17:13:03 -0400
From: Harold Appel <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #96

Info-Mac said:

>>My pointer has recently begun to disappear on me a lot.

>>Any idea what may be causing it?
If you have Disklight on, turn it off! (Part of Norton)

Harold Appel


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 15:17:45 +0200
From: (rengelho)
Subject: Is PIO mode 3 on a P630 really possible?

Did anybody ever run PIO mode 3 on a Performa 630?
If so, under which configuration and how did it work (MacOS Version, HD
driver, HD type, yielded transmission rates)?

PIO modes in P630 have already been mentioned in comp.sys.mac.digest
over a year ago, but after thorough investigation, I have not found any
evidence/report that PIO mode 3 would really function on a P630.

Apple's 'Tech Info Library' (Article ID: 16335) states that the 630
family is capable of supporting PIO mode 3.

On my Performa 630, System D1-7.5.3 (D1 indicates German Versions),
Drive Setup D1-1.3.1, a Western Digital AC35100 Caviar -one of the
fastest IDE drives available- will not run in PIO mode 3, though the HD
supports all possible control protocols (PIO mode 0-4, even DMA etc).

Though yielded transmission rates (sustained read/write 2.9/3.7 MB/sec,
measured with HDT) were better than in the original 250 MB HD, they
still are below values (>5 MB/sec, up to 7 MB/sec) that I have read of
in reports on IDE HDs in PowerMacs. And they are below data flow rates
that could be expected from PIO mode 3.

Also, after initializing with HDT 2.5 only PIO2 was applicable, because
-though PIO3 was provided by the HD- the rest of the configuration (Mac
hardware, MacOS, HD driver) did not support  PIO3! This can be
recognized using HDT under 'View Partitions', 'Configure Driver' if one
tries to explicitly choose PIO3: In the popup field 'PIO/DMA' all
transmission modes the HD provides are _displayed_. But _selectable_
(displayed in bold letters) are only those which are supported by the
rest of the configuration, and these are PIO, PIO1, PIO2.

I would like to run Apples Drive Setup with my disk since it worked a
little faster than FWB's Driver. So how can I switch to PIO3 and
accelerate transmission?

Thanks a lot, Ralf Engelhorn


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:28:07 -1000 (HST)
From: Da Chinese Boy!!! <>
Subject: mac & pc networking

What is the easiest way to network a mac to a pc compatible network?

the pc network is a 10baseT network....can they talk to each other if I 
add a 10baseT card to my mac and just hook it up?  or do i need some kind 
of special utility?  Please reply via e-mail to:



Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 17:29:42 +0200
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?

>      I use Claris E-Mailer, have the "compress files" box checked and
> "service default" as encoding method. 

That's wrong: "compress files" compresses files using StuffIt. Most PC
users have no idea about StuffIt. 

De-select "compress files". 

Just to be Mr. Perfect, you may go in Setup\Accounts\(internet)\options
and select: default encoding=base64 (the best for modern PCs)

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e' dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!"
Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza:


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:23:17 -0700
From: Kathy Brunetti <>
Subject: Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? 

A little over a year ago, MacUser published an article on e-mail
attachments that I have found invaluable.  You'll find it at
I use Eudora and find that most PC folks need me to set attachements to

Kathy Brunetti, Agriculture Program Supervisor
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Sacramento, California, USA 95814-5624


Date: 23 Apr 98 19:45:33 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? (R)

Christian F Buser <> wrote
>Roszel Family <> wrote:
>> Can everyone help me with e-mailing attached WORD files from my PPC to
>> Windows environment? I use WORD 5.1a, and have occasion to e-mail files
>> to people who work in the Windows environment. They claim they can read
>> WORD files, altho that's not their primary word processing software. The
>> files I attach, saved in WORD's MS-Dos, Windows 2.0 or RTF formats open
>> up as gibberish.
>Might it be they get BinHex files which they don't know how to deal with?
>You should get ZipIt 1.3.8 <>
>to compress the file to a "PC standard". They need WinZip or a similar
>utility to de-compress again.

Alternately, the outgoing mail server or your mail client could be MIME,
Base 64 or UUencoding that the recipient's mail server/client may not
automatically decode. If you're using Eudora, try adjusting Settings:
Attachments: AppleDouble instead of the default BinHex.

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 00:42:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Moxy <>
Subject: Microphone problems w/ clone

First, thank you to all those who responded concerning my SCSI problems
with my Motorola StarMax.  Your answers helped me to realize that the
internal SCSI chain was terminated.  I easily used another free SCSI port
on the ribbon (before the end, or terminator)

Although that's fine, my microphone(sound in) doesn't seem to want to
work.  I've had this starmax 5G for 1 month and have never been able to
get the mic to work.  I've called Motorola and they claim that my mic's
stereo plug is too small; "you need a plug that's at least 3/4" long" said
the help technician. "or get an extender"

WHAT?? I've been to Radio Shack and other elec. stores to no avail since
most of these miniplugs are approx 3/8" - 5/8". Not to mention that
"extenders" are not available.

Has anyone else experienced this same problem with the sound-in port of
Starmax's?  btw, the "Sound Monitoring Source" of the Monitors&Sound CP,
is set to "Sound-In."  I do notice some sort of response when the
mini-plug is inserted in the mic port but it will not recognize gain when
recording and/or monitoring.

I appreciate any help/responses



Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 11:36:36 +0100
From: "�rick Beaulieu!" <>
Subject: Netscape & error type 1 & 2!

I am adressing my question to anyone who has been experiencing errors of type
1 & 2 on their Netscape, versions 4.0.1 - 4.0.5

I have beeb having these errors since the very first version 4 of Netscape and
cant seem to get rid of them. Here is a preview of what i tried:

- i have thrown away the extension ObjectsupportLib
- i have created a new set of Netscape preferences, importing my old prefs
(addressbook, bookmarks) and putting back the content of my mail prefs so i
could keep all my archived mail.
- I allowed more memory to be given to Netscape


I have visited all the mac rtesources web sites and the VERY POOR Netscape
Mac-FAQ section... nothing there that event mentions these 1 & 2 error types
(that i have been reading a lot of on diffrent sites). What is going on here? 

Any clues?! Anyone? I am desperate since this is my work tool... And please
dont tell me to switch to Explorer.

�rick Beaulieu, c.o.
Montr�al, Qu�bec
Adresse "ICQ": 5436376


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 22:44:07 +0100 (BST)
From: Michael Rank <>
Subject: newswatcher

First of all, thanks to all who answered my questions on Netscape and
memory and on STF/phone interference (I haven't really sorted out that one,

I am fairly new to Newswatcher and am puzzled by the fact that for some
groups that I have subscribed to I can see thousands of messages when I log
on but for others only 10 or 20. For example for comp.sys.mac.system I can
see over 3,000 messages but for uk.rec.birdwatching (which I frankly find
much more interesting), could see only 19 last time I looked, and maybe I
should add that this is quite an active newsgroup. And I often can't see
threads which I could see yesterday. Yes, I have read the flaming manual
(well, not every single word of it, it is 150 pages long and scrolls down
extremely slowly and is very technical in parts) and don't see an answer to
this question. I have MT2.2.2 tho' the manual is for 2.1.6.

Many thanks your help

Michael Rank


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 98 14:04:11 +0100
From: Ian Burt <>
Subject: No Desktop-solved

Hi Macsters,

Thanks to the multitude of List subscribers who emailed me direct to help 
with a friends problem of not being able to reach the Finder due to 
corruption either in the app or prefs. He solved things on his own by 
taking the body in to college and letting a techie reinstall a Finder 
from an external System. There are too many emails to answer personally 
so I better  use the list to thank you all.

I have to say though that rebuilding the desktop was not an option. That 
was what caused the corruption initially, through using TechTool, 
probably when having disk problems elsewhere. He tried to rebuild the 
desktop from reboot and the same thing happened: all goes fine until the 
Menu Bar showed, or rather didn't. All's well now so end of story. Thanks 
again team.

Ian B

But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold 


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:23:47 -0400
From: Pieter Stouten <>
Subject: Only one item can be dragged from FindFile window. Why?

When I want to drag (move or copy) a set of files from the FindFile "Items
Found" window to another folder or to the trash, that folder (or the trash
can) gets highlighted, but after I release the mouse the files flash back
to the "Items Found" window and don't get moved or copied. If I do this
with one file, it works fine. If I use command-I ("Get Info") on multiple
files in the "Items Found" window, it also works. I am running MacOS 8.1 on
a G3/233. Has anybody else seen this behaviour and does anybody have a


Pieter Stouten <>
DuPont Merck - Computer Aided Drug Design Group


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:15:53 +0200
From: Bob Cooke <>
Subject: Powerbook 150

Hi Mac users,

A friend has recently had a hard disk crash on his Powerbook 150. I need to
reformat and install the system again.

I seem to remember however that the 150's had EIDE drives?

Do I need to do anything special? He's lost his disk tools disk of course!

Thanks for your help,



Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:40:19 -0500
From: Hirby Family <>
Subject: PowerPrint 2.5.2, DeskJet 5O0, Mac OS 8.1

I've been using PowerPrint successfully on a Performa 636 running OS 7.1.2p
to drive a DeskJet500 for several years. When I try to use the same setup
under OS 8.1 on a G3/233 Desktop, the printer stalls about 10 lines into
the first page and hangs indefinitely. Pushing the reset button on the
printer helps, and subsequent printing is fine. Is this a known problem? If
so, any known solutions short of replacing the printer or buying a new
version of PowerPrint?

Steve Hirby
hirbyfam at


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:37:15 -0500
From: Richard L Cooley <>
Subject: Print One

Dear Mac-O-Philes

I have an unusual problem that I have been unable to solve.  I am using Sys
8.1 with HP Driver DJ 800 Series ver 9.4.  I rarely use the Print One
command in my daily printer use.  I have several programs which do.  When a
Print One command is issued I get 5 copies printed.  I am not aware how it
came to be 5 copies.  I am unable to find a preference file I can delete.

I would appreciate any help in returing to a single copy when a Print One
command is issued.

TIA for all help

Richard L Cooley
1635 Zita St  DePere,WI 54115

"Life is fatal...but not serious."
 -- Oscar Wilde


Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 14:02:29 -0700
From: (Mark Gibeau)
Subject: Q: macrons

I frequently need to use macrons in research papers but fonts such as
times or palatino don't offer straight-line macrons over "o" "u" and "O"s
(the letters I most frequently macronize) and as such I have to resort to
a "<" (rotate 90 degrees clockwise), or in the case of "O" an umlaut (":"
rotate 90 degrees) which is even less appropriate.  Does anyone know of
anything out there that would allow me to customize macrons or provides
more extensive macronization?  I primarily use WordPerfect 3.5 and, on
occassion, Clarisworks 4 or 5.  Any help/hints would be greatly
appreciated, pls cc replies to my email address.  thanks in advance.


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:39:09 -0000
From: JB Rephan <>
Subject: Quicktime 3.0 Pro Changes the Monitors & Sound Control Panel

Ever since "upgrading" to Quicktime 3.0  -  the "Mute" checkbox section 
in my Monitors & Sound Control Panel has disappeared! 

It used to be that I could sit and watch my TV (in a corner of my 
Monitor) with the headphones on (keeping the headphones essentially 
plugged in all the time) and when I needed to let the external speakers 
play, I could just uncheck the "mute" checkbox in the Monitors and Sound 
Control Panel. Since the Control panel no longer has the "Mute" checkbox 
I think I am stuck unless I want to downgrade to Quicktime 2.5.

Also I *know* it is the Quicktime 3.0 Extentions and control panels 
causing the problem because I dumped them all and re-installed Quicktime 
2.5 and I then had this needed feature 
*return* to my Monitors & Sound Control Panel.

Does anyone have a solution for me?

Thanks in Advance.

JB Rephan, Nashville, TN


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 98 16:52:28 -0500
From: "Jonathan D. Sweet" <>
Subject: Quicktime Movie "Screenshot"

I would like to be able to take smooth Quicktime movies of my screen as I
do things and use these as a training tool. Does anyone know of such a
piece of software?

Jonathan D. Sweet, Executive Assistant and Technical Coordinator
Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport and
  School of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies     612.625-0139 vox
University of Minnesota                         612.626-7700 fax
203 Cooke Hall, 1900 University Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA     


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 22:53:39 -0700
From: (Doug Hardie)
Subject: SCSI interface to Yamaha CDR

I have been having problems creating CDs on a Yamaha CDR using a powerbook
3400.  The CDR starts to record but never completes.  The resulting CD is
trash.  I received the following from the vendor:

Because you are running this on a laptop with sub-standard termpower to
your SCSI bus, compounded by the fact that the primary bus is IDE rather
than SCSI, there are a couple of SCSI solutions that should take card of
First, Yamaha recommends chaining their drives to longer cables when
running on PowerBooks. Try a longer cable. Next, Apple often recommends a
flow-through terminator running from the SCSI adapter/cable coming out of
your PowerBook positioned prior to the first SCSI device itself.
Finally, because it is an IDE PowerBook, you will get best performance by
running it as a standalone SCSI device with all extensions disabled
during burns.

I tried placing a flow-through terminator on the device and no final
terminator.  The CD started to write and actually ended up mountable.
However, most of the files were never written.  Using the flow-through
terminator and a final terminator resulted in nothing usable.  Has anyone
made a CDR work with a powerbook 3400?  Thanks,

-- Doug


Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 11:40:26 -0700
From: Mike Whybark <>
Subject: startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac

I've dusted off the old MacII (that's right, '020, 8mb ram, 120HD,
PMMU, no superdrive so it only reads 800k floppies) and added an
ethernet card in order to set up a po' boy's network here at home. The
old machine will host some shared data (addresses, scheduling, that
sort of thing) and perhaps eventually more stuff later on - but for now
my goal is to try to get it to boot up and shut down at scheduled
times, bracketing the normal usage times of all the other machines (2)
on the LAN.

I think I remember having the II set up to do exactly that in the dark
ages, but I don't recall how I did it.

Using (or trying to use) the control panels Powerbook, Energy Saver,
and Auto Power On/Off yeilded no success.

Any ideas? Any body hold on to their old setup including such a doohickey?


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:32:26 -0800
From: glaston <>
Subject: Three Questions re 7.6/7.6.1

Question 1: Is the stability or speed of 7.6.1 worth the upgrade?
I have been soldiering along with 7.6 (APS 4.1 disk drivers) for some time
because I think I read somewhere that 7.6.1 installs an older version of
TO/PPP than 7.6. I think I have TO 1.1.2 (at least that's the version of
the Open Transport Library installed). This is important enough to keep me
from upgrading as I had a great deal of difficulty getting my ISDN working,
and now its been functioning for so long that I can't remember enough about
it to trouble shoot and re-install should a system upgrade so require.
Question 2: Will 7.6.1 interfere with the functioning of my ISDN TA and
I use a separate hard drive for Photoshop, Illustrator and scanning and
printing to an Epson 800.
Question 2: Will 7.6.1 have any deleterious effects on imaging and printing?
Question 3: Should I do a clean install to both disks? If so, will I have
to find and reinstall all my inits, drivers and other residents of the
system folder?

-Mind how you go.


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:43:27 -0600
From: Graeme Forbes <>
Subject: Video mirroring question

Here's a question about mirroring on the recent PowerBooks and soon
forthcoming Wall Streets. Suppose I'm displaying an image at, say,
800x600 on the PB screen, and 1152x870 on an attached monitor (Wall
Streets should do this). I get to see, say, a half of a displayed page
on the PB screen. Do I get to see the *whole* page on the external
monitor? Or are there just large blank areas around the part of the page
that fills the PB screen?

Do I get to see the whole page on the external monitor if I switch the
resolution of the PB screen to 1152x870?

Thanks in advance,
Graeme Forbes


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:28:52 +0100
From: Peter T Rogers <>
Subject: video problem

Hi there,
I seem to have problems trying to record PAL composite video on my
Quadra 660 av.  Its running 68 Mb of RAM with a 2Gb HD.  Do I need a
special CODEC with this machine, and if so could you tell me where I
could get it ? (its suppose to have a built in digitizer isn't it ?)
I'm trying to run AVID video shop 3.0.2 but a number of things are
grayed out in the recording menu, like no video on, video settings and
video size.  There is no image settings button in the recording window
either.  Is this a bad sign or what.  Please help, yours in desparation,
Peter Rogers
p.s.  allow I've had this machine for about 4 years, I've never used the
av caberbilities.  It runs sys 7.5 and I don't have any orignal start up


Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 00:01:10 +0200
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Web-site catalog/search

Kate and/or Jack <> wrote:

> We have a small business with a website <> and we 
> would like to put up our entire catalog (56 pages) which is currently
> done in PageMaker (5, I think - not my program). 
> Is there a quick way to convert from PM to html?

PageMaker 6.5 can write HTML documents, although I don't know much about
the "quality" of the code it produces, and I also don't know if this is
possible also in version 5.

> What is the best way to search a catalog?

Sure not HTML. Should probably be a database on the web. This can be
done in different ways, one is a FileMaker database on the web. I
understand that FM Pro 4 has this capabilities built-in, but for FM Pro
3 you need some additional software. 

To find better help I suggest you ask about it in the Apple Net
Authoring mailing list. Below is the unsubscribe instruction; the
subscription process can be guessed easily I think ;-)) 

Maybe your question about credit card transactions can also be 
answered there.

To unsubscribe,
e-mail "".

For help, browse <>
or send e-mail to <>.

Good luck, Christian

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 491 0877
Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>



End of Info-Mac Digest