Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #31
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 22 Feb 01       Volume 18 : Issue 31

Today's Topics:

      (Q) boot not to automount hard partitions
      [*] abstract for info-mac/gui/circumnavigator-10b2.hqx
      [*] Abstract for: alarmclockpro_301.hqx
      [*] Abstract for: contactkeeper_304.hqx
      [*] Abstract for: filegeek_211.hqx
      [*] asynckeys press release
      [*] CCDPSetI.sea self extracting archive of Desktop patterns
      [*] CDFinder for Mac OS X
      [*] Colibricks: new version 1.1.2
      [*] CookWare 7.5
      [*] DeskPicChangerCMPlugin 1.0 - CMM to change desktop pictures
      [*] Dot What 1.2
      [*] Drop Drawers 1.5.1 - Versatile floating drawers
      [*] FileHierToClipCMPlugin 1.0 - CMM to obtain a file hierarchy
      [*] HexMapMaker
      [*] HexMapMaker manual
      [*] KinkyBeepII 2.0.1 - The Sound Synthesizer -
      [*] OfficePool 2001 v2.0 submission
      [*] PhotoGrid1.7, a quick image viewer with resizable thumnail
      [*] Rider-Waite TarotWorks Deck 1.3
      [*] TarotWorks 1.3
      [*] Two Versions of Letter Gothic Font
      [*] Two Versions of Letter Gothic Font
      E-Commerce Site & Software?!
      Info-Mac Digest V18 #27

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 00:41:38 -0600
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: (Q) boot not to automount hard partitions

	I couldn't find it as an option with Apple's drive setup utility
like with the LaCie utitilies.
	How is this done?


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Ross Brown <>
Subject: [*] abstract for info-mac/gui/circumnavigator-10b2.hqx

CircumNavigator is a Mac OS control panel that turns old-fashioned Standard
File dialogs into modern Navigation Services dialogs.

Maybe you've seen these newer file dialogs in modern applications, such as
Microsoft Outlook Express, and wondered why you can't have them in other
applications. With CircumNavigator, you can.

File navigation using Navigation Services has many advantages over Standard
- Navigation Services dialogs are movable and resizeable, and they remember
where you last put them.
- You can hide an application, or switch to another application, while it is
showing a Navigation Services dialog.
- Navigation Services remembers the last item you visited in each folder,
and keeps lists of favorite and recent items.
- You can drag a file or folder icon and drop it onto a Navigation Services
dialog to navigate directly to the file or folder.
- Navigation Services dialogs look and feel just like the Finder, using the
same icons and appearance settings.
- ...and many more.

Once you're used to CircumNavigator and Navigation Services, you won't stand
going back to Standard File!

CircumNavigator requires System 7.5.5, Mac OS 7.6.1 or later; Appearance
1.0.1 or later; Navigation Services 1.0 or later.  Supports PowerPC and 68K;
accelerated for PowerPC. 

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/circum-navigator.hqx; 626 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Josh Hague <>
Subject: [*] Abstract for: alarmclockpro_301.hqx

Name: Alarm Clock Pro
Version: 3.0.1
Description: Weekday alarms and timers which can play all QuickTime
files as well as CDs!
Requirements: PPC, MacOS 8, 5MB RAM, QuickTime
Type: Shareware, $9.97
Release Date: Feb 9th, 2001

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/alarm-clock-pro-301.hqx; 966 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Josh Hague <>
Subject: [*] Abstract for: contactkeeper_304.hqx

Name: Conatact Keeper
Version: 3.0.4
Description: Contact information manager.
Requirements: PPC, MacOS 8, 3MB RAM
Type: Shareware, $9.93
Release Date: Feb 9th, 2001

[Archived as /info-mac/data/contact-keeper-304.hqx; 890 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Josh Hague <>
Subject: [*] Abstract for: filegeek_211.hqx

Name: FileGeek
Version: 2.1.1
Description: Mass apply file types on the fly! Also change hidden file options.
Requirements: PPC, MacOS 8, 2MB RAM
Type: Shareware, $5.00
Release Date: Feb 9th, 2001

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/filegeek-211.hqx; 802 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Pecetta <>
Subject: [*] asynckeys press release

Version 1.1 of Febraury 2001 � by Stefano Ghielmi &
St�phane Madrau

What is AsyncKeys! ?
'AsyncKeys!' mean: 'Asynchronous keyboard reading',
that is when the computer reads the status of the key
pressed on the keyboard without waiting for them to
generate a keyDown event. AsyncKeys is a little
utility that shows you the exact keyboard reference
number and its ASCII equivalent to a keystroke or key
combination you can press.Note that if you change the
layout of your keyboard (I.E. from US keyboard to
French keyboard) some ASCII character changes but its
keyboard reference number doesn't.
AsyncKeys! contains the concept of the code of
SpeedApp INIT and SwitchRes Extension. It just comes
out from a simple discussion in between me and
St�phane Madrau, and it have been created just for fun
and for to be a little utility for programmers and for
to satisfy some curiosity of everyday people when
using a compter, it is our free tribute for to teach
and explain something to Macintosh users.

System Requirements:
AsyncKeys! have been tested on a Powermac with Mac os
7.6 and higher installed, actually it is at its first
release and no incompatibilities are known, AsyncKeys!
may work on 68k computers too, but we haven't tested.

- Press any key on your keyboard and see what result
is given.
- Modification key are Option, Shift and Control keys.
- The layout character you see is exactly the one
given in the Key Caps Apple menuItem.
- F1 to F4, Caps lock, Command, on/off key, and the
volume/eject CD (in the new USB extended keyboard)
keys, aren't showed
   because those keys are used by the System.

This software is Freeware and it is released "as is"
then no support is provided and no reference for it
too. Use it at your own risk. This software just reads
keyboard events, we refuse all liabilities about
damagements or malfunctions.
You can copy it, send it to a friend, put it on a CD,
etc. Just don�t modify it and alwais include in its
package all the files you find in its folder after the
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/async-keys-11.hqx; 983 K]


Date: 22 Feb 2001
From: Carm <>
Subject: [*] CCDPSetI.sea self extracting archive of Desktop patterns

abstract for CCDPSetI.sea
Carm's Cool Desktop Patterns for the Macintosh Set I
Created by Carmine Smeriglio - E-mail: - Web

I would like to thank you for taking the time to download this
collection of COOL Desktop Patterns for the Mac. Inside this folder you
will find 50 original designs to spruce up your desktop. I hope you
enjoy these patterns as much as I did creating them. Any comments or
feedback is welcomed. So please feel free to drop me line at

To use: Open your Desktop Patterns/Pictures Control Panel and click the
Picture icon. Then simply drag and drop an image onto the preview screen
of the Desktop Patterns/Pictures Control Panel. Or you can click the
select picture option to open a file. If that option is not available,
click remove picture. Once you have chosen an images I suggest you
select the "tile on screen" option. You're using a Mac it's simple. Drag
and Drop or use select picture, we're not splitting atoms here =:)

This Cool collection of Patterns is SHAREWARE. This means if you like
any of them well enough to keep and use, a one time fee of Ten ($10.00)
U.S. dollars would be appreciated. Hey, look at it this way, it's only
.20� per pattern!! And you will be supporting a fellow Mac Advocate,
which in turn supports our GREAT platform, which in turn helps you.
Remember we're all connected. Please send your check or money order to:

Carm's Graphics
c/o Carmine Smeriglio
P.O. Box 727, Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033, USA

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/ccdpi.hqx; 950 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <>
Subject: [*] CDFinder for Mac OS X

CDFinderX is the first disk cataloger tool for Apples upcoming new
operating system for the Macintosh.

As Mac OS X is still a Public Beta, CDFinder for Mac OS X is also
a public beta. Too many things may still change until the final release.

CDFinder is a very fast and powerful tool to create catalog files of your hard
disks, floppies, ZIP's and anything else that spins. It has a great user
interface and very useful search functions. CDFinder supports drag&drop and
requires a PowerPC CPU.

A special feature is the multi-lingual user
interface (German/French/English/Italian/Swedish/Chinese).

Now there is also a version for windows: <>

This file requires a PowerPC.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/cd-finder-x-pb.hqx; 1091 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Michel Colman <>
Subject: [*] Colibricks: new version 1.1.2

This new version 1.1.2 includes code to tell the system not to slow down the
processor for energy saving, and also (v1.1) includes support for saving
Colibricks is an exciting brick game for the Macintosh. The goal of the game
is to destroy all bricks using one or more balls. Unlike other brick games,
it features accurate ball behaviour, using very precise physical laws. Balls
bounce off corners correctly, and even bounce with each other. And instead
of boring horizontal grids, Colibricks features rotated bricks, even making
circles and spirals with them. Graphics are antialiased with beautiful
Of course, it's also a lot of fun. With special kinds of bricks that
activate special effects or spawn prize balloons. Balls can grow or shrink
to any size.
The demo lets you play 6 levels of various difficulties. After registering,
you'll get access to all 50 levels.

(End of description)

Colibricks may be included on CD Roms of the archives

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/colibricks-112.hqx; 2924 K]


Date: 22 Feb 2001
From: "Mitch B." <>
Subject: [*] CookWare 7.5

CookWare 7.5 New Features:
� Scale recipe quantities.
� Multiple sorting options.
� Prints recipes for a three ring binder.
� "My Recipes" allows you to keep track of the recipes you add.
� Import and export "My Recipes" automatically.

Additional Features:
� OS X Aqua interface.
� Remembers your password.
� E-mail recipes from within CookWare.
� Remembers e-mail address' and subject when sending e-mail.
� Extensive built-in case sensitive help. 
� Keep notes about your recipes.
� Import and export recipes automatically.
� Insert recipe photos.
� Site map that gives you an overview of Cookware.
� Automatically deselects "move to menu" check boxes.
� Runs on Macintosh or Windows 95/98 computers!
� Great Internet access. Find books, recipes, substitutions, groceries,
TV cooking shows and even a food dictionary!
� The ability to delete duplicate recipes � important for upgrading.
� Get recipes from the Internet within CookWare!
� 685 wonderful recipes - no "filler" recipes.
� Expandable - add an unlimited number of recipes.
� All category lists are user definable.
� Additional recipes are available.
� Built-in conversion tables.
� Print a single recipe or a menu.
� Print or view a complete recipe index.
� Color printing option.
� Grade your own recipes.
� Wine selection category.
� Helpful web page links.
� Great Graphical interface.
� Easy Navigation.
� Updates are always free.

This is what MacAddict Magazine wrote about CookWare:

Need a little help in the gourmet department for your next dinner party?
Barbecue bash? Date? Let CookWare come to the rescue! This standalone
database dishes up tons of recipes that you can even swap with your
friends via email. Plus you can link up to the Net and find more
recipes, books, cooking shows, a food dictionary, and more. It features
685 yummy recipes, color printing options, nice graphics, search
options, printing capabilities, and more. $12.00 US.

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cookware-75.hqx; 4223 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: "John C. Daub" <>
Subject: [*] DeskPicChangerCMPlugin 1.0 - CMM to change desktop pictures

DeskPicChangerCMPlugin is a Mac OS contextual menu plugin for setting the
Desktop background to the selected picture file.

Once installed, when a contextual menu is invoked (control-click)
DeskPicChangerCMPlugin checks if the contextual menu was invoked on a single
image file (any image type supported by QuickTime .jpg, .gif, .tiff, etc.).
If so, a "�DeskPicChange!" menu item is added to the contextual menu.
Selecting this menu item will set the Desktop background of the main monitor
to the selected image, positioned automatically.

This is version 1.0 of DeskPicChangerCMPlugin.

The price is free, see the documentation for complete details.

Minimum system requirements:
Power Macintosh
Mac OS 8.5 or later
QuickTime 2.5 or later

Source code and product FAQ available at Hsoi's Shop:


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/desk-pic-changer-cmm.hqx; 17 K]


Date: 22 Feb 2001
From: "Nick D'Amato" <>
Subject: [*] Dot What 1.2

What's new in this version:

*    Skinnier File Types window
*    Now carbon reliant (all versions)
*    Better scroll bar
*    68k stays at 1.1 for now
*    Added arrow keys support for scrolling the list
*    File List now opened by default on startup
*    Added new thumbnail feature
*    Removed duplicate extensions
*    Improved memory management
*    Improved interface elements

Product Description:
What is Dot What?
Did you ever receive a file from a friend or from an internet download and
wonder how to access it? Now-a-days, many files have some sort of 3 digit
extension at the end of the name (ie. sit, hqx, bin), rendering it very
difficult to determine the correct application to associate with them.

Currently there are thousands of applications available for most systems,
with more constantly on the way, each with its own corresponding file
extension. How can you possibly remember all of these file extensions?

Enter Dot What?... Simply launch Dot What?, type in the questionable file
extension, and instantly be presented with its description, recommended
application to open it with, and even a corresponding web site for each

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dot-what-12.hqx; 436 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Gideon Greenspan <>
Subject: [*] Drop Drawers 1.5.1 - Versatile floating drawers

Drop Drawers is a revolutionary user-interface enhancement which provides 
floating pull-out, snap-shut drawers on the sides of your screen to store 
text, URLs, aliases, scripts, pictures, sounds, movies and anything else.

Information in a clip drawer can also be worked with. For example, styled 
text can be edited, applications and folders can be dragged onto, URLs 
can be opened, scripts can accept parameters, pictures can be viewed and 
sounds and movies can be played.

Drop Drawers works seamlessly with any Mac OS application supporting drag 
and drop. It can also instantly capture and insert data within any Mac OS 
application. It is not just another floating application launcher, 
although it fulfils all those functions too.

Version 1.5.1 adds some minor usability improvements, including speeding 
up drawers containing networked files.

Sig Software -

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/drop-drawers-151.hqx; 1075 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: "John C. Daub" <>
Subject: [*] FileHierToClipCMPlugin 1.0 - CMM to obtain a file hierarchy

FileHierToClipCMPlugin is a Mac OS contextual menu plugin that can generate
a text representation of a file/folder hierarchy and place it on the

Once installed, when a contextual menu is invoked (control-click)
FileHierToClipCMPlugin checks if the contextual menu was invoked on a file
or folder (or any other Finder item). If so, a "Copy File Hierarchy to
Clipboard" menu item is added to the contextual menu. Upon selecting this
menu item, if the clicked upon item is a file, the file's name is placed on
the Clipboard. If the clicked upon item is a folder (or a disk), a textual
representation of the hierarchy of files and folders within the clicked upon
folder is generated and placed on the Clipboard. Invisible items are
ignored. Once the text is on the Clipboard, you can then paste it wherever
text can be pasted.

For example, the output of the FileHierToClipCMPlugin distribution folder is
as follows (+'s signify folders, -'s signify files):

+ FileHierToClipCMPlugin
  - Email Hsoi
  - FileHierToClipCMPlugin
  - FileHierToClipCMPlugin ReadMe
  - Visit Hsoi's Website

This is version 1.0 of FileHierToClipCMPlugin.

The price is free, see the documentation for complete details.

Minimum system requirements:
Power Macintosh
Mac OS 8.1 or later

Source code and product FAQ available at Hsoi's Shop:


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/file-hier-to-clip-cmm.hqx; 12 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Francois Menneteau <>
Subject: [*] HexMapMaker

Please replace the previous version of HexMapMaker by this new version.




�HexMapMaker� is a tool for drawing maps with hexagonal grids. This kind
of maps are used in Role Playing
Games, but of course you can design them for any other purpose. 

In addition of having most of the capabilities of a real painting
program (such as lines, rectangles, ovals
and round rectangles, drawing and filling with color and pattern, text,
rubber tool, etc.),
�HexMapMaker� has also unique features that greatly simplifies the
building of this kind of map, such as: 

* Seven layers map. One layer for the grid, three preallocated layers
(one for color and drawing, one for
  terrain and one for text and lines) and three extra layers (also one
for drawing, one for terrain and one
  for text and lines) that can be allocated on demand. This allows you
for example to change an hex color
  without loosing the terrain that lies on top of it, to build a map for
the DM eyes only and a map for its
  players, etc.

* Layer manager. With it, you can allocate and free the extra layers,
choose which layer is
  visible and which layer is not, and select which layer is the active
one (an active layer is a layer where
  drawing occurs).

* Hex color filling in just two clicks (four if using patterns). One for
selecting the color and one for
  selecting the filling shape. Predefined terrains. �HexMapMaker� comes
with five predefined libraries for
  building regions, villages, castles and dungeons.

* Terrains editor. If you do not like the terrain icons and want to
modify them, the terrain editor is here
  for that purpose. Of course, if you are talented, you can also create
terrain icons from thin air :-)

* Terrains repeater. You can repeat a terrain up to 12 times along the X
or/and Y axis. 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hexmapmaker-3.hqx; 1605 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Francois Menneteau <>
Subject: [*] HexMapMaker manual

Please replace the previous version of HexMapMaker manual by this one


This is the documentation for HexMapMaker 3.0.0 a tool for drawing maps
with hexagonal grids.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hexmapmaker-3-manual.hqx; 903 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Ken-ichiro Hidaka <>
Subject: [*] KinkyBeepII 2.0.1 - The Sound Synthesizer -

KinkyBeepII is a synthesizer to create the various sounds. It is suitable to make the sound effects 
or the system alert sounds.

You can create dynamic, weird, wiggly, or natural sound, etc., with an easy operation. You don't need 
the special knowledge. And you can use the sounds that you make as alert sound for Macintosh, sound 
effects for multimedia works and musical works, or can edit with other sound editor, because you can 
save the sounds as system sounds. You'll also find the sample files in this package.

Requires MacOS 8 or later. PPC only. Virus checked by Norton AntiVirus ver.6.0.2.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/kinky-beep-ii-201.hqx; 400 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: "Pachyderm Software" <>
Subject: [*] OfficePool 2001 v2.0 submission

OfficePool 2001 remains the most comprehensive NCAA Tournament pool
manager for Mac OS on the market with new features that make managing a
small 10-entry pool or a the large 1000+ entry pool extremely easy.

OfficePool 2001 also has many other features which make managing office
pools a breeze. Features include:

- Play-In Game option (needed for 2001 NCAA Tourney)

- Possibilities report so you can see who has the best shot at winning
during the tournament

- Customizable web templates so you can make your site look the way you
want (HTML Editor not included)

- Keep Track of who's paid and who's delinquent.

- Create a full web site for your pool (Standings, Possibilities,
Brackets, etc.) with a single click of the mouse (Well, maybe two

- Loads of scoring options to make your pool the way you want it, not
the way some software company wants it.

- The one and only QuikPik (TM) feature which automatically generates
completely random brackets. Very useful for those addicted to the
lottery and also fun for those who don't know anything about basketball!

- Registered users will have access to ePool 2001, a scaled down version
to send out to pool participants so you don't have to enter all those
picks. PC (Win95/98/NT) and MacOS (68K/PowerPC) versions are available.

- Registered users also have access to our new Web-based Entry Form
which will automatically e-mail you the picks. (Familiarity with Forms
Processing is required)

- Fast and easy keyboard entry -- or not (optional button entry is also

- Limitless* number of entries (we run our 1000+ entry pool and it's
extremely fast)

- Pick the favorites (higher seeds) for the entire bracket with one
keystroke (Cmd-F).

[Archived as /info-mac/game/office-pool-2001-20.hqx; 928 K]


Date: 21 Feb 2001
From: NattaWorks-Nagano <>
Subject: [*] PhotoGrid1.7, a quick image viewer with resizable thumnail

*PhotoGrid is a simple image viewer that shows a lot of images at a time.
 Now comes with the manual written by Dennis.
*TreeView which is like Finder's list view lets you select the folders and
 files you want to view.
*GridView lists all the image files as thumbnails in a grid structure.
*You can resize the thumbnails at anytime so you can view the images with
various scales.
*PhotoGrid works like an image database but you don't have to register image
 files in order to organize the database. Ordinary folders themselves are the
*Caching into full given memory and a swap file makes PhoroGrid show images
 virtually with no delay. PhoroGrid works well if given 4.5 MB of memory.
*Slide show.
*System requirements: PPC Mac like iMac. MacOS 8 or higher. MacOS 8.6 and
 QuickTime 4 are recommended.
*Shareware price : U.S.$15.

- convenient copy/move images dialog
- Open by your favorite app (such as Photoshop) menu
- Random order slideshow
- and more

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/photo-grid-17.hqx; 1209 K]


Date: 21 Feb 2001
From: TarotWorks <>
Subject: [*] Rider-Waite TarotWorks Deck 1.3

Enhance your TarotWorks readings with gorgeous, full-sized tarot cards from
the Rider-Waite deck.
- display and print actual cards in tarot readings
- explore any card in the tarot deck
- complete, interactive assistance
- one-click installation

What's New in Version 1.3:
Compatible with Mac OS 9.1.
Free of charge (but not public domain).

System Requirements:
TarotWorks 1.3
Mac OS 7.0 through 9.1
8 MB RAM memory
6 MB of free hard disk space
68030 or faster processor
Color monitor

Related Software:
TarotWorks 1.3 (Required)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/rider-waite-tarot-works-13.hqx; 3815 K]


Date: 21 Feb 2001
From: TarotWorks <>
Subject: [*] TarotWorks 1.3

An elegant, free program that can help you gain real value from the ancient
system of Tarot card divination (without doing a course in ancient history).
- create authentic Tarot card readings on any subject;
- calculate special Tarot readings that use numerology;
- shuffle with on-screen cards or by hand with your own Tarot cards
- automatically generate in-depth analyses of Tarot readings
- save, print, and export Tarot card readings
- add gorgeous, full-sized Tarot card decks, new card layouts, and alternate
interpretations with optional "plug-in" files
- get detailed, interactive assistance

What's New in Version 1.3:
Compatible with Mac OS 9.1.
Free of charge (but NOT public domain).
New Keyboard Shortcuts guide included.
Improved "Overlay multiple Tree of Life displays" feature.

System Requirements:
Mac OS 7.0 through 9.1
8 MB RAM memory
6 MB of free hard disk space
68030 or faster processor
Color monitor

Related Software:
TarotWorks Rider-Waite Deck 1.3

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/tarot-works-13.hqx; 4158 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Mark <>
Subject: [*] Two Versions of Letter Gothic Font

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Attached are two versions of my wife's and my fonts LetterGothic-EGG.
These are shown to be available through links on several popular Web
sites, but the files themselves have somehow disappeared from the Info-Mac
archive and its mirrors.

Best regards,

Mark & Traci Ingram

MarkT@Mo-Net.Com (also

[Archived as /info-mac/font/letter-gothic-egg-0.hqx; 107 K]


Date: 20 Feb 2001
From: Mark <>
Subject: [*] Two Versions of Letter Gothic Font

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Attached are two versions of my wife's and my fonts LetterGothic-EGG.
These are shown to be available through links on several popular Web
sites, but the files themselves have somehow disappeared from the Info-Mac
archive and its mirrors.

Best regards,

Mark & Traci Ingram

MarkT@Mo-Net.Com (also

[Archived as /info-mac/font/letter-gothic-egg.hqx; 107 K]


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:18:22 +0000
From: Tina <>
Subject: E-Commerce Site & Software?!

Hi There

I want to start up a web shop using a shopping cart system. I need an 
myODBC compliant
database and shopping cart software. My host don't know anything 
about Macs and although
Filemaker and something called Omnis has been mentioned they are 
unsure about this. I was going
to use Filemaker until they told me it would be 'data suicide' ?! I 
thought it would have been ok? I have seen some free shopping cart 
software which would use this as well? Do you acutally need to have a 
database driven site to use shopping cart software?

Sorry about the rambling but I am just as confused now about this 
whole thing as I ever was! Any help on this subject from fellow Mac 
users would be very gratefully accepted!!




Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 07:38:40 -0500
From: Henry Seiden <>
To: <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #27

Does anyone have an idea what happened to the Remote Access Control Strip? I
used to have and use a control strip for Remote Access 3.0.x and after
updating to OS 9.0.4 and Remote Access 3.5, it seems to be gone.

Somehow the old control strip was trashed too. Do you know where I can find
a replacement? Will the older strip work?

I liked the strip because it let me open up Remote Access quickly in case I
have to stay logged for some reason. I find myself using the dialup because
of a lack of service for ADSL in the area, but that is a different



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