Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #144
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 14 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 144

Today's Topics:

      [*] ++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 ++
      [*] BoringClock? 4.2
      [*] consensus timers 2.03 hc, alarms/scheduler in hypercard
      [*] creator changer 2.8.3
      [*] custompak2.sit
      [*] Disinfectant 3.7.1
      [*] eScan 1.02
      [*] FibonacciBlues
      [*] FTP Who -b 1.1
      [*] ImageViewer 4.43 68K
      [*] macnetic contaxt
      [*] SimpleTime 1.0a  -  A clock of global proportions
      [*] sock.sit
      [*] StarDrive 3.1
      [*] The Slippy Stack
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker

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Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:08:59 -0700
Subject: [*] ++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 ++

Subject:  +ANIMATE XCMD 1.0
Author:  Nikki Shockey
Uploaded By:  NShockey

File:  ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 (504352 bytes)
Estimated Download Time (28800 baud):  < 4 minutes

Equipment:  Mac, HyperCard, CompileIt!
Needs:  HyperCard and 32-bit QuickDraw


+ Staff Pick -- Color graphics zip across the screen (or crawl -- it's
your choice ;). No flicker. Works on top of AddColor. Cool demo stack.
How could it *not* be a Pick?

+++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 +++

The ANIMATE XCMD provides a simple way of adding flicker-free graphic
animations to a HyperCard stack.  You can animate any size picture over
any background picture you specify.  The animation is produced using the
same methods for animation used in today's computer games.

The stack includes several demonstrations of the XCMD in action.  The
stack is totally open for all eyes to view the scripts.

The ANIMATE XCMD was created using HeizerSoftware's CompileIt! 2.6.1.

The stack and XCMD are not free. If you use the XCMD in any of your
stacks, you must pay the shareware fee.  A registration payment of $5
will allow you to include the XCMD in as many stacks as you like, and
you will receive a copy of the updated versions. If you wish to use this
XCMD in commercial stacks, $10 will allow you unlimited use. This stack
and the ANIMATE XCMD are both shareware.  You may freely distributed
this stack as long as it is not changed in anyway.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/animate-xcmd-hc.hqx; 645K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:18 -0700
Subject: [*] BoringClock? 4.2

BoringClock? 4.2 - For those people unacqainted with the very first
version, this little application is just another one that displays the
time. However, this one is system friendly and does not waste screen
space by using a little window. This tiny window is displayed in
user-definable colors and patterns. BoringClock? only runs on
Macintoshes which support Color QuickDraw or it will show a dialog and
quit. This version of BoringClock? is way different from the former
versions. I have changed a lot of things, added a timer, the window now
is a floating one, floating above all other windows! Added an Apple
Guide document, accessible from within the application, removed the
Processes menu, removed the timezones (on request); stuffed all
preferences in one nice dialog; added pixel patterns to the display.

Adriaan Tijsseling

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/boring-clock-42.hqx; 267K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:19 -0700
Subject: [*] consensus timers 2.03 hc, alarms/scheduler in hypercard

the enclosed timer application, consensus timers, was originally
an alternative to juggling handfuls of digital kitchen timers.
now improved and fully documented, it includes drag-able progress
bars and supports any number of timers running simultaneously.

easy to use, reliable, and unobtrusive in busy and distracting
situations, cs-timers can run in background behind other HyperCard
stacks and Mac applications.  active timers measure real-world
elapsed time accurately, even if you quit HyperCard or shutdown
and restart.  each timer can range from seconds to many years,
with optional auto-total/distribution of subtimers for planning
and scheduling.  reminder alarms may also be set by scripts in
other stacks.  for more details see the read-me text, and the
stacks include template cards and full documentation in hypertext.

this is shareware, inexpensive, small, just plain HyperCard, yet
professionally produced and of commercial quality.  imho, it's an
impressive example of HyperCard's capabilities, and you're welcome
to read my HyperTalk source code (more than 80k).  consensus timers
is fully functional (not a demo), and needs no special installation.
i hope people will try it and find it useful.

chris van sprouts (formerly

requires:  any Macintosh (68020 or faster recommended),
  HyperCard 2.3 or later (or HyperCard Player), 1050k memory
  for HyperCard, and 200k disk space for the cs-timers stacks.

category:  applications/time
additional keywords:  clock calendar planner HC stack development
  scripting programming cvs consensus shareware Consensus Shareware
  cs timers CS Timers Consensus Timers Chris Van Sprouts VanSprouts

copyright (c)1993-7 chris van sprouts, all rights reserved.
consensus timers is shareware, commercial distribution restricted.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/consensus-timers-203-hc.hqx; 76K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:08:56 -0700
Subject: [*] creator changer 2.8.3

Creator Changer is an application which allows you to edit creator and file
types of files. There is an editable automatic change feature, an editable
preferred types list, and the dialog boxes support Macintosh Drag and Drop.
This version updates the project file for CW Pro 1. Source code is included
for Symantec and CodeWarrior.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/creator-changer-283.hqx; 201K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:22 -0700
Subject: [*] custompak2.sit

It's CustomPak2- a whole new set of seven customizable screensavers
from Human Condition Software. These are shell modules which are fun
already, but will be great with your own pictures and ideas. For use
with AfterDark or Darkside. Includes Animate, Virtual Pet and more!

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/custom-pak-2.hqx; 188K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:08:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Disinfectant 3.7.1

Disinfectant 3.7.1 is a new release of our free anti-viral utility for the

3.7.1 Release Notes (July 9, 1997)

Version 3.7.1 fixes an error which could sometimes cause crashes when
scanning very rare kinds of files while pass the new "more lenient"
check for damaged resource forks which was introduced in 3.7.

3.7 Release Notes (July 7, 1997)

Version 3.7 detects a minor variation of the MBDF B virus which was
properly detected by the 3.6 INIT but not by the 3.6 application.

The Disinfectant manual now discusses the Microsoft macro virus problem.
The introductory text displayed in Disinfectant's main window warns that
Disinfectant does not recognize the macro viruses and refers the user to
the manual for more details.

The "All Disks" command in the "Scan" menu has been changed to "All
Local Disks". This command now only scans local disks, not network
AppleShare servers.

The "All Disks" command in the "Disinfect" menu has been changed to "All
Local Unlocked Disks". This command now only disinfects local unlocked
disks, not network AppleShare servers or locked disks like CD-ROMs or
locked floppies.

If you want to scan or disinfect servers, scan or disinfect them
individually, or use the "Some Disks" commands in the "Scan" and
"Disinfect" menus.

John Norstad

[Archived as /info-mac/vir/disinfectant-371.hqx; 210K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:09:01 -0700
Subject: [*] eScan 1.02

eScan is a Macintosh utility that provides facilities for the scanning
of email messages, and the recognition, extraction and processing of
embedded electronic form data. This is achieved by the provision of a
software interface between the database product FileMaker Pro and the
email program Eudora. The package has been especially oriented for use
with web forms.

eScan will either scan email messages on command or when informed of the
arrival of new mail by Eudora. Any Eudora mailbox may be specified and a
choice made whether to scan read or unread mail. For each email message
that eScan reads, it determines if it contains embedded form data. If it
does, then information about the message is extracted, either from the
body of the email message or from an attached document, and a list of
'found' messages constructed. These listed messages may then be
displayed, printed, transferred or processed.

The processing of a form firstly involves the extraction of the data
contained in the form, (if the data is in 'mailto' format ie. url
encoded, then it is firstly decoded). If a FileMaker Pro database has
been specified for the form, then the extracted data may be written to
that file or used to extract data from an existing database record. If a
template email reply has been defined, then the template is merged with
aspects of the extracted data to generate a customised reply. Reply
messages may also, optionally contain outgoing attachments.

The following environment is required by eScan -
a)      System version 7.5 or later.
b)      The scriptable Finder (as supplied with System 7.5 onwards).

Helper Applications
eScan uses the following products -
a)      Eudora Light, version 1.5.1 onwards.
b)      Eudora Pro, all versions.
c)      FileMaker Pro, version 2.1 onwards.

Author Contact
Tim Barlow        email -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/escan-102-ppc.hqx; 1055K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:09:03 -0700
Subject: [*] FibonacciBlues

  FibonacciBlues.max.sit.bin is music from mathematics, a standalone
click- and-play application that plays bluesy, aleatoric-algorithmic
music derived from the Fibonacci series, a famous math constant. Uses 3
high-quality 44100 16-bit .snd files and Mac internal speakers.
  Directions and information contained within the application.
        Requires: System 7 +
        Compression: Stuffit Lite 3.6
        Virus free by Disinfectant 3.6

[Archived as /info-mac/art/fibonacci-blues-max.hqx; 931K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:17 -0700
Subject: [*] FTP Who -b 1.1

Who -b shows the time your Macintosh is running since it was last
restarted. Who -b is Freeware.

Ansgar Esztermann

[Archived as /info-mac/app/who-b-11.hqx; 78K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:08:53 -0700
Subject: [*] ImageViewer 4.43 68K

ImageViewer 4.43 68K is a Macintosh image viewing application perfect for
locating, displaying, organizing and printing GIF, JPEG, PICT and TIFF
images. Other file types can be read using QuickTime=81 2.5. View and play
movies as well!

This version fixes bugs associated with 4.4, as well as new features.

ImageViewer allows movie play and animated GIF support, as well as a number
of view modes. Single image viewing modes include: Full Screen, Fit To
Window, and scaled between 25% and 800%. List viewing modes include:
Gallery, Gallery Small, and Text. All view modes support file ordering by
name, size, type, date and random.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh compatible computer
8MB of RAM or more
System 7.1 or greater

=46or more information, please read document files, or visit our Web page:


Kevin Wleklinski
Plato Grande Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/imageviewer-443-68k.hqx; 626K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:09:04 -0700
Subject: [*] macnetic contaxt

macnetic contaxt is a shareware contact manager with integrated
"letter-editor" and easy-to-use, powerful printing-options for
printing on lables, envelopes as list or as addressbook.

macnetic contaxt is available in german language only.


macnetic contaxt ist die Loesung fuer das komfortable Arbeiten mit
Adressen und Briefen in einem Programm. Die schnelle, vielseitige
Adressverwaltung von macnetic contaxt ist die solide Basis zur
kinderleichten Erstellung von Serienbriefen und zum unkomplizierten
Drucken Ihrer Adressen auf Umschlaege, Etiketten, als Adressbuch oder
in  Listenform.

- Sehr einfaches Erstellen von Serienbriefen.
- Import/Export in verschiedenen Formaten und beliebiger Feldreihenfolge.
- Schnelles Suchen/Ersetzen und Sortieren.
- Umfangreiche Auswahlmoeglichkeiten mit unterschiedlichen Verknuepfungen.
- Je 16 Felder pro Adresse mit Notizfeld fuer bis zu 4000 Zeichen.
- Aenderbare Feldbezeichnungen und Formatierungen.
- Uebersichtliche, aenderbare Darstellung in Listenform.
- Ein-/ Ausgabe von Audio-Anmerkungen.
- 32 verschiedene Kategorien definierbar.
- Waehlen von Telefonnummern direkt aus dem Adressbuch.

- Import/Export ueber XTND-Technologie.
- Drag & Drop Unterstuetzung.
- Absatzorientiertes, komfortables Lineal mit vielen Funktionen.
- Formatvorlagen (schnelle Zuweisung von Absatz- und/oder Zeichenformaten).
- Einfaches Einfuegen von Platzhaltern fuer Adressfelder, Datum und Uhrzeit
  zum Serienbriefdruck.
- WYSIWYG-Darstellung und Seitenvoransicht.
- Formularblock-Unterstuetzung.
- Alle wichtigen Funktionen wie: Suchen und Ersetzen, "Undo", Tabulatoren,
  Absatzeinzug, Textrahmen...

Andreas Wagner
macnetic software

[Archived as /info-mac/app/macnetic-contaxt-24-de.hqx; 782K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:21 -0700
Subject: [*] SimpleTime 1.0a  -  A clock of global proportions

SimpleTime is a small, and powerful clock application.  It is designed to
supplement the
Menubar clock by providing the the ability to switch between 30 different
time zones.
SimpleTime also complements Kaleidoscope and Aaron by allowing the user to
the default colors.

Users who might find SimpleTime useful would include:

     - Users who arrange online chats
     - Users who do business world-wide.
     - Business travelers
     - Relatives living in different time zones
     - etc.

New in Version 1.0

     - Initial public release

System Requirements

     - 680x0 or PowerPC
     - System 7
     - 128K of Free Memory

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/simple-time-10a.hqx; 111K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:24 -0700
Subject: [*] sock.sit

Sock Monkey Goes to Town! This Afterdark/Darkside screensaver is just
plain fun. After you've watched Sock Monkey drive around for a while,
use ResEdit to make your own buddies drive the car. this is really
fun, even if you don't need a new screensaver.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/sock.hqx; 54K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:19:25 -0700
Subject: [*] StarDrive 3.1

StarDrive is an exciting way of saving your screen. With a colorful
splash of stars, your Mac warps through space at the speed of your
choice.  Version 3.1 adds some great new features such as: security,
automatic activation after an idle time period and sleep corners!  This
is a demo version that contains all the above features except for
security.  For more information on on this product, visit our web site at

Requires a Macintosh or Power Macintosh running System 7.0 or later and a
color display.

Software Perspectives                   (703) 643-1110
3084 Peachtree Court, Lake Ridge, Virginia 22192-1518
Web Site:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/star-drive-31.hqx; 473K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:09:06 -0700
Subject: [*] The Slippy Stack

This is an animation about that dumb frog in StarFox 64.  If you
don't own StarFox 64 or haven't played it then this animation
probably won't be that funny.  You'll need HyperCard 2.x to view it
or HyperCard player.  It has some violence in it.

visit our web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/the-slippy-stack.hqx; 160K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:08:55 -0700
Subject: [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker

'V&N Lookup' is a simple program to search dictionaries belonging to
Verbs&Nouns and check the spelling. The search is performed on any
number of databases simultaneously. The program can be used in
combination with any text-based application because it searches for any
word that you copy to the clipboard. To learn more about the Verbs&Nouns
databases, download the program 'Verbs & Nouns' which is available from
the same places as this application. The American-English spelling
dictionary is included. The application 'V&N Lookup' is part of my
'Foreign Language Toolkit' project. To try out the program you can
download not-protected databases and play with them. The examples of
them are:
Italian Verbs -
Italian Nouns -
English Dictionary -

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-lookup-104.hqx; 1316K]



End of Info-Mac Digest