Short: FrotzS5 V1.1 - an interpreter for all Infocom games
Author: (Fr�d�ric Bouvry)
Type: s5/game/role

FrotzS5 V1.1 - an interpreter for all Infocom games. Complies with
standard 1.0 of Graham Nelson's specification. Written by Stefan
Jokisch in 1995-7 for Dos and ported to the Psion Series 5 by Fr�d�ric
Bouvry (C) Copyright 1997.

This port of Frotz is freeware, that means:
-You may not make money with this software by selling it or by any other means.
-You may not modify the original files.
-I'm not responsible for any damage this program could cause to your palmtop
 or yourself.
-But you can play for free and copy it for friends as long as you copy all
 the files included in this distribution.

If you still find bugs : please report them to me
for the next version: Fr�d�ric Bouvry, mailto:

Or if you just want to give me a suggestion for the next versions or
for whatever, like telling me you enjoy this free software, mail me,
I'm always glad to receive messages from happy users.

The latest version will always be available on On the same site you will find links
to learn more about Interactive Fiction and to get the Story Files
needed by FrotzS5. Another way to get the stories is to buy
compilation CD-Roms like 'The Masterpieces of Infocom': about 21$US
for more than 30 stories + the original documentations and maps in
Adobe Acrobat .pdf format (Activision who bought Infocom is still
selling those compilations).

-Official FrotzS5 App UID is 0x1000055B
-Since v1.1 different font sizes can be selected and the toolbar can
 be turned on/off thus the screen width may be less than 80 columns.
 ! The majority of the stories asks to Frotz what's the current number
 of columns then handles this correctly (or just responds 'screen to narrow'
 but this happens rarely). A few stories (well, I know only one:
 A Mind Forever Voyaging) don't handle correctly a screen width under about 70
 columns so you should switch to e.g. mode 70x18 (without toolbar) for AMFV.
 Dynamic font change during a game is not possible. A story may ask for the
 current number of columns at the start of the game and keep this value in
 it's internal allocated memory. Use 'Terminate Story' or type 'quit' to change
 the font size between stories.
 The internal random numbers generator has been improved in this release.
 ! Some games records the screen width in their private memory space and
 this memory space is saved since your first 'save' operation (e.g.: The
 HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy) so you better select you favourite screen
 size from the beginning.
 The games should now read the screen width after each 'restore' operation but
 we cannot blame such great stories as THHGTG that were written more than 10
 years ago and were not supposed to be played on variable screen width
 You will see this problem in the story's title after a screen width change and
 a 'restore' operation but not with all the games.

Install procedure:
The distributed files are FROTZS5.APP, FROZS5.AIF, FROTZS5.RSC and FROTZS5.TXT
1) Make sure you can see the System folder on the Psion by using the check box
   in the system menu -> Tools -> Preferences -> Show 'System' folder.
2) Create a new folder called 'FrotzS5' under C:\System\Apps thus
3) Copy all the files from the distribution to this folder with PsiWin.
4) Create the following folders: C:\Frotz, C:\Frotz\Story, C:\Frotz\Save
5) Put the story files you want to play in the directory C:\Frotz\Story
6) Now you should see the FrotzS5 Icon in the Extra Toolbar.
That's all, you can put your stories and saved games anywhere but FrotzS5 will
browse the described folders first.

Thanks to Stefan Jokisch for giving his sources (Dos Frotz v2.32).

Special Thanks to Ian Dean, the porter of Frotz to the WinCE palmtops
(FrotzCE), for helping me to solve a difficult problem that you should
better know when porting Frotz...

Thanks to Steve Richardson from the UK for his support and bug reports

Tested games:
-Zork The Undiscovered Underground
-A Mind Forever Voyaging
-The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
-BorderZone (Timed input works)
All games from V1 to V8 except V6 graphical games work.

Limitations in current version:
No graphics, no sound.

Known bugs:
None since v1.04

-Some games need a lot of memory so if one doesn't start there are lots of
 chance that you don't have enough free memory.

Documentation from Stefan Jokisch adapted to the Psion Series 5:

FROTZ V2.32 - an interpreter for all Infocom games. Complies with standard
1.0 of Graham Nelson's specification. Written by Stefan Jokisch in 1995-7
    This program once started as a re-make of Mark Howell's Zip, but
    has grown into an utterly new interpreter.

    Frotz is freeware: It may be used and distributed freely provided
    no commercial profit is involved. (c) 1995-1997 Stefan Jokisch.

Special keys:

    Ctrl-D - toggle debugging options
    Ctrl-S - help on hot keys
    Ctrl-N - new game (restart)
    Ctrl-P - turn on input line playback
    Ctrl-R - toggle input line recording on/off
    Ctrl-U - multiple undo, works even for old V1 to V4 games
    Ctrl-X - exit game

Psion Shortcuts are displayed in the menu of FrotzS5 like e.g.:
    Ctrl-E - exit from FrotzS5

    cursor left         - move one character to the left
    cursor right        - move one character to the right
    home                - move to beginning of line
    end                 - move to end of line
    backspace           - delete character to the left
    delete              - delete character below cursor
    escape              - delete whole input line
    cursor up           - get previous command
    cursor down         - get next command
    tab                 - word completion (like "tcsh" under Unix)
			  e.g.: 'exa' then TAB displays 'examine'

    When you need to type an unpleasantly long word, try to type the
    first three or four letters then press the tabulator key. If you
    are lucky, Frotz fills in some or all of the missing letters. A
    high beep noise indicates that the word is ambiguous; a low beep
    indicates that it does not exist. Apart from that, you can also
    use the history feature to get to previous input lines. Type the
    beginning of the input line you are looking for, then use cursor
    up/down to scroll through all input lines matching that prefix.
    e.g: type 'lo' then arrow up/down to retrieve all the commands
    that you entered that begin with the letters 'lo'.
    Note: No beep in the Psion Series 5 version.

Questions and answers:

    Q: What is Frotz?
    A: Frotz runs text adventures which come in so-called story files:

    Q: Where can I find story files to use with Frotz?
    A: First, you can use the files from your original Infocom games. It
       is possible to play Atari ST, Amiga or Macintosh games on your PC
       once you manage to transfer the story files. Some people even
       extracted story files from old Atari 800, Apple II and C-64 disks
       (ask your local 8bit guru). Second, there is an increasing number
       of new games available on the Internet. Check the if-archive at

    Q: Why does Frotz stop with an error message?
    A: It might have detected a bug in the story file other interpreters
       overlooked. It's also possible that the story file is corrupt;
       be sure to download story files in binary mode, especially when you
       use a WWW browser.

List of fatal errors:

    - "Bad stack frame"
    - "Byte swapped story file"
    - "Call to illegal address"
    - "Call to non-routine" [1]
    - "Cannot open story file"
    - "Division by zero"
    - "Error reading save file"
    - "Illegal attribute"
    - "Illegal object" [2]
    - "Illegal window"
    - "Illegal window property"
    - "Jump to illegal address"
    - "Nesting stream #3 too deep"
    - "No such property"
    - "Out of memory"
    - "Print at illegal address"
    - "Stack overflow" [3]
    - "Stack underflow" [4]
    - "Store out of dynamic memory"
    - "Story file read error"
    - "Text buffer overflow"
    - "Unknown opcode"
    - "Unknown Z-code version"

    [1] The first byte of a routine must be less than 16.
    [2] In V4 and above, object numbers > 2000 are considered illegal.
    [3] Checked on every call instruction.
    [4] Checked on every return from a subroutine.

    [1] Underlined text is shown in emphasis colour (-e switch).
    [2] Boldface text is available using the -T switch.
    [3] ISO Latin 1 characters are replaced with suitable substitutes.


    Many thanks to Paul D. Doherty for his continuing support of this
    project. Thanks to everyone who sent bug reports, contributions or
    helpful hints (in alphabetical order):

    Thomas Biskup, Ian Carpenter, Graeme Cree, Jason Dyer,
    Carl Edman, Julian Eggebrecht, Bernhard Fuchs, Joe Hachem,
    John Kennedy, Kirk Klobe, Marnix Klooster, John Mackin,
    Paul O'Brian, Magnus Olsson, Barry Prescott, L. Ross Raszewski,
    Ambat Sasi Nair, Alan Sherrod, Linards Ticmanis and Paolo Vece.

    Last but not least, thanks to the porters:

    David Kinder (Amiga), Rich Lawrence (Windows 95/NT),
    Andrew Holdsworth (RiscOS), Christos Dimitrakakis (HP-UX),
    Christopher J. Madsen (OS/2), Galen Hazelwood (Unix curses library),
    Ian Dean (Windows CE)... Note: ( I should come here :-) Fred)

    Executables are available from and from

    which is the Frotz home page maintained by Chris Madsen.