S U N D A Y   S N I P P E T S (tm) # 4 8                19 Nov 95       

        The preface to " A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery 
              of the Person of Christ"  by Dr John Owen
Dr Owen (1616-1683) was probably the greatest British theologian of the
Reformed school.  He held senior positions in Oxford University and 
as chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, provided spiritual advice on national 
matters.   His massive theological works (over 15 volumes)  included a 
notable treatise on the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the first systematic
work on the Holy Spirit ever written.  Owen's style is known for it's 
"heavier" reading, and therefore he is known more as a `theologian's 
theologian' rather than a common person's author.  But for once, I will 
use a sample of his writing as a Sunday Snippet.  Below is his preface to 
his writing on the Glory of Christ, published currently by The Banner of 
Truth Trust.

"IT IS A great promise concerning the person of Christ, as he was to be
given unto the church, (for he was a child born, a son given unto us, Isa.
ix. 6,) that God would "lay him in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried
stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation," whereon "he that
believeth shall not make haste:" Isa. xxviii.16.  Yet was it also foretold
concerning him, that this precious foundation should be "for a stone of
stumbling, and a rock of offense, to both the houses of Israel; for a gin
[trap] and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem;" so as that "many
among them should stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be
taken:" Isa. vii. 14, 15.  According to this promise and prediction it
hath fallen out in all ages of the church; as the apostle Peter declares
[See 1 Pet. ii. 6-8]. 

"Unto them that believe unto the saving of the soul, he is, he always hath
been, precious - the sun, the rock, the life, the bread of their souls -
everything that is good, useful, amiable, desirable, here or unto
eternity.  By him alone do they desire, expect, and obtain deliverance
from that woful apostasy from God...By him they are brought into the
nearest cognition, alliance, and friendship with God, the firmest union
unto him...that our finite natures are capable of, and so conducted unto
the eternal enjoyment of him.  For in him "shall all the seed of Israel be
justified, and shall glory;" (Isa. xlv. 25). "

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