mh-6.8-bsdi.patch.gz Patches to mh 6.8 under BSDI BSD/386. ida_sendmail- Patches for IDA sendmail under BSDI. popper-1.831.bsdi.tar.gz popper-1.831.bsdi.tar is a POP3 server that should run unmodified on BSDI 1.1. By J. Baker ( mush-7.2.5.diffs Diffs for Mail Users SHell (mush) 7.2.5 to compile under BSD/386 1.1. By (David J. MacKenzie) based on original diffs by Stan Barber ( smail-3.1.28.pax.gz smail (3.1.28) mail delivery alternative to sendmail. Ported to BSD/386 by Jeffrey Thompson ( smail-3.1.29.pax.gz smail (3.1.29) mail delivery alternative to sendmail for BSD/OS 2.0 ported by poppassd-bsdos-1.1.tar.gz Change password for POP mail users. Set up for BSD/OS 1.1 by David Miller <>. Should only need minor changes to work under 2.0. poppassd-bsdos-2.x.tar.gz Change password for POP mail users set up for BSD/OS 2.x by David Miller <>. This is a new file with fixes for the correct number of reads. Majordomo-1.92.bsdi.tar.gz A mailing list server with functionality ala BITNET's Listserv. Will automatically archive posts and can function as a robot by serving files via mail. Ported by Pat "phatj" Jensen ( poppassd-bsdos-2.1.tar.gz Latest version of program t allow POP mail users to change their passwords. By David Miller <>. pine3.95.BSDI.tar.gz Pine mailer 3.95 ready for BSD/OS by The Doctor <>.