# webmon.conf.example - Yaron Kahanovitch - Feb 2007                   #
#                                                                      #
#                                                                      #
# Example for webmon configuration file                                #

#cache_root - Root directory for cache repository.	

#log_mail_dir - If given, A copy for every notification will be kept under that directory

#from - mail address to be filed in the from field.

#subject - A subject line for mail messages.
subject=Web alert web page changed

#mail_method - <sendmail | smtp> - Method for sending mail by default sendmail is used.

#smtp_server - smtp server. Will be used if mail_method=smtp. 

#smtp_timeout - Time out to be used with smtp server. Valid if smtp.myisp.net.
smtp_timeout=60 #seconds

#log_notifications - If set Log every outgoing mail notificatio

#query start - start a new query
query start

	#url - One or more targets url to be monitored.

	#sampling_rate=  (Taken from crontab(5), "Vixie" cron) 
        #               specification of the scheduled time in crontab
	#               format (crontab(5)) which contains five mandatory time and
	#               date fields and an optional 6th column. fields are:
        #               minute         0-59
        #               hour           0-23
        #               day of month   1-31 
        #               month          1-12 (or as names)
        #               day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or as names )
        #               seconds        0-59 (optional)
        #               A field may be an asterisk (*), which always stands for
        #               ``first-last''. For details please visit 
        #              for details visit 
        #              http://search.cpan.org/~roland/Schedule-Cron-0.97/Cron.pm
	#               In the following example the query is being executed every minute
	sampling_rate=0-59/1 * * * *

	#mailto - specify mail addresses to be notify upon query notification
#	mailto=yaron-kh@orbotech.com