Cryptix Library for Perl (v1.1) Description This library contains a suite of cryptographic and mathematical modules for Perl. Many of the more CPU intensive algorithms have been implemented in C as Perl extensions. Features Perl extensions All of the following have been implemented as Perl extensions in C: Crypt::Blowfish module (Blowfish implementation by A.M. Kuchling). Crypt::DES module (DES implementation by Eric Young). Crypt::IDEA module. Crypt::MD5 module (based on an implementation by Neil Winton and Data Security, Inc.) Crypt::SHA module (based on an implementation by Uwe Hollerbach and based on code from NIST and Peter C. Gutmann) Math::BigInteger module (based on code from Eric Young). This module implements arbitrary length integers and some associated mathematical functions. Math::PRSG - Pseudo random sequence generator This module implements a 160 bit LFSR for use in generating pseudo random sequences. Math::TrulyRandom module, based on code from Don Mitchell and Matt Blaze (AT&T). This module generates "truly random" numbers, based on interrupt timing discrepancies. Perl modules All of the following have been implemented in Perl: Crypt::CBC module This module implements CBC block cipher mode. Crypt::CFB module This module implements CFB block cipher mode. Crypt::CSRandomStream module This module implements a cryptographically secure random stream. It implements the Stream::DataInput interface. Crypt::DES3EDE module This module implements triple DES (EDE mode). Crypt::HashMD5 This module implements an MD5 hash, which derives from Crypt::MessageDigest. Crypt::HashSHA This module implements an SHA hash, which derives from Crypt::MessageDigest. Crypt::MessageDigest This module implements the Crypt::MessageDigest base class. Crypt::RSAKey This module implements the RSA key base class. Crypt::RSAKeyGen This module is used for the generation of RSA key pairs. Crypt::RSAPublicKey This module implements an RSA public key, which derives from Crypt::RSAKey. Crypt::RSASecretKeyPair This module implements an RSA public/secret key pair, which derives from Crypt::RSAKey. Math::MPI module This module implements the reading and writing of Philip Zimmermans MPI format large integers. Math::PseudoRandomStream module This module implements a pseudo random data stream. It implements the Stream::DataInput interface. Math::Random module This module contains a collection of various random number routines. Math::TestPrime module This module is used to test the primality of an instance of Math::BigInteger. Stream::DataEncoding Stream::DataInput Stream::DataOutput Stream::FileInput Stream::FileOutput Stream::Streamable Stream::StringInput Stream::StringOutput Copyright This library includes (or is derived from) software developed by (and owned by) the following: Peter C. Gutmann Uwe Hollerbach <> A.M. Kuchling Don Mitchell and Matt Blaze (AT&T) NIST RSA Data Security, Inc. Neil Winton <> Eric Young <> Other parts of the library are covered by the following licence: Copyright � 1995, 1996 Systemics Ltd ( All rights reserved.