%% This is file 'bxtoolbox-ext.def'.

%% file declaration
\ProvidesFile{bxtoolbox-ext.def}[2023/02/23 v1.2a]

%% check intergrity
  \PackageError\bxtb@pkgname{Illegal load sequence}\@eha

%% load submodule

%% code guards
\catcode33=12 % <!>
\catcode34=12 % <">
\catcode39=12 % <'>
\catcode45=12 % <->
\catcode46=12 % <.>
\catcode47=12 % </>
\catcode58=12 % <:>
\catcode59=12 % <;>
\catcode60=12 % <<>
\catcode62=12 % <>>
\catcode96=12 % <`>

%--------------------------------------- general

%% variables
\bxIfcsundefX{ifbxOk}{\newbool{bxOk}}{} % all-purpsoe switch
\let\bxHex\relax      % result of \bxToHex...
\let\bxRes\relax      % result of \bxToLower

%% error messages
\def\bxtb@err@oorng{\bxtb@error{Number out of range}\@eha}

%--------------------------------------- programming tools

%%<+> \bxDebug{<text>}
% Prints a debug message. By default, it is no-op.

%%<+> \bxShowbool{<name>}

%%<+> \bxShowtoggle{<name>}

%%<+> \bxRequireDefinition
% Same as \RequirePackage except that it loads '.def' files.
% [Definition appears near the top of this file]
%%<+D> \bxInputDefFile
% Old name for \bxRequireDefinition

%%<+> \bxNullify\CS
% Make \CS void and unoverridable by \providecommand.

%%<+> \bxForEachIn<arg>,...\do{<repl_text>}
%%<+> \bxForEachTokenIn<arg>,...\do{<repl_text>}
  \afterassignment\bxtb@forei@b \def\bxtb@forei@do##1}

%%<+> \bxWithArgExpd{<arg1>}\do{<repl-text>}
%%<+> \bxWithArgFullExpd{<arg1>}\do{<repl-text>}

%%<+> \bxWithArgsExpd{<arg1>}...\do{<repl-text>}
%%<+> \bxWithArgsFullExpd{<arg1>}...\do{<repl-text>}
    \count@=\z@ \let\do\bxtb@uniq
  \@whilenum\count@<9 \do{%

%%<+> \bxAssign <assignment>\relax
% Do an assignment and checks if the assignment statement is
% free of garbage and returns the result to \ifbxOk.

%%<+> \bxChompComma\CS

%% \bxProcessOptions[*]
  \if@tempswa \ProcessOptions*%
  \else \ProcessOptions\relax \fi
  \if@tempswa \bxtb@org@@removeelement{#1}{#2}#3\fi}

%--------------------------------------- character tokens

%%<+> \ifbxHasUcsChar
\ifbxinOmega \bxHasUcsChartrue \fi
\ifbxinXeTeX \bxHasUcsChartrue \fi
\ifbxinLuaTeX \bxHasUcsChartrue \fi
\ifbxinnativeupTeX \bxHasUcsChartrue \fi

%%<+> \ifbxHasAlUcsChar
\ifbxinOmega \bxHasAlUcsChartrue \fi
\ifbxinXeTeX \bxHasAlUcsChartrue \fi
\ifbxinLuaTeX \bxHasAlUcsChartrue \fi

%%<+> \bxToChar{<num>}
% Makes \bxRes expand to a single character token with character
% code <num>. Note that in (u)pTeX this is valid only for 'alphabet'
% characters.
  \bgroup \lccode`!=#1\relax
  \egroup \let\bxRes\bx@tch@g@temp}

%%<+> \bxToJaChar{<num>}
% Makes \bxRes expand to a single CJK character token with
% character code <num> (in internal CJK encoding).
\catcode`\/=14 \catcode`\!=14
/     \forcecjktoken % retain right kcatcode
!     \enablecjktoken \ifnum\kcatcode#1<16 \kcatcode#1=18 \fi
    \endgroup \let\bxRes\bx@tch@g@temp}
\catcode`\/=12 \catcode`\!=12

%%<+> \bxToUcsChar{<num>}
% Makes \bxRes expand to a single character token with
% character code <num> (in Unicode); valid for Unicode-aware
% engines plus upTeX.
    \bxToJaChar{\ifnum\ucs#1<\z@ \jis"222E\else\ucs#1\fi}}

%%<+> \bxToUcsCharDual{<jis>}{<ucs>}
% Makes \bxRes expand to a single character token with the following
% character code: (1) on pTeX, <jis> in internal CJK encoding; and
% (2) on Unicode-aware engines, <ucs> in Unicode.

%%<+> \bxToUcsCharSeq{<jis>:<ucs>,...}

%--------------------------------------- number to hex-string
% All public commands put their result in \bxHex.

%%<+> \bxToHexTiny
% For one-to-two-digit hex strings.

%%<+> \bxToHexSmall
% For one-to-three-digit hex strings.

%%<+> \bxToHexTwo
% For zero-padded two-digit hex strings.

%%<+> \bxToHexThree
% For zero-padded three-digit hex strings.

%%<+> \bxToHexFour
% For zero-padded four-digit hex strings.
\ifbx@hx@bigchar    %----<*bigchar>
\else               %----<*!bigchar>
  \ifcase\@tempcntb \advance\@tempcnta\bx@hx@fzzz \or \or
   \advance\@tempcnta-\bx@hx@fzzz \or \advance\@tempcnta-"8000 \or
   \@tempcnta\z@ \fi
  \egroup \let\bxHex\bx@hx@gtmp}
   \csname bxhx@X/\the\@tempcntb#2\endcsname
  \ifx\bx@hx@tmp\relax \bxtb@err@oorng \global\let\bx@hx@gtmp\@empty
  \else \xdef\bx@hx@gtmp{\bx@hx@tmp#3}\fi}
  \global\expandafter\def\csname bxhx@X/#1#2\endcsname{#3}\egroup}
\fi                 %----</bigchar>

%%<+> \bxToHexFive
%%<+> \bxToHexFiveX
% For zero-padded five-digit hex strings.
  {\ifnum\@tempcnta>\bx@hx@vdmax \@tempcnta=\bx@hx@vdmax\fi}}
\ifbx@hx@bigchar    %----<*bigchar>
\else               %----<*!bigchar>
  \bgroup \@tempcnta=#2\relax#1%
    \@tempcntb=\@tempcnta \divide\@tempcnta\bx@hx@m\relax
    \bxToHexTwo\@tempcnta \let\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex
    \bxToHexThree\@tempcnta \xdef\bx@hx@gtmp{\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex}%
  \egroup \let\bxHex\bx@hx@gtmp}
\fi                 %----</bigchar>

%%<+> \bxToHexEight
% For zero-padded eight-digit hex strings.
  \bgroup \@tempcnta=#1\relax
    \bxToHexFour\@tempcnta \let\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex
    \bxToHexFour\@tempcnta \xdef\bx@hx@gtmp{\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex}%
  \egroup \let\bxHex\bx@hx@gtmp}

%%<+> \bxToHexUC
% For zero-padded four-to-six-digit hex strings.
\ifbx@hx@bigchar    %----<*bigchar>
\else               %----<*!bigchar>
  \bgroup \@tempcnta=#1\relax
    \@tempcntb=\@tempcnta \divide\@tempcnta\bx@hx@m\relax
    \bxToHexSmall\@tempcnta \let\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex
    \bxToHexThree\@tempcnta \xdef\bx@hx@gtmp{\bx@hx@tmp\bxHex}%
  \egroup \let\bxHex\bx@hx@gtmp}
\fi                 %----</bigchar>

%%<+> \bxToDecFour

%%<+> \bxToDecFive

%--------------------------------------- case conversion

%%<+> \bxToLower{<string>}
% Sets to \bxRes <string> converted to lowercase.

%%<+> \bxToUpper{<string>}

%--------------------------------------- document-level specials
% Such specials must come before any typeset commands in DVI.

%%<+> \bxDocumentSpecial{<text>}
% Appends \special{<text>} to the list of 'document-level specials'.
% A simple use of \AtBeginDvi will do in this case.

%%<+D> \bxDocumentSpecialUrgent{<text>}
% Similar to the above, but it demands that the given special be
% placed as early as possible.
\ifx\AddToHook\@undefined %----
    \else % 'atbegshi' package is in use
\else %----
  \AtBeginDvi{\special{#1}}}% fallback
\fi %----

%--------------------------------------- "shadow map" module

%%<+> \bxUseShadowMap\CS{<map_tfm>}

%%<+> \bxMap\CS
  \chardef\bx@m@hb\count@ \multiply\count@\bx@m@cc
  \advance\bxUcv-\count@ \setbox\z@\hbox{#1\bx@m@hb\char\bxUcv}%
  \global\bxUcv\wd\z@ \endgroup}

%--------------------------------------- module name

%%<+> \bxSetModuleName{<name>}
\let\bxtb@modname@default\bx@pkgname % name of this bundle

%%<+> \bxModuleName

%%<+> \bxCurrentError / \bxCurrentWarning
%%<+> \bxCurrentWarningNoLine / \bxCurrentInfo

%--------------------------------------- keyval extension

%%<+> \bxPrepareSetKeysSafe
%     \bxDebug{\XKV@rm}%

%%<+> \bxSetKeysSafe
  {\string\bxSetKeysSafe\space not enabled}\@ehc}

%--------------------------------------- driver handling

%%<+> \bxDriverList

%%<+> \bxDriverInherent

%%<+> \bxDriver

%%<+> \bxSetDriver[<file>]{<driver>}
% \bxDebug{set driver for #1 to #2}%
  {Driver specification '#1' ignored;\MessageBreak
  driver is inherently set to '\bxDriverInherent'}}

%%<+> \bxDriverSpecifiedFor{<file>}

%%<+> \bxDefineDDProcess{<name>}{<driver>}{<text>}
%%<+> \bxDefineDDProcessDefault{<name>}{<text>}

%%<+> \bxDoDDProcess{<name>}
% \bxDebug{try #1@@#2}%
% fallback setup

%%<+> \bxDeclareDriverOptions

%--------------------------------------- all done
%% EOF