Object: Galaxy NGC 4214                         Constell: CVN

RA: 12h 15.66m          Decl: +36� 19.6'        Epoch: 2000
Mag: 9.8m (v)           Size: 8.6'x6.7'         Type: IAB(s)m

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Hartola, Finland
Date/Time: 21./22.4.1995, 01.00

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 133x              Filter:
Field: 22'              NE Lim.mag: 6.0m
Background sky: 2       Seeing: 3 
Weather: Good, +3 �C.              

Brightness: 3           Alt:    
Description: A bright and interesting galaxy. East at 40x: A
bright core (2') in a faint halo.
133x: Size about 5'x5'. A bright core without a nucleus. The
core is surrounded by a box-shaped brighter area, elongated W-E.
There is a brightening in both ends of the box. The central area
is wreathed in a very faint diffuse halo. In a very poor field.