9/15/89 ------- New bugs that are mostly server dependent are discovered shortly after this release, as several users compiled the source code on platforms not tested by us. 1. Height of the Toggle field is too large on some SYSV systems, causing it to push out other widgets. Subtract 5 from the Xtheight resource from the function gr_MakeToggle in the file gr_xwi2.c in the graphics module, ie. change the line to: XtSetArg(argList[i],XtNheight,height-5); i++; An alternative is to comment out that line completely. 2. The dicer image does not appear correctly (unsightly color bands seem to form) on certain servers. This bug has been fixed and will be released in V1.0.1 with some exciting new features. 3. Change the CC compiler flag to cc instead of gcc in the td module Makefile. 9/28/89 ------- 1. Users who have compiled and tried to run X DataSlice on Sun's beta OpenWindows will be happy to know that the problems with the color map visual setting and keyboard input to the dialog boxes have been fixed in V1.0.1 of X DataSlice. 2. Users with display monitors with less than 8 color planes will not be able to use V1.0. However, V1.0.1 will take such users into account. 3. V1.0.1 will be released on October 10 1989. New features include sub- volume dicing and marching-cubes iso-surface rendering, together with several bug fixes to special server problems. Sources will be available at the same date. 10/9/89 ------- 1. Due to complications, V1.0.1 will not be released until 10/15/89. 10/24/89 -------- 1. For users who have problems with toggles being clipped vertically on certain systems, use the -DADJUST_TOGGLES flag in the XFLAGS Makefile variable. (Ref. 9/15/89(1)) 11/1/89 ------- 1. The Iris executable in the v1.0/bin directory will not work properly on IRIX 3.2G (the latest OS with WorkSpace and X-Windows). It works only on IRIX 3.1 with X-windows enhancements. A new binary that works on IRIX 3.2G will be placed in the v1.0.1/bin directory as soon as it becomes available. 11/10/89 -------- 1. The HDF sources provided with the XDS tar file are available for several platforms. If you do not have HDF installed on your system, go to the hdf subdirectory and look at the available platforms. If one exists for your machine, copy the contents of the particular subdirectory up into the hdf directory and then copy *.h in the hdf directory into the include directory. For example, if your machine is an alliant, do the following: cd hdf /* assuming you are in the top xds directory */ cp alliant/* . cp *.h ../include cd .. make The default hdf sources are for a Sun. If your machine does not match any available platform, here are some general rules to use: Machine type Sources to use ------------ -------------- SysV iris4 bsd sun If you have downloaded one of the sample 3D HDF files and have successfully compiled XDS, but find that the 3D sds apparently consists of 'random bits', then the byte ordering of your machine is reversed, eg on the Sun386i and DecStation 3100 Ultrix machines. To counter this, edit the file dfi.h in the hdf subdirectory and change the line 28 #define SUN to #define SUN386. In future, we will be using imake files to make thing much more portable than what we have now. 2. There is a bug with the Expose procedure in the Dicer Window (line 218 of gr_dice2.c in the graphics module). Change diceWin->gc3 (XPutImage) to diceWin->gc1. 11/29/89 -------- 1. XDS V1.1 will be released Fri Dec 1st 1989. This version will be placed in the MIT XV11R4 distribution as a contrib program. Several changes and features have been implemented in this version. The sources have been flattened out into a single directory with the hdf directory. Pending unforeseen changes, all future releases will feature this directory format. There is no longer a lib or include directory. 2. V1.1 new features include shaded iso-surfaces in the Isosurface rendering tool, mouse and keyboard controlled directory changes, use Disk option for all forms of animation, control of dataset minimum and maximum values, depth profiling (which gives an XY data value versus planes behind the selected plane plot). 12/7/89 ------- 1. XDataSlice V1.1 will be on the standard MIT XV11R4 distribution tape. 2. HDF 3.0 is also released on the same date as XDataSlice and is the version that is archived together with XDS v1.1 on our ftp server. A new Makefile is created for this HDF version, which has been flattened into one directory. If your platform does not exist on its list of supported platforms in the Makefile, for BSD unix systems, set the MACHINE flag to be -DSUN, and for SYSV systems, set the MACHINE flag to IRIS4. If you encounter byte reversal problems on a BSD unix system (which causes the generated XDS images to look like random bits), use the -DSUN386 option. In any case, add whatever machine flag that you have chosen to the CFLAGS variable in the Makefile in the xds_src directory before compiling the XDS sources. 3. BIG BUG. For those users who downloaded xds.tar v1.1 before this date, please edit the file td_pixel.c, line 58 in function td_HdfInterpPixel. Add the word max to the line: ie. from: float32 min,frac; to: float32 min,max,frac; The compiler should have caught this bug, but unfortunately the Sun's CC is not smart enough... . This bug will cause XDS to core dump if you try to generate an image in the Axes mode window with the Interpolate flag switched on. I have already corrected in sources in the ftp server. The new sources are v1.1.1, and all the binaries have been upgraded to this version, although some may still indicate the v1.1.0 version number. 1/10/90 ------- 1. Several changes have been made to the Athena widget library in XV11R4 such that the XDataSlice sources in the contrib tape will NOT compile without certain changes. The most significant change is that the Athena header files are now in the subdirectory Xaw under X11, hence all Athena include files should now be prefixed as: <X11/Xaw/...h>. Also, the flag -DXAW_BC must be used to compile all the XDataSlice files. The field index of XtListReturnStruct has been changed to: list_index. 2. A R4 version of XDataSlice with some new features and bug fixes will be released soon. All future executables released will be compiled with the R4 libraries, although the sources will be backward compatible with R3 libraries (so that XDataSlice may be built with R3 libraries). 1/18/90 ------- 1. XDS V1.1.2 will be posted on our anonymous ftp server with executables and sources by the end of the month (1/31/90). As stated in Ref. 1/10/90(2), it will be compatible with both the R3 and R4 X libraries. Future releases of XDS, however, may drop the R3 compatibility (as will future official MIT XV11 releases), so users are highly advised to get the XV11R4 libraries for their platforms as soon as possible. 2. In the meantime, earlier versions of XDS (v1.1.1) should be compiled only with the XV11R3 libraries to be really safe. The R3 executables will still run on a R4 server. 3. V1.1.2 will be able to detect and handle the default Visuals of different X servers automatically, so that there will not be any need to generate different executables for different default Visuals. 4. V1.1.2 will also have a much improved iso-surface generation tool that creates fully shaded polygons with hidden surfaces removed. Surfaces may be rotated to any arbitrary angles about the X-, Y- and Z- axes. Depth- cueing and perspective views are also built into the tool for realism. Surfaces may be generated as a batch animation sequence. An example of the kind of images that may be created by this tool is given in the samples directory in the file brain.iso.Ras8.hdf (uncompressed). 5. If you have used XDataSlice and liked it, please email your comments to softdev@ncsa.uiuc.edu. It is your show of support of NCSA software that keep our products in the public domain. We will also like to know how the software aid you in your endeavours and obtain some sample data from you (if possible). In this way, we can make X DataSlice and other NCSA products satisfy your needs much better and ensure that they remain as free visualization tools to the public community. 1/31/90 ------- 1. Try not to use the Imakefile that comes along with the v1.1.2 distribution. Instead, edit the Makefile to suit your system (there aren't very much changes to make, anyhow). 2/2/90 ------ 1. A new Imakefile for compiling v1.1.2 has been placed in the XDataSlice/ v1.1.2 directory to be used in place of that in the xds.tar file. 2/7/90 ------ 1. The sources for HDF 3.0 that are included with the XDS v1.1.2 sources require the -DIRIS4 flag be defined for all files including the df.h include file, if you intend to compile the programs with any SYSV machine. 2. XDS v1.1.3 will include a colored iso-surface feature with which the user can assign a color value to the iso-value he/she selected. A example of this feature is given in samples/skull.iso.Ras8.hdf. The palette that comes along with the sequence should not be changed at all, though, because the images are actually 24-bit quantized to 8-bit images, and require that specific palette for the pictures to look right. Have fun with the sequence! 3/21/90 ------ 1. XDS v1.2.0 has just been released today. It includes all the features of the unreleased XDSv1.1.3 and XDSv1.1.4 plus a few bug fixes. Read the AboutXDS file in this directory for more details about the release. 3. NCSA XDataSlice will be officially taken over by another programmer today. His name is Jason Ng (likkai@ncsa.uiuc.edu). You may send mail concerning XDS to his address, or to me at (ewtoh@ncsa.uiuc.edu). I will be leaving the United States for Singapore, but my email will be forwarded to me automatically. I will most certainly entertain any questions even though I am no longer working for NCSA. Hope you have enjoyed using XDS as much as I have developing it, and I'm sure you'll find it a very much improved tool once Jason has implemented several other features to it.