Galactic View:
The following section is the Galactic View, courtesy of Flagship
magazine. Many thanks to them for providing this to me. Any errors
were probably introduced by my editing job. This version dates from
Mar 1994. The European game list and GM list follows the entire US
list, so keep on going. A british pound symbol is rendered as '#'.
How to read the Galactic View tables:
GM shows if the game is run by computer (C), human (H) or mixed
(M). Ref shows the issue of FLAGSHIP where you can find the best
description so far in the magazine: a=article, s=Spokesmen Speak,
r=Rumors from the Front, d=Diary, l=Late News. Thus, 4s means
'Spokesmen Speak Issue #4'. For the Other Fees column, the following
notes apply: (a) More for larger positions or later turns in the game,
(b) More for battle reports, (c) More for extended orders, (d) More
for several possible extras, (e) Fee covers entire game.* next to
Rules & Startup indicates deposit returnable if you play to the end of
the game, or prepayment discounts available (see moderator for
details). There is usually a small surcharge for players from other
countries than the GM. Occasional optionals like a newsletter are not
included in the prices unless we judge that they are fairly frequent
and essential for the enjoyment of the game. Some GMs give discounts
if you pay for a batch of turns in advance. Finally, the FLAGSHIP
editors' personal recommendations of games to try appear in the last
column. J=Joey Browning, P=Nicky Palmer, T=John Tindall. All prices in
the currency of the GM.
Removed: Lots! See GM list for the purge this issue
Added: Armageddon's Aftermath, Bloody Blade, Realm of Shaharasi, World
War 2 Campaign (Canada)
GM change: Emperor of Space is mixed-mod, not computer-mod
Updates in listed prices: ICWF, State of War
Rules & Free Turn Other
Game GM Startup Turns Fee Fees Ref Ed
Ad Astra C DRB 2.00 0 3.50 No 10a
Adventurer Kings C COC 2.00 0 5.00 No 24a,35a JPT
Adventurers Guild C ENP 3.50 0 9.75 No 43a
Against All Odds C C2S 4.00 0 5.00 No 37a,37-41d
Alamaze! C PEG 15.00 2 7.00 (a) 38a,39-43d J
Ancient Empires M LAK Free 0 9.00 (a) 47s
Armageddon's Aftermath M DAM 8.00 0 4.00 No 48s
Atlantean Realm C ARG ? ? ? ? 34s
Battle Plan C FBI 6.00 0 3.50 (a) 19a
Beyond the Stellar Emp. M ABM 20.00 2 6.00 (c) 22a
Blood, Guts... Across the Galaxy C DEX 12.00 5 4.00 No 44s
Blood Pit C EGS 5.00 1 5.50 No 32a
Bloody Blade, The M DAM 8.00 0 3.00 No 48s
Centurion C FAY 5.00 0 6.50 No 43s
Champions of Steel C RSI ? ? ? ? 27s
Clans of Trove M YEL C$12.00 4 C$3.00 (b) 24s
Colonial Commonwealth C FRE 10.00 1 10.00 No 39s
Conquest C EAR 6.00 1 3.00 No 28a
Conquest of America C AGN 4.00 0 4.00 No 39s
Computer Boxing C NOR 5.00 0 1.00 No
Conquest C EAR 6.00 1 3.00 No 28a
Conquest and Destiny C VIR ? ? Up to 7.20(email)/13.20 (paper) 47a
Continental Rails C GRF 15.00 3 4.50 No 21a P
Continuum C ZEP 10.00 1 6.00 No 47a
Coup d'Etat C SIN ? ? 4.00 (a)
Crack of Doom M AGE 10.00 0 4.00 (d) 12s
Crisis in the West C COM ? ? ? ? 44s
CTF 2187 C AGE 5.00 0 3.50 (a) 20a,47a
Darkworld H WIL 10.00 0 4.00 (c) 7a
Darkness of Silverfall C COC 2.00 0 4.00 No 33a
Dawn of the Ancients C GSI 10.00 2 3.00 No 14a
Day After, The M SSP 10.00 4 2.00 (d) 27s
Death & Sorrow C EGG 5.00 3 2.50 (a)
Deep Space C OUQ 10.00 2 5.00 No 40s
Delenda est Carthago M DEX 40.00 1 15.00av (d) 37s P
Domination C DEX 4.00 0 2.00 to 4.00 43a
DragonHelm M WIL 15.00 0 5.00 No 35s
Duelmasters C RSI Free 0 4.75 (a) 32a
Duel of a Different Color C FRA ? ? 5.00 No 44s
Election Year C FBI $25 for complete game 47a
El Mythico C GRF 15.00 1 6.00 No 30a,33a,35-41d T
Emperor of Space M EME Free 1 4.00 No 47s
Empyrean Challenge C DRB 10.00 0 15.00 (a) 17a
Epic C MID 12.00 2 5.00 (d) 20a
Family Wars C CYC 5.50 0 3.50 No 16a
Fantasy Arena, The C PEG 19.95 1 5.00 No 46s
Feudal Lords C GRF/FBI 15.00 3 4.00 No 3a T
Firebreather C HOR Free 0 4.00 No 42s
First World M WLE 10.00 2 4.00 No 11a
Fleet Maneuvers C FAN 15.00 6 3.00 No 23s
Freedom C SIM 2.00 0 5.00 No 40s
Galactic Anarchy C ANA 15.00 5 3.50 No 34s
Galactic Conflict C FBI 5.00 0 3.50 No 5a
Galactic Conquest C AGN 4.00 0 4.00 No 39s
Galactic Prisoners M GRA 17.00 5 2.50 No 18a
Gameplan C DEL/GRA $6.00 0 $12/4 turns (d) 20a
Gladiators of Death C FAT ? ? 5.00 No 44a
Global Supremacy III M NOR 15.00 0 3.50 (d) 27s
Glory II HCS 10.00 $10/month 29s
Gunboat Empires M MOR 25.00 2 8.50 (d) 29s
Heroic Fantasy C FBI 6.00 0 3.00 No 10a
Hyborian War C RSI Free 0 5.00 (a) 17a T
ICWF C ICW 5.00 0 1.00 No 48a
Illuminati C FBI 7.00 0 4.75 No 16a,42-?d
Infinity and Beyond M BIZ 1.00 1 1.50 No
INS 20,000 BC C INT 41s
INS 2001 C INT 41s
Into the Maelstrom C MAE Free 2 3.25 No 44a
Intrigue M WLE 10.00 3 4.00 No 38a
Iron & Steam C PTP ? ? 4.00 No 44s
Island Takeover C ECL Free 0 3.00 No 36s
Isle of Crowns C ABM Free 1 4.00 No 27s
Its a Crime! C ABM Free 2 3.50 No 11a
Kingdom C GRF 10.00 0 2.50 (a) 21a
Kings War M SCG ? ? ? ?
Kings & Things* C GRF 12.00 1 5.50 No 20a
Krahlizek: The Last Battle C AGG 10.00 3 3.00 No 44s
Land of Karrus, The C PAP 10.00 2 4.00 No 33a
Legends C MID 15.00 1 4.50 (a) 29a,30a T
Lomaka M PAP 3.00 0 8.00 No 44s
Lords of Aphrodite C PSI 19.50 20 3.50-9.00 (c) 44a
Lords of Destiny C MAE Free 0 3.75 No 46d-47d
Lords of the Galactic Rim C NEB 20.00 2 8.00 (d)
Lost Knowledge M COP 7.00 2 2.50 No
Maxi-Challenge C DRB 10.00 0 15.00 (a) 17a
Middle Earth C GSI 25.00 2 6.50 (d) 37a,36-40d,46-47a
Midgard M MID 20.00 1 $5.00/position (d) 43s
Mithra C WdG 19.00 6 2.50 No 47a
Mobius I C FBI 5.00 0 8.00 (c) 47a
Modern World Conquest see World Conquest (same price, Modern game is
advanced version)
Monster Island C ABM Free 1 4.00 No 28a,36a
Murder! H MAT Free 0 3.00 No 43a
Mutant Wars C STR 5.00 2 4.00 No
National Will, A C SIM 6.50 1 3.50 No 41a
Net-Runner C COC 10.00 3 2.50 No 47s
New Order C C2S 5.00 0 4.50 No 26a
Next Empire, The C RSI 20.00 3 7.50 No 21a
Nuclear Destruction C FBI 5.00 0 2.00 No
One True Faith M? LAK Free 0 10.00 (d) 47s
Out Time Days M TEG 5.00 5 5.00 No 34a B
Panzer Salient C COM 45.00 1 20.00 No 43s
Paths to Glory ? TRU 15.00 1 12.00 No 46s
Pirates C TRI ? ? ? ? 41s
Platoon Leader C TRI ? ? ? ? 41s
Quest C ABM Free 0 3.00 No 47a
Quest of the Great Jewels C FLD 15.00 3 5.00 No 38s
Realm of Shaharasi M DAR ? ? ? ? 48s
Realms of Altair H FMG 13.00 0 4.00 (d) 17s
Realms of Fantasy C GRF 15.00 2 4.50 No 27s
Realpolitik C TRI 4.00 1 4.00 No 41s
Renaissance I M XAN 7.00 0 3.90 (d) 4a
Renaissance II C XAN 12.00 1 7.00 No 44a
Rimworlds M PAL 27.50 5 6.50 (a) 17a P
Saint Val's Day Massacre C VOR 10.00* 2 4.00 (a) 27a
Sea Kings C GSI See Earthwood (same game, new map)
Smuggler's Run C DIS 10.00 2 3.00 No 47s
Space 101 C C2S 3.50 0 3.50 No 23a
Space Combat C TEG 1.00 0 3.50 No 22a
Spiral Arm C GRF 15.00 2 5.00 No 22a
Starborne M WIL 15.00 0 5.00 (c)
Star Cluster Omega M C-T 10.00 2 3.00 (b) 7s
Star Fleet Warlord C AMA 5.00 0 5.00 No 44s
Starlord C FBI 6.00 0 2.50 No 5a
Star Quest C DEX 20.00 5 4.00 to 12.00 43a
Stars/Dark Well M MIN 20.00 2 4.50 No 18a
Starweb C FBI 12.00* 0 4.00 (a) 9a P
State of War C GSI 20.00 2 5.00 No 19a
Stitch in Time, A C HUS 3.00 0 2.50 No 29s
Super Vorcon Wars C DRB 6.00 2 2.50 No 12a
Supernova II M RTG 12.50 0 5.00 (c) 23a P
Supremacy C GRF 12.00 1 5.50 No 26a
Suzerainty C 7TH Still in playtest 44s J
Takamo C AVG 10.00 2 2.50 (c) 21a
Thaura C WdG 40.00 6 6.00 or 8.00 47a
Throne of Rhianon C VOR 15.00 2 6.00 No 47s
Time Lady, The H MAT Free 0 6.00 No 42a
Tracks C FRI 15.00 3 4.00 No 38s
Universal Melting Pot C SHR 10.00 3 2.25 No 44a
Urban Empire C LEI 20.00 4 5.00 No 36a
Venom C GSI 15.00 2 4.75 No 26a
Victory! C RTG 20.00 0 6.00 (a) 32a,37a
Warlords C MON ? ? ? ? 40s
Warp Force Empires C EGS 9.50* 0 4.50 No 15a
Warriors and Wizards C RTG 5.00 0 6.00 (c) 36a,39-44d
Wastelands C DEL 15.00 2 4.00 (c) 43a
Weapon, The C FAN 13.50 2 3.25 No 21a,46d-47d
World Campaigns M EGS 5.00 0 5.00 No 27s
World Conquest C PTP 12.00 3 5.00 (a) 32a,35a
World Emperor II C DEX 17.00 5 4.00 No 41a,43-44d
Worldwide BattlePlan C FBI 6.00* 0 5.00 (c) 25a
World War II M PHI 10.00 0 20.00 (a) 40a
World War IV C JFH/HIG 12.00 2 6.00 to 9.00 32a,43s
You're an Ameoba, Go! MON C Free 0 3.00 No 43s
Games run in the UK but payable in $ in the US (GM shows the US
contact). #1=$1.50 (roughly) at the time of going to press.
Abaddon H DLX #6 0 #4-8+postage 48s
Delenda est Carthago M DLX ? ? ? (d)
Australasian changes: Added:
Removed: Some AustWiz games (see Spokesmen); others have changed GM
Updated: Swashbuckler prices now shown
Adventurer Kings C ROM 10.00 0 6.00 No 24a,35a
Against All Odds C DYN 10.00 0 6.00 No 37a,37-41d
Balance of Power M DYN 10.00 0 5.00 (a)
Battle Master C DYN 10.00 2 5.00 No
Battle Plan C CHA 10.00 2 5.00 No
Blitzkrieg C PIG 15.00 2 5.00 No 48a
Blood, Gore & Guts C PIG 15.00 2 5.00 No
Boracay Philippines C RCR 10.00 1 3.00 No
Championship Soccer C SOC ? ? 2.00 No 43s
Darkness/Silverfall C ROM 10.00 1 6.00 No 33a
and C CIR 8.00 0 6.50 ?
Dark Star C CIR Playtest 41s
Dominant Power C CRE 8.00 1 5.00 No
Eclipse C PBE 7.00 0 5.00 No
El Mythico C ROM 10.00 1 7.00 No 30a,33a,35-41d
Epic/Kings C PBE 15.00 0 7.00 (c)
Family Wars C CHA 10.00 2 5.00 No
Feudal Lords C CHA 10.00 2 5.00 No
Galaxy C MER 20.00 1 7.00 (a)
Gameplan C PBS 10.00 2 5.00 No 38s
(Superbowl) 10.00 2 4.00 No
(Advanced) 10.00 2 6.00 (c)
Gridiron Stats C PBS 10.00 5 4.00 No 45s
Hall of Champions C DYN 10.00 0 5.00 No
Heroic Fantasy C CHA 10.00 2 4.00 (a)
Isle of Crowns C DYN ? ? ? ?
Lizards C ROM 5.00 3 ? ? 41s
Legends C PBE 40.00 0 9.00 (a)
Midgard M BAR 20.00 2 7.00 No
Play On C PBS 10.00 5 4.00 No 38s
Quest C DYN ? ? ? ? 45s
Rings of Darkness C ROM 5.00 1 4.00 No
Rugby Stats C PBS 10.00 5 4.00 No 38s
Scorpion C TBR ?? ? ? ?
Shadow Lords C PIG 20.00 2 6.00 No
Soccer Stats C PBS 10.00 5 4.00 No 38s
Spiral Arm II C MER 15.00 3 7.00 No
Star Quest C PIG 15.00 2 6.00 (a)
Starweb C CHA 10.00 2 5.00 No
Swashbuckler C PAS 10.00 0 8.00 No 43s
Troll Quest C MER Free 3 4.00 No 44s
Trolls Bottom C DYN 10.00 4 3.00 No
Victory C IMA 10.00 0 5.00 (c) No 44s
Warriors & Wizards C ROM 10.00 1 6.00 (c)
Wastelands C TBR 10.00 2 4.00 (a) 43a
Age of Discovery C EMA Free to end-93 44s
Borderlands of Khataj M MAI 28.00 3 5.50 (d) 40s
Crystal Island M BET 10.00 4 2.75 No 34s
Dwarf Falls M BET 10.00 4 2.75 No 40s
Global Diplomacy C EMA Free to end-93 44s
Imperium C EMA Free to end-93 44s
Lost Mine, The M BET 10.00 4 2.75 No 40s
Mithra C WdG 25.00 6 3.25 No 47a
DragonsKeep M BET 10.00 4 3.40 No 40s
DragonsKeep (solo) M BET 10.00 4 2.75 No 40s
Sovereignity H WSG 30.00 Auto-run games 47a
Thaura C WdG 55.00 6 8.00 or 11.00 47a
World War 2 Campaign MIL 30.00 0 15.00 No 48s
New Zealand
Adventurer Kings C CIR 5.00 0 6.50 ? 24a,35a
Darkness/Silverfall C CIR 8.00 0 6.50 ? 33a
Dark Star C CIR Playtest 41s
Gormants ? BAR ? ? ? ? 46s
Homeworld ? ERI ? ? ? ? 46s
Housewars II M KRA 5.00 0 5.00 No 44s
Lizards C CIR $5.00 0 NZ$8.00 No 41s
Quest C COM ? ? ? ? 45s
Return From Sirius C PAP ? ? ? ? 46s
World Emperor II C BAR ? ? ? ? 41a
This is a list of PBM companies believed by FLAGSHIP to be operating
at the time this issue is published. This is offered as a service to
our readers to assist them in selecting the games they may want to
play. Moderators listed below are cross-indexed by a company code to
the game register on the following pages. Moderators are strongly
encouraged to check the listings here and verify their accuracy;
please notify one of the editors if you find an error or
omission. There is no cost to moderators for this service. We'd also
be very grateful if readers who find an error here, or who learn of a
new game not listed, would pass the word on to us here at FLAGSHIP.
To sign up for a game, find it on the list below, find the company
running it on your company list, and send them the sum under Rules &
startup. You will be sent a rulebook and any starting materials (order
sheets, maps, etc.) needed, and you will be given the number of free
turns listed under Free Turns. After that, the cost per turn is as
shown in the Turn Fee column. Where we are uncertain about the status
of a company, we've marked them with a '?'.
Companies removed: Alternate Realms, Armageddon, ASG, Battle-Magic,
Bizarre, Bronze Star, Classified Inf, Clemens, Combat Ents, Cosmos,
Creative Management, C-T, DVS, DPI, Dragon, Dymar, Ethereal Edge,
Eros, Frazier, Gator, Gem, Genesis, Global, Guy, Imaginary Sports,
Infinite Odysseys, IGC, Irondragon, Justin, Lanke, MSD, Morris, Nebula
Star, New Dawn, New World, PBM Adventures, Pent Alpha, Peregrine, Post
Age, R3, Rebel, Roepke, Sandlot, SE, Shrewd Expanse, South Bay, Sports
Challenge, Starry Knight, Stat-Sports, Third Foundation, Vigard, White
New: Ares (returned to list), Darkwood, Miller (Canada)
Change of address: Damien
Advanced Gaming Enterprises,POB 214949, Sacramento, CA 95821 [AGE]
Advent Games, POB 26, Malcolm, NE 68402-0026 [AVG]
Adventures By Mail, POB 436, Cohoes, NY 12047 [ABM]
Agents of Gaming, POB 31571, Dayton, OH 45431 [AGN]
Aggressive Addiction, PO Box 813, Silver Spring, MD 20918 [AGG]
Anarchy By Mail, POB 873, Allen, TX 75002 [ANA]
Andon Games,POB 142,Kent,OH 44240 [AND]
Ares Games, 110 Edwin Ave SE, Massilon, OH 44646-8059 [ARE]
Argus Adventure Simulations, POB 181689, Dallas, TX 75218 [ARG]
Ark Royal Games, POB 6378, Aloha, OR 97007 [ARK]
C2 Simulations, 19352 Shady Harbor Cir., Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2136 [C2S]
Coconut Council, 6508 Minnetonka Blvd, St Louis Park, MN 55426-3451 [COC]
Cyclops Gaming, 3436 Bailey Pl, Bronx, NY 10463-4205 [CYC]
Damien Games, 1209 Park Hill Circle, Knoxville, TN 37909 [DAM]
Darkwood Enchantment, POB 10002, Cleveland, OH 44110 [DAR]
Delta Games, PO Box 551514, Dallas, TX 75355 [DEL]
Deltax Gaming, 548 Great Hill Dr, Ballwin, MO 63021 [DEX]
DragonByte, POB 38576, Greensboro, NC 27438-8576 [DRB]
Earnshaw Enterprises, 55 E. 600 N., Orem, UT 84057-4086 [EAR]
Eckert Gaming Group, PO Box 16384, Rochester, NY 14616 [EGG]
Eclipse Consulting, 7701 Tamarron Dr, Plainsboro, NJ 08536 [ECL]
Emperor of Space (Dave Watkins), 350 Scott St, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 [EME]
Emprise Games Systems, 4598 Stonegate Ind., Blvd #B, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-1905 [EGS]
Enchanted Horizons, POB 28250, Spokane, WA 99228 [ENC]
Entertainment Plus, P.O. Box 2578, Appleton, WI 54913-2578 [ENP]
Fantastic Simulations,POB 1288-R,Englewood,CO 80150 [FAN]
Fantasy & Futuristic Simulations, POB 122068, Chula Vista, CA 91912 [FAT]
Fantasy Workshop, POB 167506, Irving, TX 75016-7506 [FAY]
Flying Buffalo Inc,POB 1467,Scottsdale,AZ 85252-1467 [FBI]
Flying Dutchman Games, POB 957434, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 [FLD]
Fractal Dimensions, 17-29 Main St., Suite 316, Cortland, NY 13045 [FRA]
Friendly Fire Games, POB 8323, Pittsburg, CA 94565-8323 [FRI]
Game Systems Inc,POB 160129,Miami,FL 33116-0129 [GSI]
Graaf Simulations,P.O. Box 96,St Clair Shores,MI 48080 [GRF]
Grandel Inc, POB 4386, Wilmington, DE 19807 [GRA]
HCS Games, 89 Lakeview Terrace, Binghamton, NY 13904 [HCS]
High Point Games, POB 6061, Chesterfield, MO 63006 [HIG]
Horizon Games, PO 581434, Minneapolis, MN 55458-1434 [HOR]
Huscarl Hobbies, 296 Jones Hollow Rd., Marlborough, CT 06447[HUS]
ICWF, 5316 North Rd, Orangeburg, SC 29115 [ICW]
International Research Associates, POB 6615, Teall Station, Syracuse, NY 13217 [INT]
JFH Games, 4251 Hatcher Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 [JFH]
Kalei Enterprises, 523 Hastings Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 [KAL]
Langley, Keith, 1614 Donovan Pl, Longmont, CO 80501 [LAK]
Leisure Time Unlimited, 2009 E. 121st St, #212, Bournsville, MN 55337 [LEI]
Matteson, Colleen, 44 Parkway Terrace Ct, Lot 16A, Ripon, WI 54971-1124 [MAT]
Maelstrom Games, PO Box B, Welch Post Office, Ames, IA 50014 [MAE]
Midgard USA (Zan Erskine), POB 610325, Dallas, TX 75621-0325 [MID]
Midnight Games, 130 E. Main, Suite #305, Medford, OR 97054 [MID]
Mindgate, POB 1670, Carmichael, CA 95609-1670 [MIN]
Monastic Software, POB 4156, Ithaca, NY 14852 [MON]
Northwest Simulations, POB 5080-274, Fairfield, CA 94533 [NOR]
Outerquest Simulations, POB 25533, Garfield Heights, OH 44125 [OUT]
Outlander Software, 2101 W Route 66 H5, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 [OUT]
Palace Simulations Inc,POB 396, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 [PAL]
Paper Tigers, P.O. Box 3714, San Dimas, CA 91773 [PAP]
Pegasus Productions, POB 248F, Waynesville, NC 28786 PEG]
Phillips, Stephen, 2055 NW 29th, #5, Portland, OR 97210 [PHI]
Prime Time Programmimg, PO Box 5018, Walnut Creek,CA 94596-1018 [PTP]
Prime Time Simulations, PO Box 650, Pinole, CA 94564-0650 [PTT]
Reality Simulations,POB 22400,Tempe,AZ 85282 [RSI]
Rolling Thunder Games, POB 1240, Broomfield, CO 80038-1240 [RTG]
Sarnath Games, P.O. BOX 38, West Harrison, NY 10604-2009 [SAR]
Simcoarum Systems,POB 520861,Salt Lake City,UT 85152 [SIM]
Sinbad's Games, POB 219, Taftville, CT 06380 [SIN]
Stand & Deliver, 215 E 24th St, #620 New York, NY 10010 [STA]
Syzygy Simulations, POB 2634, Reston, VA 22094
Triad Simulations, 7821 S. Scepter Dr. #5, Franklin, WI 53132-2262 [TRI]
Triumph Games Systems, POB 307, Ely, NV 89301-0307 [TRU]
Twin Engine Gaming, 3254 Maple Leaf Ct, San Jose, CA 95121[TEG]
Virtual Galaxy Systems, POB 498, Brockport, NY 14420 [VIR]
Vorpal Games, POB 353, Richland, WA 99352 [VOR]
Vortex Simulations, c/o Rob Stock, 7580 Stirling Rd #112, Hollywood, FL 33024 [VOR]
WdG-USA, Eric Lambeth, POB 1062, Nixa, MO 65714-1062 [WdG]
Constantine Xanthos, 1155 Hillsboro Mile #401, Hillsboro Beach, FL 33062 [XAN]
Zephyr Enterprises, POB 178, Citrus Hts, CA 95611-0178 [ZEP]
7th Dimension Gaming, 26 Trainlwood Circle, Petal, MS 39465 [7TH]
Betesh, Saul, POB 22, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4V7 [BET]
E-Mail Games, 4886 Matthews Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada V9B 5B4 [EMA]
Mailed Gauntlets, 189 First Avenue, Toronto, Onatario M4M 1X3 [MAI]
Miller, L.,General Delivery, Banff, Alberta T0L 0C0 [MIL]
Village Computer Games, 4096 Kuchiran Pierrfonds, Quebec H9H 4A9
Warlord Strategic Gaming, RR #1, Beeton, ON, Canada L0G 1A0 [WSG]
WdG-Canada, Chris Knapp, 850 Shawn Dr., Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 [WdG]
Yellowseed Games, POB 172, Shellbrook, Saskatchewan S0J 2E0 [YEL]
Companies removed: Athena's Avatar, Australian Wizard
New: The Baron's Midgard
Changes of address:
Archmage Games, 2 Lusitania St, East Ipswich, QLD 4305 [AMG]
Baron's Midgard, POB 542, Lindfield, NSW 2040 [BAR]
Chameleon Games, PO Box 62, Middle Brighton, Victoria 3186 [CHA]
Chameleon Games NZ, POB 15-130, New Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand [CHN]
Circle Games, POB 105 320, Auckland, 1001, New Zealand [CIR]
Cobra Games, POB 180, Oakley, QLD 4401 [COB]
Computer Campaigns, PO Box 11-782, Wellington, New Zealand[CCP]
Creative Games, PO Box 521, Lilydale, Victoria 3140 [CRE]
Dynamic Games, 4 Tarana Ave, Kanahooka, NSW 2530 [DYG]
Eriol Games, 24 Hapua Rd, Haitaiti, Wellington, NZ
Games Heaven, 16 Hepburn Rd, North Rock, NSW 2151 [GHE]
Imagination Games, 4/2 St Anne's Terrace, Glenelg, SA 5045 [IMA]
Imperial Games, Shop 28, Bayswater Village, Bayswater, Vic 3153 [IMP]
Kraken Games, POB 4310, Christchurch, New Zealand [KRA]
Mackay, Peter, 6 Beadle Pl, Charnwood, 2615 [MAC]
Mercury Games, POB N600, Grosvenor Place, Sydney, NSW 2000 [MER]
Nostromo Games, POB 29, Wangi Wangi, NSW 2267 [NOS]
Paspa Games,POB 4342, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052 [PAS]
PBM Enterprises, POB 278, Emerald, VIC 3153 [PBE]
Perkins, Jeff, 3/28 Pine St, Marrickville, NSW
Play By Mail Sports, PO Box 14219, Melbourne Mail Centre, Melbourne, VIC 3000 [PBS]
Post-It Games, POB 90, Lutwyche, QLD 4030 [PIG]
Roy C Rae, 605 Luxford Rd, Bidwill, NSW 2770 [RCR]
Roma Games, POB 1957, Toowomba, QLD 4350 [ROM]
Sandgroper PBM, POB 1484, Midvale, Perth WA 6050 [SAN]
Soccer By Mail, POB 261, Pascoe Vale South, VIC 3044 [SOC]
The Baron's Regime, PO Box 395, Liverpool, NSW, Australia [TBR]
Wraith PBM, 32 Howe Ave, North Dandenong, Victoria 3175 [WRA]
Paulo E. Muller Castilho Lima, Shin QI 3 Conujnto 4 Casa 14, Brasilia, DF (Midgard)
How to read the Galactic View Tables:
GM shows if the game is run by computer (C), human (H), mixed (M) or
play-by-disk (D). Ref shows the issue of FLAGSHIP where you can find
the best description so far in the magazine: a=article, s=Spokesmen
Speak, r=Rumours from the Front, l=Late News, d=diary. Thus, 4s means
'Spokesmen Speak issue #4'. E refers to the extra news issue after
#33. For the Other Fees column, the following footnotes apply:(a) More
for larger positions or later turns in the game, (b) More for battle
reports, (c) More for extended orders/longer reports, (d) More for
several possible extras, (e) Fee covers entire game. * next to Rules &
startup indicates deposit returnable if you play to the end of the
game, or prepayment discounts available (see moderator for
details). Next to turnfee it means that return postage is paid by the
GM each turn. S, by contrast, means you need to send an SSAE. # next
to Ref indicates a game 'friendly' to non-UK players: deadlines at
least two weeks apart and non-UK prices not more than 30% above those
listed here. ! indicates a game included in the
Supercoupon. Occasional optional extras like a newsletter are not
included in the prices unless we judge that they are fairly frequent
and essential for enjoyment of the game. Some GMs give discounts if
you pay for a batch of turns in advance.
New entries: Bad Call, Gridiron Coach
Games deleted since last issue:
After 6 deletions and 16 additions, the list now shows 293 UK-run
games. Note that prices are for the UK: non-UK European rates are
usually about 25% higher, and overseas rates can be up to double.
Rules & Free Turn Other
Game GM Startup Turns Fee Fees Ref S/c
Abaddon H PHI 6.00 0 4.00 (c) 46s#
Ad Astra C PAG 5.00 3 1.50 No 48a !
Adventurer Kings C ELI 7.00 2 2.00* (a) 24a,35a !
or whole game 35.00
Aeroball M WIG 2.00 1 1.25 No 36s !
Agamemnon M KEL 11.00 5 1.75 No 46s
Age of Heroes H AOH Free 0 Free No 37s
AGOTH C SUM 10.00 2 3.50 No 43s,45s
Airowna C WPN 5.00 2 2.00 No 30s
Ancient Empires M OAT 8.00 0 #10/month No 48a# !
Anthelios C SOM 6.00 2 1.40 (c) 41-42a/d !
Apex PBM Soccer C APE 1.50 0 3.00 for 2 games 35a
Apoch, The M SPE 6.00 2 2.25 No 24a,42a
Archmage C SOM 3.00 2 1.40 No 45s !
Ashram Sagas, The H PEM 7.50 1 1.75 (c) 33s
Austerlitz C GAD 9.00 0 2.75 (a) 34s
Away the Lads M DRC Free 0 1.60 No 42s
B2B1 C BUR #2/season + SAE
Bad Call C MDH 5.00 0 2.00 No 48s
Bad Guys PBM M MAD 10.00 3 2.00 No 45s
Balance of Power C WEB 7.00 1 3.00 (c) 48s
Barony of the River/The H HIL 5.00 3 2.25 (c) 47s
Battle for Eternity H WAL Free 1 1.00 none
Battle of the Gods H HUR 3.00 2 1.80 No 39a
Battle Plan C BLA 6.00 2 1.75 No 19a#
(worldwide) 6.00 ? 1.75 (a)
Battle Royal C AMB 6.00 1 2.00 (d) 34s
Battleground H JAM 4.20 2 2.10 No 25a
Betting Game H GRE 3.00 1 2.00 (d) 35a
Beyond M CRA 7.50 2 2.50 No 39a
Beyond the Stellar Empire M KJC Free 1 3.50 (c)
11a,22a,39s !
Blood Pit C UNI Free 1 2.30 No 31a
Campaign H PET 10.00 2 3.00* No 42s
7.50 0 2.50* No 46s
Capitol C KJC 6.00 2 2.00 (c) 12a
Centurion C PAG 5.00 0 3.00 No 48a !
Charlemagne ? MOO 3.00 0 2.00 No 42s
Championship Football C HEM Free 0 1.20 No 41s
Championship PBM H NUG Free 0 2.00 No 38s
Chaos Trail H WIL Free 0 0.50S No 47a
Children/Morning Star H FEN 5.00 1 1.50 (c) 30a
Chrome H BAR 7.00 2 2.50 No 47s
Chronicles of Siernost H SLE 7.00 0 2.00 (a) 32s
City of Carzon M STG 5.00 1 2.00 No 48s
Clans C WRR 7.50 2 1.75 (a) 38a !
Clansmen M? PAL 6.00 2 1.75 (a) 44s !
Club Cricket H KIC ? ? 0.45 No 23s
Combat Patrol M PGE 5.00 2 3.00 No 44s
Come On You Reds M CAM 1.00 1 1.00 No 34a,41a !
ConflictII C SHE 5.00 5 1.25 No 32a !
Continent of Angthorn C SPE 5.00 2 1.75 No 39a
Continental Rails C SLO Free 0 #2.50/turn or #40/game
Corporate War C BEE 10.00 10 2.50 No 36a !
Cosa Nostra C PAG 5.00 5 1.75 No 25a,42a# !
Crasimoff's World M CRA 9.95 2 2.50 No 7a
C/ff's Quest World C CRA Free 3 1.95 No 43s
Cricket Stats C SOF 5.00 5 #9/4 turns 40s
Crisis C GbM Free 2 1.95 No 7a#
Crusade C AMB 6.00 1 2.00 No 33a
CTF 2187 C RHA 4.00 0 1.50 (c) 47a
Cybercity H REA 8.00 2 2.00 No 42s
Dark Age C BAS 5.00 3 #9/4 turns No 46s !
Darkworld H DRE 5.00 0 2.50 No 46s !
Darklands IV H DAT 6.24 0 1.75 No 39s
Darkness of Silverfall C PBX 3.00 0 2.50 No 35a !
Day at the Races M DRC Free 0 1.20 No 42s
Delenda/Carthago M WAV 15.00 1 "Ave. #6" (d) 18a,37a
Delta Nine H DEL 9.00 2 2.50 No 38a#
Democracy M HUR 5.00 ? 2.00 No 46s
Derby, The M CAM 1.00 1 1.00 No 41a
Destiny M HEA 6.00 10 0.75 No 21s
Diplomacy C SPE 5.00 3 1.00 No 24s
or M TIW 5.00 for entire game 40s
Divided Realms H MOO 4.00 1 2.00 No 28s
Domination C PAG Free 2 1.50 No 15a/42s# !
Dominion M DOM ? ? ? ?
Deep Into Injury Time H FOS 7.00 1 ? No 48s
Dragonquest... H DEV 6.00 2 1.25 No 24a
Dream Children H IVE 5.00 2 2.50 No 44s
Durak M AND 0.50 0 0.70 No 38s
Earthwood C BLA 6.00 2 1.75 No 8a#
Earth, Wind & Fire C EDV 5.00 0 1.00 No 25s
Einnek Football M YOU SSAE 0 1.90 (d) 35a
Elite, The H PEA 3.00 3 1.00 No 45s
El Mythico C NAB 5.00 0 1.50 (a) 30a,33a,35-41d
Empyre H BUT ? 0 1.00+3p/word (d) 47s
En Garde! M SMF 8.00 0 0.85 No 34a
or M TIW 10.00 4 1.00 No 40s
M ABR 3.00 0 1.00 No 44s
M BOL 10.00 0 2.00 No 45s
Epic C RHA Free 2 1.00 (d) 19a
Falcon C IRO 3.00 0 1.50 No 47s
Fall of Eagles C RAM Free 2 2.00 No 40s
Fall of Rome M IMP 5.00 0 3.00 (d) 42s
Fantasy Prime H MAD 10.00 2 3.00 No 46s !
Feudal Lords C SLO Free 0 1.50 (a) 3a !
Fictional Wrestling M? CAT 2.00 0 1.60 (d) 38s
Fighting Pits/Ariz M MAT 5.00 0 2.00 No 27s
First Crusade C KEL 5.00 1 1.75 No 38a !
Football Champions C GbM Free 2 2.25 No 36a# !
Football Director C RWG ? ? 1.25 No 39a
Football Masters C ESP 2.00 0 1.00 (d) 44s
Fr God,King & Country H AGM 50p 0 5.00 No 46s
Formula One GP Racing H BIP 1.00 1 0.63 No 31s
Galactic Invasion C HIG Free 1 1.50 No 29a
Galaxy C WOR 2.25 0 1.25 (a) 39s !
SPE 5.00 2 1.60
Gameplan C SOF/SEP/SLO/McC 5.00 2 #11/4 turns No
20a !
(advanced game) SOF/SEP/SLO #13/4 turns
Gameplan Boxing C McC 5.00 5 #9/4 turns No 40a !
Gang Wars C GBM Free 2 1.95 No 39a#
Global Conflict D QUA 12.95 2 2.95 No 46s
Global Supremacy II M GMS 5.00 1 from 5.00/month 22s !
Global Wrestling ? TUB 8.50 for 3 months play
Glory of Rome M IMP 5.00 1 2.00 (d) 42a
Going Up M JRP Free 0 1.90/2.10 (c) 48s
Golden Realm II C SPE 5.00 2 1.50 No 40a
Grand National M CAM 1.00 1 1.00 No 38a !
Great War, The H AGM 5.99 0 3.00 No 38a
Green Sun M SEV 3.50 2 2.00 (d) 23a
Greyhound H KIC ? ? 0.45 No 26s
Gridiron M EGA #20/season 30s
Gridiron, The C SPE 5.00 2 1.75 No 24s
Gridiron Coach C BCG 2.00 0 2.50 (c) 48s
Gridiron League C INT 4.50 0 1.75 No 31a
Gridiron Stats C SOF 5.00 5 #8/4 turns 40s
Ground Zero H DAT 2.25 0 1.75 No
Gryphon C IRO 3.00 0 1.50 No 43s !
Heavens Above C SPE 6.00 2 1.75 No 48a
Heavyweight Box. M. M? DJG 4.00 2 1.75 No 29s
Heroic Fantasy C SLO Free 0 1.50 (a) 40a
Heropress H LIN 5.00 2 1.50 No 33s
Hit Parade C NEC 3.00 2 1.10 No 20s
Holocaust 2200AD M SHE 10.00 2 3.00 No 44s
Holy War M BEE ? ? ? 44s
Hoplite Encounter C CHA 2.50 0 1.25 (a) 33a !
Hopscotch M PAR Free? 0 0.50 No 43s
Hunting II, The H COO 10.00 2 2.50 No 24s
Illuminati C BLA 6.00 2 2.00 No 8a#
Intnat Soc Mngr M HGT SAE 3 1.90 (d)
Invasion/Giant... H WRR 5.00 2 2.00 No 29s
Isle of Crowns C HAM 5.00 5 1.25 No 26a
Isle of Crowns II C KJC Free 0 1.90 No 41s !
Isle of Dragons C GIA 3.00 1 1.50 No 37s
Isles, The H WYV 5.00 0 1.50 (c) 28a
It's a Crime! C KJC Free 2 1.90 No 11a !
Jetball C GbM Free 2 1.95 No 25a#
Kaoswars M SPE 5.00 1 2.00 (a) 24s
Kardel Isle H HRY 0.50 0 0.50 ?
Keys of Bled M SPE 5.00 2 2.00 No 48a
Keys of Medokh C BEG ? ? 1.50 (d) 36a
Kickabout C SPE 7.50 2 1.99 No 18a,34a
Kick Off H KIC ? ? 0.45 No 34a
Kill Krazy M PHI 5.00 1 1.75 No 46a# !
Kingdom C SLO Free 2 1.75 No 21a
Kingdoms/Vengeance H VEN 10.00 3 2.50 No 31a
Kings and Things C SLO Free 0 2.25 (a) 20a
Kings of Steel H WHS 5.00 1 2.50 No 13a !
La Gloire du Roi H AGM 2.00 0 4.50 (d) 47a
Land of Legend H ECH 3.00 1 1.25 No 31s
Land of Tor H DKW 6.50 1 2.20 (c) 39s
Lands of Elvaria H PIN 15.00 3 2.50 (c) 37s
Lands of Nevron H AFF Free 0 0.20 No 34a
Last Empire D/C CHO Free 0 1.99 No 47s
LBW C CAM Free 0 0.75 No 41a
League Soccer C NEC 3.00 2 1.20 No 22a,35a,37a
League, The C LEA Free 0 1.50 No 22a,34a
Legacy/Panther C WPN 5.00 3 2.00 No 31a
Legends C RHA 20.00 0 3.15 (a) 29a,30a !
Liberty H MOO 5.00 0 2.75 No 31a
Loremasters/Corlean H STW 4.50 2 1.60 No 24a
Lords of Silrayia C TOT ? ? ? ? 39a
Lurkans & Durkans H TUN 5.00 3 1.50 (a) 29s
Lyoke H STG 5.00 2 (c) 48s
Managment, The M STN Free 0 90p No 43s
M'chant Adventurers H CHP 10.00 0 1p for 3 words
47s !
Merchant Prince M TIW ? ? 2.00 (a) 43s
Midgard M VEN 7.50 0 2.50 (d) 35a
Midhir M TIW Free 1 1.25 No 40s
Middle Earth C GAD 18.00 2 3.50 No 37a
Mining Mayhem C TPA 7.50 5 1.90* No 40s#
Mithra C WdG 13.00 6 1.50 No
MMCII H FEN 15.00 2 1.50 (c) 48s
Mobius I C PAG 7.00 0 #5-#8 47a
Monster Island C KJC Free 0 2.00 No 28a,36a !
Moonbase C TOT 4.00 3 1.50 No 30s
Movie Mogul M PER 5.00 1 2.30 (c) 30a,43s
Napoleonic Wars M STR 25.00 1 14.00 No 40a
Nebula M DRE 5.00 2 2.50 ? 46s !
Network M PER 4.00 1 1.50 (c) 40a
Neutron Star H SAB 8.00 2 2.50 (c) 48a
New Earth H SOM 6.00 1 2.50 No 37s
CEL 5.50 1 2.75 No 37s
New Order, The H NGC 17.00 0 3.00 (c) 47s
Night/Things M MAD 5.00 2 2.00 No 46s !
NXS3 H DAT 2.24 0 1.74 No
Ohvee Adventures H HAR 2.00 3 1.50 No 22s
Offside Ref! M CTR 5.00 3 1.30 No 43s
Olympos C RHA 5.00 1 2.00 No 47s
Paloman Football H GOS 5.00 0 #5 for 3/&10 for 7 No
Parliament M #10 for entire game
Phantasmech C CRA 7.50 2 1.95 No 30a !
Phoenix Rising M PHI 6.00 4 1.60 No 34a,37a#
(weekly version) 5.00 5 1.10 No
Portals & Palaces H HOL 5.00 1 1.30 (c) 23l
Postal Amer Football Lg C NAB #40/season 29a
Powerslam H STG 5.00 2 2.00 (c) 48s !
Premier Supremos C PRE Free 0 1.50 No 46s
Primal Earth H WIN 6.00 1 2.00 No 48s !
Pro Soccer C OLY Free 0 1.20 (a) 32s !
Psyche H COO 20.00 1 3.00 No 41s
Puma C BUR 60p 0 60p No
Quest C KJC 2.50 3 1.75 No 36a,47a !
Quest of the Great Jewels C TPA 10.00 3 2.50* No 45a !
Quizmail Challenge H QUI 5.00 1 5.00 No 39s
Realms of Celticia H CEL 5.50 1 2.75 No 48a
Realms of Lothmil H PEY 15.00 0 3.00 (c) 47s
Red Card M STG 5.00 2 2.00 No 48s !
Renaissance II C PAG 10.00 0 5.00 No 42s#
Ring Wars Wrstlng M HGT SAE 3 1.90 (d)
Rugby League Chal. M CAM 1.00 1 1.00 No 41a
Rugby Stats C RWG 5.00 5 #7/4 turns 40s
Ruler/Galactic Web C UNI 4.00 1 2.50 No 31a
Run Chase C SOF 5.00 5 #11/4 turns
Saga 2 H SAB 6.50 2 2.00 No 30a
Saturday Six, The ? DRC Free 0 5.00 calendar months
Saturnalia H MIM 10.00 4 3.00 No 8a
HRL 5.00 2 2.50 No
Sea Kings C BLA See Earthwood (same game, new map)
Seek Locate Destroy C IBG Free 2 0.50 No 38s
Selidar H ROS 10.00 ? 2.00
Serim Ral C MIN 5.00 3 1.00 (c) 35s
or C INC 5.00 3 2.50 No 39s
Shadowland H ELD 5.00 1 2.00 (a) 30s
Shadowlords C PBX 4.00 2 2.00 No 36a !
Shambhala H WAY 3.00 1 3.00 No
Siege C VOR #12.00 for 8-turn game 29a
Sirius Command C ELI 7.00 2 2.50* No 38a
Slaves & Slavers H HRY 2.00 3 1.50 No 20s
Soccer-Six M CAM 1.00 1 1.00 No 35a,41a
Soccer Star C PAC/SHE 3.50 0 1.35 No 23a,35a
Soccer Stats C SEP/McC 5.00 5 #7/4 turns 34a !
Soccer Strategy C SOF 5.00 5 #8/4 turns 40s
Soccer Supremos C GAD Free 0 1.65 No 25a,34a
Spaceplan C BAS 5.00 5 #9/4 turns 46s !
Speculate C SOF 5.00 5 #7/4 turns 20a !
Spiral Arm C SLO 5.00 2 2.00 (a) 19a
Sport of Kings C WHI 5.00 2 2.00 No 39s
SPQR H TIW #15 for entire game
SSFA M BAY 5.00 0 20.00/season No 40s
Star Cluster C GbM Free 2 1.95 No 29s#
Star Empires 7 M MIL 6.00 4 1.50 No 24s
Starglobe Plus M TPA 5.00 2 2.70* No 11a# !
Starlords C WRR 7.50 2 2.00 (c) 48s !
Star Quest C PBX 3.50 0 2.75 No 36s !
Star Trak C SCH Free 0 1.00 (c) 42s, 43s
Starweb C TPA 10.00 4 2.50* No 9a# !
State of the Nation H AGM 1.50 0 5.00 No 46s
State of War C BLA 7.00 2 1.75 No 19a, 43s#
Super Soccer C M&E Free 1 1.75 (d) 35a
Super Store H KIC ? ? 0.45 No 26s
Super Vorcon Wars C VOR 5.00 2 1.50 (a) 12a
Supernova II M PBX 12.00 0 4.50 (d) 23a !
Suspect Package C SMA 22.00 ? 1.50 No 39s
Terra II C HEX(Ger) 3.00 0 3.00 No 3a
Terrorist Activities H? DAR
Thaura C WDG 23.00 6 3.30 or 4.50 No 47a
Time Lapse C GAD Free 3 1.50 No 34s
Time Sentinel C VOR 5.00 2 1.50 No 18s
To the Stars H DAT 0 0 1.50 No
TOTL C BUR 35p 0 35p
Top Score ? DRC Free 0 1.25 No 42s
Touchdown M TOU 5.00 0 2.75 (c) 40s
Treble, The H GIL Free 0 0.60 No 38s
Tribes of Crane H SAM 7.00 0 4.00 (c) 37a#
Trinity M? TRN 2.50 0 2.50 (c) 27s
Trivia M GbM Free 2 1.50 No 25s#
Trolls Bottom C GbM Free 2 1.50 No 15a#
Twin Suns M GOO Free 0 1.50 No 41s
Up Up & Away H STG 5.00 2 2.00 (c) 48s !
Vecta H WIG 3.50 1 2.50 No 39s
VGA Planets D/C PAW 24.99 2 1.50 No 43s !
Victory! C PBX 15.00 0 4.00 (c) 32a,37a !
Vietnam M OAT 5.00 1 3.25 No 37s#
Warlord C KJC 3.00 3 1.85 No 25a !
Warriors and Wizards C PBX 3.00 0 3.25 (c) 36a,39-42d !
Warst*r C INT 4.00 0 2.00 No 33a
Wastelands C ALB 5.00 2 2.00 (a) 43a !
Watching the Detectives H RED 3.00 4 50p No
Waymeet H RIC 5.00 2 2.00 No 44s
Weapon, The C HAR 6.50 1 2.25 No 11a,46d... !
Where Lies/Power M VEN 10.00 3 2.50 No 16a,21a
Whitegold M WEB 5.00 0 5.00 (a) 48s
Wing, The H HAH 15.00 2 3.00 (c) 39a,40a
Wipeout H PHI Free 0 3.00 No 48s
Wizard Arena M JAC 8.00 4 1.00 No 42s
World Conquest C STR 5.00 0 2.20 (a) 32a,35a !
World Domination H AGM 7.99 0 3.50 No 24s
World Emperor C PBX 3.00 2 1.25 No 41a !
World of Vengeance H VEN 10.00 3 3.50 No 31a
World Series Baseball M BIP Free #25/season 1.75/turn No
World War II M STR 25.00 1 14.00 No 30s
Wottascore M CAM Free 0 #10/season No 41a
Wyrdworld H FEN 5.00 1 1.50 (c) 32s#
Xott H DUN 2.00 2 0.95 No 33a
Xtra Time ? DRC ? ? 1.00
Zardar H MOO 5.00 0 15p/order 28a
Zylok Wars C DES 3.00/2 turns, 10.00/10 1.50 No
38s !
523 Sweet F-A M CAM #9.50 for 10-turn season 41a
This is a list of PBM companies known to FLAGSHIP to be operating at
the time this issue was published. This is offered as a service to our
readers to assist them in selecting the games they may want to
play. GMs listed below are cross-indexed by a company code to the game
register on the following pages. GMs to whom payment should be made
by name are listed by name rather than company. GMs are strongly
encouraged to check the listings here and verify their accuracy;
please notify one of the editors if you find an error or
omission. There is no cost to GMs for this service. We would also be
very grateful to readers who let us know of any errors here, or who
can tell of a new game not listed.
To sign up for a game, find it on the list below, find the firm
running it on your company list and send them the sum under Rules &
startup. You will be sent a rulebook and any starting materials (order
sheets, maps etc.) needed and you will be given the number of free
turns listed under Free Turns. After that, the cost per turn is as
shown in the Turn Fee column. Where we are uncertain about the status
of a firm, we've marked them with a '?'.
NEW: Black Cat Games, Mike Hood (MDH Software),
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Bruce Fox (Imperial Games)
REMOVED: Ben Goodale (game closed)
New total: 166 active UK GMs (+5).
Abrahams, Martin, Flat 3, 56 South St, Reading, Berks RG1 4RA [ABR]
Affleck, Ian, 15 Maple Grove, Westfield, Woking, Surrey SU22 9PJ [AFF]
Age of Heroes, 21 Sandylands Prom, Morecambe, Lancs LA3 1DN [AOH]
Agema Publications, 3 Worksop Rd, Off Carlton Rd, Sneinton, Nottingham NG3 2BA [AGM]
Albion Games, 31 Aubreys, Letchworth, Herts SG6 3TU [ALB]
Ambassador Games, 4 Moorhams Ave, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke RG22 4YQ [AMB]
Andrews, Mark (Crusader Games), 6 Slade Terrace, Fishguard, Dyfed SA65 9PD [AND]
Apex Games, POB 56, Gravesend, Kent DA11 9LT [APE]
Barker, Steve, 24, Sandfield Crescent, Glazebury, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 5NF [BAR]
Basilisk Games, 97 Warren Crescent, Shirley Warren, Southampton SO1 6AY [BAS]
Baylis, Chris, 67 Mynchens, Lee Chapel North, Basildon, Essex SS15 5EG [BAY]
Beechwood Games, Unit 6, Beechwood Centre, Woodlesford, LEEDS LS26 8RE [BEG]
Beetham, W, 50 Perry Hill, Priors Park, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5JG [BEE]
Big Pil Games, 92 Edward St, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 9AE [BIP]
Black Cat Games, PO Box BR26, Leeds LS13 3XE [BCG]
Blackpool Games, 5 Harrison Ave, Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancs FY5 4NX [BLA]
Bolstridge, Andy, 42 Goldspink Lane, Sandyford, Newcastle NE2 1NR [BOL]
Burrows, Pete, 16 Huxley Close, Bilborough, Nottingham NG8 4PU [BUR]
Butters, Adrian, 2 Fairview Close, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2UU [BUT]
Camelot Games, Cae Ymryson, Caernarvon, Gwynedd LL55 2LR [CAM]
Carter, Dave (Scorpiogames), 13 Liverpool Rd South, Burscough, Lancs L40 7SU [CTR]
Cartin Enterprises, POB 1310, Leigh on Sea, Essex [CAT]
Celticia Games, 14 Hendy St, Roath Pk, Cardiff CF2 5EU [CEL]
Chainmail, 143 Dalmally Road, Croydon CR0 6LZ [CHA]
Chapman, David, 157 Garthdee Drive, Aberdeen, AB1 7HU [CHP]
Choice Games, 12 Clegg Avenue, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancs, FY5 1BJ [CHO]
Clarke, David, 112 Paradise St, Macclesfield SK11 6QP [CLA]
Cooksey, Dave, 2 Pemerton Rd, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 2LW [COO]
Crasiworld, 4 Crescent Ave,Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancs FY5 3JE [CRA]
Darker Times, The, 93 Newark Dr, Corby, Northants NN18 0HA [DAT]
Darkside PBMs, 65 Thorne Dr, Little Sutton, S Wirral, Ches L66 4NT [DAR]
Darkworld, 68 Southmead Avenue, Blakelaw, Newcastle-on-Tyne, NE5 3PA [DKW]
Davies, Richard (Dragonsfire), 23 Albemarle Rd, Churchdown, Glos GL3 2HG [DAV]
Delta Nine, 56 New Westwood, Westwood, Nottingham NG16 5JD [DEL]
Destiny Games, 11 Melbourn Rd, Crookes, Sheffield S10 1NR [DES]
Devereux, Terry, 50 Paynes Meadow, Whitminster, Glos GL2 7PS [DEV]
DJ Games, 20 Ivy Avenue, Blackpool, Lancs FY4 3QG [DJG]
Dominion, Unit2-24 Medway Enterprise Cntr, Enterprise Cl, Rochester, Kent ME2 4LY [DOM]
Dracs Games, 21 Chipperfield Drive, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4DP [DRC]
Dreamshadows, 3 Delph Court, Delph Lane, Leeds LS6 3HS [DRE]
Dunks, Anthony, 125 Grenville Rd, St Jude, Plymouth, Devon PL4 9QA [DUN]
Echelon Games, 1 Parc Ave, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, Gwent NP44 1RT [ECH]
Egan, Richard, 23 Cleeve Rd, Knowle, Bristol [EGA]
Elden, R., 45 West St, Leek, Staffs ST13 8AW [ELD]
Elite Games, Freepost SB 573, 12 Shingle Close, Luton, Beds LU3 4BR [ELI]
ESP Software, 32a Southchurch Rd, Southend on Sea, Essex SS1 2ND [ESP]
Fenris Games, 13 Marley Way, Rochester, Kent ME1 2LJ [FEN]
Fox, Bruce, Imperial Games, 241 Upper Chobham Rd, Frimley, Nr Camberley [IMP]
John Foster, 75 Frensham Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO4 8AE [FOS]
GAD Games, Marland Ho, Poughill, Cornwall EX23 9EL [GAD]
Galactic Society Four,5A Hamilton Ct,Calside,Paisley,Scotland PA2 6DG [GS4]
Games by Mail, 5 Town Ln, Little Neston, South Wirral L64 4DE [GbM]
Garforth, Stuart, 128 Womersley Rd, Knottingley, W. Yorks WF11 0DQ [GAR]
Genius Games, POB 54, Accrington, Lancs BB5 0BJ [GEN]
Giant Games, POB 121, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon BS23 1XX [GIA]
Giles, M., 57 Sparrow Farm Road, Stoneleigh, Epson, Surrey KT17 2LR [GIL]
Glebe Games, 6 Minster Rd, Acol, Birchington CT7 0JB [GLE]
Global Mailing Services, POB 56, Southsea, Hants PO5 3TJ [GMS]
Goodrich, John, 30 Stradbroke Dr, Sheffield, S Yorks S13 8SD [GOO]
Chris Gosling, 22 Church St, Easton, Bristol BS5 6DZ [GOS]
Gredziak Games, 2 Woodview, Chilcompton, Nr Bath, Somerset BA3 4HJ [GRE]
Hamilton, Andrew, 7 Ormlie Rd, Thurso, Caithness KW14 7DW [HAM]
Harlequin Games, 130a Crwys Rd, Cathays, Cardiff CF2 4NR [HRL]
Harrow Postal Games, 161 Butler Rd, Harrow, Middx HA1 4DX [HAR]
Harry's Games, 26 Newmarket St, Coleraine, Londonderry BT52 1EH [HRY]
Hayes, Hilary (Omentide), BCM Omentide, London WC1N 3XX [HAH]
Heath, Mark [W.O.L.F.], 94 Prince's Way, Fleetwood, Lancs FY7 8DX [HEA]
Hemsoft Computer Consultants, 54 Crellow Fields, Stithians, nr Truro TR3 7RE [HEM]
Highland Games, The Stables, Loch Dochart, Crainlarich FK20 8QS [HIG]
Higton, Nic, 14 Kestrel Court, Carew Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8PW [HGT]
Hill, Adam, Ironbridge Postal Games, 10 Harrison Close, Madeley, Telford, Shropshire TF7 5ST [HIL]
Hollindale, Adam, 113 Coronation Rd, Brimington, Chesterfield, Derby S43 1EY [HOL]
Hood, Mike, MDH Software, 3 Pochard Drive, Broadheath, Altrincham WA14 5NJ [MDH]
Hurricane Games, 40 Spooner Rd, Sheffield, S Yorks S10 5NB [HUR]
IB Postal Games, 90 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbys DE7 4NT [IBG]
Illuminated Ideas, 1b Derby Rd, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4NE [ILL]
Incubus Designs, 113 Birdhill Rd, Woodhouse Eaves, Leics LE12 8RP [INC]
Interesting Times, 160 Beaumont Rd, Bournville, Birmingham B30 1NY [INT]
Iron Mill, 26 Iron Mill Close, Fareham, Hants PO15 6JZ [IRO]
Simon Ives, 3a River Road, Puriton, Somerset TA7 8BW [IVE]
Jackson, Eric, 12 Anderson Road, Litherland, Liverpool L21 7ND [JAC]
JAMMCO, 345 Wareley Rd, N/S Blackpool, Lancs, FY2 0ST [JAM]
JRP Games, 34 Bay Horse Drive, Lancaster LA1 4LA [JRP]
Kelem Games, 4 Avon Rd, Worcester, Worcs WR4 9AF [KEL]
Kelly, Alastair, Shaldon, Balmoral ave, St Clement, Jersey JE2 6NB [KLA]
Kick Off PBM, 9 Fulmerston Close, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 3LL [KIC]
KJC Games, Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancs FY5 3LJ [KJC]
League Games, Martin Burrows, 61 Edwards St, Newport, Gwent NP9 4GG [LEA]
Linford, Mark,30 Hollingbry Rd, Brighton BN1 7JA [LIN]
Madhouse, The, 13 Marchmont Green, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 5BB [MAD]
Matthews, Paul (M.A.G.), 93 Heol Illtyd, Caewern, Neath SA10 7SG [MAT]
M&E Sports, PO Box 186, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3UW [M&E]
McConnell, Danny, 7 Lacy Close, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1DL [McC]
Millenium Games, 43 Oxford Rd, Exeter Devon [MIL]
Mindgames, Cwmynys Dingat, Llandovery, Dyfed SA20 0EU [MIM]
Mindless Games, 144 Malefant Street, Cardiff CF2 4QF and PO Box 229 Southsea PO5 1JR [MIN]
Moore,Simon,School of Psychology, Middlesex Univ,Queensway, Enfield,Middx EN3 4SF [MOO]
NAB Software,7 Oakwood Dr,Aspley,Notts NG8 3LZ [NAB]
Necom Games, 19 Mostyn Rd, Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 5HL [NEC]
New Generation Concepts, 18 Owlets Hall Close, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3TS [NGC]
Nugent, Adam, 16 Hollow Field, Norden, Rochdale, Lancs DL11 5NY [NUG]
Oates, Jason, 152 Coburg Rd, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2HU [OAT]
Olympia Games, 6 Sandy Ln, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3GS [OLY]
PACE PBM, 10-05 Victoria Centre, Nottingham NG1 3PQ [PAC]
P.A.G.E., 15 Saville Grove, York YO3 6NY [PGE]
Palin, Mark, 44 New Park Close, Castlefields, Shrewsbury SY1 2SQ [PAL]
Pagoda Games, 16 Loughshaw, Wilnecote, Tamworth, Staffs B77 4LY [PAG]
Parr, Alan, 6 Longfield Gdns, Tring, Herts HP23 4DN [PAR]
PAW-PBM, Paul Walker, 12 Binford Cl, Whipton, Exeter EX1 3JZ [PAW]
PBM Express UK, 33 Romany Rd, Rubery, Birmingham B45 0LG [PBX]
Pearson, David, 27 Washington Road, Woodlands, Doncaster, S Yorks DN6 7LQ [PEA]
Pemerton Games, 1a Western Rd, Shoreham-By-Sea, W Sussex BN43 5WD [PEM]
Perry, Andrew, 55 Martley Rd, Worcester WR2 6HG [PER]
Perryman, Ashley, 87 Stamford Sq, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs OL6 6QR [PEY]
Pethick, Neill, 14 Trecarn Close, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7LN [PET]
Phantom Designs, 9 Brookfield Ave, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6FD [PHA]
Phildee Enterprises, 39 Maesmawr, Rhayader, Powys, Wales LD6 5PL [PHI]
Pinder, Mark, 139 Nelson Way,Laceby Acres, Grimsby, S. Humberside DN34 5UJ [PIN]
Premier Supremos, 23 Kenilworth Drive, Bletchly, Milton Keynes MK3 6AJ [PRE]
Quantum Software, 14 Bentham Rd, Lancaster LA1 4JX [QUA]
Quizmail Challenge, Freepost, POB 41, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts SG5 4DP [QUI]
Rampage Games, Unit 6, Beechwood Centre, Woodlesford, Leeds LS26 8RE [RAM]
Read, Nick, 20 Gracedale Road, London SW16 6SW [RED]
Reality Check, 79 Derwent Close, Cambridge CB1 4DY [REA]
Rhann Postal Games, POB 12, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO3 6YL [RHA]
Richardson, Stephen, 51 Amersham Rise, Apsley, Nottingham NG8 5QN [RIC]
Ross, Lloyd, 21 Ormiston Crescent West, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 1HS [ROS]
RW Games, 39 Berry View, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6LQ [RWG]
Sabre Games, POB 548, Wrexham, Clywd, N Wales [SAB]
Same Time Games, 4 Home Farm Cottages,Church St,Dinder, Wells,Somerset BA5 3PE [SAM]
Schuessele, Bill, 192 Mill Road, Mile End, COLCHESTER, Essex, CO4 5JE [SCH]
SEP Games, POB 12, Eccles, Manchester M30 7BP [SEP]
Sevenstar Games,24 Northbourne Ave, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 1JG [SEV]
Sherwood Games, Sherwood Ho, 15 Annesley Rd, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7AD [SHE]
Sledgehammer PBM, 9 Wavell Ave, Waterloo, Poole, Dorset BH17 7HQ [SLE]
Sloth Enterprises,Freepost,POB 82,Southampton,Hants SO9 7FG [SLO]
Small Furry Creatures Press, 42 Wynndale Rd, London E18 1DX [SMF]
Smart Products, POB 213, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3EJ [SMA]
Software Simulations, Georgian House, Trinity St, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UB [SOF]
Spellbinder Games, 76 Doncaster Rd, Wath-Upon-Dearne, Rotherham, S Yorks S63 7PR [SPE]
Stagg, Ian, Antler Games, 41 Sunridge Close, Newport Pagnell, Bucks MK16 0LT [STG]
Stanton, Peter, 8 Larchfield House, Highbury New Park, London N5 2DE [STN]
Star Fleet Games, POB 26, East Wittering, Chichester, W. Sussex PO20 8LH [STA]
State of Mind Games, 36 Major Road, Canton, CARDIFF CF5 1PF [SOM]
Stewart, Ricky (Reality Shift Games), POB 37, Exeter, Devon EX2 9XF [STW]
Strategic Simulations, PO Box 432, Leek, Staffs ST13 6HL [STR]
Summons, Neil, 32 Manor House Gdns, Abbots Langley, Herts WD5 0DH [SUM]
Time Patterns, 97 Devonshire Rd, Birmingham B20 2PG [TPA]
Timewyrm, 'Seaforth', Gaza, Potmahomack, Ross-shire IV20 1YR [TIW]
Total & Absolute Chaos Games, POB 86, Colchester,Essex CO4 4DW [TOT]
Touchdown, 17 Acacia Dr, Whitby, Ellesmere Port, Ches L66 2UT [TOU]
Trinity Designs, 17 Fern Isle Close, Whitworth,Lancs OL12 8UH [TRN]
Tubb, Richard, 119 Gregory Avenue, Weoley Castle, Birmingham B29 5DJ [TUB]
Tune, Barry, 21 Varden Rd, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1LZ [TUN]
Unicorn Games, POB 6, Grangemouth FK3 8JZ [UNI]
Vengeance Games,57 George St,Altofts,Normanton,W.Yorks WF6 2LS [VEN]
Ventura Games, POB 14, Aldershot, Hants GU12 4XN [VEN]
Vertigo PBM, POB 78, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 6DQ [VER]
Vorcon Games,59 Juniper,Birch Hill,Bracknell,Berks RG12 4ZG [VOR]
Mark Walbank, 15 Copt Royd Grove, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7HQ [WAL]
War Without Tears, 17 Rose St, St Monans, Fife KY10 2BQ [WAR]
Warrior Games, 3 The Grove, Shaw, Oldham OL2 7BH [WRR]
Waveney Games,28 Diprose Rd,Corfe Mullen,Wimborne,Dorset BH21 3QY [WAV]
Wayne (Shambhala), 59 Kiln Court, Newell Street, Poplar, London E14 7JP [WAY]
WdG, see Bill Beetham [WDG]
Webber, Paul, 5 Hunt Ave, Heanor, Derbyshire DE15 7QB [WEB]
West Pennine Games, 15 Carr Bank Drive, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancs BL0 9DG [WPN]
White Horse Games, 18 Berkeley Rd, Crouch End, London N8 8RU [WHI]
White, Stephen, PO Box 137, Burnley, Lancs BB10 2UG [WHS]
Wightman, Mark, 1 Charlesdown Close, Overton, Hants RG25 3LW [WIG]
Simon Williams,Chaos Trail,Drws-y-Rhinog, Penrhiw,Llanfair, Harlech, Gwynedd LL46 2TD [WIL]
Winkle, S A, Neurocore Designs, 4 Manor Square, Burton Manor, Stafford ST17 9QL [WIN]
Worlds Apart, PO Box 1016, Bristol BS99 1YQ [WOR]
Wyvern Games, 34 Arnside, Stapleford, Notts NG9 7EY [WYV]
Young, K.J., 3 Ardchaile Park, Perth PH2 7TL [YOU]
Hausler, J & B, Keplergasse 16/5, A-1100 Wien (Fantaworld)
Huttner, Thomas, In der Auerpeint 13, 4040 Linz
Imagency, Daniel Schumacher, Geidorfgurtel 18, A-8055 Graz
(Merchants & Mercenaries)
SSV Klapf-Baechler OEG, Postfach 1205, A-8021 Graz (Legends,
Epic, Supremacy, Cosa Nostra, CTF 2187, World Conquest)
WdG Fritz Berger, The Vienna Wizard, Hergergasse 13/1/13, 1030
Wien (Thaura, Zirkon)
ART PBM Games, Kasteeldreef 11, 2950 Kapellen (Quest)
Sava Valser JPC, 105 Rue Irma Fievez, 7021 Havre (Football
Champions, also licensed for France)
Martin Bilgrau, Guldregnvej 16, 8462 Harlev J (Ashes of Empire)
Jyrki Sundman, Porvarinkatu 8, 65230 Vassa
Midnight Sun Games, PL 554, 90101 Oulo (Ashes of Empire,
Austerlitz, Isle of Crowns, Olympos, Teknocide)
Abysse JPC, BP 204, 76520 Franqueville St Pierre (Feudal Lords, Continental Rails)
Aime(e) Corporation, 3 rue Eugene Vallin, 54000 Nancy (K.Y.F. Ball)
AMJ, 124 ave Aristide Briand, 92120 Montrouge (Melulice-Warlord)
Belphegor, 76 bd de Magenta, 75010 Paris (numerous games)
Celtic Games (Fabien Leroy), 7 allee de la clairiere, 77420
Champs sur Marne (Les Seigneurs Orionides)
Coma, 3 boulevard Clemenceau, 49100 Angers (Epic)
Danard, Roland, 39 ave Pierre Brossolette, 92120 Montrouge (Hypastia, Prohibition Chicayork 1920, Adventurer Kings, World Emperor II, Blood, Gore & Guts Acroos the Galaxy, Empire Stellaire 2)
Delires-SARL, 58 Ave de Wagram, 75017 Paris (Quest, Survivor One)
Duelmasters, SFO/PHX/700705/MO1, BP 28, 93601 Aulnay-sous-bois Cedex
Durand, Nicolas, 19 impasse des Jonquilles, 72650 La Milesse (Basketball)
Hamel, Patrick, 11 allee des Eiders, 75019 Paris (Number One)
Herderman, Patrick, 177 Boulevard Thiers, 37000 Tours (Empire Stellaire)
Intermondes, Heugeville sur Sienne, 50200 Coutances (Continuum)
JPC+, BP 21, 35190 Quebriac (Avatar, Dragon's Horde, Synaps, QGJ)
Korum, c/o V. Fourcade, Residence 'Quai de Bercy', 8-10 Place de L'Europe, F-94220 Charenton le Pont (Cyber League, Legende Viking, Nemak, Penalty, Almery)
Linee, Yann, 73 rue du Col. Fabien, 94460 Valenton (Soccer)
Luddyk, Mykkhro, 3 rue Eugene Emanuel, 6000 Nice (Pacifia)
Maguy, Pascal, 12A boulevard Trebouard, 35400 St Malo (Warriors)
Mazier, Michel, 1 rue de l'aigle d'or, 78100 Saint Germain en Laye (Greenwar)
PBM Komett, 5 rue de Lesseps, 75020 Paris (World Conquest, Conquest 2000, Mecha-Tek)
PBM Lienhart, 3 rue des fauvettes, 67800 Hoenheim (El Mythico)
Pelletier, Remi, 14 square Beaudelaire, 78760 Jouars-Pontchartrain, Teletel (1) 34898542 Tues/Fri eves (Shaddam)
Sam Productions, BP 13, 75261 Paris Cedex 06 (Arena)
Styraps Corp, Richard Piedel, 193 bd de l'egaltite, 59200
Tourcoing (Grands Anciens Galactique)
Trahison, 99 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris (Diadoques, Empires in arms, Dune, Stellar Conquest, etc.)
Transludie, 6 rue Maurice Thedie, 80000 Amiens (numerous games)
Tribu de Meth'Kaff, La, 11 rue des groux, 78440 Gargenville (La course aux Emeraudes)
Tritel, BP 931, 75829 Paris Cedex 17 (Daimyo)
Triumvirat, c/o D. Le Bris, 11 rue Charles Gounod, 29000 Quimper (Mediterranee, Les Courses)
Vopaliec, c/o J.-P. Maulion, 97 rue Edouard Vaillant, 49800
Trelaze (Amiraute, 1940, Football, Civilisation)
Vortigern: Jean-Yves Priou, 16 rue de Chateaudun, 94200 Ivry (La Foi er Le Glaive, Britannia, Empires of the Middle Ages)
Brannekamper, Gregor, Thuillestr 57, 81247 Munchen (Girgl)
Computersimulation, Hinterm Garten 6a, 63683 Selters Hainchen (Kreis Budingen) (Asgard)
CSPP, Alfred-Bucherer-Str. 63, 53115 Bonn (Ashes of Empire)
Dag Weber Briefspiele, POB 61 31, 61424 Oberusel (Battle Crab)
Daydream Productions, PO Box 90 03 15, 81593 Muenchen (Kings & Things, Starglobe, Star Quest, Sterne wie Staub, Monster Island, Trangrad II)
Dresdener Ashes Club (Andreas Schroter), Trachenberger Str 17, 01129 Dresden (Ashes of Empire and zine games)
Dumig, Steffen, Am Vogelschutz 4, 61381 Friedrichsdorf (Polis)
Eggerling, Norbert, Dorpfeld 3, 30419 Hannover (Deutsche Fussballiga)
Fabel, Sven, Lenhartzstr 15, 20249 Hamburg (Headquarters)
Fantasie-Fabrik, Postfach 4132, 58239 Schwerte (Dorm)
Foerster, Thomas, Postfach 170243, 53117 Bonn (Praemyra)
Heininger, Fritz, Dorfstr 31, 25479 Ellerau (Das II, Imperium)
Hexagon,Ingrid Moehn, Winkelerstr. 3, 65197 Wiesbaden (Celestrek II,Ork, bilingual Terra II)
Hubbers, Lothar, Laufstr 28, 47445 Moers (Evolution der Sterne, Germania)
Jacke, Andreas, Im Wiesengrund 118, 27356 Rotenburg (Dynasty Wars)
Just-for-Fun Games, Pohlborgerstr 4, 44866 Bochum (Cleric)
Kassubek, Wolfgang, Heinleinstr 143, 97464 Niederwerrn (Circle of War)
Kehlen, Sven, Droselstrasse 22, 42659 Solingen (Fantaworld)
Kryptic Simulation, Volker Jankowski, Am Steingarten 14-102, 68169 Mannheim (Ruins of Galaxy)
Langer, Jorg, Kleine Hasengasse 5, 74360 Ilsfeld (Theben)
Loewe, Benedict, Gmelinstr 68, 72076 Tubingen (En Garde!, Welfen & Staufer, Pramyra)
Meier, Steffen, Vogelsangstr 19, 70176 Stuttgart (Beyond)
Niemann, Jens, Landhausstre 41, 70190 Stuttgart (Sepic)
PBM Studio, Strahlerweg 33, 76227 Karlsruhe (Spiral Arm, El Mythico, The Weapon)
Petri, Jorg, Muthstr 22, 76547 Sinsheim (Chasma IV)
Phaidros Postspiele, Tannehoft 137, 22397 Hamburg (Lemura Saga)
Quirxel Games, Postfach 1564, 47595 Geldern (Gladius et Pilum, Austerlitz)
Rehle, Ludwig, Haupstrasse 6, 85469 Walpertskirchen (Hades)
Richter, Thomas, Ahornstr 11, 87734 Benningen (Galactic Empire II)
Ringmeyer, Stephan, Gustav-Otto-Bogen 11, 80997 Munchen (Imperator)
Rohde, Dirk, Am Bauhof 37, 31224 Peine (Galactic Frontiers)
Roken, Jens, Bauerberg 4, 22111 Hamburg (Sepic)
Russe, Jens-Uwe, Ohlenkamp 38, 22607 Hamburg (Declaration)
Software Simulations, Schoellerstr 5, 76467 Bietigheim (Gameplan)
STS-GbR, Nulsenstr 17, 31848 Bad Munder (Trangrad II)
Stahl, Christoph, Fikentscher Str 27, 93051 Regensburg (Middle Ages II)
Stevens, Peter, Zeppelinallee 64, 45883 Gelsenkirchen (Feudal
Lords, Illuminati, Quest, Shogun, Starweb, Railway, Ringzauber)
Suchen, Lukas, Im Feldle 19, 73730 Esslingen (Asmagor)
Triple Sun Project, Pfach 211045, 50667 Koln
Tobaben, Uwe, Berliner Str 15, 97762 Hammelburg (Ragnarok)
Tobias, Heiko, Winner Zeile 17, 90482 Nurnberg (VGA-Planets)
Treptow, Stefan, Ilsensteinweg 4, 14029 Berlin (Vae Victis!)
Vogt, Thomas, Osterfeldweg 52, 21077 Hamburg (Expedition Ins Unbekannte)
WdG Wolfgang Roefke, Forstbachtal 55, 45470 Muelheim an der Ruhr (Canura/Thaura, Xanadu)
Wegener, Patrick, Marienburgerstr 4, 28876 Oyten (Mercury)
Wernecke, Christian, Gottfried-Keller-Weg 2, 47877 Willich (Chinatown)
Wettach, Wolfgang, Beim Schloss 17, 72074 Tubingen (Welt der Waben)
Biasiolo, Fabrizio, BAM, via Giusti 15 a/b, 50121 Firenze (Quest, Top o'the League)
Strategia e Tattica, Via del Colosseo 5, 00184 Roma (Adventurer Kings)
Fantasia Arena, van Bassenstraat 118, 3067 ND Rotterdam (Super Vorcon Wars,Sterrenoorlog,Ruirnte Ridders)
Game Connection, The, Aletta Jacobsstraat 13, 7421 HN Deventer (Spiral Arm II, Return from Sirius II and Technocide)
Kolley, Thomas, Eburonenport 63, NL-3991 JV Houten (Officer's Club wargames)
PBM Express, POB 885, 3300 AW Dordrecht (Cont Rails in NL, Adventurer Kings, Heroic Fantasy, Illuminati, New Order in NL/UK, Quest, Starweb, Supernova II in NL/D, Speculate, The Weapon, Gladius et Pilum, Victory!, Crisis!)
Tristar Games V.O.F., PO Box 2073, NL-3200 CB Spijkenisse (Ashes of Empire, Timelapse - also for Belgium)
Virtual Simulation Software, PO Box 479, 2980 AL Ridderkerk (Resolve Conflict, VGA-Planets, Power of Six)
Arctic Circle Games, Box 6142, N-8018 Morkved (Dark Age, Isle of Crowns, Soccer Stats)
Gad Games Continental, POB 304, N-2050 Jessheim (Soccer Supremos)
Norgames, Stavangergata 46-443, 0467 Oslo (all KJC's games)
Associacao Portuguesa de Jogos Por Correspondencia, R. Diogo de Silves, 142-3E-Tr, 4400 V.N. Gaia
Lars Andersson, House of Genesis Games, Pedagogrand 11 D-II, S-907 30 Ume
Magnus Cassersjo, AEMP, S.Espl 31, 343 32 Almhult (Fantasy Blitzball League, Svartfolk)
R. Rystrom, Box 294, 731 26 Koeping (Trolls Bottom, Heptarchy, Conducting Chaos)
Golser, Thomas, Hubstr 45, 8303 Bassersdorf (Viva)
Heer, Matthias, Wasserwerkstr. 42, 8006 Zurich (Conquest of Europe)
Mueller & Misch KG, Postfach 288, 4102 Binningen (Gladius et Pilum)
Schmitter, Peter, Schuetzenstr 45, 9443 Widnau (Ashes of Empire)
WdG, Rainer Leis, Postfach 118, 3920 Zermatt (Thaura)
M.B.O., Bestekar Sk. 11/15, Besiktas Istanbul 80700 (Futbol 2000, Sultans of Stars)