Full AT Command Set Listing For SupraFAXModem v.32bis

NOTE:   This file includes commands not available on all models & revisions.
        Not all commands are available or functional in all modes & states.

AT_LIST.TXT  Rev 1.5  (PHM 5/2/93)  from Supra BBS (503)967-2444

@       Dialing Command - wait for "quiet answer"
,       Dialing Command - pause (time set in S8) before finishing dialing string
!       Dialing Command - hook flash (go on-hook for 700ms)
^       Dialing Command - turn on call originating tone
;       Dialing Command - return to command state after dialing (last command)
+++     Default Escape Code
A       Answer Phone Line
A/      Re-execute Last Command (this command NOT preceded by AT)
Bn      BELL/CCITT mode switch at 300 & 1200 bps
         B1=BELL (default in North America)
D       Dial Command
         Dials any mixed string of dialing commands and the following list of
         symbols: 0123456789ABCD#*
En      Command Echo
         E0=not echo
         E1=do echo (default)
Hn      Hook Control
         H0=On-Hook (Hang Up)
         H1=Off-Hook (pick up phone line)
In      Identification Codes
         I0=SupraFAXModem product ID code
         I1=ROM checksum
         I2=Test Checksum (OK if correct, ERROR if not)
         I3=ROM revision code
         I4=Encrypted report of supported protocols
         I5=Supra Copyright info.
         I10=Supported Features (encoded)
L       Dialing command - dials last string dialed
Ln      Speaker Volume
         L0&L1   Low
         L2      Medium (default)
         L3      High
Mn      Speaker Control
         M0      OFF
         M1      On until carrier is received (default)
         M2      Always On
         M3      On when answering/On only after dialing & until carrier detect
Nn      Connection Rate when Originating Call
         N0=Connect ONLY at rate set in S37 register
         N1=Connect Normally (default)
On      Return from COMMAND MODE to ONLINE state
         O0=Return to ONLINE state
         O1=Request a retrain & Return to ONLINE state
P       Set Pulse Dialing
Qn      Result Code Mode
         Q0=Enabled (Default)
         Q2=Enabled when Originating, Disabled when answering
R       Dialing command - reverse to answer mode after dialing
         (this MUST be the last command in the dialing string)
Sr?     Reports value in S register r
SCr?    Reports value is SC register r
Sr=n    Write value n into S register r
SCr=n   Write value n into SC register r
Sx      Dialing command - dials number stored in memory area x
T       Set Tone Dialing
Vn      Result Code mode select
         V1=Verbose (default)
W       Dialing command - wait for dial tone before finishing string
Wn      Error Correction Result Code Selection
         W0=CONNECT XXXX (DTE rate) (default)
         W1=Report Error Correction Mode
         W2=CONNECT XXXX (DCE rate)
Xn      Dialing mode/CONNECT result codes
         X0=Blind Dial (ignore Dialtone & Busy), send CONNECT
         X1=Blind Dial, send CONNECT XXXX
         X2=follow Dialtone, but ignore Busy, send CONNECT XXXX
         X3=follow Busy, but ignore Dialtone, send CONNECT XXXX or BUSY
         X4=send CONNECT XXXX, BUSY, or NO DIALTONE (default)
Yn      Long Space Disconnect
         Y0=Not active (default)
         Y1=Active (see manual)
Zn      Soft reset and Load Stored profile n (last functional command on line)
         Z0=resets modem & loads stored profile 0
         Z1=resets modem & loads stored profile 1
&Cn     DCD signal control
         &C0=DCD always on
         &C1=DCD follows carrier state (ON when carrier present)
&Dn     Modem reaction to DTR on to off transition greater than S25 setting
              a  b  c  d  e  (Settings of &Qn)
         &D0= N  1  3  3  1
         &D1= 2  2  3  3  2
         &D2= 3  3  3  3  3
         &D3= 4  4  3  3  4

         List of modem reactions:

         N=No Action
         1=Disconnect & send OK result code
         2=Swith to asynchronous command state
         3=Disconnect return to command state (Answer disabled while DTR is off)
         4=Perform soft reset (like ATZ0)

         List of &Q states:
         a. &Q0, &Q5, &Q8, or &Q9
         b. &Q1
         c. &Q2
         d. &Q3
         e. &Q4

&Fn     Load Factory Default Configuration
         &F0     No flow control, No error correction, No data compression
         &F1     MAC hardware flow control, correction & compression active
         &F2     Hardware flow control, correction & compression active
                 (&F2 is default for DOS, WINDOWS, AMIGA, & STAND ALONE units.)
&Jn     Phone Jack Selection (&J0 is the only valid setting)
&Kn     Serial Port Flow Control
         &K3=Bidirectional Hardware (RTS/CTS)
         &K4=Software (XON/XOFF)
         &K5=Transparent Software flow control
         &K6=Software (XON/XOFF) & Hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control
&Ln     Line Type Selection (&L0 is the only valid setting)
&Mn     Same function as &Qn setting.
&Pn     Pulse dialing MAKE/BREAK ratio
         &P0 39%/61% make/break ratio at 10PPS {US/CANADA}  (Default)
         &P1 33%/67% make/break ratio at 10PPS {UK/Hong Kong}
         &P2 33%/67% make/break ratio at 20PPS {Japan}
&Qn     Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection
         &Q0     Asynchronous Direct mode
         &Q1     Synchronous Mode 1 (Terminal must support both modes.)
                 Call placed Async, modem switches to Sync. When DTR is dropped
                 modem returns to Async.
         &Q2     Synchronous Mode 2 Modem dials number in stored location 0
                 when DTR goes from LOW to HIGH.
         &Q3     Synchronous Mode 3 Dial number manually on a telephone, and
                 then bring DTR high to let the modems connect.
         &Q4     Not Used
         &Q5     Asynchronous Reliable Mode (most common default)
         &Q6     Asynchronous Normal Mode
         &Q7     Not used
         &Q8     Asynchronous Reliable Mode w/o v.42/v.42bis
         &Q9     Asynchronous Reliable Mode w/o MNP 2-5
&Rn     RTS Synchronous Mode
         &R0     CTS responds to RTS (default)
         &R1     CTS always on unless &K3 is set
&Sn     DSR Action Select
         &S0 Always on (default)
         &S1 Follows EIA specification
&Tn     Modem test modes for trained technicians (you must set the serial port
          at 2400 or 9600, and set the modem with AT&F0)
         AT&T0   Terminate test in progress
         AT&T1   Local Analog Loopback
         AT&T3   Local Digital Loopback for remote modem
         AT&T4   Grant request for Remote Digital Loopback (default)
         AT&T5   Prohibit request for Remote Digital Loopback
         AT&T6   Remote Digital Loopback
         AT&T7   Remote Digital Loopback with self-test
         AT&T8   Local Analog Loopback with self-test
&V      Display Configuration Profiles
&Wn     Write ACTIVE Profile to Stored Profile n
         &W0     Writes to profile 0
         &W1     Writes to profile 1
&Xn     Synchronous Transmit Clock Source
         &X0=Modem generated (default)
         &X1=DTE supplied
         &X2=Derived from the data carrier received from the remote modem.
&Yn     Select Configuration Loaded at power-up
         &Y0=Load profile 0 (default)
         &Y1=Load profile 1
&Zx=n   Write stored telephone number x (0 to 3) the number n.
\An     Maximum MNP Block Size for Stream Links
         \A0     64 characters
         \A1     128 characters (default)
         \A2     192 characters
         \A3     256 characters
\Bn     Transmit Break of length n x 100ms where n is 1 to 9
         (Send Link Attention in MNP mode)
\Gn     Modem-to-Modem XON/XOFF (software) flow control (ignored if &Q5)
         \G0=Disabled (default)
\Kn     Break Processing Control (controls remote modem during MNP mode)
         \K0,\K2,\K4     Enter command state without sending BREAK to remote
         \K1             Clear Modem & Terminal Buffers & send BREAK to remote
         \K2             Don't clear Buffers, but send BREAK to remote
         \K4             Send BREAK to remote in sequence with any transmitted
                        data (default)
\Ln     MNP Block Transfer Control
         \L0     Use Stream Mode for MNP Links (default)
         \L1     Use Block Mode for MNP Links
\N      Operating Mode
         \N0     Normal Mode
         \N1     Direct Mode
         \N2     MNP Reliable Mode
         \N3     AutoReliable Mode
\O      Originate MNP Reliable Mode Request
\Tn     Set Inactivity Timer (Modem disconnects if no activity in time n)
         n=0             Timer disabled (default)
         n=1 to 42       Modem disconnects after n minutes without activity
\U      Accept MNP Reliable Request (request must occur within 12 seconds)
\Y      Switch to MNP Reliable Mode
\Z      Switch from MNP to Normal Mode
%Cn     MNP5 Data Compression Enable/Disable
         %C0     Disabled
         %C1     Enabled
%Dn     BTLZ Dictionary Size
         %D2=2048 (default)
         %D3=4096 (if one-way compression %M1 or %M2 is enabled)
             2048 (if two-way compression %M3)
%En     Auto Retrain based on line monitor readings
         %E0=Disabled (Default)
%Gn     Rate Renegotiation based on line monitor readings
         %G1=Enabled (Default)
%L      Reports Received Signal Level nnn in -dBm.
         nnn=9 or stronger       reports as 9
         nnn=10 to 42            reports as value directly
         nnn=43 or weaker        reports as 43
%Mn     BTLZ Compression Mode
         %M0     Disabled
         %M1     Transmit compression only
         %M2     Receive compression only
         %M3     Two-way compresion (default)
%P      Clear Local & Remote Modems' BTLZ Dictionaries
%Q      Report Received signal Quality (nnn range 0 to 127)
         nnn=1 to 8 current signal quality excellent (higher rate may be used)
         nnn=9 to 20 current signal good (best carrier rate for line condition)
         nnn=20 to 30 current signal poor (lower carrier rate should be used)
         nnn=31 to 127 signal very bad (or gone), try forcing a lower rate
         NOTE: Modem uses 8 and 20 as rate renegotiation watermarks.
%Sn     Set Maximum BTLZ string length n (6 to 250)   (default is 32)
#CID=n  Caller ID Mode
         #CID=0  Disable Caller ID (Default)
         #CID=1  Enable Formatted Caller ID Mode
         #CID=2  Enable Raw (ASCII printable HEX number) Mode

S0=n    Number of Rings to Auto Answer (0 to 255) (0 is disable & default)
S1=n    Number of Rings before last answer.
S2=n    Escape Code character (0 to 255) (default is 43 "+")
S3=n    Carriage Return character (0-127) (default is 13)
S4=n    Line Feed character (0-127) (default is 10)
S5=n    Backspace character (0-32) (default is 8)
S6=n    Time to Wait before Blind Dial (2-255 seconds)  (default is 2)
         (Applies only in X,X1, or X3 dialing mode)
S7=n    Time to Wait for Carrier (1-255 seconds) (default is 50)
S8=n    Pause Time for Comma Dial Command (0-255 seconds) (default is 2)
S9=n    Time to Wait Before Recognizing Carrier (1-255 1/10 seconds)
         (Default is 6)
S10=n   Delay from Lost Carrier to Hang Up (1-255 1/10 seconds) (Default is 14)
S11=n   DTMF Tone Duration/Spacing (35 to 255 1/1000 seconds) (Default is 95)
S12=n   Escape Code Guard Time (0 to 255 1/50 seconds) (0 to disable, the
         default is 50)
S14     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S16     Diagnostic Test Mode setting -Bit Mapped (default 0)
         0       &T1     0 Disable       1 Enable
         1       Not Used
         2       &T3     0 Disable       1 Enable
         3       &T4/&T5 0 Off           1 In progress
         4       &T6     0 Disable       1 Enable
         5       &T7     0 Disable       1 Enable
         6       &T8     0 Disable       1 Enable
         7       Not Used
S18=n   Test Mode Timer (0-255 seconds, 0=Runs endlessly)
S21     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S22     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S23     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S25=n   Delay to DTR (0-255 1/100 seconds, 5 default)
S26=n   RTS/CTS Delay (0-255 1/100 seconds, 1 default) (Sync mode only)
S27     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S30=n   Inactivity Timer (0-255 Unit 10 seconds, 0=disable {default})
         In Reliable mode any data transfer resets timer.
         In Normal mode only sent data resets timer.
S36=n   Negotiation Failure Treatment (0-7  7 is default)
         Fallback options when S48=128 or error correction link fails:
         0       Disconnect
         1       Establish Direct connection
         2       Undefined
         3       Establish Normal connection
         4       Establish a MNP connection if possible, else Disconnect
         5       Establish a MNP connection if possible, else Direct connection
         6       Undefined
         7       Establish a MNP connection if possible, else Normal connection
S37=n   Forced Single Carrier Rate (0-12  0 is default)
         0       Carrier Rate at the rate the last AT command was issued.
                 (If rate is above highest carrier rate, then the highest
                 carrier rate the modem supports is used.)
         1       300 bps
         2-4     Undefined
         5       1200 bps
         6       2400 bps
         7       Undefined
         8       4800 bps
         9       9600 bps
         10      12000 bps
         11      14400 bps
         12      7200 bps
S38=n   Delay Before Forced Disconnect (0-255 seconds, default 20)
         0-254   Delay in seconds from H command, or DTR toggle ON or OFF (if
                 modem is set to follow DTR), before modem disconnects.
         255     Modem send data out of buffer until completed or connection
                 is lost.
S40     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S41     Bit Mapped Option State Codes
S46=n   Protocol Selection (136 or 138) (Affects v.42/v.42bis mode)
         136     Disable Compression
         138     Enable Compression (default)
S48=n   v.42 Negotiation (0,7,128)
         0       Disable Negotiation, proceed with LAPM
         7       Enable Negotiation (default)
         128     Disable Negotiation, fallback per S36 setting
S82=n   LAPM Break Handling Options (3,7,128)
         3       Expedited: Modem sends break immediately & data integrity is
                         maintained before and after break.
         7       Destructive: Modem sends break immediately & data being
                         processed by each modem at that time is destroyed.
         128     In sequence: Modem sends break in sequence with transmitted
                         data & data integrity is maintained before and after
                         the break
S86?    Report Connection Failure Cause Code
         0       Normal Disconnect (no error)
         1-3     Undefined
         4       Loss of Carrier
         5       v.42 negotiation failed
         6-8     Undefined
         9       Modems could not find common protocol
         10-11   Undefined
         12      Normal Disconnect initiated by Remote Modem
         13      Remote Modem did not respond after 10 retransmissions of
                 the same message
         14      Protocol violation
S95=n   Extended Result Code Control (default sum is 0)
         Each bit set high in this register enables the corresponding result
         code regardless of the W command setting.
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   CONNECT XXXX result code gives DCE to DCE rate instead of
                 local DTE to DCE rate.
         1 (2)   Append /ARQ to verbose CONNECT result code if protocol is NONE
         2 (4)   Enable CARRIER XXXX result code
         3 (8)   Enable PROTOCOL XXXX result code
         4 (16)  Undefined
         5 (32)  Enable COMPRESSION result code
         6 (64)  Undefined
         7 (128) Undefined
S109=n  v.32/v.32bis Negotiation Rate Selection (default sum is 62)
         Each bit set high in this register enables the corresponding rate as
         a valid rate to be used during rate negotiation.
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   Unused
         1 (2)   4800 bps
         2 (4)   7200 bps
         3 (8)   9600 bps
         4 (16)  12000 bps
         5 (32)  14400 bps
         6 (64)  Unused
         7 (128) Unused
S110=n  v.32/v.32bis Mode & Rate Negotiation Control
         0       Normal v.32 mode (no v.32bis support)
         1       Normal v.32bis mode
         2       v.32bis mode with automatic rate renegotiation (default)
         3       v.32bis mode with automatic rate renegotiation starting with
                 the lowest rate set in S109 and working up one defined rate at
                 a time toward the highest rate set in S109 (based on %Q level
                 at each rate prior to stepping up.) (If the modem steps back
                 down, it will also follow the S109 settings.)

SCn=n   BUSY Detect Watermark Controls
         Each register "pair" holds the value for each setting.  To set a value,
         divide the setting by 256.  The integer goes in the second register,
         while the remained goes in the first.  (A setting of 516 would convert
         to 2 Remainder 4, and could be set by sending ATSC0=4SC1=2 to the
         modem.)  Settings are in 1/100ths of a second.
        Default values:
         Minimum BUSY ON Time
         Maximum BUSY ON Time
         Minimum BUSY OFF Time
         Maximum BUSY OFF Time
SC8=n   Set number of valid BUSY Pulses before reporting BUSY (4 is default)

FAX commands of special interest to Supra Users:

        +FAE=n  (CLASS 1 Only) Adaptive Answer / Silent Answer Mode Control
                 0       Disable Both
                 1       Adaptive Answer ONLY
                 2       Adaptive Answer & Silent Answer
                 3       Silent Answer ONLY
        +FAA=n  (CLASS 2 Only) Adaptive Answer / Silent Answer Mode Control
                 0       Disable Both
                 1       Adaptive Answer ONLY
                 2       Adaptive Answer & Silent Answer
                 3       Silent Answer ONLY

Connection Result Codes:

Nemeric Verbose
0       OK
1       CONNECT                 (300 bps)
2       RING
3       NO CARRIER
4       ERROR
5       CONNECT 1200
7       BUSY
8       NO ANSWER
9       CONNECT 0600
10      CONNECT 2400
11      CONNECT 4800
12      CONNECT 9600
13      CONNECT 7200
14      CONNECT 12000
15      CONNECT 14400
16      CONNECT 19200
17      CONNECT 38400
18      CONNECT 57600
19      CONNECT 115200          (Not Currently Supported on MOST models)

40      CARRIER 300
46      CARRIER 1200
47      CARRIER 2400
49      CARRIER 7200
50      CARRIER 9600
51      CARRIER 12000
52      CARRIER 14400

66      COMPRESSION: CLASS 5    (MNP 5)
67      COMPRESSION: V.42BIS    (BTLZ)

77      PROTOCOL: LAP-M         (V.42)
80      PROTOCOL: ALT           (MNP)


Red LED's

        OH      Off Hook
        RD      Receiving Data
        SD      Sending Data
        TR      Terminal Ready (Follows DTR per &Dn setting)

Green LED Display PANEL

        AA      Auto Answer (RI displayed during ring)
        CD      Carrier Detected
        DC      Data Compression in use
        DI      Dialing
        FX      FAX MODE
        LP      LAPM Error Correction in use.
        M2      MNP2 Error Correction in use.
        M3      MNP3 Error Correction in use.
        M4      MNP4 Error Correction in use.
        M5      MNP5 Data Compression in use.
        OK      Modem Powered Up Correctly and Ready for Use.
        RE      Receive Error while using LAPM or MNP mode.
        RI      Ring Indicator
        RT      Retrain in progress
        TE      Transmit Error while using LPAM or MNP mode.
        TM      Test Mode in use.
        3       300 bps connection
        12      1200 bps connection
        24      2400 bps connection
        48      4800 bps connection
        72      7200 bps connection
        96      9600 bps connection
        120     12000 bps connection
        144     14400 bps connection