
  ASPECTS with David S. Lampel                                Information

  WELCOME to Aspects, a monthly devotional produced by David Lampel.
  ICLnet thanks Mr. Lampel for permission to make Aspects available
  to internet readers. 

  - ICLnet (January 1995)


                             A S P E C T S
                      a monthly devotional journal
                           by David S. Lampel

  Aspects has been published in printed form since November, 1990.
  Recently it I have joined with ICLnet to make ASPECTS available 
  in electronic form by downloading at this ftp site. It is also
  available by subscription, either in printed form and in e-text
  by contacting me, as noted below.

  The intent of this journal is to encourage Christians to enjoy a 
  closer relationship with the Lord God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and 
  to have a better understanding of His word. The emphasis is on
  application--not exegesis.

  Each issue examines a particular topic or passage of Scripture and
  considers it in light of contemporary events or practical applica-
  tion. Scripture text is included, as well as hymns text and quota-
  tions from many of our venerable Spiritual voices--such as C.H.
  Spurgeon, A.W. Tozer, and C.S. Lewis--and contemporary leaders-- 
  such as Chuck Swindoll, John MacArthur, Jr. and Jack Hayford. Each 
  issue also includes challenging questions for personal application 
  and opportunities for deeper Biblical study.

  Recent issues have been:

    - Companionship of the Spirit
    - Deserts of Cleansing   (of Preparation, Testing and Correction)
    - Enter His Gates With Thanksgiving
    - Blissful Ignorance
    - Pursuing ("Many hope to find Christ, but their longing is in 
               vain, for they are not pursuing Him.")
    - The God Who Dances   (He waits, He rejoices, He works)

  Subscription Information

  Aspects is published monthly. There are two subscription options
  available if you wish to receive Aspects regularly:

  1) You may subscribe to the laser-printed (hard copy) edition, 
     which is sent out via regular mail. This edition has the 
     following advantages:

     - a "typeset" look, with italics, large titles, headings, etc.
     - Scripture text and quotations are more obviously set off
     - arrives pre-punched for a 3-ring binder
     - generally looks better--and is easier to share with another

  2) You may subscribe to the e-mail edition, which will be "mailed"
     to you directly each month. This edition will be in ASCII file
     format, but includes every word of the printed edition.

  Aspects is distributed free-of-charge, without obligation, in
  service to our Lord and to His glory. For youe free subscription 
  to Aspects, send a note to


  Please specify the method by which you wish to receive Aspects. Be 
  sure to include your postal mailing address if you choose the 
  printed edition. Please let us know if you wish to terminate
  your subscription, or if you change network addresses.

  - David S. Lampel

  Be sure to also visit the related WWW sites, Seeds of Encouragement,
  and Reflections by the Pond:



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