Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 13:52:38 +1000
From: "Michael.Smith" <>
Subject: Tricks for keeping aliases connected

Warning: I waffle on a bit in this message.

This a brief account of my recent experiences with aliases. Hopefully it
will be of use to others. A simple trick allowed me to do a backup-restore
of my hard disk with only a few aliases ending up detached (some because I
forgot to unlock them before starting, others because they ended up
pointing across the new partitions).

How do aliases work?

As far as I know, an alias encodes its destination in two ways.  I won't go
into too many details, since I have only educated guesses on precisely how
it works, but experimentation can verify the following facts:

(1) Stored within the alias is a "pointer" to the location of the target on
the disk --- when a file is created it is assigned a unique pointer which
remains unchanged as the file is moved around, renamed and modified. If the
file is deleted, this pointer becomes invalid.  If the pointer stored in
the alias is valid then just follow the pointer to the target.

(2) Also stored in the alias is the last known path to the file. For
example the stored path might be "HD:Documents:targfile" which means that
when the alias was last resolved it was to a file called "targfile" in
folder "Documents" on hard drive "HD".

So when the system attempts to resolve an alias it first checks whether
step (1) gives the target, and only if that fails does it then check step
(2). If both fail, the alias cannot be resolved.

Bacause of step (1), you can create an alias to a file, and then move the
file around, change the name of it and change the names of folders and
drives that it is stored on. None of these operations changes the pointer
to the file's information blocks. However, replacing a file by one with the
same name does prevent step (1) from succeeding, but then step (2) comes to
the rescue.

Hassle free backup/restore

What was I to do?  I had a 330MB hard drive with a single partition named
"Centris650", and I wished to back it up, reformat and partition it into 3
volumes, and then restore files into the 3 new partitions.

First I ran an alias checking program, which searches disks for all
aliases, and tries to resolve each of them (AliasBoss, AliasZoo and
FileBuddy all do this for you). This ensured all my aliases on "Centris650"
had both their components (pointer and path) updated. This was important
since I may have moved some around a while ago without resolving them
since, so their paths would be incorrect, and the whole trick it to rely on
the path component of the alias.

Then I backed up the disk into 2 different Stuffit archives, one for each
of the intended volumes.

After reformatting and partitioning the drive, I restored the files into
the 3 new volumes named "part1", "part2", and "part3".  But now every file
was a new copy, and none of the pointers stored inside the aliases would
point to their targets anymore. Moreover, an alias on one volume may now be
for a file on another volume. All the paths stored in aliases start with
the drive name "Centris650", so both resolving steps will(?) fail.

In three steps practically all aliases are fixed. Rename "part1" to
"Centris650", and run the alias checking program. It finds all the aliases
on all the drives, finds that none of the pointers work, and starts looking
at the last known pathnames. All the targets on the first partition can now
be resolved, since the first partition now has the old drive name.  In the
process of successfully resolving by name, the pointers to files are
updated as well, so when the name is changed back to "part1", all these
fixed aliases remain valid.

Repeat this step for "part2" and "part3".

Ammendment: It is possible that renaming the volumes is not necessary, but
I didn't pay close enough attention while I was going through this process
to know for sure.  A simple experiment seems to indicate that it is not
necessary. Make a new folder called "XXX", and then an alias to it on the
same volume. Delete the original. Rename the volume, and make a new folder
named "XXX". The alias will find it, despite the fact the path is

If the alias and the target are separated across partitions, the alias will
not be fixed in this process. These must be fixed by hand (with the help of
FileBuddy or something similar).

End result --- backup and restore completed with a minimum of broken
aliases.  The only remaining problems are those file pointers that are
stored in preferences files: eg your copy of Fetch or Anarchie can no
longer find your "Download Folder", since when you set it the program
stored the folder's pointer which no longer works bacause all files are new

Another mind numbingly simple tip

I like to keep aliases in readily accessible places, and original programs
in well organised places :-). Typically I have 4 or 5 aliases to an
important or frequently used program.

Problem was, whenever I got an update to a program, there was a bit of
bother replacing the old one by the new, because aliases usually broke.

Now whenever I install a program, eg Fetch 2.1.2, I make sure that I store
it in a folder that *does not* involve the version number. So I rename the
folder to "Fetch folder", or something similar. I make sure the application
does not involve the version number in its name, say "Fetch 2.1.2", since
updates will then have different names. Rename it to simply "Fetch". Ignore
the names of documentation files (indeed, hopefully they will be named
"Fetch 2.1.2 docs" or something similar).  Now I make all the aliases I
want of the application.

When I get a copy of Fetch 3.0, updating is now easy. Rename the folder it
is in to "Fetch folder", and make sure the application is called simply
"Fetch".  Replace the old folder by the new one. All aliases will continue


---------------------------------/|-|--|-|--|--Michael-Smith------------------- /-| |\ | |  |  Mathematics (CMA)