Abstracts from files in info-mac/sci/calc as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX ae-quick-cost.hqx **** From: "Paul M. Jones" <pjones@ciaweb.net> Subject: aeQuickCost.ppc aeQuickCost is an interface to the United Parcel Service QuickCost Calculator CGI. UPS provides this Internet-based service for determining how much it costs to send a package. The service is free; you may view details about the QuickCost Calculator, its interface requirements, and other UPS Internet Tools at <http://www.ups.com/tools/tools.html>. The aeQuickCost application was originally designed to work with FileMaker Pro 4, but any program that sends and receives AppleEvents may use it. In particular, FileMaker Pro 4 users may include additional fields in any web-enabled database and build a format file to offer shipping options and then display the cost of those options. aeQuickCost is provided free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more details, please see <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html>, or view the General Public License document included with this distribution. aeQuickCost is written in RealBasic 2.0, and the source project is included in this distribution. For details on RealBasic, please visit <http://www.realbasic.com>. Please submit comments, suggestions, requests, and bug reports to <software@ciaweb.net>. aeQuickCost has not been tested on a wide range of computers; it is software-in-development, and as such may be very unstable. See the Limitation of Liability at the end of this document. aeQuickCost requires a PowerPC Macintosh running Mac OS 8.6 with an active OpenTransport TCP/IP (LAN or PPP) connection. Running aeQuickCost without an active TCP/IP connection may cause your Macintosh to hang or crash. aeQuickCost has not been tested on Macintoshes running anything earlier than Mac OS 8.6, although it should work on Mac OS 8.0 and above. Do not taunt aeQuickCost. #### BINHEX alge-kalk.hqx **** From: Goldfish <goldfish1@mac.com> Subject: Algekalk ->AlgeKalk is a calculator that performs algebra-related operations on numbers. AlgeKalk lets you factor numbers, determine whether they are prime, find "smart" square roots (e.g. the square root of 40 is 2 times the square root of 10), and convert decimals to fractions (requires FrakKalk). A built-in help system is included. AlgeKalk is freeware, and is compatible with OS 10.1.2 and up. More information can be found at: http://homepage.mac.com/goldfish1/AlgeKalk.html<- #### BINHEX anubis-calculator-106.hqx **** From: John <anubisinc@mindspring.com> Subject: Anubis Calculator 1.0.6 Anubis Calculator 1.0.6 Requires PPC macintosh. Author: Anubis, Inc. http://anubisweb.com #### BINHEX area-properties-361.hqx **** From:WWeissTuna@aol.com Subject: Area Properties 3.6.1 This is a application that will calculate section properties (area, moment & product of inertia, centroids, perimeter and volume ) of ant shape saved in a Pict or Bitmap file or from clipboard. This is classified as education, science, engineering. #### BINHEX bi-product-11.hqx **** From: kotka <kotka@renonevada.net> Subject: Bi-Product 1.1 Please replace the application Bi-Product.hqx with this upgraded one. Bi-Product a freeware application for programers or anyone interested in computer math conversions. It converters Characters or ASCII# into Hex, Octal and Binary. If you find it useful please email me. James Kotka kotka@renonevada.net "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" ----Albert Einstein---- #### BINHEX calc-it-11.hqx **** From: Ethan Rutter <earutter@amug.org> Subject: CalcIT1.1.sit.hqx Here's the abstract for CalcIT 1.1, uploaded today: Need a more powerful calculator than the one that ships with the Mac? CalcIT is a full-featured scientific calculator with larger (i.e., easy-to-read) buttons and display, decimal/hex/binary and degrees/radians/gradients modes, units conversions, and customizable interface. Version 1.1 completely revises the calculation engine for greater speed and precision, adds an optional log file, and includes interface improvements. CalcIT received TUCOWS' <www.tucows.com> 5 cow rating (out of 5). There are PPC and 68K versions available at the MR Stuff Shareware home page <http://amug.org/~earutter/index.html>. #### BINHEX calculator-ii-15.hqx **** From: Joe Cicinelli <cicinell@saifr00.ateng.az.honeywell.com> Subject: Calculator II v1.5 Date: Thu, 26 May 1994 08:44:55 -0700 Calculator II v1.5 Copyright 1991-94, Joe Cicinelli. Purpose: Calculator II is a pleasant looking color multi-function calculator that runs as an application under system 6.x or System 7. The calculator was written as an application to be run under MultiFinder or System 7 alongside other applications. It improves on AppleUs original calculator by adding trigonometric functions, functions for base 10 and natural logorithms and their inverses, hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex conversion, a percent increase/decrease key, a memory function for storing values across uses of the program, and all of these functions can be invoked by using the F-Keys on the Apple Extended keyboard (F5 - F15). The calculator also allows users to correct trailing digits of values entered on the display of the calculator through the use of a backspace key. A Ticker Tape is also provided to display the results of past calculations. Balloon help and general information about the program is available under either the Help menu under System 6.x or the Balloon Help menu under System 7. This software is being distributed as FREEware so give it a try and let me know what you think! This version of the calculator contains the following bug fixes and enhancements: - Fixed the mechanism for producing error dialogs. - Added an option in the preferences dialog for showing the thousands separator on both the display and ticker tape of the calculator. - The Ticker Tape now will automatically open when the program launched if it was left open the last time the calculator was used! - Fixed an annoying flash in the help window when opened from About dialog box. - Changed the format of the Preferences file (again!). Throw out your old Calculator II Prefs file before using this version of the calculator. - Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of a decimal separator in a Hex value. - Fixed a bug that permitted the entry of Hex values as input to the Hex function. - Added support for non-U.S. formatted decimal and thousands place separators (finally!). These characters can be changed from the Numbers control panel under System 7. - The calculator now does a better job remembering and restoring windows on multiple montior systems. #### BINHEX california-30.hqx **** From: David Mueller <dsm@san.rr.com> Subject: California 3.0 California is a calculator program. It provides the ability to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, square roots, tangents, cosines, sines, cotangents, cosecants, secants, arctangents, and natural logarithims. This submission replaces California 2.03. #### BINHEX car-lease-10.hqx **** From: Patrick Van der Perre <patvdp@pandora.be> Subject: Car Lease 1.0.2 for Mac OS X Car Lease 1.0.2 for Mac OS X Description Car Lease is an easy-to-use vehicle lease calculator that uses the money factor method to calculate monthly lease payments. Lots of details are provided so that the user can see how vehicle leasing actually works. * * * What's new in this version? - results can now be printed from within the application - proxy icons - better handling of defaults - new default for discount added - fields remember their precision between saves - fields now auto-reformat when they lose the focus * * * Download URL Mac OS X version: http://www.paranzasoft.com/downloads/CarLease.dmg.sit * * * System Requirements Mac OS 10.1 or later. * * * Shareware Fee - Single User License: 5 USD * * * More information Web site: http://www.paranzasoft.com Info: info@paranzasoft.com ParanzaSoft #### BINHEX coordinates-100-x.hqx **** From: "John W. Robbins" <jrobbins@surfbest.net> Subject: CoordinatesX 1.0.0 - Planetary Surface Coordinate Calculator for OS X CoordinatesX 1.0.0 is an application that transforms geodetic and Cartesian coordinates. It will make the conversions from Geodetic latitude, longitude and heights to planet centered Cartesian coordinates and vice versa. Works for various planetary ellipsoids, including user defined ellipsoids. Additionally, CoordinatesX will also compute long geodesic lines on the ellipsoid. Given a starting latitude and longitude, a distance and a direction, CoordinatesX will compute the location of the end point. Also, it will compute the geodesic length and directions between two points of known latitude and longitude. Baseline lengths and ellipsoidal chord length computation are possible too. Documentation of associated algorithms accompanies the application. Coordinates is offered as freeware. May be distributed. Functions on PPC under OSX 10.3 and later. Not recommended for anything running OS9 or below. The current OS9 version is Coordinates 2.4.3, available on the archive John Robbins - Consultant, Geodesy and Geodynamics #### BINHEX decimal-ease-es.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: Decimal Ease 1.0.1 Esp Decimal Ease 1.0.1 PPC Espa�ol 02/03/2001 -El programa �ste es un programa de calculacion y conversi�n yardas decimal, pies decimal, pulgadas decimal y yardas, pies y pulgadas. Con Decimal Ease puedes calcular hasta 99.999999999 milli�nes de yardas a yardas, pies y pulgadas hasta un fracci�n de 1/64 de un pulgada y desde 136,111,109 yardas y un fracci�n de 63/64 de un pulgada a yardas decimal, pies decimal o pulgadas decimal. -Cambios Referencia al fracci�n eligido Reducido tomano de los botones de tomano de ventana -Requerimientos: Power Mac con sistema 7.6.1 or mas -Tomano BinHex: 932k Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX decimal-ease.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: Decimal Ease 1.0.1 English PPC Decimal Ease 1.0.1 English PPC 02/03/2001 -The program Decimal Ease is a program to calculate between decimal yards, feet or inches and yards, feet or inches. If you need to know what 5983.5724 decimal yards are down to one sixty fourth of an inch or what 782 yards, 2 feet 7 and 1/32 of an inch is as decimal feet then this is the program you need to use. Decimal Ease has the possibilities to calculate up to 99.999999999 million yards into yards feet and inches down to one sixty fourth of an inch and from 136,111,109 yards and 63/64ths of an inch to decimal yards, feet or inches. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it again. -Changes Visual reference of fraction setting. Smaller shrink and expand window bars. -This program single user licence is $29 US. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. -Compressed BinHex size: -932k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX dt-calculator.hqx **** From: "Dr. Stefan P. Mueller" <stefan.mueller@uni-essen.de> Subject: DT Calculator DT Calculator is a no-frills scientific RPN calculator (24k disk space). I don't know who wrote it but the file was created on June 15, 1990 and it still works. I believe it's not supported and free but please let me know if there are still any shareware claims. #### BINHEX econ-calculator-68k-111.hqx **** From: Mike B <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: Econ Calculator 1.1.1 - Eng 68k Econ Calculator 1.1.1 English 68k 23/08/2001 -The program This is a simple to use calculator which has settings to make both single auto calculations or multiple calculations, this is an ideal replacement to the calculator provided with your OS, still keeping things simple but also with the addition of a few more options such as a more appealing user interface, being able to save your calculations as a text file and having the facility to print, multiple calculations are written into a simulated paper roll at the bottom of the calculator and can be saved as a text file or printed out from the "Print" menu. Calculations possible include addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and square root. Online user guide at: http://econsoftware.com/econcalculator_111UG.html -Changes (NEW) Enter key can now be used to calculate sum. (CHANGE) "Rubber" button removed. (CHANGE) The "C" button now becomes the "C/CE" key, this replaces the function of the green "Rubber" button which has been removed. (CHANGE) Keyboard layout. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.5 or above, not OSX compatible. -Compressed Bin Hex size: -544k ............................................. -Web: http://econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:info@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX econ-calculator-deluxe-68k.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: Econ Calculator Deluxe 1.0 68k Econ Calculator Deluxe 1.0 68k 26/08/2001 -The program This is the Deluxe version of Econ Calculator which has settings to make single auto calculations, multiple calculations, or multiple calculations in Adding machine mode. This is an ideal replacement to the calculator provided with your OS, still keeping things simple but also with the addition of a few more options such as a more appealing user interface, being able to save your calculations as a text file and having the facility to print, multiple calculations are written into a simulated paper roll at the bottom of the calculator and can be saved as a text file or printed out from the "Print" menu. Calculations possible include addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and square root. Online user guide at: http://econsoftware.com/econcalculatordeluxe_1UG.html -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.5.3 or above, not OSX compatible. -Compressed Bin Hex size: -916k ............................................. -Web: http://econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:info@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX econ-calculator-dlx-151-ppc.hqx **** From: Mike B <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: Econ Calculator Deluxe 1.5.1 Classic Econ Calculator 1.5.1 Classic - English version 22/08/2002 -The program This is the Deluxe version of Econ Calculator which is a simple to use calculator having three calculation modes, normal calculator, calculator with tape (simulated paper roll) or calculator with tape running in Adding machine mode. This version allows the user to round from an integer "0" decimal places through to 6 and offers a "Fixed" decimal setting that auto rounds to 2 decimal places. The calculator can be "Iconized" to a global button and has many more options of user customization. This is a shareware program with a price of US$15. -Changes 1# Total interface redesign. 2# File saving with the option to enable or disable. 3# Saved files can be opened in Econ Calculator Deluxe and added to or printed out at a later date. 4# Sub total button added for normal and Adding machine mode Tape calculations. 5# Option to select separate font and font sizes. 6# Multiple calculations can now be made in what was single calculation mode. 7# Option to add date. Comments or line breaks to the tape. 8# Versions now available for both OS Classic and OSX. 9# Many other useful changes that make Econ Calculator a much better calculator. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS8 or above, not OSX compatible. -Compressed BinHex size: -2.7MB -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: http://www.econsoftware.com/ -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:econ@kagi.com #### BINHEX econ-calculator-dlx-151-x.hqx **** From: Mike B <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: Econ Calculator Deluxe 1.5.1 Carbon Econ Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon - English version 22/08/2002 -The program This is the Deluxe version of Econ Calculator which is a simple to use calculator having three calculation modes, normal calculator, calculator with tape (simulated paper roll) or calculator with tape running in Adding machine mode. This version allows the user to round from an integer "0" decimal places through to 6 and offers a "Fixed" decimal setting that auto rounds to 2 decimal places. The calculator can be "Iconized" to a global button and has many more options of user customization. This is a shareware program with a price of US$15. -Changes 1# Total interface redesign. 2# File saving with the option to enable or disable. 3# Saved files can be opened in Econ Calculator Deluxe and added to or printed out at a later date. 4# Sub total button added for normal and Adding machine mode Tape calculations. 5# Option to select separate font and font sizes. 6# Multiple calculations can now be made in what was single calculation mode. 7# Option to add date. Comments or line breaks to the tape. 8# Versions now available for both OS Classic and OSX. 9# Many other useful changes that make Econ Calculator a much better calculator. -Requirements: Power Mac OSX (10.1x) and/or can be run on Classic OS9x with CarbonLib installed. -Compressed BinHex size: -2.9MB -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: http://www.econsoftware.com/ -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:econ@kagi.com #### BINHEX econ-calculator-ppc-111.hqx **** From: Mike B <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: Econ Calculator 1.1.1 - Eng PPC Econ Calculator 1.1.1 English PPC 23/08/2001 -The program This is a simple to use calculator which has settings to make both single auto calculations or multiple calculations, this is an ideal replacement to the calculator provided with your OS, still keeping things simple but also with the addition of a few more options such as a more appealing user interface, being able to save your calculations as a text file and having the facility to print, multiple calculations are written into a simulated paper roll at the bottom of the calculator and can be saved as a text file or printed out from the "Print" menu. Calculations possible include addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and square root. Online user guide at: http://econsoftware.com/econcalculator_111UG.html -Changes (NEW) Enter key can now be used to calculate sum. (CHANGE) "Rubber" button removed. (CHANGE) The "C" button now becomes the "C/CE" key, this replaces the function of the green "Rubber" button which has been removed. (CHANGE) Keyboard layout. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.5 or above, not OSX compatible. -Compressed Bin Hex size: -852k #### BINHEX euro-calc-10b4-it.hqx **** From: clooka@tin.it Subject: Clac EuroCalc ITA 1.0.0b4 FAT Freeware System requirements: 68040, PPC or higher. Clac EuroCalc FAT is a freeware calculator money converter for the new Euro currency (and the 11 European Currency) and US$. This version is in Italian. Soon will be also an international version in English and probably a Win95/98/NT version. This software can be included without modifications on all CD-Roms. Luca Cacciagrano Clac http://www.clac.com/ #### BINHEX falcon-nc-201.hqx **** From: appajt@nbnet.nb.ca (appajt) Subject: FalconNc 2.0.1 March 10, 2000 ==================== FALCON-NC vers 2.0.1 RPN/Algeabraic Scientific calculator. ==================== This is not your ordinary calculator. It�s a true RPN and ALGEABRIC calculator in the same package. You can even switch mode right in the middle of a problem solving sequence. It has superior formatting of results ( 30� 23� 43� ) and even automatic ISO and US delimiter setting. (if you use a coma in entering a number it use it as the delimiter, the same for the period ) With this calculator you have on-the-fly base conversion, mixed base arithmetic, unsigned numbers conversion, and more. The application has been tested with machines from MacPlus and MAC OS 6.0.2 up to Mac OS 9.0 and the newest PowerBook G4 machines. The Financial mode has automatic features that simplify the calculation of the basic financial function of Interest, Present Value, Future Value and Payments. It even has Canadian Mortgage calculation functions. It has been updated and tested to work on the latest G4 machine ( PowerBook included ). This application works as well with the older Mac like the Plus and the SE. The calculator has automatic continuous memory of 2000 registers. There is also a lot of shortcuts for the various modes of the calculator. . Jacques Th�riault #### BINHEX finkit-124.hqx **** From: Patrick Van der Perre <patvdp@pandora.be> Subject: FinKit 1.2.4 for Mac OS Classic Description FinKit is a multi-function financial calculator that lets you solve problems involving the time value of money. * * * Download URL Mac OS Classic version: http://www.paranzasoft.com/downloads/FinKitClassic.sit * * * System Requirements FinKit for Mac OS Classic needs Mac OS 8.5 or later and a PPC to run. * * * FinKit for Mac OS Classic is freeware. * * * More information Web site: http://www.paranzasoft.com Info: info@paranzasoft.com #### BINHEX finkit-20-x.hqx **** From: ParanzaSoft Info <info@paranzasoft.com> Subject: ParanzaSoft releases FinKit 2.0 for mac OS X PARANZASOFT RELEASES FINKIT 2.0 FOR MAC OS X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FinKit 2.0 is a major upgrade of our flexible and intuitive financial calculator that lets you calculate annuities, bonds, dates, interest, loans, leases, rates, and more. One of the most noticeable improvements - suggested by one of our users - is the possibility to switch between dates view or periods view for the calculations that display an amortization schedule. Among many enhancements, FinKit now includes an advanced interest on deposit calculator that calculates simple and compound interest using fixed or variable rates and six day count conventions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT'S NEW IN THIS VERSION? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ � The Interest between Dates calculation is now a fully featured interest on deposit calculator. Simple and compound interest can be calculated using fixed or variable rates, six day count methods and four interest rounding options. � The new Date Series calculation lets users set up a series of dates and view the number of days for the intervals according to four day count conventions. For periods ranging from annually to monthly, six date adjustment options are available. � The new Year Fraction calculation lets users calculate the time between dates as a fraction of a year according to six day count conventions. Furthermore it displays the number of leap days and the number of full leap years between two dates. � For calculations that involve periodic payments users can now switch between date view and period/year view by clicking the header of the first details column. � A new Date Options dialog was added to enable user to either enter a date, or, to automatically use the current date. Users can also specify how end of month dates are handled. � When a user switches to variable rates in the Interest between Dates calculation and no valid table is found in the FinKit Tables folder, a new default table containing sample data is automatically created. � To avoid confusion with the other day count conventions, the header for the days column in the Variable Interest Tables window now indicates clearly that it displays actual days. � The Zero-coupon Bond Price and Zero-coupon Bond Yield calculations can now calculate using annually to daily compounding frequencies. Previously only semiannual compounding was used. � The range for the quote in the Zero-Coupon Bond Yield calculation is now 10 to 100 (was 25 to 99.9). � The range for the quote in the Bond Yield calculation is now 50 to 150 (was 75 to 125). � When a calculation can display details, a disclosure triangle apears at the bottom of the window to make it easier to show or hide the details. � The Page Setup is now stored in preferences. � Scroll-wheel support � Results and variable interest tables can now be saved directly as Word or Excel documents. � The Currencies window now automatically uses the proxy settings in the Network System Preferences. � Input validation and restoring of the focus have been completely revised. � Some smaller interface changes were made to conform to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. � Help pages were added or changed to account for the new or changed calculations, day count conventions and date adjustment options. � A few incorrect Help Tags were fixed. � In the Italian version some bugs which caused controls and labels to be incorrectly placed have been fixed. � The Register dialog now lets users purchase a license using their web browser or using an integrated option. To avoid problems when a serial number is not entered correctly, the integrated option will automatically enter it for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FinKit 2.0 requires Mac OS 10.1 or later to run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHAREWARE FEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A single user license for FinKit costs 25 USD. Registered users can upgrade to FinKit 2.0 free of charge. Once registered, always registered! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINKS & CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Direct download link: <http://www.paranzasoft.com/downloads/FinKitX.dmg.sit> Product page: <http://www.paranzasoft.com/pages/finkitx.htm> Support: <support@paranzasoft.com> Info: <info@paranzasoft.com> Enjoy! ParanzaSoft #### BINHEX floating-calc-152e.hqx **** From: Masato Saito <s-saito@mtd.biglobe.ne.jp> Subject: FloatingCalc version 1.5.2 I'm new at submitting files. I would like to regist my updated software to the info-mac archive. I have just released FloatingCalc ver1.5.2, this is a calculator that displayed everytime. #### BINHEX frak-kalk-10.hqx **** From: Goldfish <goldfish1@mac.com> Subject: FrakKalk ->FrakKalk is a calculator that performs operations on fractions. Unlike traditional calculators and most computer-based calculators, FrakKalk gives its results as simplified fractions, not decimals. FrakKalk lets you add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, and it also lets you convert fractions to decimals. A built-in help system is included. FrakKalk is freeware, and is compatible with OS 10.1.2 and up. More information can be found at: http://homepage.mac.com/goldfish1/FrakKalk.html<- #### BINHEX geometry-calc-151-crb.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mike@brackenridge.org> Subject: Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English 17/12/2000 -The program Use Geometry Calculator to calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, circles and the surface area of cubes, pyramids, prisms, and cylinders, you can use the measurements as "Non specific units" or you have the option of entering a specific unit and have the calculations converted to many other imperial and metric units. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it fully again. Shareware. -Changes: Fix: the small buttons on the button bar now fire Copy, Cut and Paste menu items now enabled -Requirements: Power Mac running OSX or a Power Mac running OS8.5 or above with the "CarbonLib" Extension installed -Compressed BinHex size: 940k This program can be used on CD distribution. Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX geometry-calc-151-sp-crb.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mike@brackenridge.org> Subject: Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon Espanol Geometry Calculator 1.5 Carbon Espanol 17/12/2000 -El programa Este es un programa de calculacion y conversion, para hacer calculo en area de triangelos, rectangelos, trapezoide, circulos y superfice de cubos, pirimides, prismas, y cilindros y conversion en metrico a imperial o imperial a metrico del mismo. Shareware. -Requerimientos: Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Version classic ( Mac OS 8.5 up) Este version funciona con min 3024k en memoria RAM ( 3424k preferido ) #### BINHEX geometry-calculator-201-es.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: Geometry Calculator 2.0.1 PPC Espa�Q==ol Geometry Calculator 2.0.1 PPC Espa�ol 29/01/2001 -El programa �ste es un programa de calculacion y conversi�n, para hacer calculo en area de triangelos, rectangelos, trapezoide, circulos con superfice y volumen de cubos, pirimides, conos, prismas, esferas y cilindros y convers�on en m�trico a imperial o imperial a m�trico del mismo. Shareware. -Cambios en este versi�n Reglado una problema en las preferencias. -Requerimientos: Power Mac con sistema 7.6.1 or mas -Tomano BinHex: 1000k Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX geometry-calculator-201.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: Geometry Calculator 2.0.1 English PPC Geometry Calculator 2.0.1 English PPC 29/01/2001 -The program Use Geometry Calculator to calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, circles with surface area and volume of cubes, pyramids, cones, prisms, cylinder and spheres, you can use the measurements as "Non specific units" or you have the option of entering a specific unit and have the calculations converted to many other imperial and metric units. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it fully again. -Changes in this version Fix on the preference file creation. -This program is Shareware with a cost of $19 US. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. -Compressed BinHex size: -1000k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX googolator-13.hqx **** From: Andrew Trevorrow <andrew@trevorrow.com> Subject: Googolator 1.3 Googolator is a small, fast, arbitrary-precision calculator for those times when you can't be bothered starting up Mathematica. :) It lets you do exact calculations with arbitrarily large numbers (limited only by memory). It can also input/output numbers in any base from 2 to 36. At the moment only integer arithmetic is supported. Googolator 1.3 is a Carbonized app that runs natively on OS X. It also runs on OS 8.6/9.x if CarbonLib 1.3 or later is installed. The shareware fee is $20. For more details see: http://www.trevorrow.com/googolator Andrew Trevorrow (andrew@trevorrow.com) #### BINHEX gs-graphin-stuph.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Graphin' Stuph This is a graphing calculator. There is a black-and-white version and a color version. The color version can only plot points, while the black-and-white version can draw smoothly. These files require the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress these files, be sure to put them in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of the Graphin' Stuph and Graphin' Stuph Color files in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. #### BINHEX haxial-calculator-12.hqx **** From: Haxial <info-mac@haxial.com> Subject: Haxial Calculator 1.2 Haxial Calculator is a high precision mathematical assistant that evaluates normal (infix) expressions to practically any accuracy. Results can be viewed in normal, fraction or scientific forms and the option of working in a different radix no longer restricts you to the decimal system. Worksheets enable you to solve larger problems in a more suited environment as well as allowing you to save your work. In addition Haxial Calculator incorporates unit and radix conversion utilities for your convenience as well as complete support for variables. Other calculator programs blindly attempt to copy physical hand-held calculators by displaying buttons on the computer screen, and an appearance and function that closely mimics a hand-held calculator. At Haxial, we believe this approach is fundamentally flawed. A computer is a far more powerful device than a hand-held calculator, and thus it is illogical and limiting to duplicate hand-held calculators on a computer. Haxial Calculator allows you to freely type expressions in a form natural to humans and much more suited when using a computer keyboard. For example, you can type a formula such as this into Haxial Calculator: 34 + e^(56 - 24.6487) * 1.24 When you press enter/return Haxial Calculator will interpret the expression, check for syntax errors, evaluate the result and display it to screen using the display mode and accuracy of your choice. Freely typing expressions is far superior to other methods such as clicking buttons. More information at: http://www.haxialsoftware.com/products/calculator/ #### BINHEX hc-calculator-10.hqx **** From: "Scott G. (SPC4/DC2000)" <magarret@TTACS.TTU.EDU> Subject: Calculator 1.0 By Scott Garrett +�������������������������������������������������������������������+ | | Calculator 1.0 Abstract | | +===================================================================+ |_Version_| 1.0 for HyperCard 2.4 or later | |_Creator_| Scott Garrett <magarret@ttacs.ttu.edu> | |__CInfo__| This is a very simple calculator program I wrote with | | HyperCard 2.4b16. It is mouse-controlled and I also added a | | feature that will allow you to remember a number for later use. | | Since this version is my first, it has some bugs in it. | | Here are ones that I know of right now: | +�����������������������������{ Bugs } �����������������������������+ | Calculator can�t calculate problems that contain multiple signs. | | (In other words, it can�t, yet, figure out what 12x12-3+14�2 is.) | | The workarond to this is to do the first part (like 12x12) then | | press the �=� button. Then you would start doing somthing like | | this: 144-3 {equals} 141+14 {equals} 155�2 {equals} 77.5. 77.5 | | would be your answer. (If you don�t get this, ask me to send you | | an GIF animation of me doing this.) | |...................................................................| | The data field does not clear after you have done a calculation | | and pressed the �=� button. Instead it adds on to the answer. | | This may be good or bad, so I�m taking a servey on this: If you | | think I should keep this �feature�, email me with �Calculator = | | Yes� in the subject. Otherwise email me with �Calculator = No� in | | the subject. :) | +�������������������������������������������������������������������+ | Well, anyway, if you have any questions, other bugs, or | | comments about the Calculator, email me at magarret@ttacs.ttu.edu | | Then, while I come out with another version of it, I will try to | | remove as many bugs as possible (excpet for the Equals button | | thing -- that depends on your votes.) :) | +�������������������������������������������������������������������+ | Scott Garrett | ftp://magarret:aiceyoon@ttacs.ttu.edu/spc4_stuff | +�������������������������������������������������������������������+ #### BINHEX i-calculus-10.hqx **** From: ioncalc@yahoo.es Subject: iCalculus 1.0 iCalculus version 1.0 for MacOS X Programmable Graphical Calculator with the following features: - Operates with Integer, Real, Complex, Matrix and String. - User defined functions and variables. - Huge math library. - Unit conversion. - Programming language based on BASIC. - Plots. - Integrated Editor and Debugger. ... and very easy to use !!!. Email: ioncalc@yahoo.es Site Web: http://nalegna.hostars.com #### BINHEX i-kiwi-07.hqx **** From: "Pandaa" <pandaa@swipnet.se> Subject: iKiwi Calculator 0.7 iKiwi is a full-featured calculator application with symbolic answers , a numerical equation solver , full support for complex numbers , boolean arithmetic including simplification of boolean expressions , notation with SI unit prefixes and a large set of constants and unit conversions for insertion into expressions. iKiwi is shareware and costs 17$. You may use iKiwi for 24 days before registering. System requirements: -MacOS 8.5 or later -Any version of QuickTime #### BINHEX i-unit-200-x.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: iUnit OSX 2.0.0 Program URL: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/iunit.html Author email: cps@blackcatsystems.com Abstract: iUnit is a powerful unit conversion utility. It converts between over 500 different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, currency, and other types of units. iUnit also includes the values of many physical constants. iUnit can also handle currency exchange rates, and free daily currency exchange updates are available on the website. iUnit is shareware, with a $20.00 registration fee. #### BINHEX i-unit-200.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: iUnit 2.0.0 Program URL: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/iunit.html Author email: cps@blackcatsystems.com Abstract: iUnit is a powerful unit conversion utility. It converts between over 500 different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, currency, and other types of units. iUnit also includes the values of many physical constants. iUnit can also handle currency exchange rates, and free daily currency exchange updates are available on the website. iUnit is shareware, with a $20.00 registration fee. #### BINHEX imalc-112.hqx **** From: Tony Spencer <tspencer@dircon.co.uk> Subject: Submission: iMalc112PPC.sit.hqx scientific calculator What is iMalc? ------------- iMalc is designed to be a cool looking yet extremely functional replacement for the standard Apple calculator. It offers more functions and allows you to customise its appearance to complement your flavour of iMac, iBook, PowerBook, G3, G4 or platinum Mac. iMalc features include 18 mathematical functions in addition to the basic operators and a saveable memory. Functions available: * Base10 (common) logarithm and inverse, 10^x * Natural logarithm and inverse, e^x * Sine, cosine, tangent and their inverses arc sine, arc cosine and arc tangent * Square root, x^2, yth root of x, x^y, 1/x * Percent, Pi and +/- keys iMalc also has memory plus, minus, recall and clear buttons. The trig functions may be calculated in degrees, radians or grads. iMalc supports drag and drop and copying and pasting to and from the display window. It comes complete with a 71-page manual in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. Calculate Different ----------------- Customise iMalc to complement your flavour of iMac, iBook, PowerBook, G3, G4 or platinum Mac. The key and display colours change to your favourite flavour. Choose between Bondi Blue, Blueberry, Grape, Lime, Strawberry, Tangerine or Graphite Special Edition. iBook owners can choose between Blueberry, Tangerine and Graphite, PowerBook owners have the choice of the original Charcoal or the Bronze keyboard Lombard, while G3 and G4 owners are catered for as well as those with an original Platinum Mac. iMalc remembers the value stored in memory, the flavour and window position on quitting. Versions are available for Macintosh PowerPC, 68k and fat binary (runs on both PPC and 68k). iMalc is shareware and costs just US$15. The registration fee covers all future upgrades. It is available from the Eyecatcher Productions web site at <http://homepage.mac.com/eyecatcherprods/>. System Requirements ------------------- iMalc runs under Mac OS 7.1 and later. It may work on earlier system versions. iMalc has been tested on a PowerBook G3 and iMac running Mac OS 8.5.1, a G3, iMac and 4400 running 8.6, a 7100/80 running 7.5.3 and a Colour Classic running 7.1. It requires approximately 4.5Mb of RAM with virtual memory turned off or 4Mb of RAM with virtual memory turned on, and 3.5Mb of hard drive space. You can get by with 2.3Mb of RAM, but if you cycle through all the flavours, you will need 4.5Mb of RAM. iMalc displays best with thousands or millions of colours and using Charcoal as the system font. #### BINHEX iunit.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: iUnit 1.3.0 iUnit is a powerful unit conversion utility. It converts between over 500 different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, currency, and other types of units. iUnit also includes the values of many physical constants. iUnit is shareware, with a $20.00 registration fee. #### BINHEX jec-10.hqx **** From: jehu_sw@gmx.net Subject: JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator Fat Binary �1999 Kuno Sandholzer jehu_sw@gmx.net http://www.jehu.agitator.com/ Please send bug reports to: just_a_bug@gmx.net Please send comments to: just_a_comment@gmx.net What�s this? JEC calculates the exchange rates between the new European currency Euro and the currencies of all countries taking part in the new currency system (Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland). JEC was tested on a PPC with System 8.5.1. It should run on any Macintosh with a MC68020-processor under System 7.1 or later - but it has not been tested yet... any volunteers are welcome! -- Jehu Software - jehu_sw@gmx.net http://www.jehu.agitator.com/ #### BINHEX jeffs-calculator-101-68k.hqx **** From: lundietz@tky2.3web.ne.jp Subject: Metric Conversion Calculator "Jeff's Calculator 1.0.1 (68k)" is, well, a calculator for your Macintosh. It has all of the functions that you might find in a basic hand-held calculator from your local electronic gadget shop plus functions that convert metric units to U.S. units and vice versa. This is an update to version 1.0 that fixes a small bug with the clear button. #### BINHEX jeffs-calculator-101-ppc.hqx **** From: lundietz@tky2.3web.ne.jp Subject: Metric Conversion Calculator "Jeff's Calculator 1.0.1 (PPC)" is, well, a calculator for your Macintosh. It has all of the functions that you might find in a basic hand-held calculator from your local electronic gadget shop plus functions that convert metric units to U.S. units and vice versa. This is an update to version 1.0 that fixes a small bug with the clear button. #### BINHEX julius.hqx **** From: "Jean-Thibault Gueux" <JT.Gueux@log-1.com> Subject: File submission Julius I: Roman-number converter F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E A S E ANTILOG announces Julius Version I.0.0. LOMME, FRANCE ON JULY 12, 2003 - Antilog announced today Julius I.0.0, = the first release of their free roman-number converter for the = Macintosh. Julius is a simple converter for the translation of numbers written with = arabic digits into roman digits. The use of Julius if very easy: you simply write the number (strictly = positive, no decimal, under 4000), click on the convert button, and the = roman version of your number is displayed, in a copy-enabled field. ... PRICING AND AVAILABILITY ... Julius I.0.0 is an application usuable for Macintosh with Mac OS X.2.0 = (Jaguar) and up, and is available immediately. The product is freeware. You can download it from our Web site http://www.log-1.com/Julius/en/Download.html The installation is made with an installer. ... ABOUT ANTILOG ... Antilog is based in the North of France. It was founded by Frederic PAVY = (alias Jean-Thibault GUEUX) in 1998 and provides Macintosh Software = Products. Our Main Policy is: "Don't develop for Macintosh *FIRST*, but for = Macintosh *ONLY*..." ... FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ... Frederic PAVY 'Jean-Thibault GUEUX' ANTILOG 129, rue du Marais 59160 LOMME FRANCE JT.Gueux at log-1.com http://www.log-1.com/ #### BINHEX koala-calc-203.hqx **** From: Macropod Software <info@macropodsoftware.com> Subject: KoalaCalc_203.hqx - Multi-purpose advanced calculator KoalaCalc for Mac OS X version 2.0.3 KoalaCalc is a freeware scientific, statistical and conversion calculator for Mac OS X. In its compacted state, it looks similar to the standard calculator that comes with Mac OS X. However, simply click the 'advanced features' box and KoalaCalc comes to life to become one of the most advanced calculators available. Features include numerous mathematical functions plus 10 individual memory banks, conversion to and from dozens of units, statistical and probability calculator capable of computing t-tests and ANOVAs, tape recorde, expression calculator which follows order of operations rules, voice recognition input and speech output. Complete details and support can be obtained from the Macropod Software web site located at http://www.macropodsoftware.com. System requirements: Mac OS X 10.1.2 or later Macropod Software <info@macropodsoftware.com> http://www.macropodsoftware.com #### BINHEX math-pad-264.hqx **** From: Mark.Widholm@unh.edu Subject: MathPad 2.6.4 graphing scientific calculator MathPad is a general purpose graphing scientific calculator. It uses a text window rather than simulating buttons on a hand held calculator. This live scratchpad interface allows you to see and edit your entire calculation. Formulas can be entered directly and different values can be plugged in for easy "what if" calculating. In addition to being a handy little calculator, MathPad can also take on larger problems. Simple plotting allows quick visualization of results. General purpose arrays allow calculations involving vectors, complex numbers, matrix algebra etc. 2D arrays can be displayed as grayscale or color images. Several examples are included showing such things as equation solving, curve fitting, vector calculations and numerical solutions of differential equations. MathPad does not have all the features of high-end commercial programs such as Mathematica but it can handle fairly sophisticated numerical problems with a MUCH smaller memory requirement). MathPad 2.6.4 is an upgrade intended to replace the previously posted version 2.6.3. New Capabilities: * Improved source file import * Improved data file import/export * Scrollwheel support * Higher Xsteps limit * Access to Xlo Xhi Ylo Yhi plot values * More label statements allowed * Option for plot axis box * New scripting event to hide windows * QTmovie XFun now creates a data fork movie for easier export Bug Fixes: * minimize to dock now expands back * read() of FLT4 data now works properly * fixed compatability problems with some print drivers MathPad 2.6.4 runs on OS-X or OS 8.6 or better with Carbonlib This software is free for non-commercial distribution. Send comments and bug reports to: Mark.Widholm@UNH.edu-- Mark Widholm Space Science Center Mark.Widholm@unh.edu University of New Hampshire #### BINHEX metric-master-307.hqx **** From: Eric Rojo <ericrojo@telus.net> Subject: MetricMaster v3.0.7 MetricMaster is a measurement unit conversions calculator containing over 2,000 metric/S.I., imperial, U.S., and other units in its database, most to 14 significant digit precision. New units can be easily added by the user. MM Supports ft/in/fractions, scientific notation and control of significant digits. MM can also convert currencies, clock times, and many physical constants. Version 3.0 has been given an elegant aqua style interface and now contains 600 definitions for units and unit groups (in case you didn't know what a weber was). MM also contains extensive information on the history and development of modern measurement systems. Feature List: * 1500+ measurement units organized hierarchically in over 100 "modes" (Length, Volume, Area, Force, Pressure, and many others) and nine categories (Basics, Electricity, Heat, History, Light & Radiation, Mechanics, Time, Unit Costs & Quantities, and Trivia). * Over 120,000 different conversions are possible. * Converts commonly used compound units such as: "tons, pounds, and ounces", "hours, minutes, and seconds", and "feet, inches and fractions" * Contains over 58 physical constants such as: "speed of light" and "gravitational acceleration" * Converts clock times between any two of over 200 locations in the world, in standard or 24-hour format * Trivia conversions in the "Trivia" category, to answer such important questions as: "How many times higher is Mount Everest than the Washington Memorial?", or "How much would I weigh on Jupiter?" * Currency conversions * Significant figures vs. "calculator" display. * U.S./English vs. International number formatting (commas vs. spaces). * Scientific vs. standard notation. * Record complete conversions (original value and unit name with converted value and unit name) in built-in journal, or save conversions to text files that can be opened and edited by most spreadsheets and word processors * Zoom down window view to show only units and values for repeat conversions for convenient cutting and pasting into open documents in other applications * 600 unit and unit group definitions are included * Customized conversion table generation * Easily add and remove units from the database * Store up to 30 often-used conversions in a pull-down menu for quick access. * Comprehensive on-line help with insights on the history and methodology of measurement. #### BINHEX metric-master-lite.hqx **** From: Eric Rojo <ericrojo@telus.net> Subject: MetricMaster, Measurement Unit Conversion Program for the Macintosh MetricMaster is the most comprehensive and educational unit conversion software on any platform. MetricMaster is a measurement unit conversions calculator containing many hundreds of metric/S.I., imperial, U.S., and other units in its database, most to 14 significant digit precision. New units can be easily added by the user. MM Supports ft/in/fractions, scientific notation and control of significant digits. MM can also convert currencies, clock times, and many physical constants. On-line info is available on the history and development of modern measurement systems. * 1500+ measurement units organized hierarchically in over 100 "modes" (Length, Volume, Area, Force, Pressure, and many others) and nine categories (Basics, Electricity, Heat, History, Light & Radiation, Mechanics, Time, Unit Costs & Quantities, and Trivia). * Over 120,000 different conversions are possible. * Over 600 definitions for units and unit groups are available from within the program. * Converts commonly used compound units such as: "tons, pounds, and ounces", "hours, minutes, and seconds", and "feet, inches and fractions" * Contains over 58 physical constants such as: "speed of light" and gravitational acceleration" * Converts clock times between any two of over 200 locations in the world, in standard or 24-hour format * Trivia conversions in the "Trivia" category, to answer such important questions as: "How many times higher is Mount Everest than the Washington Memorial?", or "How much would I weigh on Jupiter?" * Currency conversions * Significant figures vs. "calculator" display. * U.S./English vs. International number formatting (commas vs. spaces). * Scientific vs. standard notation. * Record complete conversions (original value and unit name with converted value and unit name) in built-in journal, or save conversions to text files that can be opened and edited by most spreadsheets and word processors * Zoom down window view to show only units and values for repeat conversions for convenient cutting and pasting into open documents in other applications * Customized conversion table generation * Easily add and remove units from the database * Store up to 30 often-used conversions in a pull-down menu for quick access. * Comprehensive on-line help with insights on the history and methodology of measurement. Availability and System Requirements 68k and PPC Macs running System 7 and up, including OS9. Retail price is $15, with discounts for volume purchases. #### BINHEX mi-convert-251-sp.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mikebr@retemail.es> Subject: MI Convert 2.5.1 ( Espanol ) Esto es un programa de conversion con sies tablas de conversion, de longitud, de distancia, de peso, de capacidad, de temperatura, de velocidad y de medidas cuadrantes. Cambios en versio�n 2.5.1 Anadi ventana de conversion de volocidad.. Various nuevos posibilidades de conversion en las ventanas de distancia, de peso, de capacidad y de calculaciones de medidas cuadrantes. Cambios "Cosmetica" en todo las ventanas.. Ahorra hay mas de 300 posibilidades de conversion. Enero 25, 2000 MI Convert 2.5.1 es "shareware" Pagina web: http://personal5.iddeo.es/mikebr/econ.html Attachment #### BINHEX mi-convert-27-68k.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: MI Convert 2.7 68k English MI Convert is a metric imperial calculator and converter for measurements of distance, length, square, weight, capacity, velocity, temperature, circumference. This is the only conversion program I know of that will give your imperial conversions in written format for distance, length, circumference to one sixteenth of an inch and to one dram in the weight conversions. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it again. -Changes Added fluid measurements and dry US gallons to the capacity window. Added nautical measurements to the distance and length window. The program now auto converts as the values are entered. -This program single user licence is $19 US. -Requirements: Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. This version will not run on OSX. -Compressed BinHex size: -940k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX mi-convert-27-ppc.hqx **** From: econsoftware <econ@econsoftware.com> Subject: MI Convert 2.7 PPC English MI Convert is a metric imperial calculator and converter for measurements of distance, length, square, weight, capacity, velocity, temperature, circumference. This is the only conversion program I know of that will give your imperial conversions in written format for distance, length, circumference to one sixteenth of an inch and to one dram in the weight conversions. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it again. -Changes Added fluid measurements and dry US gallons to the capacity window. Added nautical measurements to the distance and length window. The program now auto converts as the values are entered. -This program single user licence is $19 US. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. This version will not run on OSX. -Compressed BinHex size: -1020k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: econsoftware.com/econ.html -Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX mi-convert-light-11-es.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: MI Convert 1.1 Light (Espanol) MI Convert Light 1.1 es un pequeno programa para convertir el sistema metrico al sistema imperial o vice versa en: Kms & millas, Metros & Pies, Peso, Medidas cuadrados, Temperatura y Presiion. MI Convert Light: - funciona con OS 7.5 o mejor. - funciona con ordenadores de 68k y Power PC. - es gratis (freeware). - es disponible en versiones Ingles y Espanol. - tomano de archivo hqx es 936k Cambios entre version 1.0.4 y 1.1: - anadi una ventana de presion. - acualizado informacion que esta caducada. MI Convert 1.1 may be distributed on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs. Pagina web: http://econsoftware.com E-mail: mailto:econ@kagi.com #### BINHEX mi-convert-light-11.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mikebr@terra.es> Subject: MI Convert 1.1 Light MI Convert Light 1.1 is a Metric and Imperial conversion program for converting: Miles & Klms, Metres & Feet, Square measurement, Weight, Capacity, Temperature and Pressure. MI Convert Light: - will run on OS 7.5 or better. - will run on 68k and Power PC computers. - is freeware. - is available in both English & Spanish versions. - compressed .hqx file size is 1000k Changes from 1.0.4 to 1.1: - This version is mainly to update outdated information within the program although a few other minor alterations where made including the addition of a pressure window for mm Hg and in Hg. - Added more decimal placing formatting depending on values. - Fixed an error on Centigrade calculations. MI Convert 1.1 May be distributed on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs. Web site: http://econspftware.com E-mail: mailto:econ@kagi.com #### BINHEX ncalc.hqx **** From: Russ Martin <abecedarian@mac.com> Subject: nCalc Do you use the calculator built into the Mac OS? Do you have an iBook or Powerbook computer? If so, then you need nCalc. You may have noticed that your mac notebook has a 10 key, key pad that you can turn on and off with the Num Lock (F5) key. However, if you frequently use the calculator at the same time you use other apps and you switch back and forth between those apps and the calculator, turning Num Lock on and off gets to be very tedious. nCalc is a calculator that assumes that you will use the 10 key, key pad on your notebook computer and doesn't require that Num Lock be turned on. In fact, if Num Lock is on keyboard input won't work properly. Requirements: Sys 7.6 or newer with Carbon Lib (not sure which version). Runs on OS X. Should run on any mac, but is really only helpful to those with notebook macs. #### BINHEX ninja-calc-05.hqx **** From: roger kumar <rkumar@bigteam.org> Subject: NinjaCalc 0.5 NinjaCalc 0.5 is an update of NinjaCalc 0.1 NinjaCalc is a stack-based, RPN calculator for Mac OS X. Version 0.5 adds full support for stack view and data entry in hexadecimal and binary format, as well as error notification in the case of saturation or precision loss. This software is free and without warranty. #### BINHEX pcalc-221-fr.hqx **** From: James Thomson <james.t@kagi.com> Subject: PCalc F-2.2.1 (French) PCalc F-2.2.1 is the French-language version of my calculator application PCalc 2.2.1, kindly translated by Philippe Bonnaure. For more information, check out the official PCalc website at: <http://www.pcalc.com/> and Philippe's translation site at: <http://www.bonnaure.com/> #### BINHEX pcalc-222.hqx **** From: James Thomson <james.t@kagi.com> Subject: PCalc 2.2.2 PCalc 2.2.2 is the latest version of my veteran scientific calculator application. It's a fully featured scientific calculator that works on Mac OS 8 and later, including native support for Mac OS X. It has a Reverse Polish Notation mode, and support for Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal calculations. 2.2.2 fixes a number of problems on Mac OS X, and with the help, and adds function key shortcuts for undo/cut/copy/paste and some new Euro currency conversions. It ships with a native Carbon version for Mac OS X, and a Classic version for Mac OS 8 and later. This release of PCalc is shareware, that means you can download it and try it out for free, but if you like it and continue to use it you should pay the US $10 registration fee. For more information, check out the official PCalc website at: <http://www.pcalc.com/> #### BINHEX png-10.hqx **** From: nordic_eyes@hotmail.com Subject: PNG Prime Number Generator A very small, program written in c that finds prime numbers up to 2^32-1 numbers long (have to wait awhile), freeware. (Just for curiosity or academic purposes) The faster your machine the faster it finds the primes, if anyone decides to make a prime number generator out of assembly code for the Mac I'd like a copy of the program for testing. If you have suggestions, code, or other info for future development let me know. Next release should have an ability to output primes to a separate file. It also looks to see if any primes turn out even, and so far out of 12,000 primes it hasn't found any. Stewart Alexander sa22428@conrad.appstate.edu #### BINHEX poly-root-153a.hqx **** From: heavy_b@swbell.net Subject: PolyRoot V1.53a for Mac OS 9 PolyRoot is a polynomial root finder. It can deal with real or complex coefficients as well as (duh) real or complex roots. Polynomials can be up to degree 10. This build simply removes most of the remaining GUI debris from the prior OS X to OS 9 port. #### BINHEX poly-root-x-153.hqx **** From: heavy_b@swbell.net Subject: PolyRoot X V1.53 PolyRoot is a free program that finds the roots of any polynomial of degree 10 or less. The polynomial coefficients and roots can be real or complex. #### BINHEX power-calc-51.hqx **** From: John Mauro <maurojc@bushbaby.alfred.edu> Subject: PowerCalc 5.1 John Mauro Software is proud to announce the release of PowerCalc 5.1, one of the most powerful and intuitive scientific calculators for Mac OS. Now PowerCalc is more user-friendly than ever. Version 5.1 includes a tape window to record all the calculations that have been entered into PowerCalc. The data in this window may be saved to a file and opened later. It can also be printed or copied into another program. Recording may be toggled on and off by clicking on the "Record" check box in the tape window. Version 5.1 also features built-in constants for atomic number and mass values for all the elements on the periodic table. These may be easily accessed and entered into the calculator from the constants palette. Other function palettes contain buttons for unit conversions, trigonometry, probability, exponential, integer, bitwise, relational, and logical operations. As always, PowerCalc supports full balloon help. If you ever have any question about what a particular button does, just turn on balloon help and point to it. A balloon will pop up explaining how to use the feature. PowerCalc can store up to 1000 values in memory, and PowerCalc's interface is completely customizable. PowerCalc 5.1 is 100% compatible with Apple's new version of the Appearance control panel. Also, PowerCalc 5.1 is optimized for the G4 Velocity Engine. Of course, all PowerPC and 68K Macintosh models are also supported. PowerCalc is the perfect program for anyone interested in a powerful, easy-to-use shareware calculator for Mac OS. Also available from John Mauro Software are Cyberopoly, Digital Wipeout, Trilite, and PowerCalc Lite. With Cyberopoly, you can play as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs and try to take over the computer industry. Digital Wipeout is an educational math game that's fun for people of any age. Trilite is a simple game similar to tic-tac-toe, but much more fun and challenging. Finally, PowerCalc Lite is a simplified version of PowerCalc. Please feel free to distribute unregistered versions of my programs to any interested users. PowerCalc 5.1 is a free upgrade for all registered users of PowerCalc 5.0. If you have any questions concerning PowerCalc or John Mauro Software, please write to maurojc@kagi.com. #### BINHEX quick-ttest-18.hqx **** From: Steve Ashcroft <stephen.ashcroft@ndcls.ox.ac.uk> Subject: QuickTTest 1.8 QuickTTest is a statistical programme for carrying out Student's t-test and calculating means, SDs, and SEMs. Its main advantage over other programmes is the ability to enter data on which to carry out the t-test not only as individual values but also as previously calculated mean SD or mean SEM. Version 1.8 corrects an error in the way in which QuickTTest carries out a preliminary comparison (F-test) of the variances of samples to be tested in order to decide whether to use the approximate t-test. This version should replace the previously submitted version (QuickTTest 1.7) in the archives. (The most appropriate Directory is the Statistics directory (not the Calculator directory in which QuickTTest 1.7 was placed). The programme runs on any Mac using any System up to and including System 9.1. QuickTTest 1.8 is freeware. #### BINHEX repeating-decimals-10.hqx **** From: "Andrew D. Merenbach" <rjm@halcyon.com> Subject: Repeating Decimals 1.0 This program outputs a text file with the result of a division problem--but it outputs as many digits as you want it to, so it's much better for repetend research than a simple 8-,9-, or 10-digit calculator screen. REQUIREMENTS: AppleScript, and at least 200k of RAM -- Andrew D. Merenbach The Techie Group #### BINHEX rpn-calculator-192.hqx **** From: heavy_b@swbell.net Subject: RPN Calculator V1.92 for Mac OS 9 RPN Calculator is a robust implementation of RPN for Macintosh. It has a few features that distinguish it from the crowd, such as dealing with complex numbers the right way and being able to tell you if a number is perfect or not, among other uncommon functions. This build is functionally identical to V1.91 and removes the remaining GUI debris from the OS X to OS 9 port. #### BINHEX rpn-calculator-osx-194.hqx **** From: heavy-b@houston.rr.com Subject: RPN Calculator 1.94 for Mac OS X RPN Calculator for Mac OS X is a Carbon implementation of Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). It is stable and has been tested by hundreds of users for over two years. The calculator features a straightforward, "no frills" interface that expands as needed via floating tool palettes. This particular app is one of the very few Mac OS calculators that can handle complex arithmetic with no extra work on the user's part. Specific features include: * Complex number support in most every scientific function, where it makes sense. * Wide dynamic range via Victor Shoup's NTL (http://www.shoup.net). * Wide selection of scientific functions, including "special" functions. * Systems of equations up to 5 unknowns. * Stats palette. * Unit conversion palette. * Unusual functions, such as rational approximation, factoring, prime factorization and prime searches. * Programmable function palette. * Can log an entire session. * Unique implementation of stack operations, including drag-swaps and drag-drop into unary function buttons for in-place calculation. Check out the home page at http://www.rpncalculator.com. #### BINHEX statist-functions-24.hqx **** From: Oscar van Vlijmen <o.van.vlijmen@tip.nl> Subject: StatistFunctions2.4 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CDFs StatistFunctions version 2.4 -------------------- This HyperCard stack by Oscar van Vlijmen computes many statistical functions with high accuracy. Combinatorial functions: draws, permutations (and factorials even for large numbers!), variations, combinations. Probability density functions: hypergeometric (Lucky 10, Lotto), binomial (football toto), negative binomial, multinomial, Poisson, normal. Cumulative distribution functions: standard normal and inverse, binomial, negative binomial, chi square, Cauchy, discrete log-series, Erlang, negative exponential, extreme value, logistic, gamma, beta, F, T, non-central T, Pareto, Rayleigh, Rice, Tukey-Lambda, Von Mises, Wakeby, Weibull. Special functions: gamma, incomplete gamma, beta, incomplete beta, error, factorial, Lerch transcendent, modified Bessel of first kind. Plus an Erlang B/C traffic calculator, usable for very large traffic units and number of trunks. Many functions are clearly explained, although this stack is not a course in statistics. Emphasis is on statistical usefulness and accuracy, even for big numbers, not on frills. All input and output is saved in a text field. New in version 2.4: * Added separate button for accurate modified Bessel function of the first kind and order 1. * Fixed the limit of z=38 for cumulative standard normal distribution. Now you can enter very large arguments. * Added the special function Lerch transcendent. * Added distributions: discrete logarithmic series distribution (CDF), the difficult to compute non-central T distribution (CDF), the Rice distribution (PDF & CDF). Freeware; not to be used for commercial applications; not on CD-ROM�s. #### BINHEX top-calculette-20v2-fr.hqx **** From: Joel.Brogniart@univ-lyon2.fr Subject: TopCalculette F-2.0v2 shareware (french) �� NOUVELLE VERSION ET MISE A JOUR : TopCalculette 2.0 �� Bonjour, Une nouvelle version de TopCalculette est disponible. � La mise a jour est GRATUITE pour les utilisateurs enregistres. � La mise a jour est obligatoire si vous adoptez Mac OS9. ------------------------------- Consacree meilleure calculette du Mac, adoptee dans le monde entier, TopCalculette continue d'evoluer pour etre toujours plus pratique, performante et seduisante. NOUVEAU : La version 2 apporte des fonctions tres demandees, un ruban redimensionnable, des conversions entierement revues incluant une banque de 146 monnaies et unites, l'iconisation de la fenetre, des taxes editables sur les touches, de nouveaux looks et de nombreuses fonctions ameliorees grace a vos tres nombreuses suggestions. ------------------------------- � Visitez notre site web www.RubenSoft.com. Il a ete entierement reconstruit dans un esprit 100% Mac. Vous pourrez y telecharger la mise a jour gratuite ou une version d'essai totalement fonctionnelle pendant 30 jours et une documentation pdf. Merci de votre attention. Cordialement, l'auteur, Ruben Fernandez. -- If you don't speak French we are sorry, this message isn't for you. -- You can visit our US pages on the site www.RubenSoft.com. #### BINHEX top-calculette-20v2.hqx **** From: Joel.Brogniart@univ-lyon2.fr Subject: TopCalculette U-2.0v2 shareware (english) ================================== INFORMATION ABOUT RUBENSOFT SOFTWARE ================================== NEW VERSION AND UPDATE: TopCalculette 2.0 Dear Mac User, RubenSoft is pleased to announce that a new TopCalculette version is available. � Update is FREE for registered users. � Update is necessary if you plane to use Mac OS9. -------------------------------------------- Best calculator of the Mac, used everywhere in the world, TopCalculette 2 is more powerful, attractive and easier to use. New features: resizable tape, thousands separator, iconizable window, new looks, more indications on the display, new converter with more then 146 currencies and units bank and many improved functions. TopCalculette is a US$ 15 shareware. You can register directly to the author or using Kagi. -------------------------------------------- � Visit our website www.RubenSoft.com. You can download the free update, a trial version and a pdf documentation. Thanks for your attention, the author, Ruben Fernandez. #### BINHEX universal-conversion-calc.hqx **** From: John <John@OneChip.com> Subject: Universal Conversion Calculator Universal Conversion Calculator attempts to be just that. A conversion calculator that will convert just about anything in one unit, or sets of units, into another. Hundreds of units are built in, and a nearly unlimited number of custom units can be made from the built in units. If you need to know what 10 Furlongs per Fortnight are in Bolts of Cloth per Light Year, then Universal Conversion Calculator is for you. It is a FAT program and requires System 8 or later. #### BINHEX vivistar-calculator.hqx **** Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 22:47:38 -0500 (CDT) From: VIVISTAR@ACM.ORG Subject: Vivistar RPN Calculator VIVISTAR CALCULATOR RPN INFIX HEXADECIMAL OCTAL FINANCIAL HEX RPNCALC RPN Calculator with any base from 2 to 16, transcendentals, 19 displayable digits, memory registers, remembers location on screen, user selectable display types, financial functions (pv, pmt, fv, n, i), permutations, combinations, & online help. Also includes instructions on how to use reverse polish notation. System 7, 32-bit, and virtual memory compatible. $10 shareware. Closing bug fix.