Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #251
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 19 Nov 97       Volume 15 : Issue 251

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#405/17-Nov-97
      (Q) Recommendations for architectural drawing
      [A] 8500 Stock 2GB HD
      [Q] SE/30 color problem
      EtherTalk and LocalTalk
      Floppy drive problem
      Mac-Win Icons?
      old old software for macintosh512k
      Timer popup?
      workshop scheduling

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Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 21:54:55 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#405/17-Nov-97


As Adam celebrates his 30th birthday on Tuesday, you can read the Eudora
tips and tricks he provides in honor of the release of his latest book, the
Eudora Visual QuickStart Guide. Also in this issue, Jeff passes on
additional comments about onscreen typography; we welcome Cyberian Outpost
as our latest sponsor; report on the response to the Apple Store; and
announce the release of PowerBook Zip drives, a lower price for Eudora Pro,
and LetterRip 2.1.1.

    Web Reading Requires More than Just Character(s)
    Eudora Tips & Tricks


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-405.etx; 29K]


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:32:00 -0800
From: Greg Lyzenga <lyzenga@THUBAN.AC.HMC.EDU>
Subject: (Q) Recommendations for architectural drawing

Hi Info-Mac Folks:
   My sister-in-law has asked me to recommend to her a reasonably-priced
Mac program for simple architectural drawing.  The main constraint here
(besides price) is that she has an old 68K-based Mac with a maximum of 10
meg of RAM.  Does there exist such a product that anyone feels good about


                                       - Greg

Gregory A. Lyzenga, Dept. of Physics, Harvey Mudd College
-> <-


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 18:43:39 +0100
From: Bo Bjulen <>
Subject: [A] 8500 Stock 2GB HD

At 22.09 -0600 1997-11-13, Jason Torrey wrote:

>Does someone know the specifics of the 2GB hard drive that Apple
>with the 8500s (i.e. make, model, manuf., etc.)?

"Whatever was available when the machine was assembled". Apple has by
purpose not specified anything except the size.

Bo Bjulen


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 14:54:11 -0500
From: (Stephen R. Holmes)
Subject: [Q] SE/30 color problem

I recently upgraded my SE/30 (System 7.1) with a Micron Exceed PDS color
card and an external color monitor (Seiko CM1445). Yes, I know I'm on the
extreme trailing edge here, but I have a problem I could sure use some
assistance on:

Opening the 'Color' control panel to set the highlight color, or indeed
using any application's color-selection mechanisms, usually "scrambles"
*all* the colors. Red becomes green, green become fuschia, orange becomes
purple, etc. Often (but not always), opening the 'Monitor' control panel
and switching from "256 colors" to "B&W" and back again restores the proper
colors. Occasionally, the colors will get "scrambled" for no apparent
reason (i.e., in the middle of running any old application). The problem is
seen even if the system is started with extensions disabled. The problem
does not seem to be with the monitor itself, which is otherwise very nice
and doesn't misbehave if it's tapped or jiggled about.

I'd really appreciate any advice, suggestions or hard-won wisdom on what I
might do to stabilize my color display; reply to the digest or e-mail me at
<>. Many thanks in advance...

/steve holmes


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 10:46:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Terry Dineen <>
Subject: EtherTalk and LocalTalk

Most of the machines my son's class uses are on an ethernet together;
one machine is not.  It appears that I can not simply install a two
node LocalTalk network between the ethernetless machine and one of the
ethernetted machines because, at least at first glance, the Network
and/or AppleTalk control panels will not allow both network media to
be in use on one machine at the same time.  Maybe the necessary
routing layer is not available by default?

Anyway is there any available hack to support File Sharing and Program
Linking over an EtherTalk/LocalTalk hetero network?

Also, as an aside, why does ProgramLinking not permit two machine's to
launch the same application?

Terry Dineen


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 10:46:28 -0800
From: Darrell Greenwood <>
Subject: Floppy drive problem

Mark Allen wrote:

>I have the strangest problem with my floppy drive. I have a Power Mac 7500
>running OS 8.0. Sometimes the floppy drive reads an inserted disk just fine
>and sometimes, when the same disk is inserted, the system says the disk is
>unreadable or the diskette icon does not appear on the desktop or the
>system freezes after the icon appears. For one application I received four
>800 K disks to do the installation. All but one of these disks are read
>fine each time they are inserted into the floppy drive. The one disk
>freezes the system upon insertion 3 times out of 4 (note: but not always).
>On the other hand, this same disk can be read fine in another Mac.

 I had an identical set of symptoms with a 7100. The hardware tech
replaced the floppy drive twice. The third time he brought another
floppy drive, but we booted without extensions first. The problem was
an obscure extension whose name I have forgotten but I remember
clearly that it had absolutely nothing to do with floppy drives.
Nevertheless, it was able to cause an apparent intermittent hardware
fault in a floppy drive very well. :-)

Good luck



Darrell Greenwood, Vancouver, BC
My web homepage...        


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 18:36:05 -0700
From: Gordon Moynes <>
Subject: Mac-Win Icons?

I am looking to convert some Mac icons to Win icons (if possible). Does
anyone know of software to accomplish this, or can anyone point me to a
location where I can get some specifics for this task?



I was going to buy a copy of "The Power Of Positive Thinking",
but then I thought, "What the heck good would that do?".


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 22:21:20 +0000 (GMT)
From: "A.I.Hughes" <>
Subject: old old software for macintosh512k

Dear mac users

I have recently rescued a fatboy from a scrap yard and have now got the 
operating system 0.01(after much searching!) and would now like you all 
to send any old software/manuals/information or anything else you may 
find relevant (NO insults please:) so I throw myself on the kindnesses of 
strangers once again. 

One point all downloads will be made to an AMIGA machine so any type of 
amiga/macintosh cross talk programmes would also be appreciated. So amiga
heads I call on you also!

SO The ADDRESS is   I thank you for your time...


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:00:37 -0500
From: Wade Williams <>
Subject: Timer popup?

I'm looking for a specific type of timer program.  I've looked in the
archives, but haven't found one that looks like what I'm looking for.

I need a program that upon hitting a certain key combination, will bring up
a floating window with a countdown timer.  Optimally, hitting the key
combination again would bring up a second, separate timer.

This timer needs to operate "on top of" another application.  Therefore, it
can't be an application itself.

Anyone seen anything like this?



Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 21:21:40 -0600
Subject: workshop scheduling

hi all,

last year in our high school - about 300 students - we ran a few special
"workshop days". on those days, regular classes were suspended, the day was
divided into a number of periods, and instead students went to special
workshops of their choice each period.

for various reasons it was important to get students to sign up in advance.
certain workshops were only offered specific times, while others were
offered each time. also many of the workshops had limits to how many they
would accept.

last year this registration process was done by hand. each student filled
out a registration form and a volunteer went home and somehow assigned each
student their schedule

there has got to be an easier way.

is there something available? even commercial if it is relatively
inexpensive. is there some insight that might make doing this "manually"
with a database program straight forward?




End of Info-Mac Digest