Ditch Day Drifter maps
Placed into the public domain on
May 2001, by Philip Swartzleonard "Starweaver"

The game Ditch Day Drifter itself is copyright 1990, 1999
by Micael J. Roberts. All object names are the creations
of him. The specific instance of it upon which this is
based is located at
(110134 bytes) as of 4 May 2001.

There are two files in this set:

ditchday_map_wide.gmp is the original version of the
layout, which is a little cumbersome and hard to print (4
pages, no good alignment), but I think it looks better.

ditchday_map_printer.gmp is reformatted to fit perfectly
on two pages such that they don't even really need to be

These are data files for the GUEmap program by Christopher
J Madsen, of which you will require the lateest
develompent version which can be aqquired at

This should be accessible to more people than the current
ditchday maps--I made it because I was unable to use them
without a great deal of effort.

-PS[StarX] 4 May 2001