

  Note: Most of the text in this directory was added to support NJB's
  Early Church History compilation covering roughly through the 3rd
  Century. Other documents have been added, but may be reorganized
  into other directories as the archive is developed, the Lord will-
  ing. Following is a brief list of files.


  00contents.prthistory.txt ......... The file you are reading now

  bfam.stm.txt ................ The Baptist Faith & Mission
  chicago.stm.txt ............. The Chicago Statement of Biblical
  conf.2londonbptst.01.txt .... Second Baptist London Confession of
                                Faith (1689): Pt.1
  conf.2londonbptst.02.txt      Second Baptist London Confession of 
                                Faith (1689): Pt.2
  council.2constan.txt ........ The Anathemas of the Second Council
                                of Constantine (553 A.D.)
  council.orange.txt .......... The Council of Orange
  creed.apostles.txt .......... The Apostles' Creed versus Gnostic-
  creed.church.txt ............ The Nicene Creed of the Church
  creed.filioque.txt .......... The Filioque Creed of Creed Nicene
  creed.nicene.txt ............ The Nicene Creed
  creeds.bible.txt ............ Bible passages considered by many
                                to be creeds or declarations of
  creeds.chalcedon.txt ........ Definition of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
  creeds.early.txt ............ Compilation of earliest formal
  creeds.later.txt ............ Third Council of Constantinople
                                (681 ad); and Statement of Faith;
                                The Image of Controversy (The Icon-
                                oclasts); Synod of Constantinople
                                (753 ad); Council of Nicaea (787
  Chronology (adapted from Paul Harvey):

    Disclaimer: Note that we have preferred to use the bc and ad 
    dating annotations in this index. If the reader has access to
    World Wide Web, updated versions of thes files are available
    at Paul's Web Site: http://www.kfu.com/.

  cron-600bc.txt .............. Chronology, 10,000 bc - 601 bc
  cron1-199.txt ............... Chronology, 1ad - 199 ad
  cron2-640.txt ............... Chronology, 200 ad - 640 ad
  cron600bc-1bc.txt ........... Chronology, 600 bc - 1 bc

  edwards.sinners.txt ......... Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
                                God, Jonathan Edwards
  israel.html ................. Facts About Israel - History. An
                                html page for World Wide Web that
                                links to the israel-info.gov.il 
                                web server
  keach.cat.txt ............... Keach's Catechism
  knox.defense.txt ............ A Defense of the Biblical Doc-
                                trine of Resistance to Wicked and
                                Tyrannical Civil Magestrates, by
                                John Knox
  lond1689.txt ................ Most Surely Believed - [a survey
                                of doctrine with emphasis on the
  sbts.aop.stm.txt ............ Southern Baptist Theological Sem-
                                inary - Charter, 1858

  spurgeon.cat.txt ............ A Puritan Catechism, C H Spurgeon

  tab.can.txt ................. A Table of Canons of the Bible, by
                                Paul Harvey

  DIRECTORY: /spurgeon

    See this subdirectory for an archive of files provided by the
    Bath Road Baptist Church.


  file: /pub/resources/text/history: 00contents.prthistory.txt
