The songs of David, King of Israel, the sweet singer, are so full of
Divine Wisdom and Inspiration, that the generations which have passed
since they were first sung have each drawn spiritual wealth from the
  In his first Psalm, David, speaking of the righteous man, says that
he meditates day and night in the Law of God.  To meditate is to allow
one's thoughts to come back spontaneously to some theme.  There is
great gladness and true happiness in the exercise, and modern living
misses much because of our shallow thinking.  The Psalmist gives his
own testimony in his songs.  He had found happiness in meditating in
the Law of God. 
  What is this MEDITATION?  The first song of David gives the
impression that it is of supreme importance, so it is as well to
examine it closely.  The Hebrew word used means to MURMUR.  The English
word used in our translation of the Psalms means to MUTTER.  In essence
it is being so absorbed in a matter that one talks to oneself.  Often
the casual remark is made that to have an intelligent conversation, one
must talk to oneself.  Of course that saying reveals the cynicism of
our age.  Real meditation is of prime importance to the happy person. 
It is characteristic of the Believer -  Meditating in the Law of God. 
  Meditation is the fountain of blessedness.  This is the starting
point of the happy life.  Meditation is a spring of joy, assuming of
course, that the subject is the Law of God.  Other subjects may deeply
stir other emotions.  We all ought to be careful of what we think
about.  It vitally affects our lives.  In meditation on the Law of God,
the soul turns from Time to breathe in Eternity.  One of our hymnists
writes, "Here from the world we turn, Jesus to seek."  If we have never
meditated, we have yet to experience the greater part of deep devotion.

  Life is arid without meditation.  A market gardener friend of mine
used to surprise me with the amount of hoeing he did in his fields. "My
success is in letting the air into the soil," he used to say.  There
are many believers who constantly pray for blessing and help, BUT never
meditate.  Let the breath of life into your soul.  If you find the
things of time very attractive - think about it - it is time to
meditate upon the Law of God.  If you are constantly grumbling and
complaining, it is time you MUTTERED in another way.  Mutter about the
Law of Life and see the Goodness of God in your own life. 
  But of course, meditation is more than just talking to oneself.  It
is partaking of the Law of God.  In another song the Psalmist sings,
"Thy Law have I hid in my heart."  It is surprising what happens when
you really THINK about the word of God.  Jesus Christ said, "Ye are
clean through the word I have spoken unto you."  The modern Mass-Media
fouls up the soul.  It is possible to listen to man's propaganda until
one is not able to tell truth from error.  But the Word of God cleanses
the soul.  The mind is made clean, and the Truth shines in ones life,
when you meditate in the Law of God. 
  Meditation is not dreaming.  A great deal had been said in recent
years about transcendental meditation.  But the meditation the psalmist
refers to is not obtuse dreaming; it is facing reality.  The Law of God
is the Law of Life.  The Christian Bible tells us that the Law of the
Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the Law of Sin and
  Meditation on the Good News Christ brings can set you free from
melancholia.  It can clear your doubts.  It can bring you out of your
  To meditate in the Law of God day and night is to enter into a world 
of delight.  The muttering of holy excitement in your soul will stifle
the murmuring of unbelief that the world around you engenders.  Read
the Word of God.  Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.  Think about
it till your soul responds to the issue of life that is in God's Word. 
Unbelief will flee and faith will arise.  A faith which will give you
victorious living.

Copyright (c) 1995, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved.

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