In this Psalm the Lord is revealed in three ways.  He is the God of
the Universe.  He is the God in the Universal Church.  He is the God
in the individual.  The Lord has written two excellent books for our
instruction and edification.  We should neglect neither.  In the Book
of the Scriptures He shows us His will and our duty, but men neglect to
read it.  In the Book of the Heavens He shows His power and Godhead,
yet men fail to understand it.  As the end of the Age comes men will
take notice of both books. 
  This psalm is the finest arguement against Atheism.  The heavens are
continually telling His story.  The expanse shows the work of His
hands.  From the works of God we may learn of His existence, His
goodness, His wisdom, His sincerity, His providence.  An astronomer
without God is completely insane.  Not a day passes but that God does
not show some evidence of His power.  Every succeeding day contributes
something new.  The days and nights talk together, and reason about the
glory of creation  But we have no need to buy a telescope, we have a
special book at our disposal. 
  As the sun influences the earth, so should the Law of God influence
our souls.  God's word is only FULLY OPERATIVE when it is applied in
the context of the Church.  The only Law in the Church is God's Law. 
We must beware tradition.  Notice the terms the psalmist uses for the
Law of God...The Testimony = His witness to the Truth,  i.e. God's Word
revealing the Truth...The Statutes = God's Edicts, i.e.His unchangeable
Word... The Commandment = One single Law, i.e. one word of
command...The Fear = the beginning of wisdom, i.e. the dawning of the
Truth... The Judgements = not judicial decisions, but God's
requisitions, i.e. what God judges to be right and what He expects of
  What God requires of us is more to be desired than gold.  We should
prefer the Law of God above all the riches of this world.  By His Law
we are instructed - BY the keeping of it we are rewarded.  Not FOR
keeping them are we rewarded...the reward of God is gratuitous.  We
must beware our 'ignorant faults' (Our errors).  Ignorance is no plea
in Law.  But God will cleanse us from our concealments.  What a sad
thing it is to be always repenting of sins we have committed and
repeating the sins of which we have repented.  We must never presume on
the goodness of God.  The great transgression - apostacy - is something
to be avoided like the plague.  All the truth necessary to guide and
instruct us is in God's Word. 

Copyright (c) 1995, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved.

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