In the 9th verse of this psalm Asaph sings, "We see not our signs, there is 
no more any prophet, neither is any among us that knoweth how long." What a 
doleful theme?. We do not see the signs that were seen in the past, and we do 
not know where we are going in the future. The ode is specially designed for 
times of commotion and persecution. Today we are living in an atmosphere 
where people want to put labels upon everything. The time has come however 
for the people of God to forget our labels and remember that we all belong to 
the Lord. We should look for the signs that God is moving, not what label is 
stuck upon other believers.
   The times of commotion and persecution come to everyone. It is a peculiar 
Christian experience which has never had persecution in it. The moment you 
declare yourself to be on the Lord's side, and live as a believer, the 
opposition commences. Some say that this psalm points to the siege of 
Jerusalem, which actually took place 40 years after our Lord's death and 
resurrection. It could be that the psalm was prophetic; its author was a 
seer, or a prophet who looked out into the future. In the title of the psalm 
it says, 'A maschil of Asaph'. He was not only a seer but also a composer; a 
writer of psalms. Maschil is a difficult word. There are many opinions about 
its meaning. It could mean, "Dictated by interpreter" or "Explained by an 
interpreter; (I can accept these} or, it simply refers to the name of the 
instrument mainly used for accompanying the psalm. It could also refer to the 
first word of the song, the tune of which the psalm should be sung. Maybe, if 
we accept the last suggestion, that Asaph set the psalm to some popular tune. 
making it adhere to people's minds.; a not unusual ploy in times past. 
whatever the meaning of 'Maschil', when we look into the psalm, we see the 
meaning behind the words. God's people were at the time when God's house was 
being broken down.
   Asaph says, "We see not our signs" (Vs.9) We are no longer able to see the 
unusual tokens of God's presence and supremacy. Israel had experienced much 
of signs and wonders. Their history was full of them. It is however a good 
thing when God's people realise that there is something missing in their 
present experience. It is possible to go through the same religious procedure 
week after week, month after month, and year after year, not realising that 
something vital is missing. We are living in a world in which all is not 
well. Therefore it is essential for the realisation to enter the church, that 
all is not well. The signs are missing. Recently I heard a preacher say, 
"Recession will never reach us, we are God's people." How stupid. We are 
living in this world. We must never take the blessing of God for granted. 
When we see no sign of God's moving the answer is not to be found in sticking 
labels on all and sundry. We must recognise that the signs are missing.
   I am aware of the fact that there have been a lot of naughty Palmers. 
Because of this there have been times when I could have wished that my name 
was not Palmer, particularly in Staffordshire where the most famous Palmer 
was a notorious poisoner called Pedlar Palmer. All names are shamed by evil 
deeds from time to time. Then labels are stuck on people. How easy it is to 
do that. When God's signs are missing, the best thing to do is to make an 
united effort to get back to where God is willing to move. Then we will see 
God's sign among the peoples of the earth.
   Asaph emphasises, "There is no more any prophet." The sure word of 
prophecy was no longer with them. The Word of the Lord is essential to the 
progress and well being of God's people. The prophetic word must be judged by 
the written word. Asaph felt the lack of guidance for the future. "Where is 
it all going to end?", is a question common to peoples of every age. The 
Bible says, "Without a vision the people perish." This was Asaph's 
predicament. There was no sign, there was no guidance. They had been guided 
by signs in the past. But now - no cloud; no fire; no glory; no prophet; no 
sign; no miracle. "Neither is there any among us that knoweth how long."
   There were signs of persecution. Asaph was convinced that if God had not 
been angry with them, their enemies would not have been able to harm them 
(Vs.1) But the amazing fact is, that even when we have displeased God, He is 
able to bless us. This happens time and time again. Asaph sings of, "The 
congregation which Thou hast purchased." What a wonderful phrase this is. I 
delight in it, for I belong to that congregation; purchased of old by God. 
The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. The price of 
redemption was paid before it all began. The story of full salvation is from 
eternity to eternity. The Cross of Christ is a sign which shines over all 
Ages. God has measured the rod of our inheritance; in other words, God has 
measured our time on earth. During that allotted period we have our 
opportunity of entering into our inheritance by Faith in God's Son, Jesus 
   Asaph cries prophetically to the Lord, "Lift up Thy feet through the 
desolations." In other words he prays, 'O God, take big strides through the 
desolations." We have a God who CAN take big strides, and WILL take big 
strides. Christians all over the world are convinced that before long we 
shall experience the return of the Son of God, who will set up His Kingdom in 
Glory and power. We look for the signs. The whole end of this Age will be lit 
up with the fulfilment on many prophecies and the return of our Lord is 
imminent. WE cry with Asaph, "O God, take big steps and we shall see great 
   In the days when God used the Wesleys there were people who were willing 
to give their all for the house of God to be built up. Among them were the 
Wesleys themselves. In these days the chapels and churches sacrificially 
built then, are now being brought down or used for mundane purposes, because 
so many people have only one interest - "How much can we get out of life?" It 
is the principle of the Age we live in, "Let's get something for ourselves!" 
The money principle is the Devil's own business.
   In the days when this psalm was written, they had trees to build the house 
of God. In these days men make themselves infamous by chopping down the house 
of God. But Asaph the Seer saw signs of God moving. He knew of the signs of 
the past, the sea dividing, the mountains cleaving, the waters flowing out of 
the rock. He knew that his God was the God of Wonders. Now he longed to see 
the Wonders of God.
   We worship the Great God of Wonders. but in our heart of hearts we long to 
see the Signs of our God. We would surrender the wonders to see God move; 
just to see Him take Big Strides through our generation. Of one thing we are 
confident, God will keep all His Promises. We accept what the Apostle Paul 
says, "We know in whom we have believed, and we are persuaded that He is able 
to keep that which we have committed unto Him until That Day." 

Copyright (c) 1996, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved.

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