1990-11-14  FUNET/HKS

NORDUnet Value Added Services  Working Group Charter

Chairman:             Harri Salminen  <hks@funet.fi>

Mailing list:         netf-vas@nic.nordu.net
Subscriptions to:     netf-vas-request@nic.nordu.net


The aim of this group is to coordinate and stimulate the support,
development and creation of value added services in NORDUnet. Group's
task is not to handle routine operations or program development but to
exchange new ideas and information which might lead to new projects
and operational co-operation.

The Value Added Services are defined in this context to be services
that add value to the basic services available to the end-user in
NORDUnet.  Examples of commonly available basic services to which value can
be added are TCP, UDP, DECNET, NJE, mail, news, ftp, telnet, x.29, talk etc.

Examples of issues that the VAS group is interested in:

Group Communication Services
  - Improvements to mailing list services like LISTSERV 
  - Network news services organisation and development
  - The various COM versions and their interconnection
  - Interconnecting different services with gateways
  - Documentation for users to find the right services for their needs

File and Information services
  - Access methods (x-windows, telnet, mail, ftp, ftam, kermit etc.)
  - Recommendable fileformats and document types
  - Organisation, indexing and classification criteria for information
  - Optimizing and distributing the service
  - Informing the users and analyzing their needs

Interactive Communication Support
  - IRC and RELAY network development and coordination
  - Gateways between EARN, DECNET and Internet tell, phone and talk?
  - New or improved protocols to better support interactive meetings, 
    presentations and consultations
  - Better user interfaces and documentation for the end-users

New services 
  - Hyperspace pilots like Xanadu?
  - Interactive Multimedia Communication?
  - AI interfaces to services?
  - Services that haven't even been dreamed of yet?