version 2.0 							ripe-13

                    RIPE Databases

                R.Blokzijl <>

                     28 August, 1990

1   Introduction

In the document describing the RIPE Task Forces [ripe-4] several databases
are defined as essential for the proper management of IP services in Europe.
The various databases are:

   o a database that contains the IP networks that have RIPE connectivity.

   o a database that contains information about persons responsible for
     RIPE connected networks.

   o a database containing namespace administration data.

These databases will support a European `whois' service.

   This document describes the format of the various database entries, how
to submit new entries to the database, and how to update existing entries.

2   Database entry formats

The database entries are ASCII text. There are three kind of objects in the

   o networks

   o persons

   o namespace data

Objects are stored as a series of <attribute> <value> pairs.  Attributes
have two character names. Attribute-value pairs are stored on a single line
of the form:
                      *aa:  vvvvvvvv

where aa is the attribute name and vvvvvvvv is the attribute value. If an
attribute value, like an address, has several lines, multiples of these lines
may appear. Similarly if an object has multiple attributes of one type, e.g.
more than one phone number.
   Objects are delimited by blank lines.
   All entries have a source attribute with the following defined values:

so -source of the information:
         MERIT    - NSFnet NIC database maintained by MERIT Inc.
	            on host
         WHOIS    - DDN NIC database maintained by SRI International
	            on host
         RIPE     - RIPE NCC database maintained by RIPE on host
         LOCAL    - local info
                    This is intended for local info or aditional info that
		    is not to be published or that supersedes global info

Objects can have multiple entries coming from various sources. It is interest-
ing to see the inconsistencies of the various databases concerned. The RIPE
database itself is only the part with the source attribute RIPE.

2.1   Networks

Objects describing networks have the attributes described in the following

in -IP network number
    Including trailing 0's

na -official network name
    Capitals, numerals and hyphens only.

as -autonomous systems the network belongs to locally.
    Not stringently defined yet.

ni -NSFnet inbound announcements in the form order=asn
    If the source is MERIT this is what NSFnet had in it's database on the
    date mentioned in *ch. NSFnet updates currently are Tuesdays and
    All announcements are mentioned with their order.
    Typical: 1=97 2=237 3=224.

no -NSFnet outbound announcements
    See above.

tc -name of technical contact.
    This must be the same string as in the corresponding *pn entry.
    There must be such a person entry!

ac -name of administrative contact.
    This must be the same string as in the corresponding *pn entry.
    There must be such a person entry!

de -description of the network.
    Give organisation and place.
    Postal address and country are not needed, they can be found via the
    The country is given in *cy.

co -connectivity.
    The definition of this is arbitrary and should be replaced by something
    more rational as e.g. AS's that may be traversed or some such. Sug-
    gestions welcome.
       LOCAL    - local only
                  This means routing updates will be blocked in RIPE routers.
       RIPE     - European
                  This means RIPE routers will distribute routes for this net.
       NSF      - NSFnet
                  This means the net is in the NSFnet database
       ICS      - Internet Connected Status
       EU       - member of InterEUnet
       NORDU    - member of NORDUnet
       BLOCK    - for local purposes
                  (not in RIPE database)

gw -RIPE gateway for this network.
    This attribute is very much for local use.
    It's value should be more precisely defined later.
    Current values are:
       inr  - INRIA, Paris
       cwi  - CWI, Amsterdam
       crn  - CERN, Geneva
       kth  - KTH, Stockholm
       nih  - NIKHEF, Amsterdam

cy -country
    Country where the network is located as ISO3166 code.

rm -remark
    Any explanatory string.

ch -who and when of last change
    Suggested format: <email address> <date in YYMMDD>

so -source of the information (as defined above)

   An example to explain it all:
         *na: CWI-ETHER
         *de: CWI Ethernet (Classical)
         *de: Amsterdam
         *de: Netherlands
         *tc: Piet Beertema
         *tc: Daniel Karrenberg
         *co: RIPE Internet NSFnet
         *de: CWI, Amsterdam
         *ch: 900802
         *so: RIPE

2.2   Persons

Objects describing persons have the attributes described in the following list:

pn -name
    first names first and no commas etc. please

ph -phone number
    International format: +<country> <city> <subscriber>
    Blanks are optional.
    If no direct inward dialling specify 'ext.' and extension number.

fx -fax number
    See phone number.

em -e_mail address
    Valid domain address please.

ad -postal address
    Include everything necessary for papermail to be delivered.
    Use multiple lines!
    City and post code on a single line.
    Country on the last line.

nh -NIC handle
    If known, DDN NIC handle.

ch -who and when of last change
    Suggested format: <email address> <date in YYMMDD>

so -source of the information as defined above

An example to explain it all:

         *pn: Daniel Karrenberg
         *ph: +31 20 592 4112
         *fx: +31 20 592 4199
         *ad: CWI
         *ad: Kruislaan 413
         *ad: NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam
         *ch: 900802
         *so: RIPE

2.3   Domains

Objects describing namespace administrative data have the attributes de-
scribed in the following list. Only top level domains and first level subdo-
mains are entered into the database.

dn -full qualified domain name

de -description of the organisation managing the domain, where the domain
    is located, description of the domain e.g.: Top-level domain

ac -name of administrative contact

tc -name of technical contact

zc -name of zone contact

ns -primary NS for the domain

ns -secondary NS's for the domain

rm -additional remarks (special policies, status etc.)

sd -sub-domains

di -IP addresses of networks in this domain

ch -who and when of last change
    Suggested format: <email address> <date in YYMMDD>

so -source of the information as defined above

3   Managing database objects

Database entries, which can describe new, modified or obsolete objects,
should be submitted by electronic mail to  When
entering more then one object in the same message, care should be taken to
sort them in alphabetical order, with the value of the first attribute acting
as the sort key.

4   Where to find the database

The databse files are kept on in the file ripe/dbase/

5   How to use the database

The databese can be interrogated using the whois utility.