patch-2.2.12 linux/drivers/char/ip2/i2hw.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.11/linux/drivers/char/ip2/i2hw.h linux/drivers/char/ip2/i2hw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+*   (c) 1999 by Computone Corporation
+*   PACKAGE:     Linux tty Device Driver for IntelliPort II family of multiport
+*                serial I/O controllers.
+*   DESCRIPTION: Definitions limited to properties of the hardware or the
+*                bootstrap firmware. As such, they are applicable regardless of
+*                operating system or loadware (standard or diagnostic).
+#ifndef I2HW_H
+#define I2HW_H 1
+// Revision History:
+// 23 September 1991 MAG   First Draft Started...through...
+// 11 October 1991   ...   Continuing development...
+//  6 August 1993          Added support for ISA-4 (asic) which is architected
+//                         as an ISA-CEX with a single 4-port box.
+// 20 December 1996  AKM   Version for Linux
+The IntelliPort-II and IntelliPort-IIEX products occupy a block of eight (8)
+addresses in the host's I/O space.
+Some addresses are used to transfer data to/from the board, some to transfer
+so-called "mailbox" messages, and some to read bit-mapped status information.
+While all the products in the line are functionally similar, some use a 16-bit
+data path to transfer data while others use an 8-bit path. Also, the use of
+command /status/mailbox registers differs slightly between the II and IIEX
+branches of the family.
+The host determines what type of board it is dealing with by reading a string of
+sixteen characters from the board. These characters are always placed in the
+fifo by the board's local processor whenever the board is reset (either from
+power-on or under software control) and are known as the "Power-on Reset
+Message." In order that this message can be read from either type of board, the
+hardware registers used in reading this message are the same. Once this message
+has been read by the host, then it has the information required to operate.
+General Differences between boards:
+The greatest structural difference is between the -II and -IIEX families of
+product. The -II boards use the Am4701 dual 512x8 bidirectional fifo to support
+the data path, mailbox registers, and status registers. This chip contains some
+features which are not used in the IntelliPort-II products; a description of
+these is omitted here. Because of these many features, it contains many
+registers, too many to access directly within a small address space. They are
+accessed by first writing a value to a "pointer" register. This value selects
+the register to be accessed.  The next read or write to that address accesses
+the selected register rather than the pointer register.
+The -IIEX boards use a proprietary design similar to the Am4701 in function. But
+because of a simpler, more streamlined design it doesn't require so many
+registers. This means they can be accessed directly in single operations rather
+than through a pointer register.
+Besides these differences, there are differences in whether 8-bit or 16-bit
+transfers are used to move data to the board.
+The -II boards are capable only of 8-bit data transfers, while the -IIEX boards
+may be configured for either 8-bit or 16-bit data transfers. If the on-board DIP
+switch #8 is ON, and the card has been installed in a 16-bit slot, 16-bit
+transfers are supported (and will be expected by the standard loadware). The
+on-board firmware can determine the position of the switch, and whether the
+board is installed in a 16-bit slot; it supplies this information to the host as
+part of the power-up reset message.
+The configuration switch (#8) and slot selection do not directly configure the
+hardware. It is up to the on-board loadware and host-based drivers to act
+according to the selected options. That is, loadware and drivers could be
+written to perform 8-bit transfers regardless of the state of the DIP switch or
+slot (and in a diagnostic environment might well do so). Likewise, 16-bit
+transfers could be performed as long as the card is in a 16-bit slot.
+Note the slot selection and DIP switch selection are provided separately: a
+board running in 8-bit mode in a 16-bit slot has a greater range of possible
+interrupts to choose from; information of potential use to the host.
+All 8-bit data transfers are done in the same way, regardless of whether on a
+-II board or a -IIEX board.
+The host must consider two things then: 1) whether a -II or -IIEX product is
+being used, and 2) whether an 8-bit or 16-bit data path is used.
+A further difference is that -II boards always have a 512-byte fifo operating in
+each direction. -IIEX boards may use fifos of varying size; this size is
+reported as part of the power-up message.
+I/O Map Of IntelliPort-II and IntelliPort-IIEX boards:
+(Relative to the chosen base address)
+Addr  R/W      IntelliPort-II    IntelliPort-IIEX
+----  ---      --------------    ----------------
+0     R/W      Data Port (byte)  Data Port (byte or word)
+1     R/W      (Not used)        (MSB of word-wide data written to Data Port)
+2     R        Status Register   Status Register
+2     W        Pointer Register  Interrupt Mask Register
+3     R/W      (Not used)        Mailbox Registers (6 bits: 11111100)
+4,5   --       Reserved for future products
+6     --       Reserved for future products
+7     R        Guaranteed to have no effect
+7     W        Hardware reset of board.
+All data transfers are performed using the even i/o address. If byte-wide data
+transfers are being used, do INB/OUTB operations on the data port. If word-wide
+transfers are used, do INW/OUTW operations. In some circumstances (such as
+reading the power-up message) you will do INB from the data port, but in this
+case the MSB of each word read is lost. When accessing all other unreserved
+registers, use byte operations only.
+// Mandatory Includes:
+#include "ip2types.h"
+#include "i2os.h"    /* For any o.s., compiler, or host-related issues */
+// Manifests for the I/O map:
+// R/W: Data port (byte) for IntelliPort-II,
+// R/W: Data port (byte or word) for IntelliPort-IIEX
+// Incoming or outgoing data passes through a FIFO, the status of which is
+// available in some of the bits in FIFO_STATUS. This (bidirectional) FIFO is
+// the primary means of transferring data, commands, flow-control, and status
+// information between the host and board.
+#define FIFO_DATA 0
+// Another way of passing information between the the board and the host is
+// through "mailboxes". Unlike a FIFO, a mailbox holds only a single byte of
+// data.  Writing data to the mailbox causes a status bit to be set, and
+// potentially interrupting the intended receiver. The sender has some way to
+// determine whether the data has been read yet; as soon as it has, it may send
+// more. The mailboxes are handled differently on -II and -IIEX products, as
+// suggested below.
+// Read: Status Register for IntelliPort-II or -IIEX
+// The presence of any bit set here will cause an interrupt to the host,
+// provided the corresponding bit has been unmasked in the interrupt mask
+// register. Furthermore, interrupts to the host are disabled globally until the
+// loadware selects the irq line to use. With the exception of STN_MR, the bits
+// remain set so long as the associated condition is true.
+#define FIFO_STATUS 2
+// Bit map of status bits which are identical for -II and -IIEX
+#define ST_OUT_FULL  0x40  // Outbound FIFO full
+#define ST_IN_EMPTY  0x20  // Inbound FIFO empty
+#define ST_IN_MAIL   0x04  // Inbound Mailbox full
+// The following exists only on the Intelliport-IIEX, and indicates that the
+// board has not read the last outgoing mailbox data yet. In the IntelliPort-II,
+// the outgoing mailbox may be read back: a zero indicates the board has read
+// the data.
+#define STE_OUT_MAIL 0x80  // Outbound mailbox full (!)
+// The following bits are defined differently for -II and -IIEX boards. Code
+// which relies on these bits will need to be functionally different for the two
+// types of boards and should be generally avoided because of the additional
+// complexity this creates:
+// Bit map of status bits only on -II
+// Fifo has been RESET (cleared when the status register is read). Note that
+// this condition cannot be masked and would always interrupt the host, except
+// that the hardware reset also disables interrupts globally from the board
+// until re-enabled by loadware. This could also arise from the
+// Am4701-supported command to reset the chip, but this command is generally not
+// used here.
+#define STN_MR       0x80
+// See the AMD Am4701 data sheet for details on the following four bits. They
+// are not presently used by Computone drivers.
+#define STN_OUT_AF  0x10  // Outbound FIFO almost full (programmable)
+#define STN_IN_AE   0x08  // Inbound FIFO almost empty (programmable)
+#define STN_BD      0x02  // Inbound byte detected
+#define STN_PE      0x01  // Parity/Framing condition detected
+// Bit-map of status bits only on -IIEX
+#define STE_OUT_HF  0x10  // Outbound FIFO half full
+#define STE_IN_HF   0x08  // Inbound FIFO half full
+#define STE_IN_FULL 0x02  // Inbound FIFO full
+#define STE_OUT_MT  0x01  // Outbound FIFO empty
+// Intelliport-II -- Write Only: the pointer register.
+// Values are written to this register to select the Am4701 internal register to
+// be accessed on the next operation.
+#define FIFO_PTR    0x02
+// Values for the pointer register
+#define SEL_COMMAND 0x1    // Selects the Am4701 command register
+// Some possible commands:
+#define SEL_CMD_MR  0x80	// Am4701 command to reset the chip
+#define SEL_CMD_SH  0x40	// Am4701 command to map the "other" port into the
+							// status register.
+#define SEL_CMD_UNSH   0	// Am4701 command to "unshift": port maps into its
+							// own status register.
+#define SEL_MASK     0x2	// Selects the Am4701 interrupt mask register. The
+							// interrupt mask register is bit-mapped to match 
+							// the status register (FIFO_STATUS) except for
+							// STN_MR. (See above.)
+#define SEL_BYTE_DET 0x3	// Selects the Am4701 byte-detect register. (Not
+							// normally used except in diagnostics.)
+#define SEL_OUTMAIL  0x4	// Selects the outbound mailbox (R/W). Reading back
+							// a value of zero indicates that the mailbox has
+							// been read by the board and is available for more
+							// data./ Writing to the mailbox optionally
+							// interrupts the board, depending on the loadware's
+							// setting of its interrupt mask register.
+#define SEL_AEAF     0x5	// Selects AE/AF threshold register.
+#define SEL_INMAIL   0x6	// Selects the inbound mailbox (Read)
+// IntelliPort-IIEX --  Write Only: interrupt mask (and misc flags) register:
+// Unlike IntelliPort-II, bit assignments do NOT match those of the status
+// register.
+#define FIFO_MASK    0x2
+// Mailbox readback select:
+// If set, reads to FIFO_MAIL will read the OUTBOUND mailbox (host to board). If
+// clear (default on reset) reads to FIFO_MAIL will read the INBOUND mailbox.
+// This is the normal situation. The clearing of a mailbox is determined on
+// -IIEX boards by waiting for the STE_OUT_MAIL bit to clear. Readback
+// capability is provided for diagnostic purposes only.
+#define  MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL   0x80
+#define  MX_IN_MAIL  0x40	// Enables interrupts when incoming mailbox goes
+							// full (ST_IN_MAIL set).
+#define  MX_IN_FULL  0x20	// Enables interrupts when incoming FIFO goes full
+							// (STE_IN_FULL).
+#define  MX_IN_MT    0x08	// Enables interrupts when incoming FIFO goes empty
+							// (ST_IN_MT).
+#define  MX_OUT_FULL 0x04	// Enables interrupts when outgoing FIFO goes full
+							// (ST_OUT_FULL).
+#define  MX_OUT_MT   0x01	// Enables interrupts when outgoing FIFO goes empty
+							// (STE_OUT_MT).
+// Any remaining bits are reserved, and should be written to ZERO for
+// compatibility with future Computone products.
+// IntelliPort-IIEX: -- These are only 6-bit mailboxes !!! -- 11111100 (low two
+// bits always read back 0).
+// Read:  One of the mailboxes, usually Inbound.
+//        Inbound Mailbox (MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL = 0)
+//        Outbound Mailbox (MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL = 1)
+// Write: Outbound Mailbox
+// For the IntelliPort-II boards, the outbound mailbox is read back to determine
+// whether the board has read the data (0 --> data has been read). For the
+// IntelliPort-IIEX, this is done by reading a status register. To determine
+// whether mailbox is available for more outbound data, use the STE_OUT_MAIL bit
+// in FIFO_STATUS. Moreover, although the Outbound Mailbox can be read back by
+// setting MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL, it is NOT cleared when the board reads it, as is the
+// case with the -II boards. For this reason, FIFO_MAIL is normally used to read
+// the inbound FIFO, and MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL kept clear. (See above for
+// MX_OUTMAIL_RSEL description.)
+#define  FIFO_MAIL   0x3
+// WRITE ONLY:  Resets the board. (Data doesn't matter).
+#define  FIFO_RESET  0x7
+// READ ONLY:  Will have no effect. (Data is undefined.)
+// Actually, there will be an effect, in that the operation is sure to generate
+// a bus cycle: viz., an I/O byte Read. This fact can be used to enforce short
+// delays when no comparable time constant is available.
+#define  FIFO_NOP    0x7
+The IntelliPort-II and -IIEX boards are reset in three ways: Power-up, channel
+reset, and via a write to the reset register described above. For products using
+the ISA bus, these three sources of reset are equvalent. For MCA and EISA buses,
+the Power-up and channel reset sources cause additional hardware initialization
+which should only occur at system startup time.
+The third type of reset, called a "command reset", is done by writing any data
+to the FIFO_RESET address described above. This resets the on-board processor,
+FIFO, UARTS, and associated hardware.
+This passes control of the board to the bootstrap firmware, which performs a
+Power-On Self Test and which detects its current configuration. For example,
+-IIEX products determine the size of FIFO which has been installed, and the
+number and type of expansion boxes attached.
+This and other information is then written to the FIFO in a 16-byte data block
+to be read by the host. This block is guaranteed to be present within two (2)
+seconds of having received the command reset. The firmware is now ready to
+receive loadware from the host.
+It is good practice to perform a command reset to the board explicitly as part
+of your software initialization.  This allows your code to properly restart from
+a soft boot. (Many systems do not issue channel reset on soft boot).
+Because of a hardware reset problem on some of the Cirrus Logic 1400's which are
+used on the product, it is recommended that you reset the board twice, separated
+by an approximately 50 milliseconds delay. (VERY approximately: probably ok to
+be off by a factor of five. The important point is that the first command reset
+in fact generates a reset pulse on the board. This pulse is guaranteed to last
+less than 10 milliseconds. The additional delay ensures the 1400 has had the
+chance to respond sufficiently to the first reset. Why not a longer delay? Much
+more than 50 milliseconds gets to be noticable, but the board would still work.
+Once all 16 bytes of the Power-on Reset Message have been read, the bootstrap
+firmware is ready to receive loadware.
+Note on Power-on Reset Message format:
+The various fields have been designed with future expansion in view.
+Combinations of bitfields and values have been defined which define products
+which may not currently exist. This has been done to allow drivers to anticipate
+the possible introduction of products in a systematic fashion. This is not
+intended to suggest that each potential product is actually under consideration.
+// Format of Power-on Reset Message
+typedef union _porStr		// "por" stands for Power On Reset
+	unsigned char  c[16];	// array used when considering the message as a
+							// string of undifferentiated characters
+	struct					// Elements used when considering values
+	{
+		// The first two bytes out of the FIFO are two magic numbers. These are
+		// intended to establish that there is indeed a member of the
+		// IntelliPort-II(EX) family present. The remaining bytes may be 
+		// expected // to be valid. When reading the Power-on Reset message, 
+		// if the magic numbers do not match it is probably best to stop
+		// reading immediately. You are certainly not reading our board (unless
+		// hardware is faulty), and may in fact be reading some other piece of
+		// hardware.
+		unsigned char porMagic1;   // magic number: first byte == POR_MAGIC_1 
+		unsigned char porMagic2;   // magic number: second byte == POR_MAGIC_2 
+		// The Version, Revision, and Subrevision are stored as absolute numbers
+		// and would normally be displayed in the format V.R.S (e.g. 1.0.2)
+		unsigned char porVersion;  // Bootstrap firmware version number
+		unsigned char porRevision; // Bootstrap firmware revision number
+		unsigned char porSubRev;   // Bootstrap firmware sub-revision number
+		unsigned char porID;	// Product ID:  Bit-mapped according to
+								// conventions described below. Among other
+								// things, this allows us to distinguish
+								// IntelliPort-II boards from IntelliPort-IIEX
+								// boards.
+		unsigned char porBus;	// IntelliPort-II: Unused
+								// IntelliPort-IIEX: Bus Information:
+								// Bit-mapped below
+		unsigned char porMemory;	// On-board DRAM size: in 32k blocks
+		// porPorts1 (and porPorts2) are used to determine the ports which are
+		// available to the board. For non-expandable product, a single number 
+		// is sufficient. For expandable product, the board may be connected
+		// to as many as four boxes. Each box may be (so far) either a 16-port
+		// or an 8-port size. Whenever an 8-port box is used, the remaining 8
+		// ports leave gaps between existing channels. For that reason,
+		// expandable products must report a MAP of available channels. Since 
+		// each UART supports four ports, we represent each UART found by a
+		// single bit. Using two bytes to supply the mapping information we
+		// report the presense or absense of up to 16 UARTS, or 64 ports in
+		// steps of 4 ports. For -IIEX products, the ports are numbered
+		// starting at the box closest to the controller in the "chain".
+		// Interpreted Differently for IntelliPort-II and -IIEX.
+		// -II:   Number of ports (Derived actually from product ID). See
+		// Diag1&2 to indicate if uart was actually detected.
+		// -IIEX: Bit-map of UARTS found, LSB (see below for MSB of this). This
+		//        bitmap is based on detecting the uarts themselves; 
+		//        see porFlags for information from the box i.d's.
+		unsigned char  porPorts1;
+		unsigned char  porDiag1;	// Results of on-board P.O.S.T, 1st byte
+		unsigned char  porDiag2;	// Results of on-board P.O.S.T, 2nd byte
+		unsigned char  porSpeed;	// Speed of local CPU: given as MHz x10
+									// e.g., 16.0 MHz CPU is reported as 160
+		unsigned char  porFlags;	// Misc information (see manifests below)
+									// Bit-mapped: CPU type, UART's present
+		unsigned char  porPorts2;	// -II:  Undefined
+									// -IIEX: Bit-map of UARTS found, MSB (see
+									//        above for LSB)
+		// IntelliPort-II: undefined
+		// IntelliPort-IIEX: 1 << porFifoSize gives the size, in bytes, of the
+		// host interface FIFO, in each direction. When running the -IIEX in
+		// 8-bit mode, fifo capacity is halved. The bootstrap firmware will
+		// have already accounted for this fact in generating this number.
+		unsigned char  porFifoSize;
+		// IntelliPort-II: undefined
+		// IntelliPort-IIEX: The number of boxes connected. (Presently 1-4)
+		unsigned char  porNumBoxes;
+	} e;
+} porStr, *porStrPtr;
+// Values for porStr fields
+// porMagic1, porMagic2
+#define  POR_MAGIC_1    0x96  // The only valid value for porMagic1
+#define  POR_MAGIC_2    0x35  // The only valid value for porMagic2
+#define  POR_1_INDEX    0     // Byte position of POR_MAGIC_1
+#define  POR_2_INDEX    1     // Ditto for POR_MAGIC_2
+// porID
+#define  POR_ID_FAMILY  0xc0	// These bits indicate the general family of
+								// product.
+#define  POR_ID_FII     0x00	// Family is "IntelliPort-II"
+#define  POR_ID_FIIEX   0x40	// Family is "IntelliPort-IIEX"
+// These bits are reserved, presently zero. May be used at a later date to
+// convey other product information.
+#define POR_ID_RESERVED 0x3c
+#define POR_ID_SIZE     0x03	// Remaining bits indicate number of ports &
+								// Connector information.
+#define POR_ID_II_8     0x00	// For IntelliPort-II, indicates 8-port using
+								// standard brick.
+#define POR_ID_II_8R    0x01	// For IntelliPort-II, indicates 8-port using
+								// RJ11's (no CTS)
+#define POR_ID_II_6     0x02	// For IntelliPort-II, indicates 6-port using
+								// RJ45's
+#define POR_ID_II_4     0x03	// For IntelliPort-II, indicates 4-port using
+								// 4xRJ45 connectors
+#define POR_ID_EX       0x00	// For IntelliPort-IIEX, indicates standard
+								// expandable controller (other values reserved)
+// porBus
+// IntelliPort-IIEX only: Board is installed in a 16-bit slot
+#define POR_BUS_SLOT16  0x20
+// IntelliPort-IIEX only: DIP switch #8 is on, selecting 16-bit host interface
+// operation.
+#define POR_BUS_DIP16   0x10
+// Bits 0-2 indicate type of bus: This information is stored in the bootstrap
+// loadware, different loadware being used on different products for different
+// buses. For most situations, the drivers do not need this information; but it
+// is handy in a diagnostic environment. For example, on microchannel boards,
+// you would not want to try to test several interrupts, only the one for which
+// you were configured.
+#define  POR_BUS_TYPE   0x07
+// Unknown:  this product doesn't know what bus it is running in. (e.g. if same
+// bootstrap firmware were wanted for two different buses.)
+#define  POR_BUS_T_UNK  0
+// Note: existing firmware for ISA-8 and MC-8 currently report the POR_BUS_T_UNK
+// state, since the same bootstrap firmware is used for each.
+#define  POR_BUS_T_MCA  1  // MCA BUS */
+#define  POR_BUS_T_EISA 2  // EISA BUS */
+#define  POR_BUS_T_ISA  3  // ISA BUS */
+// Values 4-7 Reserved
+// Remaining bits are reserved
+// porDiag1
+#define  POR_BAD_MAPPER 0x80	// HW failure on P.O.S.T: Chip mapper failed
+// These two bits valid only for the IntelliPort-II
+#define  POR_BAD_UART1  0x01	// First  1400 bad
+#define  POR_BAD_UART2  0x02	// Second 1400 bad
+// porDiag2
+#define  POR_DEBUG_PORT 0x80	// debug port was detected by the P.O.S.T
+#define  POR_DIAG_OK    0x00	// Indicates passage: Failure codes not yet
+								// available.
+								// Other bits undefined.
+// porFlags
+#define  POR_CPU     0x03	// These bits indicate supposed CPU type
+#define  POR_CPU_8   0x01	// Board uses an 80188 (no such thing yet)
+#define  POR_CPU_6   0x02	// Board uses an 80186 (all existing products)
+#define  POR_CEX4    0x04	// If set, this is an ISA-CEX/4: An ISA-4 (asic)
+							// which is architected like an ISA-CEX connected
+							// to a (hitherto impossible) 4-port box.
+#define POR_BOXES    0xf0	// Valid for IntelliPort-IIEX only: Map of Box
+							// sizes based on box I.D.
+#define POR_BOX_16   0x10	// Set indicates 16-port, clear 8-port
+Loadware may be sent to the board in two ways:
+1) It may be read from a (binary image) data file block by block as each block
+	is sent to the board. This is only possible when the initialization is
+	performed by code which can access your file system. This is most suitable
+	for diagnostics and appications which use the interface library directly.
+2) It may be hard-coded into your source by including a .h file (typically
+	supplied by Computone), which declares a data array and initializes every
+	element. This acheives the same result as if an entire loadware file had 
+	been read into the array.
+	This requires more data space in your program, but access to the file system
+	is not required. This method is more suited to driver code, which typically
+	is running at a level too low to access the file system directly.
+At present, loadware can only be generated at Computone.
+All Loadware begins with a header area which has a particular format. This
+includes a magic number which identifies the file as being (purportedly)
+loadware, CRC (for the loader), and version information.
+// Format of loadware block
+// This is defined as a union so we can pass a pointer to one of these items
+// and (if it is the first block) pick out the version information, etc.
+// Otherwise, to deal with this as a simple character array
+#define LOADWARE_BLOCK_SIZE   512   // Number of bytes in each block of loadware
+typedef union _loadHdrStr
+	unsigned char c[LOADWARE_BLOCK_SIZE];  // Valid for every block
+	struct	// These fields are valid for only the first block of loadware.
+	{
+		unsigned char loadMagic;		// Magic number: see below
+		unsigned char loadBlocksMore;	// How many more blocks?
+		unsigned char loadCRC[2];		// Two CRC bytes: used by loader
+		unsigned char loadVersion;		// Version number
+		unsigned char loadRevision;		// Revision number
+		unsigned char loadSubRevision;	// Sub-revision number
+		unsigned char loadSpares[9];	// Presently unused
+		unsigned char loadDates[32];	// Null-terminated string which can give
+										// date and time of compilation
+	} e;
+} loadHdrStr, *loadHdrStrPtr;
+// Defines for downloading code:
+// The loadMagic field in the first block of the loadfile must be this, else the
+// file is not valid.
+#define  MAGIC_LOADFILE 0x3c
+// How do we know the load was successful? On completion of the load, the
+// bootstrap firmware returns a code to indicate whether it thought the download
+// was valid and intends to execute it. These are the only possible valid codes:
+#define  LOADWARE_OK    0xc3        // Download was ok
+#define  LOADWARE_BAD   0x5a        // Download was bad (CRC error)
+// Constants applicable to writing blocks of loadware:
+// The first block of loadware might take 600 mS to load, in extreme cases.
+// (Expandable board: worst case for sending startup messages to the LCD's).
+// The 600mS figure is not really a calculation, but a conservative
+// guess/guarantee. Usually this will be within 100 mS, like subsequent blocks.
+#define  MAX_DLOAD_START_TIME 1000  // 1000 mS
+#define  MAX_DLOAD_READ_TIME  100   // 100 mS
+// Firmware should respond with status (see above) within this long of host
+// having sent the final block.
+#define  MAX_DLOAD_ACK_TIME   100   // 100 mS, again!
+// This is fixed for now (with the expandable), but may
+// be expanding according to even newer products.
+#define ABS_MAX_BOXES   4     // Absolute most boxes per board
+#define ABS_BIGGEST_BOX 16    // Absolute the most ports per box
+#endif   // I2HW_H

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: