patch-2.2.14 linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_profile.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.13/linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_profile.c linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd_profile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/spinlock.h>
+#include "dasd.h"
+#include "dasd_types.h"
+#define PRINTK_HEADER "dasd_profile:"
+static long dasd_io_reqs=0; /* number of requests processed at all */
+static long dasd_io_secs[16]; /* histogram of request's sizes */
+static long dasd_io_times[16]; /* histogram of requests's times */
+static long dasd_io_timps[16]; /* histogram of requests's times per sector */
+static long dasd_io_time1[16]; /* histogram of time from build to start */
+static long dasd_io_time2[16]; /* histogram of time from start to irq */
+static long dasd_io_time2ps[16]; /* histogram of time from start to irq */
+static long dasd_io_time3[16]; /* histogram of time from irq to end */
+dasd_profile_add ( cqr_t *cqr )
+	int ind;
+	long strtime,irqtime,endtime,tottime;
+	long tottimeps,sectors;
+	long help;
+	if ( ! cqr -> req ) 
+	  return;
+	sectors = cqr -> req -> nr_sectors;
+	strtime = ((cqr->startclk - cqr->buildclk) >> 12);
+	irqtime = ((cqr->stopclk - cqr->startclk) >> 12);
+	endtime = ((cqr->endclk - cqr->stopclk) >> 12);
+	tottime = ((cqr->endclk - cqr->buildclk) >> 12);
+	tottimeps = tottime / sectors;
+	if (! dasd_io_reqs ++){
+	  for ( ind = 0; ind < 16; ind ++) {
+		dasd_io_secs[ind] = 0;
+		dasd_io_times[ind]=0;
+		dasd_io_timps[ind]=0;
+		dasd_io_time1[ind]=0;
+		dasd_io_time2[ind]=0;
+		dasd_io_time2ps[ind]=0;
+		dasd_io_time3[ind]=0;
+	  }
+	};
+	for ( ind = 0, help = sectors >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_secs[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = tottime >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_times[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = tottimeps >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_timps[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = strtime >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_time1[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = irqtime >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_time2[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = (irqtime/sectors) >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_time2ps[ind] ++;
+	for ( ind = 0, help = endtime >> 3; 
+	      ind < 15 && help; 
+	      help = help >> 1,ind ++);
+	dasd_io_time3[ind] ++;
+dasd_proc_read_statistics ( char * buf, char **start, 
+			    off_t off, int len, int d)
+	int i;
+	int shift, help;
+	for ( shift = 0, help = dasd_io_reqs; 
+	      help > 8192; 
+	      help = help >> 1,shift ++);
+	len = sprintf ( buf, "%ld dasd I/O requests\n", dasd_io_reqs); 
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "__<4 ___8 __16 __32 __64 _128 _256 _512 __1k __2k __4k __8k _16k _32k _64k >64k\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of sizes (512B secs)\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_secs[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O times\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_times[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O times per sector\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_timps[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O time till ssch\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_time1[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O time between ssch and irq\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_time2[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O time between ssch and irq per sector\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_time2ps[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "Histogram of I/O time between irq and end\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ++) {
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len, "%4ld ",dasd_io_time3[i] >> shift );
+	}
+	len += sprintf ( buf+len, "\n");
+	return len;
+struct {
+	union {
+		unsigned long long  clock;
+		struct {
+			unsigned int ts1;
+			unsigned int ts2 : 20;
+			unsigned int unused : 8;
+			unsigned int cpu : 4;
+		} __attribute__ ((packed)) s;
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) u;
+	unsigned long caller_address;
+	unsigned long tag;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) dasd_debug_entry;
+static dasd_debug_entry *dasd_debug_area = NULL;
+static dasd_debug_entry *dasd_debug_actual;
+static spinlock_t debug_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+dasd_debug ( unsigned long tag )
+	long flags;
+	dasd_debug_entry *d;
+	/* initialize in first call ... */
+	if ( ! dasd_debug_area ) {
+		dasd_debug_actual = dasd_debug_area = 
+			get_free_page (GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if ( ! dasd_debug_area ) {
+			PRINT_WARN("No debug area allocated\n");
+			return;
+		}
+		memset (dasd_debug_area,0,PAGE_SIZE);
+	}
+	/* renormalize to page */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&debug_lock,flags);
+	dasd_debug_actual = (dasd_debug_entry *)
+		( (unsigned long) dasd_debug_area +
+		  ( ( (unsigned long)dasd_debug_actual -
+		      (unsigned long)dasd_debug_area ) % 1808 ) );
+	d = dasd_debug_actual ++;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&debug_lock,flags);
+	/* write CPUID to lowest 12 bits of clock... */
+	__asm__ __volatile__ ( "STCK  %0\n"
+			       "ST    14,%1\n"
+			       :"=m" (d->u.clock),
+			       "=m" (d->caller_address));
+	d->tag = tag;
+	d->u.s.cpu = smp_processor_id();
+dasd_proc_read_debug ( char * buf, char **start, 
+		       off_t off, int len, int dd)
+	dasd_debug_entry *d;
+	char tag[9] = { 0, };
+	long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&debug_lock,flags);
+	len = 0;
+       	for( d = dasd_debug_area; 
+	     len < 4068 ;
+	     d ++ ) {
+		if ( *(char*)(&d->tag) == 'D' ) {
+			memcpy(tag,&(d->tag),4);
+			tag[4]=0;
+		}
+		else {
+			sprintf(tag,"%08x",d->tag);
+			tag[8]=0;
+		}
+		len += sprintf ( buf+len,
+				 "%lx %08x%05x %08lx (%8s)\n",
+				 d->u.s.cpu, d->u.s.ts1, d->u.s.ts2,
+				 d->caller_address,tag);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&debug_lock,flags);
+	return len;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: