patch-2.2.14 linux/include/linux/sdla_chdlc.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.13/linux/include/linux/sdla_chdlc.h linux/include/linux/sdla_chdlc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ sdla_chdlc.h	Sangoma Cisco HDLC firmware API definitions
+ Author:      	Gideon Hack
+		Nenad Corbic <>	
+ Copyright:	(c) 1995-1999 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
+		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+		modify it under the term of the GNU General Public License
+		as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+		2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  Oct 04, 1999  Nenad Corbic    Updated API support
+  Jun 02, 1999  Gideon Hack     Changes for S514 usage.
+  Oct 28, 1998	Jaspreet Singh	Made changes for Dual Port CHDLC.
+  Jun 11, 1998	David Fong	Initial version.
+ Organization
+	- Compatibility notes
+	- Constants defining the shared memory control block (mailbox)
+	- Interface commands
+	- Return code from interface commands
+	- Constants for the commands (structures for casting data)
+	- UDP Management constants and structures
+#ifndef _SDLA_CHDLC_H
+#  define _SDLC_CHDLC_H
+   Notes:
+	All structres defined in this file are byte-aligned.  
+	Compiler	Platform
+	------------------------
+	GNU C		Linux
+#ifndef	PACKED
+#define	PACKED __attribute__((packed))
+#endif	/* PACKED */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        Constants defining the shared memory control block (mailbox)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define PRI_BASE_ADDR_MB_STRUCT 	0xE000 	/* the base address of the mailbox structure on the adapter */
+#define SEC_BASE_ADDR_MB_STRUCT 	0xE800 	/* the base address of the mailbox structure on the adapter */
+#define SIZEOF_MB_DATA_BFR		2032	/* the size of the actual mailbox data area */
+#define NUMBER_MB_RESERVED_BYTES	0x0B	/* the number of reserved bytes in the mailbox header area */
+#define MIN_LGTH_CHDLC_DATA_CFG  	300 	/* min length of the CHDLC data field (for configuration purposes) */
+#define PRI_MAX_NO_DATA_BYTES_IN_FRAME  15354 /* PRIMARY - max length of the CHDLC data field */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char opp_flag PACKED;			/* the opp flag */
+	unsigned char command PACKED;			/* the user command */
+	unsigned short buffer_length PACKED;		/* the data length */
+  	unsigned char return_code PACKED;		/* the return code */
+	unsigned char MB_reserved[NUMBER_MB_RESERVED_BYTES] PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned char data[SIZEOF_MB_DATA_BFR] PACKED;	/* the data area */
+typedef struct {
+        pid_t                   pid_num PACKED;
+        CHDLC_MAILBOX_STRUCT     cmdarea PACKED;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                        Interface commands
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* global interface commands */
+#define SET_MODEM_STATUS		0x06	/* set status of DTR or RTS */
+#define READ_MODEM_STATUS		0x07	/* read status of CTS and DCD */
+#define READ_COMMS_ERROR_STATS		0x08	
+#define SET_TRACE_CONFIGURATION		0x0A	/* set the line trace config */
+#define READ_TRACE_CONFIGURATION	0x0B	/* read the line trace config */
+#define READ_TRACE_STATISTICS		0x0C	/* read the trace statistics */
+#define FLUSH_TRACE_STATISTICS		0x0D	/* flush the trace statistics */
+#define FT1_MONITOR_STATUS_CTRL		0x1C	/* set the status of the S508/FT1 monitoring */
+#define SET_FT1_CONFIGURATION		0x18	/* set the FT1 configuration */
+#define READ_FT1_CONFIGURATION		0x19	/* read the FT1 configuration */
+#define TRANSMIT_ASYNC_DATA_TO_FT1	0x1A	/* output asynchronous data to the FT1 */
+#define RECEIVE_ASYNC_DATA_FROM_FT1	0x1B	/* receive asynchronous data from the FT1 */
+#define FT1_MONITOR_STATUS_CTRL		0x1C	/* set the status of the FT1 monitoring */
+#define READ_FT1_OPERATIONAL_STATS	0x1D	/* read the S508/FT1 operational statistics */
+#define SET_FT1_MODE			0x1E	/* set the operational mode of the S508/FT1 module */
+/* CHDLC-level interface commands */
+#define READ_CHDLC_EXCEPTION_CONDITION	0x21	/* read exception condition from the adapter */
+#define SET_CHDLC_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS	0x30	/* set application interrupt triggers */
+#define READ_CHDLC_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS	0x31	/* read application interrupt trigger configuration */
+/* Special UDP drivers management commands */
+#define CPIPE_ENABLE_TRACING				0x50
+#define CPIPE_DISABLE_TRACING				0x51
+#define CPIPE_GET_TRACE_INFO				0x52
+#define CPIPE_GET_IBA_DATA				0x53
+#define CPIPE_FT1_READ_STATUS				0x54
+#define CPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_INTR				0x56
+#define CPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_GEN				0x57
+#define CPIPE_ROUTER_UP_TIME				0x59
+/* Driver specific commands for API */
+#define	CHDLC_READ_TRACE_DATA		0xE4	/* read trace data */
+#define TRACE_ALL                       0x00
+#define TRACE_PROT			0x01
+#define TRACE_DATA			0x02
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                     Return codes from interface commands
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define COMMAND_OK				0x00
+/* return codes from global interface commands */
+#define NO_GLOBAL_EXCEP_COND_TO_REPORT		0x01	/* there is no CHDLC exception condition to report */
+#define LGTH_GLOBAL_CFG_DATA_INVALID		0x01	/* the length of the passed global configuration data is invalid */
+#define LGTH_TRACE_CFG_DATA_INVALID		0x01	/* the length of the passed trace configuration data is invalid */
+#define IRQ_TIMEOUT_VALUE_INVALID		0x02	/* an invalid application IRQ timeout value was selected */
+#define TRACE_CONFIG_INVALID			0x02	/* the passed line trace configuration is invalid */
+#define ADAPTER_OPERATING_FREQ_INVALID		0x03	/* an invalid adapter operating frequency was selected */
+#define TRC_DEAC_TMR_INVALID			0x03	/* the trace deactivation timer is invalid */
+#define S508_FT1_ADPTR_NOT_PRESENT		0x0C	/* the S508/FT1 adapter is not present */
+#define INVALID_FT1_STATUS_SELECTION            0x0D    /* the S508/FT1 status selection is invalid */
+#define FT1_OP_STATS_NOT_ENABLED		0x0D    /* the FT1 operational statistics have not been enabled */
+#define FT1_OP_STATS_NOT_AVAILABLE		0x0E    /* the FT1 operational statistics are not currently available */
+#define S508_FT1_MODE_SELECTION_BUSY		0x0E	/* the S508/FT1 adapter is busy selecting the operational mode */
+/* return codes from command READ_GLOBAL_EXCEPTION_CONDITION */
+#define EXCEP_MODEM_STATUS_CHANGE		0x10		/* a modem status change occurred */
+#define EXCEP_TRC_DISABLED			0x11		/* the trace has been disabled */
+#define EXCEP_IRQ_TIMEOUT			0x12		/* IRQ timeout */
+/* return codes from CHDLC-level interface commands */
+#define NO_CHDLC_EXCEP_COND_TO_REPORT		0x21	/* there is no CHDLC exception condition to report */
+#define CHDLC_COMMS_DISABLED			0x21	/* communications are not currently enabled */
+#define CHDLC_COMMS_ENABLED			0x21	/* communications are currently enabled */
+#define DISABLE_CHDLC_COMMS_BEFORE_CFG		0x21	/* CHDLC communications must be disabled before setting the configuration */
+#define ENABLE_CHDLC_COMMS_BEFORE_CONN		0x21	/* communications must be enabled before using the CHDLC_CONNECT conmmand */
+#define CHDLC_CFG_BEFORE_COMMS_ENABLED		0x22	/* perform a SET_CHDLC_CONFIGURATION before enabling comms */
+#define LGTH_CHDLC_CFG_DATA_INVALID 		0x22	/* the length of the passed CHDLC configuration data is invalid */
+#define LGTH_INT_TRIGGERS_DATA_INVALID		0x22	/* the length of the passed interrupt trigger data is invalid */
+#define INVALID_IRQ_SELECTED			0x23	/* in invalid IRQ was selected in the SET_CHDLC_INTERRUPT_TRIGGERS */
+#define INVALID_CHDLC_CFG_DATA			0x23	/* the passed CHDLC configuration data is invalid */
+#define IRQ_TMR_VALUE_INVALID			0x24	/* an invalid application IRQ timer value was selected */
+#define LARGER_PERCENT_TX_BFR_REQUIRED		0x24	/* a larger Tx buffer percentage is required */
+#define LARGER_PERCENT_RX_BFR_REQUIRED		0x25	/* a larger Rx buffer percentage is required */
+#define S514_BOTH_PORTS_SAME_CLK_MODE		0x26	/* S514 - both ports must have same clock mode */
+#define INVALID_CMND_HDLC_STREAM_MODE           0x4E    /* the CHDLC interface command is invalid for HDLC streaming mode */
+#define INVALID_CHDLC_COMMAND			0x4F	/* the defined CHDLC interface command is invalid */
+/* return codes from command READ_CHDLC_EXCEPTION_CONDITION */
+#define EXCEP_LINK_ACTIVE			0x30	/* the CHDLC link has become active */
+#define EXCEP_LINK_INACTIVE_MODEM		0x31	/* the CHDLC link has become inactive (modem status) */
+#define EXCEP_LINK_INACTIVE_KPALV		0x32	/* the CHDLC link has become inactive (keepalive status) */
+#define EXCEP_IP_ADDRESS_DISCOVERED		0x33	/* the IP address has been discovered */
+#define EXCEP_LOOPBACK_CONDITION		0x34	/* a loopback condition has occurred */
+/* return code from command CHDLC_SEND_WAIT and CHDLC_SEND_NO_WAIT */
+#define LINK_DISCONNECTED			0x21
+#define NO_TX_BFRS_AVAIL			0x24
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the global configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short adapter_config_options PACKED;	/* adapter config options */
+	unsigned short app_IRQ_timeout PACKED;		/* application IRQ timeout */
+	unsigned long adapter_operating_frequency PACKED;	/* adapter operating frequency */
+/* settings for the 'app_IRQ_timeout' */
+#define MAX_APP_IRQ_TIMEOUT_VALUE	5000	/* the maximum permitted IRQ timeout */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *             Constants for the READ_GLOBAL_STATISTICS command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the global statistics structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short app_IRQ_timeout_count PACKED;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *             Constants for the READ_COMMS_ERROR_STATS command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the communications error statistics structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short Rx_overrun_err_count PACKED;
+	unsigned short CRC_err_count PACKED;	/* receiver CRC error count */
+	unsigned short Rx_abort_count PACKED; 	/* abort frames recvd count */
+	unsigned short Rx_dis_pri_bfrs_full_count PACKED;/* receiver disabled */
+	unsigned short comms_err_stat_reserved_1 PACKED;/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned short sec_Tx_abort_msd_Tx_int_count PACKED; /* secondary - abort frames transmitted count (missed Tx interrupt) */
+	unsigned short missed_Tx_und_int_count PACKED;	/* missed tx underrun interrupt count */
+        unsigned short sec_Tx_abort_count PACKED;   /*secondary-abort frames tx count */
+	unsigned short DCD_state_change_count PACKED; /* DCD state change */
+	unsigned short CTS_state_change_count PACKED; /* CTS state change */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                  Constants used for line tracing
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the trace configuration structure (SET_TRACE_CONFIGURATION/READ_TRACE_CONFIGURATION commands) */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char trace_config PACKED;		/* trace configuration */
+	unsigned short trace_deactivation_timer PACKED;	/* trace deactivation timer */
+	unsigned long ptr_trace_stat_el_cfg_struct PACKED;	/* a pointer to the line trace element configuration structure */
+/* 'trace_config' bit settings */
+#define TRACE_INACTIVE		0x00	/* trace is inactive */
+#define TRACE_ACTIVE		0x01	/* trace is active */
+#define TRACE_DELAY_MODE	0x04	/* operate the trace in delay mode */
+#define TRACE_DATA_FRAMES	0x08	/* trace Data frames */
+#define TRACE_SLARP_FRAMES	0x10	/* trace SLARP frames */
+#define TRACE_CDP_FRAMES	0x20	/* trace CDP frames */
+/* the line trace status element configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short number_trace_status_elements PACKED;	/* number of line trace elements */
+	unsigned long base_addr_trace_status_elements PACKED;	/* base address of the trace element list */
+	unsigned long next_trace_element_to_use PACKED;	/* pointer to the next trace element to be used */
+	unsigned long base_addr_trace_buffer PACKED;		/* base address of the trace data buffer */
+	unsigned long end_addr_trace_buffer PACKED;		/* end address of the trace data buffer */
+/* the line trace status element structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char opp_flag PACKED;			/* opp flag */
+	unsigned short trace_length PACKED;		/* trace length */
+	unsigned char trace_type PACKED;		/* trace type */
+	unsigned short trace_time_stamp PACKED;	/* time stamp */
+	unsigned short trace_reserved_1 PACKED;	/* reserved for later use */
+	unsigned long trace_reserved_2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later use */
+	unsigned long ptr_data_bfr PACKED;		/* ptr to the trace data buffer */
+/* "trace_type" bit settings */
+#define TRACE_INCOMING 			0x00
+#define TRACE_OUTGOINGING 		0x01
+/* the line trace statistics structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned long frames_traced_count PACKED;	/* number of frames traced */
+	unsigned long trc_frms_not_recorded_count PACKED;	/* number of trace frames discarded */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *               Constants for the FT1_MONITOR_STATUS_CTRL command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define DISABLE_FT1_STATUS_STATISTICS	0x00    /* disable the FT1 status and statistics monitoring */
+#define ENABLE_READ_FT1_STATUS		0x01    /* read the FT1 operational status */
+#define ENABLE_READ_FT1_OP_STATS	0x02    /* read the FT1 operational statistics */
+#define FLUSH_FT1_OP_STATS		0x04 	/* flush the FT1 operational statistics */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *               Constants for the SET_CHDLC_CONFIGURATION command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the CHDLC configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned long baud_rate PACKED;		/* the baud rate */	
+	unsigned short line_config_options PACKED;	/* line configuration options */
+	unsigned short modem_config_options PACKED;	/* modem configration options */
+	unsigned short modem_status_timer PACKED;	/* timer for monitoring modem status changes */
+	unsigned short CHDLC_API_options PACKED;	/* CHDLC API options */
+	unsigned short CHDLC_protocol_options PACKED;	/* CHDLC protocol options */
+	unsigned short percent_data_buffer_for_Tx PACKED;	/* percentage data buffering used for Tx */
+	unsigned short CHDLC_statistics_options PACKED;	/* CHDLC operational statistics options */
+	unsigned short max_CHDLC_data_field_length PACKED;	/* the maximum length of the CHDLC Data field */
+	unsigned short transmit_keepalive_timer PACKED;		/* the transmit keepalive timer */
+	unsigned short receive_keepalive_timer PACKED;		/* the receive keepalive timer */
+	unsigned short keepalive_error_tolerance PACKED;	/* the receive keepalive error tolerance */
+	unsigned short SLARP_request_timer PACKED;		/* the SLARP request timer */
+	unsigned long IP_address PACKED;			/* the IP address */
+	unsigned long IP_netmask PACKED;			/* the IP netmask */
+	unsigned long ptr_shared_mem_info_struct PACKED;	/* a pointer to the shared memory area information structure */
+	unsigned long ptr_CHDLC_Tx_stat_el_cfg_struct PACKED;	/* a pointer to the transmit status element configuration structure */
+	unsigned long ptr_CHDLC_Rx_stat_el_cfg_struct PACKED;	/* a pointer to the receive status element configuration structure */
+/* settings for the 'line_config_options' */
+#define INTERFACE_LEVEL_V35					0x0000 /* V.35 interface level */
+#define INTERFACE_LEVEL_RS232					0x0001 /* RS-232 interface level */
+/* settings for the 'modem_config_options' */
+/* don't automatically raise DTR and RTS when performing an
+/* don't report changes in modem status to the application */
+/* bit settings for the 'CHDLC_protocol_options' byte */
+#define IGNORE_DCD_FOR_LINK_STAT		0x0001
+/* ignore DCD in determining the CHDLC link status */
+#define IGNORE_CTS_FOR_LINK_STAT		0x0002
+/* ignore CTS in determining the CHDLC link status */
+/* ignore keepalive frames in determining the CHDLC link status */ 
+#define HDLC_STREAMING_MODE			0x8000
+/*   settings for the 'CHDLC_statistics_options' */
+/* record the number of Data bytes transmitted */
+/* record the number of Data bytes received */
+/* compute the Data frame transmit throughput */
+/* compute the Data frame receive throughput */
+/* permitted minimum and maximum values for setting the CHDLC configuration */
+#define PRI_MAX_BAUD_RATE_S508	2666666 /* PRIMARY   - maximum baud rate (S508) */
+#define SEC_MAX_BAUD_RATE_S508	258064 	/* SECONDARY - maximum baud rate (S508) */
+#define PRI_MAX_BAUD_RATE_S514  2750000 /* PRIMARY   - maximum baud rate (S508) */
+#define SEC_MAX_BAUD_RATE_S514  515625  /* SECONDARY - maximum baud rate (S508) */
+#define MIN_MODEM_TIMER	0			/* minimum modem status timer */
+#define MAX_MODEM_TIMER	5000			/* maximum modem status timer */
+#define SEC_MAX_NO_DATA_BYTES_IN_FRAME  2048 /* SECONDARY - max length of the CHDLC data field */
+#define MIN_Tx_KPALV_TIMER	0	  /* minimum transmit keepalive timer */
+#define MAX_Tx_KPALV_TIMER	60000	  /* maximum transmit keepalive timer */
+#define DEFAULT_Tx_KPALV_TIMER	10000	  /* default transmit keepalive timer */
+#define MIN_Rx_KPALV_TIMER	10	  /* minimum receive keepalive timer */
+#define MAX_Rx_KPALV_TIMER	60000	  /* maximum receive keepalive timer */
+#define DEFAULT_Rx_KPALV_TIMER	10000	  /* default receive keepalive timer */
+#define MIN_KPALV_ERR_TOL	1	  /* min kpalv error tolerance count */
+#define MAX_KPALV_ERR_TOL	20	  /* max kpalv error tolerance count */
+#define DEFAULT_KPALV_ERR_TOL	3	  /* default value */
+#define MIN_SLARP_REQ_TIMER	0	  /* min transmit SLARP Request timer */
+#define MAX_SLARP_REQ_TIMER	60000	  /* max transmit SLARP Request timer */
+#define DEFAULT_SLARP_REQ_TIMER	0	  /* default value -- no SLARP */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *             Constants for the READ_CHDLC_LINK_STATUS command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the CHDLC status structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char CHDLC_link_status PACKED;	/* CHDLC link status */
+	unsigned char no_Data_frms_for_app PACKED;	/* number of Data frames available for the application */
+	unsigned char receiver_status PACKED;	/* enabled/disabled */
+	unsigned char SLARP_state PACKED;	/* internal SLARP state */
+/* settings for the 'CHDLC_link_status' variable */
+#define CHDLC_LINK_INACTIVE		0x00	/* the CHDLC link is inactive */
+#define CHDLC_LINK_ACTIVE		0x01	/* the CHDLC link is active */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *           Constants for the READ_CHDLC_OPERATIONAL_STATS command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the CHDLC operational statistics structure */
+typedef struct {
+	/* Data frame transmission statistics */
+	unsigned long Data_frames_Tx_count PACKED;	/* # of frames transmitted */
+	unsigned long Data_bytes_Tx_count PACKED; 	/* # of bytes transmitted */
+	unsigned long Data_Tx_throughput PACKED;	/* transmit throughput */
+	unsigned long no_ms_for_Data_Tx_thruput_comp PACKED;	/* millisecond time used for the Tx throughput computation */
+	unsigned long Tx_Data_discard_lgth_err_count PACKED;	/* number of Data frames discarded (length error) */
+	unsigned long reserved_Data_frm_Tx_stat1 PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_Data_frm_Tx_stat2 PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_Data_frm_Tx_stat3 PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+	/* Data frame reception statistics */
+	unsigned long Data_frames_Rx_count PACKED;	/* number of frames received */
+	unsigned long Data_bytes_Rx_count PACKED;	/* number of bytes received */
+	unsigned long Data_Rx_throughput PACKED;	/* receive throughput */
+	unsigned long no_ms_for_Data_Rx_thruput_comp PACKED;	/* millisecond time used for the Rx throughput computation */
+	unsigned long Rx_Data_discard_short_count PACKED;	/* received Data frames discarded (too short) */
+	unsigned long Rx_Data_discard_long_count PACKED;	/* received Data frames discarded (too long) */
+	unsigned long Rx_Data_discard_inactive_count PACKED;	/* received Data frames discarded (link inactive) */
+	unsigned long reserved_Data_frm_Rx_stat1 PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+	/* SLARP frame transmission/reception statistics */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_REQ_Tx_count PACKED;		/* number of SLARP Request frames transmitted */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_REQ_Rx_count PACKED;		/* number of SLARP Request frames received */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_REPLY_Tx_count PACKED;	/* number of SLARP Reply frames transmitted */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_REPLY_Rx_count PACKED;	/* number of SLARP Reply frames received */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_KPALV_Tx_count PACKED;	/* number of SLARP keepalive frames transmitted */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_SLARP_KPALV_Rx_count PACKED;	/* number of SLARP keepalive frames received */
+	unsigned long reserved_SLARP_stat1 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_SLARP_stat2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	/* CDP frame transmission/reception statistics */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_CDP_Tx_count PACKED;		/* number of CDP frames transmitted */
+	unsigned long CHDLC_CDP_Rx_count PACKED;		/* number of CDP frames received */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat1 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat3 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat4 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat5 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_CDP_stat6 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	/* Incomming frames with a format error statistics */
+	unsigned short Rx_frm_incomp_CHDLC_hdr_count PACKED;	/* frames received of with incomplete Cisco HDLC header */
+	unsigned short Rx_frms_too_long_count PACKED;		/* frames received of excessive length count */
+	unsigned short Rx_invalid_CHDLC_addr_count PACKED;	/* frames received with an invalid CHDLC address count */
+	unsigned short Rx_invalid_CHDLC_ctrl_count PACKED;	/* frames received with an invalid CHDLC control field count */
+	unsigned short Rx_invalid_CHDLC_type_count PACKED;	/* frames received of an invalid CHDLC frame type count */
+	unsigned short Rx_SLARP_invalid_code_count PACKED;	/* SLARP frame received with an invalid packet code */
+	unsigned short Rx_SLARP_Reply_bad_IP_addr PACKED;	/* SLARP Reply received - bad IP address */
+	unsigned short Rx_SLARP_Reply_bad_netmask PACKED;	/* SLARP Reply received - bad netmask */
+	unsigned long reserved_frm_format_err1 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_frm_format_err2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_frm_format_err3 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_frm_format_err4 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	/* CHDLC timeout/retry statistics */
+	unsigned short SLARP_Rx_keepalive_TO_count PACKED;	/* timeout count for incomming SLARP frames */
+	unsigned short SLARP_Request_TO_count PACKED;		/* timeout count for SLARP Request frames */
+	unsigned long To_retry_reserved_stat1 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long To_retry_reserved_stat2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long To_retry_reserved_stat3 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	/* CHDLC link active/inactive and loopback statistics */
+	unsigned short link_active_count PACKED;		/* number of times that the link went active */
+	unsigned short link_inactive_modem_count PACKED;	/* number of times that the link went inactive (modem failure) */
+	unsigned short link_inactive_keepalive_count PACKED;	/* number of times that the link went inactive (keepalive failure) */
+	unsigned short link_looped_count PACKED;		/* link looped count */
+	unsigned long link_status_reserved_stat1 PACKED;	/* reserved for later use */
+	unsigned long link_status_reserved_stat2 PACKED;	/* reserved for later use */
+	/* miscellaneous statistics */
+	unsigned long reserved_misc_stat1 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_misc_stat2 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_misc_stat3 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+	unsigned long reserved_misc_stat4 PACKED;		/* reserved for later */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                 Constants for using application interrupts
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char CHDLC_interrupt_triggers PACKED;	/* CHDLC interrupt trigger configuration */
+	unsigned char IRQ PACKED;			/* IRQ to be used */
+	unsigned short interrupt_timer PACKED;		/* interrupt timer */
+	unsigned short misc_interrupt_bits PACKED;	/* miscellaneous bits */
+/* 'CHDLC_interrupt_triggers' bit settings */
+#define APP_INT_ON_RX_FRAME		0x01	/* interrupt on Data frame reception */
+#define APP_INT_ON_TX_FRAME		0x02	/* interrupt when an Data frame may be transmitted */
+#define APP_INT_ON_COMMAND_COMPLETE	0x04	/* interrupt when an interface command is complete */
+#define APP_INT_ON_TIMER		0x08	/* interrupt on a defined millisecond timeout */
+#define APP_INT_ON_GLOBAL_EXCEP_COND 	0x10	/* interrupt on a global exception condition */
+#define APP_INT_ON_CHDLC_EXCEP_COND	0x20	/* interrupt on an CHDLC exception condition */
+#define APP_INT_ON_TRACE_DATA_AVAIL	0x80	/* interrupt when trace data is available */
+/* interrupt types indicated at 'interrupt_type' byte of the INTERRUPT_INFORMATION_STRUCT */
+#define NO_APP_INTS_PEND		0x00	/* no interrups are pending */
+#define RX_APP_INT_PEND			0x01	/* a receive interrupt is pending */
+#define TX_APP_INT_PEND			0x02	/* a transmit interrupt is pending */
+#define COMMAND_COMPLETE_APP_INT_PEND	0x04	/* a 'command complete' interrupt is pending */
+#define TIMER_APP_INT_PEND		0x08	/* a timer interrupt is pending */
+#define GLOBAL_EXCEP_COND_APP_INT_PEND 	0x10	/* a global exception condition interrupt is pending */
+#define CHDLC_EXCEP_COND_APP_INT_PEND 	0x20	/* an CHDLC exception condition interrupt is pending */
+#define TRACE_DATA_AVAIL_APP_INT_PEND	0x80	/* a trace data available interrupt is pending */
+/* modem status changes */
+#define DCD_HIGH			0x08
+#define CTS_HIGH			0x20
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                   Constants for Data frame transmission
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the Data frame transmit status element configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short number_Tx_status_elements PACKED;	/* number of transmit status elements */
+	unsigned long base_addr_Tx_status_elements PACKED;	/* base address of the transmit element list */
+	unsigned long next_Tx_status_element_to_use PACKED;	/* pointer to the next transmit element to be used */
+/* the Data frame transmit status element structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char opp_flag PACKED;		/* opp flag */
+	unsigned short frame_length PACKED;	/* length of the frame to be transmitted */
+	unsigned char reserved_1 PACKED;	/* reserved for internal use */
+	unsigned long reserved_2 PACKED;	/* reserved for internal use */
+	unsigned long reserved_3 PACKED;	/* reserved for internal use */
+	unsigned long ptr_data_bfr PACKED;	/* pointer to the data area */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *                   Constants for Data frame reception
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the Data frame receive status element configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short number_Rx_status_elements PACKED;	/* number of receive status elements */
+	unsigned long base_addr_Rx_status_elements PACKED;	/* base address of the receive element list */
+	unsigned long next_Rx_status_element_to_use PACKED;	/* pointer to the next receive element to be used */
+	unsigned long base_addr_Rx_buffer PACKED;		/* base address of the receive data buffer */
+	unsigned long end_addr_Rx_buffer PACKED;		/* end address of the receive data buffer */
+/* the Data frame receive status element structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char opp_flag PACKED;		/* opp flag */
+	unsigned short frame_length PACKED;   /* length of the received frame */
+        unsigned char error_flag PACKED; /* frame errors (HDLC_STREAMING_MODE)*/
+        unsigned short time_stamp PACKED; /* receive time stamp (HDLC_STREAMING_MODE) */
+        unsigned long reserved_1 PACKED; 	/* reserved for internal use */
+        unsigned short reserved_2 PACKED; 	/* reserved for internal use */
+        unsigned long ptr_data_bfr PACKED;	/* pointer to the data area */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *         Constants defining the shared memory information area
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the global information structure */
+typedef struct {
+ 	unsigned char global_status PACKED;		/* global status */
+ 	unsigned char modem_status PACKED;		/* current modem status */
+ 	unsigned char global_excep_conditions PACKED;	/* global exception conditions */
+	unsigned char glob_info_reserved[5] PACKED;	/* reserved */
+	unsigned char codename[4] PACKED;		/* Firmware name */
+	unsigned char codeversion[4] PACKED;		/* Firmware version */
+/* the CHDLC information structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char CHDLC_status PACKED;		/* CHDLC status */
+ 	unsigned char CHDLC_excep_conditions PACKED;	/* CHDLC exception conditions */
+	unsigned char CHDLC_info_reserved[14] PACKED;	/* reserved */
+/* the interrupt information structure */
+typedef struct {
+ 	unsigned char interrupt_type PACKED;		/* type of interrupt triggered */
+ 	unsigned char interrupt_permission PACKED;	/* interrupt permission mask */
+	unsigned char int_info_reserved[14] PACKED;	/* reserved */
+/* the S508/FT1 information structure */
+typedef struct {
+ 	unsigned char parallel_port_A_input PACKED;	/* input - parallel port A */
+ 	unsigned char parallel_port_B_input PACKED;	/* input - parallel port B */
+	unsigned char FT1_info_reserved[14] PACKED;	/* reserved */
+/* the shared memory area information structure */
+typedef struct {
+	GLOBAL_INFORMATION_STRUCT global_info_struct PACKED;		/* the global information structure */
+	CHDLC_INFORMATION_STRUCT CHDLC_info_struct PACKED;		/* the CHDLC information structure */
+	INTERRUPT_INFORMATION_STRUCT interrupt_info_struct PACKED;	/* the interrupt information structure */
+	FT1_INFORMATION_STRUCT FT1_info_struct PACKED;			/* the S508/FT1 information structure */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        UDP Management constants and structures 
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* The embedded control block for UDP mgmt 
+   This is essentially a mailbox structure, without the large data field */
+typedef struct {
+        unsigned char  opp_flag PACKED;                  /* the opp flag */
+        unsigned char  command PACKED;                   /* the user command */
+        unsigned short buffer_length PACKED;             /* the data length */
+        unsigned char  return_code PACKED;               /* the return code */
+	unsigned char  MB_reserved[NUMBER_MB_RESERVED_BYTES] PACKED;	/* reserved for later */
+} cblock_t;
+/* UDP management packet layout (data area of ip packet) */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char		signature[8]	PACKED;
+	unsigned char		request_reply	PACKED;
+	unsigned char		id		PACKED;
+	unsigned char		reserved[6]	PACKED;
+	cblock_t		cblock		PACKED;
+	unsigned char		num_frames	PACKED;
+	unsigned char		ismoredata	PACKED;
+	unsigned char 		data[SIZEOF_MB_DATA_BFR] 	PACKED;
+} udp_management_packet_t;
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char		num_frames	PACKED;
+	unsigned char		ismoredata	PACKED;
+} trace_info_t;
+typedef struct {
+	ip_pkt_t 		ip_pkt		PACKED;
+	udp_pkt_t		udp_pkt		PACKED;
+	wp_mgmt_t		wp_mgmt		PACKED;
+	cblock_t                cblock          PACKED;
+	trace_info_t       	trace_info      PACKED;
+	unsigned char           data[SIZEOF_MB_DATA_BFR]      PACKED;
+} chdlc_udp_pkt_t;
+typedef struct ft1_exec_cmd{
+	unsigned char  command PACKED;                   /* the user command */
+        unsigned short buffer_length PACKED;             /* the data length */
+        unsigned char  return_code PACKED;               /* the return code */
+	unsigned char  MB_reserved[NUMBER_MB_RESERVED_BYTES] PACKED;
+} ft1_exec_cmd_t;
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char  opp_flag 			PACKED;
+	ft1_exec_cmd_t cmd				PACKED;
+	unsigned char  data[SIZEOF_MB_DATA_BFR]      	PACKED;
+} ft1_exec_t;
+/* UDP/IP packet (for UDP management) layout */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char	reserved[2]	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	ip_length	PACKED;
+	unsigned char	reserved2[4]	PACKED;
+	unsigned char	ip_ttl		PACKED;
+	unsigned char	ip_protocol	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	ip_checksum	PACKED;
+	unsigned long	ip_src_address	PACKED;
+	unsigned long	ip_dst_address	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	udp_src_port	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	udp_dst_port	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	udp_length	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	udp_checksum	PACKED;
+	udp_management_packet_t um_packet PACKED;
+} ip_packet_t;
+/* valid ip_protocol for UDP management */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char	status		PACKED;
+	unsigned char	data_avail	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	real_length	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	time_stamp	PACKED;
+	unsigned char	data[1]		PACKED;
+} trace_pkt_t;
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char	error_flag	PACKED;
+	unsigned short	time_stamp	PACKED;
+	unsigned char	reserved[13]	PACKED;
+} api_rx_hdr_t;
+typedef struct {
+        api_rx_hdr_t	api_rx_hdr      PACKED;
+        void *   	data    	PACKED;
+} api_rx_element_t;
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned char 	attr		PACKED;
+	unsigned char  	reserved[15]	PACKED;
+} api_tx_hdr_t;
+typedef struct {
+	api_tx_hdr_t 	api_tx_hdr	PACKED;
+	void *		data		PACKED;
+} api_tx_element_t;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *   Constants for the SET_FT1_CONFIGURATION/READ_FT1_CONFIGURATION command
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* the FT1 configuration structure */
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned short framing_mode;
+	unsigned short encoding_mode;
+	unsigned short line_build_out;
+	unsigned short channel_base;
+	unsigned short baud_rate_kbps;					/* the baud rate (in kbps) */	
+	unsigned short clock_mode;
+} ft1_config_t;
+/* settings for the 'framing_mode' */
+#define ESF_FRAMING 	0x00	/* ESF framing */
+#define D4_FRAMING  	0x01	/* D4 framing */
+/* settings for the 'encoding_mode' */
+#define B8ZS_ENCODING 	0x00	/* B8ZS encoding */
+#define AMI_ENCODING	0x01	/* AMI encoding */
+/* settings for the 'line_build_out' */
+#define LN_BLD_CSU_0dB_DSX1_0_to_133	0x00	/* set build out to CSU (0db) or DSX-1 (0-133ft) */
+#define LN_BLD_DSX1_133_to_266		0x01	/* set build out DSX-1 (133-266ft) */
+#define LN_BLD_DSX1_266_to_399		0x02	/* set build out DSX-1 (266-399ft) */
+#define LN_BLD_DSX1_399_to_533		0x03	/* set build out DSX-1 (399-533ft) */
+#define LN_BLD_DSX1_533_to_655		0x04	/* set build out DSX-1 (533-655ft) */
+#define LN_BLD_CSU_NEG_7dB		0x05	/* set build out to CSU (-7.5db) */
+#define LN_BLD_CSU_NEG_15dB		0x06	/* set build out to CSU (-15db) */
+#define LN_BLD_CSU_NEG_22dB		0x07	/* set build out to CSU (-22.5db) */
+/* settings for the 'channel_base' */
+#define MIN_CHANNEL_BASE_VALUE		1		/* the minimum permitted channel base value */
+#define MAX_CHANNEL_BASE_VALUE		24		/* the maximum permitted channel base value */
+/* settings for the 'baud_rate_kbps' */
+#define MIN_BAUD_RATE_KBPS		0		/* the minimum permitted baud rate (kbps) */
+#define MAX_BAUD_RATE_KBPS 		1536	/* the maximum permitted baud rate (kbps) */
+#define BAUD_RATE_FT1_AUTO_CONFIG	0xFFFF /* the baud rate used to trigger an automatic FT1 configuration */
+/* settings for the 'clock_mode' */
+#define CLOCK_MODE_NORMAL		0x00	/* clock mode set to normal (slave) */
+#define CLOCK_MODE_MASTER		0x01	/* clock mode set to master */
+#ifdef		_MSC_
+#  pragma	pack()
+#endif	/* _SDLA_CHDLC_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: