patch-2.2.19 linux/drivers/isdn/eicon/eicon_idi.h

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.18/drivers/isdn/eicon/eicon_idi.h linux/drivers/isdn/eicon/eicon_idi.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: eicon_idi.h,v 1.9 2000/01/23 21:21:23 armin Exp $
+/* $Id: eicon_idi.h,v 1.11 2000/05/07 08:51:04 armin Exp $
  * ISDN lowlevel-module for the Eicon active cards.
  * IDI-Interface
@@ -20,168 +20,30 @@
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
- * $Log: eicon_idi.h,v $
- * Revision 1.9  2000/01/23 21:21:23  armin
- * Added new trace capability and some updates.
- * DIVA Server BRI now supports data for ISDNLOG.
- *
- * Revision 1.8  1999/11/25 11:43:27  armin
- * Fixed statectrl and connect message.
- * X.75 fix and HDLC/transparent with autoconnect.
- * Minor cleanup.
- *
- * Revision 1.7  1999/08/22 20:26:46  calle
- * backported changes from kernel 2.3.14:
- * - several #include "config.h" gone, others come.
- * - "struct device" changed to "struct net_device" in 2.3.14, added a
- *   define in isdn_compat.h for older kernel versions.
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/07/25 15:12:04  armin
- * fix of some debug logs.
- * enabled ISA-cards option.
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/07/11 17:16:26  armin
- * Bugfixes in queue handling.
- * Added DSP-DTMF decoder functions.
- * Reorganized ack_handler.
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/03/29 11:19:44  armin
- * I/O stuff now in seperate file (eicon_io.c)
- * Old ISA type cards (S,SX,SCOM,Quadro,S2M) implemented.
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/03/02 12:37:45  armin
- * Added some important checks.
- * Analog Modem with DSP.
- * Channels will be added to Link-Level after loading firmware.
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/01/24 20:14:18  armin
- * Changed and added debug stuff.
- * Better data sending. (still problems with tty's flip buffer)
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/01/01 18:09:42  armin
- * First checkin of new eicon driver.
- * DIVA-Server BRI/PCI and PRI/PCI are supported.
- * Old diehl code is obsolete.
- *
-#ifndef IDI_H
-#define IDI_H
+#ifndef E_IDI_H
+#define E_IDI_H
 #include <linux/config.h>
-#define ASSIGN  0x01
-#define REMOVE  0xff
-#define CALL_REQ 1      /* call request                             */
-#define CALL_CON 1      /* call confirmation                        */
-#define CALL_IND 2      /* incoming call connected                  */
-#define LISTEN_REQ 2    /* listen request                           */
-#define HANGUP 3        /* hangup request/indication                */
-#define SUSPEND 4       /* call suspend request/confirm             */
-#define RESUME 5        /* call resume request/confirm              */
-#define SUSPEND_REJ 6   /* suspend rejected indication              */
-#define USER_DATA 8     /* user data for user to user signaling     */
-#define CONGESTION 9    /* network congestion indication            */
-#define INDICATE_REQ 10 /* request to indicate an incoming call     */
-#define INDICATE_IND 10 /* indicates that there is an incoming call */
-#define CALL_RES 11     /* accept an incoming call                  */
-#define CALL_ALERT 12   /* send ALERT for incoming call             */
-#define INFO_REQ 13     /* INFO request                             */
-#define INFO_IND 13     /* INFO indication                          */
-#define REJECT 14       /* reject an incoming call                  */
-#define RESOURCES 15    /* reserve B-Channel hardware resources     */
-#define TEL_CTRL 16     /* Telephone control request/indication     */
-#define STATUS_REQ 17   /* Request D-State (returned in INFO_IND)   */
-#define FAC_REG_REQ 18  /* connection idependent fac registration   */
-#define FAC_REG_ACK 19  /* fac registration acknowledge             */
-#define FAC_REG_REJ 20  /* fac registration reject                  */
-#define CALL_COMPLETE 21/* send a CALL_PROC for incoming call       */
-#define AOC_IND       26/* Advice of Charge                         */
-#define IDI_N_MDATA         (0x01)
-#define IDI_N_CONNECT       (0x02)
-#define IDI_N_CONNECT_ACK   (0x03)
-#define IDI_N_DISC          (0x04)
-#define IDI_N_DISC_ACK      (0x05)
-#define IDI_N_RESET         (0x06)
-#define IDI_N_RESET_ACK     (0x07)
-#define IDI_N_DATA          (0x08)
-#define IDI_N_EDATA         (0x09)
-#define IDI_N_UDATA         (0x0a)
-#define IDI_N_BDATA         (0x0b)
-#define IDI_N_DATA_ACK      (0x0c)
-#define IDI_N_EDATA_ACK     (0x0d)
-#define N_Q_BIT         0x10    /* Q-bit for req/ind                */
-#define N_M_BIT         0x20    /* M-bit for req/ind                */
-#define N_D_BIT         0x40    /* D-bit for req/ind                */
-#define SHIFT 0x90              /* codeset shift                    */
-#define MORE 0xa0               /* more data                        */
-#define CL 0xb0                 /* congestion level                 */
-        /* codeset 0                                                */
-#define BC  0x04                /* Bearer Capability                */
-#define CAU 0x08                /* cause                            */
-#define CAD 0x0c                /* Connected address                */
-#define CAI 0x10                /* call identity                    */
-#define CHI 0x18                /* channel identification           */
-#define LLI 0x19                /* logical link id                  */
-#define CHA 0x1a                /* charge advice                    */
-#define FTY 0x1c
-#define PI  0x1e		/* Progress Indicator		    */
-#define NI  0x27		/* Notification Indicator	    */
-#define DT  0x29                /* ETSI date/time                   */
-#define KEY 0x2c                /* keypad information element       */
-#define DSP 0x28                /* display                          */
-#define OAD 0x6c                /* origination address              */
-#define OSA 0x6d                /* origination sub-address          */
-#define CPN 0x70                /* called party number              */
-#define DSA 0x71                /* destination sub-address          */
-#define RDN 0x74		/* redirecting number		    */
-#define LLC 0x7c                /* low layer compatibility          */
-#define HLC 0x7d                /* high layer compatibility         */
-#define UUI 0x7e                /* user user information            */
-#define ESC 0x7f                /* escape extension                 */
-#define DLC 0x20                /* data link layer configuration    */
-#define NLC 0x21                /* network layer configuration      */
-        /* codeset 6                                                */
-#define SIN 0x01                /* service indicator                */
-#define CIF 0x02                /* charging information             */
-#define DATE 0x03               /* date                             */
-#define CPS 0x07                /* called party status              */
-/* return code coding                                               */
-#define UNKNOWN_COMMAND         0x01    /* unknown command          */
-#define WRONG_COMMAND           0x02    /* wrong command            */
-#define WRONG_ID                0x03    /* unknown task/entity id   */
-#define WRONG_CH                0x04    /* wrong task/entity id     */
-#define UNKNOWN_IE              0x05    /* unknown information el.  */
-#define WRONG_IE                0x06    /* wrong information el.    */
-#define OUT_OF_RESOURCES        0x07    /* card out of res.         */
-#define N_FLOW_CONTROL          0x10    /* Flow-Control, retry      */
-#define ASSIGN_RC               0xe0    /* ASSIGN acknowledgement   */
-#define ASSIGN_OK               0xef    /* ASSIGN OK                */
-#define OK_FC                   0xfc    /* Flow-Control RC          */
-#define READY_INT               0xfd    /* Ready interrupt          */
-#define TIMER_INT               0xfe    /* timer interrupt          */
-#define OK                      0xff    /* command accepted         */
+#undef N_DATA
+#undef ID_MASK
+#include "pc.h"
+#define AOC_IND  26		/* Advice of Charge                         */
+#define PI  0x1e                /* Progress Indicator               */
+#define NI  0x27                /* Notification Indicator           */
+#define CALL_HOLD	0x22
+#define CALL_HOLD_ACK	0x24
 /* defines for statectrl */
 #define WAITING_FOR_HANGUP	0x01
 #define HAVE_CONN_REQ		0x02
+#define IN_HOLD			0x04
 typedef struct {
 	char cpn[32];
@@ -242,26 +104,6 @@
 } eicon_IND;
 typedef struct {
-  __u16 NextReq  __attribute__ ((packed));  /* pointer to next Req Buffer */
-  __u16 NextRc   __attribute__ ((packed));  /* pointer to next Rc Buffer  */
-  __u16 NextInd  __attribute__ ((packed));  /* pointer to next Ind Buffer */
-  __u8 ReqInput  __attribute__ ((packed));  /* number of Req Buffers sent */
-  __u8 ReqOutput  __attribute__ ((packed)); /* number of Req Buffers returned */
-  __u8 ReqReserved  __attribute__ ((packed));/*number of Req Buffers reserved */
-  __u8 Int  __attribute__ ((packed));       /* ISDN-P interrupt           */
-  __u8 XLock  __attribute__ ((packed));     /* Lock field for arbitration */
-  __u8 RcOutput  __attribute__ ((packed));  /* number of Rc buffers received */
-  __u8 IndOutput  __attribute__ ((packed)); /* number of Ind buffers received */
-  __u8 IMask  __attribute__ ((packed));     /* Interrupt Mask Flag        */
-  __u8 Reserved1[2]  __attribute__ ((packed)); /* reserved field, do not use */
-  __u8 ReadyInt  __attribute__ ((packed));  /* request field for ready int */
-  __u8 Reserved2[12]  __attribute__ ((packed)); /* reserved field, do not use */
-  __u8 InterfaceType  __attribute__ ((packed)); /* interface type 1=16K    */
-  __u16 Signature  __attribute__ ((packed));    /* ISDN-P initialized ind  */
-  __u8 B[1];                            /* buffer space for Req,Ind and Rc */
-} eicon_pr_ram;
-typedef struct {
 	__u8		*Data;
 	unsigned int	Size;
 	unsigned int	Len;
@@ -278,8 +120,9 @@
 extern void idi_handle_ack(eicon_card *card, struct sk_buff *skb);
 extern void idi_handle_ind(eicon_card *card, struct sk_buff *skb);
 extern int eicon_idi_manage(eicon_card *card, eicon_manifbuf *mb);
-extern int idi_send_data(eicon_card *card, eicon_chan *chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb, int que);
+extern int idi_send_data(eicon_card *card, eicon_chan *chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb, int que, int chk);
 extern void idi_audio_cmd(eicon_card *ccard, eicon_chan *chan, int cmd, u_char *value);
+extern int capipmsg(eicon_card *card, eicon_chan *chan, capi_msg *cm);
 extern void idi_fax_cmd(eicon_card *card, eicon_chan *chan);
 extern int idi_faxdata_send(eicon_card *ccard, eicon_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: